Server :: Debian Becomes Unresponsive While Running Java?

Mar 13, 2011

Kernel version: 2.6.26-2-686
Java version: 1.6.0_0

I'm going to run a full system update, but I doubt that'll work.

What happens is I turn the computer on, log in, start the application with:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

and it will work fine for a while, but then, while we're playing, it'll become unresponsive and crash. I then go over to the physical computer, wake the monitor up by pressing the down arrow, delete the "[[B" that appears, and try to issue the applications stop command to save and close the application. This doesn't work. The computer registers what I type and registers the return, but nothing happens. I switch over to my second console, log in, find the PID of java, and attempt to kill the java process as root. It accepts the command and gives me another line of prompt, but when I switch back to the first console, nothing has happened.

I then switch back and try to issue a shutdown for right now, and it'll get to "Sending processes the SIGTERM signal", and then it waits for them to be killed, but will not progress further than that. I then have to either force the shutdown with the 3-second hold for the power button, or I have to turn off the power bar it's attached to.

Also, if I'm at the prompt and press backspace, which gives me a system beep, it doesn't stop. Instead of one, short beep, I get a never-ending tone, as opposed to the beep.

The computer does run a little hot; It's in a closet and it's kind of crammed, but it's never so hot that you can't handle the computer.

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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice - Librecalc - Unresponsive With Java Enabled

Feb 16, 2011

I installed Libreoffice from the openbuild service and I observed the following when using Librecalc:

1. Lag time when opening a file.
2. Decreased performance when opening more than one file.
3. Windows freezing when minimizing or maximizing them, or moving them.
4. Windows freezing when using the tiling feature and dragging the cursor to one of the screen edges.

I disabled java and everything works perfectly. Is this the proper course of action? From what I read, I really only need java for the database program.

I am experiencing this behavior on my work computer which is running Opensuse 11.3 KDE 4.6 on a windows network.

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Server :: Java Is Not Running In Ubuntu 10.10

May 13, 2011

I am the new user of linux and installing eclipse IDE in the ubuntu server10.10. I have followed the steps given in the links [URL] and [URL]. After installing sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-jdk, java is not running in my ubuntu server10.10. and got error like this

$ java -version
Error: could not open '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'
$ javac -version
Error: could not open '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'
$ javac
Error: could not open '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'
$ java HelloWorld
Error: could not open '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'

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Ubuntu Servers :: Java Is Not Running In Server 10.10?

May 13, 2011

I am the new user of linux and installing eclipse IDE in the ubuntu server10.10. I have followed the steps given in the links andttp:// After installing sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-jdk, java is not running in my ubuntu server10.10. and got error like this

$ java -version
Error: could not open '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'
$ javac -version


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Fedora :: 13 Becomes Unresponsive When Too Many Applications Running?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Fedora 13 64bit on Dell Vostro full 4GB RAM system with default Gnome GUI.

This is very annoying problem that I don't how to fix except by rebooting the whole PC.

When I have too many applications running ( like browser windows), the system start acting sluggish. The fist symptoms appear in Eclipse IDE which becomes so terrible it just becomes frozen for sometime one whole minute after I try to edit something in the editor. Then Firefox seems like it has crashed. Google Chrome becomes very unresponsive as well. All GUI applications including File manager becomes unresponsive.
When I check System Monitor, the CPU is still around 20% and memory is at 80% but the system seems getting fried up. This progressively becomes worse until I soft reboot it or if I dont do it evetually the whole system is fried, no response to any keyboard key or mouse and I have to hit the hardware turn off button.

I regularly yum update the system but this makes no difference.

Please don't tell not to run too many applications because I need those for my work. I thought Linux is well designed Operating System but I am very disappointed so far.

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Debian Programming :: Memory Usage When Running Java Program

Jun 28, 2013

I have a java program that runs on Debian as a background processor. Yesterday the Java program stopped running. I looked at the memory usage, the system only had 5MB memory left, so my guess is that the java program ran out of memory to use.

However, after we restarted the java program, we could see that the free memory count started to go up. It kept going up from 5MB to over 400MB. The increase of memory happened slowly, when I measured it, I could see that with each minute passing by, there were a bit more memory added into the free memory pool, and meanwhile, the java background process was running.

I wonder why this would ever happen. It's as if our java program first brought the machine done because it consumed all the memories, then after restart, it starts to give back memories.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Reboot: Samba Running But Unresponsive?

Apr 24, 2011

running a server semi-headless (desktop installed, but usually I connect via ssh/freenx) on my network.after rebooting the box, the samba service will not respond to clients, until I login over nx, and restart samba with 'sudo service smbd restart'. I have it rigged via startup applications, so the command runs on first login, but I would really prefer it come online on boot even if I'm not there to logon. I wrote a quick script to enumerate the status of the network services. here is the output right after a reboot. I ran the script from ssh, before starting a desktop session with nx.

Checking status of network services
Named Status:


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Server :: Css And Java Script Is Broken Zope Running Behind An Apache Reverse Proxy?

Jun 7, 2010

a reverse proxy scenario


Server A Server B (Zope Application)
Public IP

On the first one that is A in Apache vhost file I made


ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

but the CSS and images on internet which people are accessing are broken while it is running perfectly fine if I access on LAN.



I have checked the documentation page and here also but still the problem persists.Also on LAN if the same is accessed like this


[URL] then CSS and Java script is broken. It is an eduCommons CMS. Which I am trying to access via internet.

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Debian :: Install The Java Plugin But The Java Test Pages Show Not Installed

Jun 13, 2011

I try to install the java plugin but the java test pages show not installed. I have tried the openjdk-6-jdk package and the Oracle/Sun 1.6.0_26 version to no avail.

Is there some good instructions page someplace? I have yet to find a set of instructions that provides something clear that works.

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Debian Installation :: Java Programm To Install And The Installer Is GUI Java Based?

Feb 18, 2011

This is my first post and I'm pretty new on Debian. I had used Ubunu for a while now and I've decided to move on Debian Squeeze.But I've one problem: I've a Java programm to install and the installer is GUI Java based. When I run the script, I've the next message:

Preparing to install. Extracting the JRE from the installer archive.Unpacking the JRE.Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive.Configuring the installer for this system's environment.Launching installer Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead. Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. But this program is not able to run the installation in console mode.

I've tried to install sun-java6-jre but without success.Has anyone an idea to help me install this programm? My Configuration: Debian Squeeze 6.0 amd64.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Is Partially Unresponsive?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a remote server which has been working perfectly for about 1 year. It is in a secure location and used for serving a local web-app, and we remote administer it through an OpenVPN tunnel, and previously a Hamachi tunnel.It has in the last few days become partially unresponsive. What I mean is that I can ping it fine through the VPN, and I can SSH into the box, but when I try to run some commands, it seems to freeze partway through, and I get the output interrupted and a blinking cursor. I have also tried to access the web-app through the VPN and while the page header in the browser changes to the correct page name, the actual page does not load.A reboot does not seem to have cleared the problem, although I cannot be certain at this moment that the reboot command actually completed, or froze partway through

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Debian :: How To Remove Packages From Unresponsive System

Apr 23, 2015

Since I'm running Sid. Let's assume package foo has been upgraded via apt-get dist-upgrade, and it causes a serious bug so that Sid is never able to fully start up, and is not even able to get me to the console to remove the package.

(Reword: let's assume that I upgraded the system despite apt-listbug warning me that foo had serious issues.)

Is it possible for me to remove the package and get back in? Everything I've seen online assumes that I could at least access console--but this hypothetical bug doesn't allow that.

If it were in Arch, I would just boot from the live dist, arch-chroot into the / directory, and try to remove foo via pacman. But Debian doesn't offer a live disk past Stable, so I suspect that this wouldn't work with a Wheezy disk?

Am I asking for an impossible situation, or can a troublesome package be removed from an unresponsive Sid?

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Debian Configuration :: Keeping The Dns Server Running With Current Server Information?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm running the current release of Debian with the 2.6.26-2 kernel. This is an upgrade from an older (2.4 kernel) series redhat release. One of the things I had working in the older system was a dns server with accompanying monthly update of the root hints file. I tried working through a dns how-to to set this up again, but it seems much has moved around since I last played with this. All of the files listed in the how-to are not where it says they should be. I am looking for a better reference on keeping the dns server running with current server information.

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Server :: Running A Command On A Remote Server Asks For Password (debian)

Jul 8, 2011

I am not seeing what i am doing wrong here, but here goes:

From my server I need to run a command for backup on 25 remote servers (through a script). Now I have pushed the public keys for remote ssh connectivity on all of them and it works ( I can push files using rsync without the need to enter passwords on the remote servers), howver, I need to run the following command:

ssh odsadmin@ 'cp -a /var/www/life /var/www/life-v4'

when I run this command, I keep getting asked to enter the password, I even tried putting sudo in front of the cp, but still get the request to enter the password.

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Debian Multimedia :: Unresponsive Desktop In KDE4 With K3b - Squeeze

Aug 23, 2010

I'm running Squeeze with KDE 4.4.5 in my desktop. Everything seems to be fine, except for some unresponsiveness that is really annoying. The main problem (but this also reflects on other uses, though in a less intense manner) is when K3b is burning or erasing anything (including CD-R and CD-RW). The whole system becomes unusable. Not even a Konsole window can return from a "aptitude search something" query.

I have a Intel i7 920 system with 6GB RAM and two 1.5TB disks. I use an AMD Radeon 4890 video card with their proprietary drivers (at least for now it is the only option). I also have an extra Audigy sound card. I thought that such a system would be enough to have a good desktop experience while multitasking. What might be wrong?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Java Up And Running

Feb 12, 2010

I just did an upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 and i'm loving it. I just need to get Java working so I can use ..... and stuff like that. I installed OpenJDK and the plugin but I can't figure out how to get it to work in Google Chrome or even Firefox.

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Debian Configuration :: Name Server Is Not Running

Nov 26, 2010

I have since a couple of days a vps. I discovered that there's is no nameserver is running.

# host
Nameserver not running A record not found, try again

Also there's no resolv.config in /etc/. I re-installed the OS several times without any changes. I ask my host about this but he has not answered my questions.

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Fedora :: Running Java App As Daemon

Aug 28, 2009

I'm new to Fedora and have just purchased a subscription to a GoDaddy Virtual Dedicated Server, which I'm able to control using SSH.I have a Java application that I want to run as a daemon on this VDS. Some google searching yielded a bunch of different methods of doing this, none of which I'm sure would be guaranteed to work with Fedora, so I was hoping someone here could give it to me straight and fill me in on the simplest way of doing this.What is the best/simplest way to run a Java application as a daemon on Fedora?

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Fedora :: Running Java As A Service?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a java program where I want to run it every 30 seconds. So what is the best way to run in that form? Is it running as a service or a cron is best? How to do with it

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Ubuntu :: Running SQL Queries Through Java?

Jun 20, 2010

I would like some help to run sql queries in Ubuntu. For a school IT project, we must write a Java program that runs queries. Seeing that I'm going away on holiday and will be away from my Win7 desktop, I will have to work on my Ubuntu laptop. When I run my program, I get these two sql exceptions:


No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:ITPAT2010

Note: it is not my program that is causing the problem, since it works fine on Win7. But here's my code anyway:


void OpenDB()
System.out.println("INTO BRIDGE");
String url = "jdbc:odbc:ITPAT2010"; //JOU BRUG SE NAAM


I believe the drivers that handles the connection to the database aren't installed. The format of my database is: *.accdb (was created on Win7 using Office 2010). I can't open this file, probably because I have no database programs installed?

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General :: Running 32 Bit Java On 64 Bit Laptop?

Nov 16, 2010

I need to run 32 bit java on my 64 bit PC. I don't want to make the 32 bit java my default. Can I do it??

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Software :: Java Applications Are Not Running?

Sep 2, 2009

i have ubuntu 6.06, my internet connection is going fine but when i click on any image link,image is not displayed on my screen

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Programming :: Running Scripts Using The Java

Aug 17, 2010

i want to use java as tool in which i give an input,and on the basis of this input my specific script run. for example.... if we talk about web server.. in my java page..i have to just type my web page name...say [URL] and then enter the text...say "hi how are you"
then my script will run... in the script it itself start the service,then edit the configuration file in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and make changes according to my input in java page... i know the scripting but i dont know how java command will execute my script...

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Debian :: Webserver Behind A Server Running Shorewall?

Mar 3, 2011

The server I'm running runs Debian Etch, Squid and Shorewall. Every 24 hours the server gets a new internet IP so I need to use dyndns to keep the dns pointing to the correct PC.

I have a webserver that is running behind the debian server and am having trouble with it. When I enter the web address, it gets a timeout.

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Debian :: Install On VirtualBox Running On Mac Server

Jun 15, 2011

I am running virtualbox on a Mac Mini Server. I would like to install Debian on it and give it an internal static IP address. E.g.

I am looking at all the downloads. The Mac Mini Server Snow Leopard has no CD/DVD but plenty of disk space.

It will be used as a LAMP webserver, Java, Ghostscript and pdftk but also install ISPConfig on it.

I was looking at this ISO: [URL] Is this ok?

The Mac is a 64 bit Intel based machine. If I wanted 64 bit on the VirtualBox, which 64 bit ISO should I get?

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Debian Configuration :: Running A Local Ftp Server?

Nov 2, 2010

What would be necessary to run an ftp server (or a web server) on my local PC so that other people I know could access it and download stuff from it? The idea is to share photos, videos etc with friends/family where the files are a bit too big for email. (All 100% legal, own-content, no copyright issues, needless to say). Security isn't that vital, I'd just put files in the ftp directory, email the link and let them download the files, then remove them again. No passwords are required, and no uploads.

Obviously there's the problem that both computers have to be on at the same time, and I assume I'd have to change my computer's firewall settings and my router's settings to allow the traffic through, but my question is more basic than that - is it even possible? My internet connection is through a router, and as I understand it, my router has the IP address, not my computer. So I can connect through my router using my computer's IP address, but only my router knows my computer's IP address, and all the rest of the internet just sees my router and its IP address. Which means (I think) that I can't just send my IP address for my family to connect to, because that only gets them as far as my router, and the router would have no idea what to do with such requests. Am I right so far?

So is there any way for my family's computers to contact an FTP server or a web server running on my computer? Or does it require some kind of intermediary server to act as a traffic-forwarder? Is there such a thing? I'm assuming that setting up little private torrents would be fiddly and inefficient. Or would it be better/simpler to use one of the free filesharing services and put up with the (sometimes not too family-friendly) adverts associated with them?

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Debian :: Backup Running Server Using Rsnapshot?

Jan 31, 2010

How to backup incremental running debian server using rsnapshot?

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General :: Java - Running Software Through Wine?

Oct 12, 2010

Our school is setting up a Linux computer lab for students to use. We have Kinetic Books and would like to run it on these computers. The software is java-based. Is it possible to run it under Wine? Are there any general rules-of-thumb for which programs are Wine-compatible?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Not Working When Java Running?

Mar 28, 2011

I have this problem that whenever java is running (eg. Runescape), sound works only in the Java window, and I don't get sound from flash, mp3s or anywhere else.I found several similar threads but most of them were unsolved, and the few solutions didn't work.Note: Earlier, I used to use IcedTea browser plugin for java, which didn't seem to give any sound problems, though was a bit glitchy otherwise. This problem started only after switching to the Java plugin found

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Ubuntu :: Java Games Running Slow?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm having some trouble with Java based games. I am running 11.04 64x and I downloaded and installed the latest sun-jvm. I know my hardware can run these two games very well (Minecraft and Spiral Knights). I'm wondering if maybe sun isn't my default plugin.

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