Server :: DRBD Can't Mount On Secondary
Dec 6, 2010
I'm gonna set up a HA-cluster with the help of DRBD. I have installed DRBD and it's working on the Primary node, I synced them and formated it to ext3 and mounted it successfully on the Primary.
When I'm gonna mount it on the Secondary node it just tells me that I need to specify a filesystem.. so it looks like is hasn't been synced properly or something but both nodes are up to date.
This is my drbd.conf:
global {
usage-count no;
resource dbcluster {
and could mount it without any problems on dbcluster1, but it doesn't work on dbcluster2.. according to the documentation and various howtos I'm suppose to be able to use it, mount it on both nodes etc. unless I've missed something.
Does anyone know if there is something else I need to do to get it running properly on the Secondary?
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Apr 21, 2010
i tried installing the drbd for replication of data.. i found some tutorials but when i tried installing it i spits out an error of
E: Package drbd8-module-source has no installation candidate this is what i use to install it
apt-get install drbd8-utils drbd8-module-source drbd8-source build-essential
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May 21, 2011
i have a two node drbd cluster, while drbd1 is primary and drbd2 is slave i should make drbd1 slave and unmount drbd partition and make make drbd2 primary and mount drbd partition to see content on drbd2is it any way to automate it so as drbd1 goes down, drbd1 make itself primary and mount the partition?
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Dec 6, 2010
My question is one of my users was using open suse on his workstation (690 DELL),there are 4 harddrives connected to the machine one is of 160GB and the other three are of 1terrabytes.His 160GB HDD got corrupted the one which is having OS and we replaced it to the new one.User advised to install RHEL 5.2 so i installed RHEL 5.2on 160GB HDD by disconnecting the other three HDD.After installing the machine i tried to mount the other three HDD but could'nt.The error message iam getting is 'Not valid partitiion table'.
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Nov 22, 2010
I've recently set up a fedora 13 machine to use as a media server, I've been able to get everything going except samba. I've installed a second hard drive which is mounted at /media/Core and works fine on the local filesystem. I can browse the share from my mac however when I connect I get this in the smb.log file
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Jul 9, 2011
How to mount secondary new hard disk in fedora?
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Mar 3, 2011
I have two hard drives in my computer, one for the operating system and the other solely for storage. They both have ext4 filesystems. Is there any way that i can have my storage hard drive to automatically mount on start up?
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Feb 12, 2011
is qmail server running in the secondary office and it was working fine. yesterday qmail suffered some problem.i came to know about the problem after troubleshooting and looking into the server, the qmailclt stat commands shows that all services are working and there is nothing going crazy in the server. The maillog is showing errors which i am pasting here for the convienance.
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May 5, 2011
I have a server with two hard drives. I just backed up all my data to the secondary drive, formatted the primary one, and installed Ubuntu 11.04 Server on the primary one. The problem is, whenever the secondary hard drive is installed, Ubuntu says that it cannot mount /boot due to "unsupported options". If I physically disconnect the secondary drive, it starts up just fine, without any error messages. Is there any way that I can connect the secondary hard drive without these problems? I don't want to format it as it would destroy the entire backup.
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Jul 26, 2010
We have hosting all the domains to one ISP domain and we want a secondary MX record. Is it possible to have a secondary MX record to another ISP so that if our internet is down we don't lose any email. the first ISP are not providing any secondary MX records
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Feb 17, 2010
configurations steps of RHEL 5.0 Secondary DNS ...
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Mar 17, 2011
How long does unix wait till moving from primary to secondary dns server (in /etc/resolv.conf) if the primary is uncontactable?
Where is this setting, so I can change it?
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a secondary slave dns server setup, it has transferred all the records from the primary master.But when I run a few checks from outside using tools on the net it says:Tried to fetch SOA record for domain, but DNS server returned error code Refused.I disabled iptables, and tried again, same result. So I think it is something in the named.conf file? I appreciate any extra set of eyes on it. Just feel like I'm so close!
key "rndckey" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "mysecretkey";
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Jun 6, 2010
I'm pensioning off my 10-years-old home server and replacing it with an Ubuntu 10.04 box. The two storage devices are a Western Digital Caviar Green 2.0TB HD and an Intel X25-M 34nm Gen 2 80GB SATA II 2.5inch SSD (the box has 8GB RAM and an i5 750, if it matters).
I don't care much about boot times (since I don't plan to reboot all that often;-); the main frequent, performance-demanding task will be (re)building large open source C or C++ software packages from sources (as an open source contributor, I do that often).
So, I thought I'd keep the SSD as the secondary drive and the HD as the primary one, using the SSD mostly for the files that can otherwise demand a lot of seeking (esp. in a parallel make).
However, the friendly vendor (perhaps more experienced in Windows systems than in Linux ones) thinks the "normal" way to configure the machine would be with the SSD as the primary drive. I'm pretty rusty on configuring and tuning systems, so, I thought I'd better double check on SuperUser.
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Mar 12, 2011
I just installed primary dns server now want to install new slave server so that in case if primary fails secondary can take requests.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a CentOS 5 server with a 250gb hard drive running close to the maximum space on one of the partitions. 87% of 200gb (/home), roughly. I have a second 250gb hard drive which is completely unused. I just recently did some searching through the forums here and found out about LVM and wanted to implement it. Although the downside is I believe it has to wipe a drive/partition before it can add it as a logical volume.
The process I'm considering following is:
1. add this empty 250gb (SDB) secondary hard drive as a logical volume on LVM and copy everything over from the currently filling up partition on my main hard drive.
2. have LVM add in the old partition on the primary hard drive (SDA)
3. extend my logical volume out to include the old partition. Extending my total hard drive space out to 450gb.
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Nov 18, 2010
I am trying to set up an X2go server, that lets clients log in on a remote server. the idea is that a school uses old computers as thin clients, and a small server loads an image onto the clients, and then lets them log into a big server in germany using X2go. Does anyone know where i can find a guide or some documentation that would show me how to do
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Nov 30, 2010
I am learning software raid 1 with centos 5.5. I created the raid with out any problems and removed the first drive to check there was no problems and it booted. I have installed the old drive back in the system as hdc and need to resync the drives (used old drive as partitions correct) I thought I could use raidhotadd but id does not seem to exist anymore. how I resync the drives in the array hda primary and hdc secondary using mdadm
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Aug 16, 2010
I need to find out a command to enable and disable a secondary monitor using the Nvidia X Server. I've got a monitor attached to my laptop that I don't use all the time and would like to just have a launcher to switch between "twinview" and "disabled" quickly rather than having to go through the menus. It's physical position is vertically above the primary monitor so I have to put in a custom position every time I enable it.
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Dec 14, 2010
a machine with 2+ network cards, need to setup TFTP server on one card and use internet on another.
the tftpd server works on default routing network adaptor with following configuration.
How set the TFTP server on the secondary network adaptor?
TFTP server tftpd by xinetd configuration in: /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
protocol = udp
port = 69
socket_type = dgram
Could not find how to change the post <prefix> I remembered clearly I did before.
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Oct 15, 2010
It seems to be drbd is not available in ubuntu 10.10 at all. I just installed the drbd8-utils package thinking the kernel module would already be built-in. But I guess not, because here is the error I get:
# drbdadm syncer r0
Could not stat("/proc/drbd"): No such file or directory
do you need to load the module?
try: modprobe drbd
Command 'drbdsetup 1 syncer --set-defaults --create-device' terminated with exit code 20
drbdadm syncer r0: exited with code 20
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm running RHEL 5.5 on two workstation for test DRBD and I get something that sound strange ...[URL] Quote:Protocol C. Synchronous replication protocol. Local write operations on the primary node are considered completed only after both the local and the remote disk write have been confirmed. As a result, loss of a single node is guaranteed not to lead to any data loss. Data loss is, of course, inevitable even with this replication protocol if both nodes (or their storage subsystems) are irreversibly destroyed at the same time. By far, the most commonly used replication protocol in DRBD setups is protocol C.
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Aug 19, 2010
Iam trying to integrate drbd 8.0.16 in 5.3 release.
Installation of drbd was successful but modinfo fails to identify drbd kernel module.
[root@inccishh0884 usbs]# /sbin/modinfo drbd
modinfo: could not find module drbd
[root@inccishh0884 usbs]#
[root@inccishh0884 usbs]# ls -l `find /lib/modules -name drbd.ko`
how i can make the modinfo to identify the drbd modules present in 2.6.18-128.4.1/extra folder.
Is there a drbd module available that matches exactly with the kernel version 2.6.18-128.el5
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Nov 4, 2009
I've been working at creating a highly available set of host servers for a linux diskless boot cluster.Each host machine is fitted with redundant power supplies and two 1TB drives in a Raid-1 configuration.When I first started this project they each had twin 160GB drives. In my original setup I had both nodes acting as primary systems so that I could mount /dev/drbd0 to my /data directory and see changes immediately.It had worked in the past where I could make a file in /data on the first machine and it would show up in the /data directory on the second machine. One day this had stopped working where if I made a file on the first machine it would display on the second one until I unmounted /data and remounted it to the /dev/drbd0 disk.
This is when I bought the new disks and decided to start from scratch. The weird thing is that if I make a file on the primary and remount on the secondary to see it and then delete it from the secondary and THEN delete it on the primary, the primary throws no error however it goes into read-only mode because it knows that file was already gone.Below is my configuration file, sda8 is an 820GB partition which is used for all of the data I want to replicate, currently populated with ~10GB of data. Sda7 is my metadisk partition which is 500MB large clearly more than needed by drbd.Also you will notice "incon-degr-cmd "halt -f";" is commented out. This is because when I go to actually use it drbd throws an error when reloading the configuration and I'm not sure why that is either
resource r0 {
protocol C;
#incon-degr-cmd "halt -f";
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Jun 23, 2009
i have problems with my failover machines and cant locate the cause. The last update is quite some time ago.So will it hurt my configuration when I do an yum-update? I have 5 Xen VM on each machine, also they replicate with drbd and heartbeat. Can I just update the dom0 and leave the VM untouched inside?
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Jul 23, 2010
I'm trying to configure an ISCSI/DRBD high-availability cluster and I'd like to know what is the best option between OpenAIS and Heartbeat. I've seen they both are included in Centos Repos, yet OpenAIS requires installing 2 addition repos to install Pacemaker (EPEL and Clusterlab repos).
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Aug 3, 2011
Our primary mail server is Exchange 2003 Standard on Windows Server 2003 Standard - don't shout at me; I inherited it already set up this way.I have a couple of hardware identical redundant servers (HP ML350 boxes), all with very fast 2 or 4 disk arrays, multiple core CPUs and plenty of memory, and I am looking at two potential new additions to the infrastructure.
A secondary mail server is high on my list of priories. I've been well and truly bitten by Exchange in the past and given that this particular box has been running four years straight and that it's mail store is dangerously large, having a secondary mail server in place suddenly makes a lot of sense.
A new Exchange 2010 box is currently being set up, but the secondary mail server will remain in place even when the new Exchange server is brought online, so this won't be a wasted exercise.... I also want a gateway box in place to filter and relay mail to the primary server, or to the secondary server if the primary is unavailable. Currently our outer perimeter is:
ISP supplied CISCO router
Draytek VigorPro 5510 UTM
Untangle running in bridged mode (primarily used for SPAM filtering, URL blacklisting, and very little else) Exchange 2003 sits behind the Untangle box. This is how I want to end up:
CISCO >> Draytek >> Ubuntu gateway >> Exchange/secondary mail server
I know I could replace/remove the Draytek but I want it to remain for several reasons, including lots of VPN dial-in users already configured and that it offers us an additional layer of email antivirus scanning before things hit the Exchange box. No point switching all of our remote workers over to new tunnels unnecessarily...
I have done some research and have started testing a pilot secondary mail server using Ubuntu/postfix DNS is properly set up and MX records and reverse PTR records are all present and correct, and things are looking encouraging so far. Before I go out over deep waters and start to flounder, has anyone who has done something like this got any obvious howlers I should be looking to avoid ?
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Jun 28, 2009
script which can add a secondary group to all existing users except system users in linux.
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Apr 29, 2010
I've tried to get an opensuse box I have to share a directory via NFS. I've failed each time, but I thought that the third time, I'd enlist some help from the forums, if I could. how do I know that the nfs server and not the client is the problem? Short answer is: I don't! That's why nfs (and many netwrk problems) are laborious, you're troubleshooting needs to take place at both source and desitination. Next question, what do I have set up so far? Well, I did download the nfs server kernel stuff (two months back) and /etc/init.d/nfsserver start seems to get set up OK. No errors and the daemons nfsd, idmapd, mountd area all running. So, I *think* that part is OK. I have the share set up properly in /etc/exportfs and have "exportfs -r" it.
OK, now onto the trickier stuff: the client and iptables. On the client pinging to the nfserver box is perfect, and I have rpcbind running. the reported error is "mount.nfs: mount system call failed" though from experience nfs errors don't mean a whole lot.However, I will go off and check now and see if I need a mountd running on client-side too.Then there's iptables .... ouch, that could be a long and painful trek. I don't see any specific ports being blocked, and it's the iptables that the default v11.2 opensuse came with. I did turn them off and the problem was the same, so whether wishfl thinking or not, I'm hoping it's not an iptables issue.
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Feb 9, 2010
i have installed nfs server on my redhat machine.when i want to mount shared data from client(suse)machine the following error occur."mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: No route to host"
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