Server :: Only Seeing One SAN Path?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a server (RHEL 5.5, 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5) connected to two SANs by multiple paths. But the server's only seeing one path at a time. The only exceptions are the controllers from my HP EVA SAN, as you can see below (which indicates correct zoning). Sometimes when I reboot the server, everything will switch to the other path, but it has never (that I know of) switched while the server is up and running.

[root@cobra ~]# lsscsi
[0:0:0:1] disk NETAPP LUN 7320 /dev/sda
[0:0:0:2] disk NETAPP LUN 7320 /dev/sdb
[0:0:2:0] storage HP HSV210 5000 -


I have triple-checked the zoning and masking/presentation, and everything looks correct. I'm working this through a paid support contract, too, but they're proving useless.

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General :: Difference Between PATH=$PATH:$1 & PATH=$1:$PATH?

Jan 16, 2011

I found the following function in /etc/profile file.


1. I dont undestand what "if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -qE "(^|:)$1($|:)"" this if statement actually comapres??

2. Also what is the difference between PATH=$PATH:$1 & PATH=$1:$PATH

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General :: Move A File To Some Path And Create That Path When It Doesn't Exist?

Oct 8, 2010

I use this command:


find ./ -atime +360

to figure out the files that haven't been accessed since 360 days. The command above will return results like this:


... etc

I'm taking here about tins of directories, thousands of files. I'm looking to find a command that makes me able to move the results above to another path, and to create that path once it doesn't exist like below:


mv /uploads/2010/02/some-file-name.ext /old-files/uploads/2010/02/some-file-name.ext

But I want the executed command to create this path



If it doesn't exist.

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Programming :: Java Applet Not Loading Image With Relative Path But With Absolute Path / Resolve It?

Jul 17, 2009

Java applet not loading image with relative path(e.g. images/1.jpg) but loads image with absolute path(i.e. from /root/user/images/1.jpg) . This is a problem when i want to host the applet on web server

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General :: Forcing An Absolute Path Where A Relative Path Is Expected

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that takes a relative path as input appends it to a some path string to get the actual path.

Now all I can input is the relative path. So if I want to go one level above my input will be ../mypath.

If I know the depth of the path used internally, I can use .. as many times to go to the root directory and then give the absolute path. But suppose I do not know the depth of the directory, can I construct a relative path string such that it considers it as a relative path. One way could be to have enough .. in the path string so that I can force an absolute path for some maximum depth of path.

Is there some path string syntax that I am not aware of but can achieve this?

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General :: Deleted Path Variable - How To Return To The Original Path Value

Apr 26, 2011

Experimenting with shell variables, accidentally deleted the path variable how could I return to the original path value. What kinds of problems will I have if I don't have a path variable.

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Server :: Point My.cnf To The New Sql Path?

Jun 10, 2010

I own a server with Centos 64bit and Cpanel on it and i add a second disk and move mysql there:

cp -r /var/lib/mysql/* /newdisk/mysql/

Now i want to edit my.cnf and point it to the new path but i don't know what to add there

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Appending A Path To PATH Variable Permanently?

Oct 21, 2010

how to add a path to PATH variable permanently so that it remains persisent even after closing shell and rebooting the system when i added a path, to variable it remained there as long as i didn't closed the shell. but when i reopened it ,changed were undone.

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General :: Change Windows Path To Unix Path?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a path c:windowsackup I need this string to be changed into /windows/back/up I used the command -bash-3.00$ echo windackup | sed 's/\//g' but the output is windbackup

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General :: Change Absolute Path To Relative Path?

May 31, 2011

Current script:-

find . -depth -type d -name .git -printf '%h�' | while read -d "" path ; do (
cd "$path" || exit $?


How shall i go about changing the absolute path to relative path, so that /home/git/mirror/android/adb/ndk.git gets converted to /mirror/android/adb/ndk.git //echo <command> "$prefix$PWD.git" ?? - anything for relative path?

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Server :: Root PATH Isn't Right, Can't Change?

Apr 2, 2010

After upgrading to CentOS 5.4, my root path seems screwed.The issue is present for CRONJOBs that run as the root user as well as when I su to the user through SSH.

I need the following path ALWAYS:
It currently only gives root:


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Server :: Tur Checker Reporting Path Is Down

May 21, 2010

I have a RH 5.5 server which boots from SAN and i use device mapper multipath driver.all the ports are up(see the multipath -ll output below) and i can see all the device but still when i do the multipath command it gives me this output, im wondering whether this is a lvm.conf configuration issue.

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CentOS 5 Server :: /usr/sbin Not In $PATH - How To Add It

Feb 14, 2011

I just installed CentOS 5 last night. Former Debian user.I was having problems with commands like ifconfig and visudo. So naturally I ran locate and noticed that they where in /usr/sbin. Then echo $PATH and noticed /usr/sbin was not there.Should I add it to my $PATH?

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SUSE / Novell :: Add Path To $PATH Variable?

Apr 19, 2009

I am trying to figure out how i can add the path /usr/sbin/ into the $PATH variable. I want this to be used from the normal account. I am bored settinh this manualy each time my computer starts.

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General :: Find The Location Path On Server Via SSH?

Mar 7, 2010

How can I find the lynx location path on my server via SSH

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Server :: How To Change Postfix Return-path

Nov 29, 2010

I just set up an internal mail server for my office using Postfix, Dovecot and Squirrelmail. It works great except for one tiny problem. When I send mail, I address it to user@myoffice (no .com, .net, etc) and it works perfectly. However, somewhere in my work, I screwed up and for whatever dumb reason put somewhere in there and now the return-path always shows up as instead of just user@myoffice. Does anyone know how to fix the return-path so that when someone clicks reply it goes to user@myoffice? I've Googled and searched here without finding my answer, apologies if it's out there and I've just failed to see it. Rest assured I have done a couple hours of searching before finally asking for help.

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Server :: Set PATH For All The Users Permanently On Fedora 8?

Apr 15, 2011

I am failing to set PATH for all the users on a linux box(Fedora 8), permanently. Basically, I have installed two different versions of python(2.5 & 2.7) Python2.5 path is /usr/bin and it is set by default for all users(not by me, also i don't know how ) and it is working fine.

Python2.7 path is /usr/bin/Python27/bin, so tried this:


And it worked only for that particular session and for only root, as I set path from root user. So, i need this to be set for all the users on the linux box, including root, more importantly as permanent. So if any user types "python27" at the command prompt, it should give python2.7 prompt.

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Server :: Multiple Folders To A Single Path

Mar 27, 2010

We have too many audio Paths, for each user have one. We would like to create a unique folder to Read in network.

For example:

The idea is Mapping all folders to the path /pub/Music in server, so all user can access all music online in the server.

Very Well. How we can do it?

And when pc1 and pc2 have the same subfolder, like Beatles, and in the subfolder have different folders ( PC1-Beatles/Revolver ) (PC2-Beatles/Habbey_Road) or The same folder (PC1-Beatles/The_Mistery_Magic_Tour) (PC3-Beatles/The_Mistery_Magic_Tour)...

Is there a way to contemplate this issue?

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Server :: Setting Path Shortcuts In CentOS?

Sep 15, 2010

Is there a way to set a short cut so that you don't have to type out the full path to directories in CentOS? For example instead of typing out /var/log to get to log files, can you just type logs and have the OS know to cd to /var/log automatically?

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Server :: Compile Ipt_route With Path-o-matic?

Sep 14, 2010

I have to load ipt_route into my iptables on Centos 5.3 . I found a document about this

But I see that I cannot download and install like the document.


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Server :: Setting Default Path For VirtualDocumentRoot?

Jul 4, 2010

I have my server setup so I have to create the user account and directory structure for a domain, add the domain to the httpd.conf file, but then I can create subdomains by adding a folder.

This is my config:

<VirtualHost *:80>


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General :: Specifying The Install Path Of A Python Package On Server?

Jun 23, 2010

I have been trying to install the NumPy package for Python on to my home directory, as I run as part of a server and do not have permissions to install new packages in the Linux server.

I have set up Python in my home directory, and have configured ~/.bash_profile to find my local Python (which works, confirmed by testing).

However, when I attempt to install the NumPy package, I get the message error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.6': Permission denied Which I find strange because I do not see why it would need to install files anywhere except my local Python directory.

how I might be able to specify the directory in which files are installed?

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Server :: Chkconfig Runs Script With Different PATH Values?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a question regarding the user that chkconfig runs as. My chkconfig script calls some other scripts to start up a tomcat instance. But the secondary scripts use %JAVA_HOME and for some reason the user it's running under doesn't have that defined. I can call the scripts directly as the root or as another user and it works properly. But I added an echo in the script and when chkconfig calls the script it has a much smaller $PATH and no $JAVA_HOME.

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Server :: Mounting Windows Path - How To Handle Spaces

Dec 29, 2010

Am trying to do a mount of a Windows folder onto Linux. The path has some spaces in it like //hostname/path 1/path 2/path 3. How I should handle this?

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Server :: Postfix Mail Delivery Path Modification?

May 24, 2010

I'm running postfix with virtual domains and want to modify the delivery path. Right now, I have one path for each user that's found with a database lookup.Before mail hits Postfix, it will have an x-spam-header: yes/no/uncertain field. When mail with x-spam-header: yes the lookup for the path would return /var/mail/domain/username/.Inbox/.spam.

What I think I'd like to do is parse the x-spam-header value in postfix, populate a variable, then use the variable to modify the path lookup in the database. header_checks has a FILTER option, but that's just beyond my skillset at the moment.Or, maybe I'm better off modifying the path with a procmail recipe? Currently, my mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSTION"

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Server :: Samba And Karmic - Can't Find Network Path

Mar 8, 2010

a new hardisk and a reinstall later I find myself face with 2 problems now. firstly I followed, [URL]... which seemed to work fine, accross the network I can "see" all the workgroup computers. Now try login to karmic's or (other linux box) jaunty, can't find network path. tried turning off the firewalls, still no go. the two linux boxes can chat merrily, and the 2 windows boxes can chat, but to each other. however after fidling a bit , on karmic i now get

Quote: Could not display "network:///" Nautilus cannot handle "network" locations

so firstly how do i reinstall everything, the how deal with windows.

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Server :: Sunray Install RHEL 5.5 - Wouldn't The Path To The Jre

Dec 21, 2010

trying to install sunray server 5.0 which claims to support RHEL 5.3 or greater, but I can't even manage to get the utinstall to find the jre, which is installed. java -version is fine, which java, is fine. I've tried a zillion paths. Does java perhaps have to be in a specific location? Wouldn't the path to the jre normally be the ~/jre/bin the utinstall looks like: Enter Java v1.6 (or later) location [/usr/java]: No JRE found at /usr/java


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Server :: Remove A Path - Kill The Zombie Processes - Multipath Errors?

Apr 12, 2011

i want to remove a path, but is in use.. How can i kill the zombie processes?


I guess i was wrong deleting first the disks that formed the path, but now how could i kill those zombie processes without a reboot?


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Fedora :: Add Path In .bashrc By Commenting Out Old Path And Adding New One - Command Source ~/bashrc

Jun 14, 2011

When I add some path in .bashrc by commenting out old path and adding new one like this:

#EXPORT HOME_PLAY=/home/gem/old_play
EXPORT HOME_PLAY=/home/gem/play

After saving above changes, I enter the command: source ~/.bashrc Now if I do echo $PATH, the path shows both the old PLAY_HOME and new PLAY_HOME. This is really bad and messes up a lot of things in my project. This problem only goes away if I logout or reboot, a rather very long process. What is happening is that the old path is added to new path element and the old path includes the old path element you want to remove.

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Programming :: Can I Get Absolute Path Without Giving A "path" But Inode Number By C

Aug 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to get the path with a inode number by C programming?
Or can I get the absolute path without giving a "path" but a inode number by C?

like this: get_path(unsigned inode);
not such this function: getcwd(".", xxx);

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