Security :: Bypass Proxy By Encrypted HTTP Access

Aug 30, 2010

My company web access is behind proxy(http://abc.proxy). Network admin can get to check who is top10 user and web they access. I owned a centos server. I have a thought that create an encrypted tunnel within proxy so the admin cant detect my http address. This is how it going to works

client with OpenVPN -> OpenVPN server(centos with company proxy)-> proxy -> internet

My connectivity in my client are using OpenVPN server as bridge. Hence, no record for client is recorded in my Network admin monitoring list. OpenVPN server's activity can be traced by network monitoring tools, just assume that our ultimate goal is to hide client activity.

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Networking :: How To Use Security HTTP Proxy

Sep 19, 2010

I have a http proxy account. It works well under windows through wodTunnel(an active X control component). But, I usually works under linux. I want to use it here. But I don't know how. I tried gstm, it can connect to the server successfully, but it seems can't respond to my http request. What should I do next?

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Security :: BigBlueButton - From HTTP To HTTPS Reverse Proxy

Sep 17, 2010

I am working on a project to create a video conferencing environment. For this I use a default installation of BigBlueButton on ubuntu 10.04. One of the main problems here is that it's not safe enough to share classified documents trough this software. It's a simple webserver that uses nginx. What I want to do is make this connection secure.

One of the problems is that I don't only have a connection trough port 80 but it uses the following ports:
Port 80 (HTTP), 1935 (RTMP), 9123 (Desktop sharing).
I would like to use a proxy instead of some tunneling or vpn to do this. Would anyone happen to know anything about squid or another equivalent to do this?

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Fedora :: TOR Onion Routing - Set Proxy For HTTP And HTTPS In Firefox But Say's 'unknown Proxy'

Jul 7, 2010

I've been trying to make myself anonymous, but I cant find 'Tor' anywhere, tried 'yum & kpackagekit' neither have it. I did find 'Privoxy', installed it, set proxy for HTTP and HTTPS in Firefox, but it says 'unknown proxy' when I try to use it! I've been to the Privoxy web site and read through the 'User manual', but most of it is 'geek' to me!

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Fedora Security :: Iptables Masquerade, Can Ping But No Http Access?

Dec 13, 2009

I've got two routers, and, which are joined by a Linux box with interfaces eth0 ( and ra0 ( I've got masquerading for ra0, and a route to on's router. I CAN ping hosts on from just fine, but I CANNOT access web pages.Strangely, If I enable masquerading on eth0, and add a route to router to, I can ping AND access web pages from is my current iptables



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General :: Convert HTTP Proxy To SOCKS Proxy?

Feb 27, 2010

I've been doing some security testing in a lab environment that does not have direct internet access. It's actually a little complicated: From home to connect to my lab machine, I

1. SSH to machineA.
2. SSH from machineA to machineB

where machineB is my actual lab machine. neither machineA or machineB allow anything other than SSH, and machineB is only accessible from machineA. However, I really need to run yum on machineB. I have managed to get internet access via Firefox on machineB by creating a series of SOCKS proxy via SSH.

1. machineB: ssh -L 12345:localhost:12345 user@machineA
2. machineA: ssh -D 12345 user@machineC
3. machineB: configure firefox to use socks proxy, localhost, 12345

where machineC has internet without limits placed. This is the only way I have managed to get internet working. I tried using ssh -L all the way from machineB->machineA->machineC but it didn't work (even when setting Firefox to use http proxy). I tried using ssh -D all the way, but again that doesn't work either.

I do have access via Firefox using socks proxy. However, yum update fails to retrieve mirror list, and from what I have found I don't believe yum supports socks proxy directly. Instead, it uses http_proxy / ftp_proxy. how to get yum to go out over the SOCKS proxy I created (same one using in Firefox)? It seems like since Firefox can access the internet and everything without issues, i should be able to get yum to tunnel through the same connection to access everything.... I tried


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Networking :: Bypass Proxy For All Application?

Feb 15, 2010

I am using FC11. My problem is whatever application that needs access to the internet are blocked by company's proxy server. So, configuration is like

my_machine---------> firewall ----------> outside and etc

Now, If I am using firefox then I have configured it to use proxy server and required login details and etc. But, my eclipse, ssh, git and all those needs internet connection as well... Is there anything like which sets all details (proxy server, user name and passwd) system wide ? So that I dont have to pass it to each application...

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Ubuntu Security :: Access Encrypted Hard Drive Via Live Usb?

May 17, 2011

I want to access my hard drive to copy over my old documents. So I boot into a LiveUSB, mount my ubuntu partition, and then cd to my home directory, but I can't open it. I get "permission denied." I encrypted my whole home directory and know the password, but how do I "decrypt" it or login as the partition's root so I can access the documents that way. I'm booted into the USB, but can't access the home directory. I get "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of 'jake'".

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Networking :: Socks 5 To Bypass Proxy Settings?

Oct 7, 2010

An application that supports SOCKS 5 protocol can forward its network connection over ssh and dynamically forward to any host name that you specify isn't it ? that means firebox web browser can use SOCKS 5 protocol can be used by pass proxy settings isn't it ? so how can a sys admin remotely detect if a particular user is bypassing proxy settings using SOCKS 5 protocol ?

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 Apache Bypass Proxy?

Jun 1, 2010

I've read the documentation, but I'm still confused. I have two servers, one running Postfix and SquirrelMail, and another i want to setup a wiki(already setup) and Photo Gallery.On my Second server(2)I have two virutal webservers, and, both running on port 80.My first computer is running my mail server again as a virtual server, Default server is not used in either one.

Server 1 will be my proxy server, and if I understand correctly, my reverse proxy. Ubuntu had Apache set with a configuration in etc/apache2 using sites-available with configuration for each Virtual Server with sites-enabled with links to configuration files in sites-available. My Virtual Server in Server 2 are working fine, along with my mail server in Server 1. this is the code I assume I must use to bypass to In server 1, under sites-available, in the file this is the code I put

<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On


Doesn't work, I know I'm doing something wrong...

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Ubuntu Security :: Access Encrypted Home Folder From Recover Mode?

Nov 26, 2010

I logged in to Recover Mode ("Drop to root shell prompt") this morning to do something. Naturally, I wanted access to my encrypted home folder.

The README file says to run ecryptfs-mount-private. However, that command returns an error:
"ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly."

This cannot be correct, because if I log in normally, I get my home folder without any problem.

How can I access my encrypted home folder when I boot via Recover Mode?

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Fedora :: YUM - Unable To Bypass Proxy Authentication With DOMAIN / Get It?

May 20, 2010

When trying to use Yum install yumex, I get the error that proxy authentication is required, as below.code...

I saw several similar posts but none seem to resolve this issue. Can someone help me in getting out of the proxy and domain?

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Ubuntu :: Free Proxy To Bypass This Which Can Simply Be Installed?

Mar 28, 2011

point me at a free proxy to bypass this which can simply be installed, built and/or run.setting up a server outside china and running a tunnel to it from my comp is not an option. also, below is a list of sofware that i have tried and failed to work:

Tor with vidalia
Tun with squid (i think squid)
hamachi (which i later realized would never have worked)

i tried to get haystack but it wouldn't build.

PS: if this post is in the wrong area, please tell me where to move it...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dansguardian / Squid Proxy Firefox Bypass?

Jul 23, 2011

installed dansguardian and now working fine.I got a small problem. People bypassing proxy settings in firefox, means they go to settings and changes proxy settings to no proxy.. how to prevent this? How can I force people to use proxy to connect Internet? I done some googling but, unable to find a solution.

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Ubuntu Security :: Main Encrypted LVM Not Accessible After Deleting A Different Encrypted LVM On USB HD

Mar 7, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64 on my laptop with the entire 500gb setup as encrypted LVM. This has worked well for several months with no problems. During this time i have been backing up the data to an external usb drive (1tb) on a regular basis. The usb drive was not encrypted. So, I thought it would be a good idea to encrypt the backup drive too. I wiped out the backup drive and set it up as one large encrypted lvm and mbr. This seemed to work fine but immediately afterwards I decided to erase that and set it up as encrypted lvm guid instead of mbr. I couldn't delete it while logged into my desktop so i decided to do it from a bootable gparted usb stick. In gparted i erased the 1TB backup drive once again and planned on setting it up the way I wanted once I was logged back into my ubuntu desktop. Now I cant boot into my desktop with the following errors:

cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available b0d) does not begin with /dev/mapper/

Then after waiting for a few minutes I get an error followed by (initramfs)

When booting from a live version of ubuntu the 250MB boot patition is recognized and 500 partion is there but it is labeled as empty/unused.

Also, I did choose to use the exact same passphrase as what is used on the main bootable drive when I set up the encrypted partition on the external 1TB drive.

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Ubuntu Security :: Right Click - Automatically Get The Encrypt Process To Delete The Un-encrypted File When It Makes The New Encrypted Copy?

Jan 5, 2010

I've just started using ubuntu one. However, some of the files I store on there are sensitive so I encrypt them using seahorse. Right click, encrypt etc etc. My question is, is there a way to automatically get the encrypt process to delete the un-encrypted file when it makes the new encrypted copy?

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Security :: Users Use DNS From The Isp To Bypass Squid?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm using Fedora 10 as a proxy server using squid, but I recently noticed that some users use the IPS's Dns to bypass the proxy and surf the web freely. So my question is, is this a problem with Squid or perhaps I can solve the problem whit IPTables.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Linking Internal HTTP To SSL Encrypted Site

Mar 28, 2011

A church I've been working with has a CCTV system that has a web interface for viewing the camera feeds. We need to see the page from the outside, but it is just an HTTP page, no encryption. The box itself does not accept any sort of SSL encryption. How I can get this on the net in a secure way? At worst I could set up a remote desktop type solution, but I was really hopping I could use some apache magic and just re transmit the page to https and ssl encrypted.

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Networking :: How To Set Up Ssh Tunnel Through Http Proxy?

Mar 10, 2010

My school network uses a http proxy to access the internet, but I am dubious about the security, and so I would like to use http inside ssh to keep my data secure. I don't really know where to start on this, so a step-by-step guide, or links to resources, would be helpful.

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Networking :: SSH Connectivity Over HTTP Proxy

Jan 13, 2010

Machine 1) I have a Server with RHEL5.
eth0 = 192.168.48.x (static class C ip connected to VLAN switch)

Internet available via HTTP proxy through vlan but from other main server but not from machine below.

Machine 2) I also have a Server with RHEL4.
eth0 = (public IP for availing internet)
eth1 = (class c ip to share internet via squid on the same LAB)
eth2 = (class c ip connected to VLAN switch)

Now what I want is ssh connectivity available to Machine 1, so as to enable remote machines on the internet connected. I know that it might be hard for Machine 1 to share ssh directly on the internet but if there is any kind of tool or tricks to setup pls tell. So the only chance is ssh via machine 2 then after connected to Machine 2 then again ssh to Machine 1. But how do I make ssh available online? IPtables are set correctly machine 2 can't be ping on the internet.

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Ubuntu Security :: Bypass Administrator Password To Boot From USB

Nov 18, 2010

I love My linux OS, and I carry It with me all the time in USB. I used to be able to boot from USB in the University computers, but not any more. Now it required Admin password in order to boot from CD or USB. I tried The VMWare, but I didn't like it. Is there any way I can get around it.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 - Use Proxy Server Non HTTP

Feb 1, 2010

I need to have Opensuse 11.2 use my proxy server here in the office and it is by hostname/ip:8080 only not HTTP. The problem is using Yast2 I don't have the option of using the proxy that way it wants http. I've been using opensuse on and off since 9 (great flavor BTW my favorite) Easy as you need it to be and just as complicated as you want it to be, a perfect mix.

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General :: Forward *only* Http Proxy Across Vlans?

Jul 28, 2010

My router has two bridges, br0 and br1. I'm sharing wifi access, and the guest subnet will be 192.168.2.x.The home subnet will be 192.168.1.x. I want all traffic destined for port 80 from the guest net to forward to a proxy port on a box on the home network. That's the only traffic I want to cross the bridges. How do I set this up with iptables on the router?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Through HTTP Proxy Locally

Feb 18, 2010

I'm behind a very blocked firewall that only allows connections through port 80 and 443. I wish to ssh to my machine at home, but the port is blocked. Is there a simple server that I can run to route my ssh connection through http?

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Networking :: Configuring EBox As HTTP Proxy?

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to configure an eBox to act as an http proxy but having trouble using that proxy on client computers to browse internet. The ifconfig on ebox returns the following:

eBox141:~# ifconfig
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:ee:64:f2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feee:64f2/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:90045 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:226 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:7043548 (6.7 MB) TX bytes:35150 (34.3 KB)
Interrupt:16 Base address:0x2024

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:ee:64:fc
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feee:64fc/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:1123 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:781 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:949754 (927.4 KB) TX bytes:92267 (90.1 KB)
Interrupt:16 Base address:0x20a4

eth0 is on the internal lan with the client from which I want to access the internet
eth1 is can access internet all right.

The ifconfig on a client returns
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:46:58:7F
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe46:587f/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:16014030 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:835276 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1297106653 (1237.0 Mb) TX bytes:738158694 (703.9 Mb)

I configured the Firefox on the client to use eBox's ip address/port in the proxy settings but I still can't get on the internet.

eBox is on a vmware workstation 7. It is eBox 1.4.1
eBox has two virtual nics (above) - one is NAT (eth1) and the other is bridged (eth0)
The client is on vmware ESXi 4.0. It's an openSUSE 11.2.

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Networking :: Http Request Forwarding To Proxy

Feb 26, 2009


i want to redirect the packet to proxy server. can u help me.

Present network.

MY internal network ==> switch ==> proxyserver ==> router ==> internet.
(for internet i use
to connect proxy, in web browser==> lan settings ==> proxy server ip address )

What i want is

My internal network ==> getway or firewall ==> switch ==> proxy server ==> router==> internet. ( where this getway or firewall i can configure for forward http request to proxy server.)

so that i can separate my internal network from intranet but able to access the internet.

help me out


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Ubuntu Security :: Exploits In Kernel - Possible To Bypass IPTables Firewall

Jul 4, 2010

When there is an exploit in the kernal, can the iptables firewall get bypass? If yes,how do you know? Otherwise how can you find out.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Yast Could Not Connect With HTTP Proxy

Apr 25, 2010

My box has to connect to internet using specified http proxy.I have set proxy in both kde control center and yast2 control center. They both tell me the proxy works fine. But when I really try to use yast2 to update my system, it report an error:

Failed to download ./repo/repoindex.xml from [URL]
History: - [] URI = [URL]

Even I try
export http_proxy=http://XXXX
yast in command line,the error still exist.

In debian apt-get and slackware slackpkg,my proxy works fine. So I am sure it is not my fault and maybe it is a bug of yast2.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Response For HTTP Proxy Over SSH?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm a little stumped on this one so I reaching out to see if anyone here has any idea. I just changed my ISP to Surewest as they're doing fiber straight to the house in my area so I have 8Mbps up and down.

I have my linux box running openssh and I have no problems SSHing into it from my remote laptop at work. I use putty to connect to it and create a tunnel so I can configure my firefox to use it as a SOCKS proxy. The problem is my response time for page loads in firefox is atrocious now. It'll take over a minute to load The only real differences in my setup now are my ISP and router hardware at home. Previously, I was using the firewall that was built into my AT&T Uverse gateway. Now, I'm using my old Linksys WRT54G v5.0 router with the latest firmware. My linux box is wired directly into it with ethernet. When I run the speed tests from that box I get my correct speeds of 8Mbps up and down with <15ms ping. From what I can tell, all of my router settings are correct.

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Networking :: SSH Tunnel Through NTLM Authenticated HTTP Proxy

Mar 7, 2010

I have a problem setting up a SSH tunnel. I know how it's usually done, but the setup is different this time. I am behind a HTTP(S) and FTP proxy, that does NTLM authentication, and I want to access a server beyond the proxy.

So far, the best I have achieved is installing and configuring CNTLM as a local proxy for the authentication part. Using CNTLM, I managed to access and mount a secured (https) DAV share using davfs2. In theory, CNTLM should let me setup permanent tunnels from local ports to distant ports, and it does; however these tunnels don't seem to work for SSH nor for IMAP (another protocol I tried).

I suspect the problem is that neither SSH nor IMAP is HTTP- or FTP-based, but anyway it does not work. So back to square one: how should I proceed to get ssh to connect through the HTTP proxy (with NTLM authentication) to the remote server? For that matter, if there's a better way than SSH to create a tunnel, that would work in my situation, that's OK with me. Just in case, here are the relevant parts from my firewall setup on the server:

# default policies
iptables -t filter -P INPUT DROP
iptables -t filter -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

# reset
iptables -t filter -F INPUT
iptables -t filter -F FORWARD
iptables -t filter -F OUTPUT

# allow continuation of established connections
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -f -j ACCEPT

# allow local connections
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# open ports:
# ssh
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

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