Red Hat :: Su: Incorrect Password PAM As Root?

Apr 15, 2011

I've inherited a linux box, redhat I believe.

Linux tmif3 2.6.9-5.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 19:29:47 EST 2005 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I added a user useradd billy because I don't like being root. I changed the password using passwd billy all as normal. when I try to logon, ssh rsh I cannot. even as root with an su - yields the following..


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Security :: Su - Incorrect Password - When Logging As Wheel User And Trying To Access Root

Dec 18, 2010

I have tried to not allow root access and have created a wheel user.

Now I can not logged in as root.

Its okay but when am logging as wheel user and trying to access root then it says:


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Fedora Security :: "su - Root" Giving Incorrect Password?

Jun 9, 2011

how to login as a root in the terminal .

it is saying : su - incorrect password.

I have change the #chmod 755/bin/su

Now i cant login as a root from command line , though root password works from GNOME

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Software :: Su - Incorrect Password - When Screen Saver Is Lock It Won't Accept My Password As Well

May 21, 2010

I can log into the user directly, ssh, but can't su to anyone

My problems: When i try to so su to any of the user I get this message

Also when screen saver is lock it won't accept my password as well


Steps and other way I have try to get this problem fix but fail

1] boot up a working version machine and look at

2] check the permission and the sticky bit on /bin/su file

3] went and copy the entire /bin; /usr/bin ; and /etc/pam.d from a working system over the the failed system and it also doesn't help

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OpenSUSE Install :: Root Password Not Set \ Wasn't Prompted To Set The Root Password?

Jun 25, 2010

When I installed the OS, I wasn't prompted to set the root password. Is this a bug, or did my install hose up?

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Debian :: Incorrect Password - Try Again

Jun 30, 2015

Code: Select all:~$ su
Password:    #Typed user password
su: Authentication failure
~$ su
Password:      #Typed root password
su: Authentication failure
:~$ sudo su

[Code] ....

The file does open but with a warning in red saying i could harm my system. Had almost got everything configured just as like it, tried adding a custom action (open as administrator) to Thunar and my house of cards collapsed around me.

Debian 8 xfce, single user account, passwords and user names are single characters so it's a given there's no typing error.

Code: Select all:~# cd ..
:/home# cd ..
:/# mkdir -p /root/.local/share/
:/# touch /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
:/# exit
:~$ gksu mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list

Got another window prompting me for password, gave "Incorrect password...try again"

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Software :: Get - Su - Incorrect Password ?

Jun 29, 2011

I type "su" or "su -" either as a normal user or as root I get "su: incorrect password" back.

When I execute 'su' or 'su -'from one user to another user,(the password I input is right.) like this



The strange thing is, before I switch to the oracle is from the root without password.And I am sure I input the correct password.

By the way, I can login the system by oracle,the account is not disabled.

The system is CentOS 5.1







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Ubuntu :: Incorrect Password For Administrater

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to install the driver for my Lexmark prospect Pro-205 printer which I downloaded from the Lexmark site but when I type in my administrater password it keeps saying wrong password while I know it's the right password!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Centos5.5 - Can't Su - Incorrect Password?

Oct 6, 2010

I don't know how I've managed to mess this one up, but in the midst of securing my webserver (ie. changing default SSH port, add new user, disable root SSH) I seem to have broken su functionality....somehow.

When I ssh as my user "lockdown" I attempt to "su -" and immediately am prompted with "su: incorrect password"

Code: lockdown[ at ]bag [~]# su
su: incorrect password
lockdown[ at ]bag [~]#

I re-enabled root SSH login (via editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and I'm able to SSH as root no problem, however I can't su even from root to another user, getting the same behavior and error message..

Code: root[ at ]bag [~]# su lockdown
su: incorrect password
root[ at ]bag [~]# Here are my permissions for /bin/su ...
Code: root[ at ]bag [/]# ls -l /bin/su
-rwSr-xr-- 1 root wheel 28336 Feb 28 2010 /bin/su* My user "lockdown" is a member of the wheel group, and I haven't edit /etc/pam.d/su or system-auth at all.

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General :: Sudo Password Incorrect

Apr 19, 2010

I have set up a new account, with a user name of Benjamin.However, when running a sudo command, while logged in with the user name 'Benjamin', I receive an incorrect password error.Yes, I am entering the password for user name 'Benjamin' and not that of the root account.

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CentOS 5 :: Su - Command And Incorrect Password?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a new install of cent os 5. When I try to use the su - command. I get a invalid password error. I am using the correct password.

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Fedora :: Checkgmail Incorrect Username Or Password?

Oct 19, 2009

I've been using checkgmail package on my f10 (x86_64) box for a while now without problems. But all of a sudden, I see a pop-up windowtating: incorrect username or password. No matter how many times I enter my usernamend password the window keeps coming back demanding for the same. My system is up to date and I've rebooted my system a few times, but the problem persists.

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Ubuntu :: Install New Printer - Password May Be Incorrect

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to install a new printer and delete my old one. It keeps asking for my password, I enter the same one that I log on with. It keeps telling me that the password may be incorrect. To my knowledge, I only know the one that I log on with. Does anyone know what the heck this thing is talking about?

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Ubuntu :: Sudo: 3 Incorrect Password Attempts

Feb 7, 2010

My root filesystem recently filled up. I finally established why - that my /media directory had filled up due to the USB-attached device having been unmounted for whatever reason, and SimpleBackup tried backing up without the mount in place - thereby filling up the filesystem.

I discovered that the root directory was full when the machine tried to get updates, and couldn't. So, I went into /media and tried to delete the backup directory and file(s) that were in that directory, but it tells me that permission is denied. So I try to SUDO the same command, and it tells me 3 times in a row, "Sorry, try again", followed by "sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts".

So, how to I get root privileges back again?

name@machine:/media$ sudo rm -R FreeAgent
Sorry, try again.
Sorry, try again.
Sorry, try again.


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Ubuntu :: Application Password Is Incorrect - 10.10 With The GUI On A Spare Box

Jan 31, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 with the GUI on a spare box I had. This is my first experience with Ubuntu. I have never used Linux before this. The system works great and logging on is no problem. However I installed 2 applications, gparted and samba. When I go to open either application I enter my logon password and I am told that the password is not correct. I am the only user on this machine and went to the accounts setting and changed my account type from custom to administrator to no avail.

I formatted my drive and reinstalled the whole thing again and got all available updates also. I reinstalled gparted and samba a second time on the new install and I still am told that the password is incorrect again when opening thes apps. Is there a simple, easy to understand way for this first time Ubuntu 10.10 user to correct this. There must be a minor flaw in this OS that is denying me use of my apps.

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General :: Entered An Incorrect Password Too Many Times Trying To Us SSL VPN?

Jun 21, 2011

I just got a new laptop for work that dual boots with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10.Normally, I can use an sslvpn connection to log onto my office servers to transfer data back and forth through Windows. However, I do my actual work on Linux, which the computing services department at the university where I work has not set up a sslvpn connection method for.I got the JRE set up on Linux and loaded up the sslvpn connection when I was asked for my sudo password. After following some other instructions, I created a different password to act as root.I entered that password over and over again and now I'm not able to attempt to connect again by trying another password.

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Debian :: Two-factor Auth With PAM Aborts On Incorrect Password

Jan 13, 2016

I am trying to setup 2-factor authentication for SSH with PAM. Its working well, but if the password is incorrect, it does not ask for validation code, but rather asks for the password again. Any way not to warn about an incorrect password?

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Fedora :: Gyachi Invalid User Or Incorrect Password?

Feb 5, 2010

today i got this message everytime i try to login to yahoo messenger:"gyachi invalid user or incorrect password !" The user and password are corect, if i switch to kopete or pidgin is all right.Only with gyachi i have that problem. Using Fedora 10, gyachi improved v1.2.3

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Fedora Hardware :: Connecting Printer - Password May Be Incorrect

Mar 7, 2010

I'm using Fedora 12 KDE, and I'm trying to connect a Lexmark printer. It's a printer that I can connect to in other KDE distros. When I try to connect to it through the system settings printer manager I get a popup window that says, "Password may be incorrect", and then it goes to the new printer window. However, there is no option for a lexmark printer, lpd, ipp, or anything in the left menu bar. There's only an option for other, and a little box that asks for the uri. Am I missing a package, or is this normal behavior? Do I have to somehow open this up in sudo? Am I missing a package? I have cups, foomatic, and ghostscript installed.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Skype And Keep Logging In It Keeps Saying Incorrect Password

May 8, 2010

Got latest version of ubuntu, installed skype and i keep logging in it keeps saying incorrect pw. than i made a new account and tried that, still incorrect pw?

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Ubuntu :: Incorrect Password Causes Freeze When Unlocking Session?

Apr 1, 2011

After locking my GUI session, if I type my password incorrectly when I come to unlock it, the system often (not always) seems to hang for a long time, with the text "Checking..." displayed. The length of time can be many minutes.The system is not actually frozen - if I hit CTL+ALT+F6 I can log on to a console session, from which I can see a tty7 process (i.e. the GUI session) using the 'ps' command. Sometimes the only way I can recover is to kill this process, upon which a new GUI session starts up, but this is undesirable as I lose any open applications.

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Server :: Login Incorrect Even After Giving The Correct Password?

Aug 3, 2010

One of my servers is displaying the error as login incorrect even after giving the correct password. Once I restarted the Virtual Machine and after that it is accepting the same password to login. I am not able to find out the problem, why the server is not able to validate the password until the virtual machine gets rebooted.

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CentOS 5 :: SU Works But SUDO Fails With Incorrect Password?

Mar 27, 2009

I hope I haven't missed this in another forum but was tough to search for.While administering my new centos 5.2 x86 server through SSH I am successfully able to issue

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Ubuntu Security :: GKSU Terminates After 1 Incorrect Password Attempt

Nov 19, 2010

Just like the title says, if I were to try to run anything through gksu and accidentally put in an incorrect password, instead of the gksu window coming up again, it would just terminate.

theyain@theyain-laptop:~$ gksu update-manager
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts

Whats interesting is that it gives me the sudo error after only one incorrect password attempt.

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Programming :: Incorrect Selection Of The C Library With Build Root?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to use buildroot to cross compile some libraries for me. To do so I've set up build root to point to my working tool chain in the menuconfig.All seems fine however when I try to make (buildroot) I get the following error

rm -rf /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build/buildroot-config
mkdir -p /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build
cp -dpRf package/config/buildroot-config /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build/buildroot-config
Checking external toolchain settings
Incorrect selection of the C library
make: *** [/root/buildroot-2010.05/output/stamps/ext-toolchain-installed] Error 255

I know it's pointing to the correct files and gcc as any wrong paths are reported in make menuconfig.

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Edit My User-name And Password The System Said That Login Is Incorrect

Oct 16, 2010

Today I have installed Linux SUSE 11.2 . At installation, I was asked for user-name and password. I edit this correctly.

At the end of the installation, the system reboots until the mask 'user name' and 'password' will be displayed. When I edit my user-name and the password the system said, that the login is not correct.

First, I think, I have forgetten my password an do a new installation of Linus SUSE 11.2 . Whatever, the same problem ist still there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Password Incorrect For Default Keyring To Start Wireless

Oct 10, 2010

I just did a fresh install of 10.10 and whenever I log on it request the password for default keyring (the same as sign in password) in previous versions of ubuntu it never asked and automatically started the wireless; now it asks and tells me the password is incorrect. I can hit cancel a numerous amount of times and it will eventually allow me to connect, but that doesn't seem like a good fix in my opinion. This also happened when I tried out lubuntu 10.04 which I promptly removed due to the menu style.

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SUSE :: Login Incorrect - Can't Go Farther From Welcome Screen - System Asking - User And Password

Mar 3, 2010

I have just bought a PC with SUSE 10.1-0. The first time I started the PC an installation menu appeared. I didn't define a user name, thinking that it should log in automatically (as in Windows occurs), but now I can't go farther from the Welcome screen, due to the system is asking me de user and password, but I didn't introduce nothing! Leaving username and password in blank didn't solve the matter.

I can see the admin screen (pressing F10) but I am not able to find any user to log (logically) and I can't include new users from there.

I have also tried to install Windows XP modifying the BIOS but the system returns a message (once in the WinXP installation program) about an error called 4096, about the file i386halaacpi.dll, which is unable to find (something about the HAL), so I am afraid that my (new) RAM memory is damaged.

What could I do? The system is for an old person, so I would like to install finally WinXP and delete Suse.

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Ubuntu :: Install The Lexmark Printer Driver Package For PRO205 - Password Is Incorrect

Oct 14, 2010

I'm trying to install the Lexmark printer driver package for my PRO205 but when it asks for my root password it wont accept it? It keeps saying password is incorrect? Ubuntu 10.10

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General :: Mail Server : Reset The Password For It Using The Password Command From The Root Login?

Jul 23, 2009

I am an absolute Linux Beginner who is being required to do a bit of admin work because the boss just fired the old linux admin. Unfortunately, one of our employees cannot remember her password to her email account and as such I need to reset it on our linux server.What I want to check is that this email account is actually a linux user account and I simply will reset the password for it using the passwd command from the root login. Is that correct?

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