Red Hat :: Secure Folders And Files With Password?

Sep 30, 2010

I need know to protect particular file or folder with a password can any tell how to do that in RHEL 5

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Ubuntu Servers :: Way To Control Access - Some Files/folders Would Even Need To Put In A Password

Apr 11, 2010

I've managed to setup Ubuntu Server 9.10, and created folders/files toview/edit/execute with Windows and Mac.

Now here is my dilemma, this is for a home server, and I will have 4 users(1 for myself, one with "admin" rights, my fiance(mac user), media pc, and a "guest" account for the computer or 2 that are out in the public(they don't need access to my taxes ).

I'd like to have it so that on my laptop, I can access the whole server, but some files/folders would even need me to put in a password. I want to do this because my fiance gets delete happy and deletes things, so if she goes on my computer she won't delete important info. I'd like her to have access to music, photos, and videos, as well as her having her own folder that she can treat as her hard drive.

The question is, do I need to setup a domain for this, or can I get away with a workgroup?

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Ubuntu :: Specify Password In Script For Secure Connection?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm writing a script that tars, bzips, and encrypts a set of files to my GPG key and then (ideally) uploads the files to a backup directory on my school's web server. I want to run it daily as a cron job. Problem is, the web server only allows connections with scp and sftp.

Neither program allows specifying a password as a switch. I want to run it as a cron job, so I won't necessarily be present to type the password, and I'd like to just be able to specify the password in the script.

"Ah ha!" you're thinking. "He needs to generate a keypair and set up ssh to not require a password!" And I've found tutorials on the web that show me how to do just that. Problem there is that they all require me to install software and/or access files outside my home directory on the remote machine.

I have zero access to anything other than my own home directory on the remote machine. None. Nada. Zip. I can't install software, access files in /var or /etc, or find out anything about running processes. The local IT priesthood won't give me any information about what's running on the machine or how I can connect to it (and has made a point of telling me that they don't care for Linux users and I should stop asking questions).

I'd really like to to just be able to specify my password in the script. I understand that scripts are really just text files and that anyone who can get at my desktop computer can read them with a text editor and that this would reveal my password and blah blah blah, but I'm willing to trade that particular risk for the convenience of not having to be awake and monitoring the computer when the cron job is running.

Is there any way to specify the password in the script itself? I'd be happy using either sftp or scp (I've used them both successfully from the terminal to transfer files to this machine).

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Programming :: C Wrapper For Secure Password Substitution

Feb 3, 2011

I'm working on a program that will allow non-privileged users the ability to substitute passwords that are read in from a 600-root:root file.
A user might call it like this:
/bin/securepasswrapper "/path/to/check_ping -u Admin -p ?webserver1?"

The file (defined now as /tmp/securefile) will be searched for the identifier "webserver1", and it's corresponding password will be returned to securepasswrapper. Now, I know you could just call /bin/echo, and get the output, but that's in scope at this point.
File format of securefile is:
ex: webserver1:asdf123

Once the password is properly substituted in, securepasswrapper should then execute it as the UID/EUID of the calling user (not root)...that part I've not got to yet.
/* program: securepasswrapper
author: R.Briggs + Google
date: 02/02/11
purpose: C wrapper that replaces placeholders in a string with secure passwords retrieved from a file
*/ .....

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Server :: How To Store Password In Encrypted File / Retrieve It In Secure Mode?

Jul 14, 2011

there are some configuration files where linux require the password of application user, to do can i to encrypt the password in these files? Or how can i to store that password in encrypted file and retrieve it in secure mode?

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Security :: Secure CGI File In Apache - Authentication By Entering The Predefined Username And Password

Sep 24, 2010

Im using opennms network configuration backup server called 'RANCID'.It run on top of RHEL5 system and using APache. Here's the link which i'm accessing [URL] But any one can access this URL and obtain my configuration files

I want to secure this using a logon page.allow login Only for the successful authentications by entering the predefined username and password But after get authenticate book marking the above URL still can access anyone since it didnt prompt username and password again In eachtime executing the above url it should direct to authenticate page

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General :: Secure Box - Authentication Failure - Long Strong Password Can Stop To Prevent From Attacks?

Mar 17, 2010

we are using linux email server axigen past few years. we keep port open ssh and pop,smtp webmail etc. ssh use for remote trouble shooting. so through firewall it is globally accessable. we notice many attacks coming to our machine, also some people try to enter in our system but failure. as example see below a log come in messages file

Mar 17 09:19:50 sa1 sshd(pam_unix)[21231]: authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root how we can secure more. as per my understanding only good long strong password can stop to prevent from attacks.

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Losing Files When Copying Many Files Or Large Folders?

Feb 14, 2010

I've discovered that Dolphin seems to lose random files when copying many large folders.

I first noticed this a few months ago when I tried to copy my music library from one folder to another on the same HDD. It consisted of around 600 folders and 6500 files. During the copy there were no errors but after the copy I found that some of the newly copied folders were missing files. I put it down to human error or a glitch.

Yesterday I tried to copy 13 folders containing rips of some of my DVDs. Each folder basically had one film of either 700MB or 1.4GB. Again no errors showed up during the copy but I found 3 of the newly copied folders were empty.

It's not so critical with music or films but I can't afford to lose work data like this.

Has anyone experienced or seen a similar problem with Dolphin? I'm going to have to do some more extensive testing but this is not good.

The first time I noticed the problem I was running KDE4.3.4 (I think) and now the latest was with KDE4.4.0.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Files And Folders Search Doesn't Show 'old' Files?

Jul 20, 2011

I have noticed that the files and folders search in Unity, only shows up those files which have been amended (or possibly just opened) since the install.

i was wondering if there was a way i could have the search index (or something vaguely equivalent) all the files on my machine. This is especially important given that i reinstall the OS every six months on a new distribution cycle, copying all my old files across.

Without being able to see my old files the search is pretty much reduced to a recent history search.

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Programming :: Command For Find/Replace In Text Files (inc. Files In Sub-folders)?

Oct 11, 2010

I found this command that works great finding and replacing a simple string to another in files located in that folder and all sub-folders.

Code: find . -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/OldText/NewText/g'

The problem I have is that I need to replace a more complex string, like this: Old string: /mnt/stor6-wc2-dfw1/627896/982574/ New string: /mnt/stor8-wc2-dfw1/369587/302589/ There I don't know how to do it... since the / is what separates the old from the new strings, and the strings that I want to replace have / in it. Also, I would like to know how to specify under what folder replace the files, for example, I want that it search/replaces all files under /var/www/mysite/htdocs folder.

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General :: Secure Coping Of Files Through SCP But Without SSH

Sep 23, 2010

If a user want secure coping of files through scp from one system to another system then how this can be done. This user have only been granted securing coping of files through another system but without ssh.

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Ubuntu :: Make Apache Ask For Password In Certain Folders?

Apr 13, 2010

First off please don't say "go read the man page". I need instructions for newbies

I basically want certain folders to deny access to all clients exept those that supply the correct user name and password. I tried following the directions here (for the basic authentication), but its not working. Someone kind enough to help out a confused person like myself?

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General :: Copy Files And Folder Except Some Files And Folders?

Jun 8, 2010

I have many files and folders in my source folder. I want to copy some files and folders from that source folder to destination folder. What should be require to given with the "cp" command?

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SUSE :: Secure Delete Of Trash Files?

Mar 19, 2010

i have an issue due to some high security requirements. what i want to do is to remove the files in trash folder permanently from the memory so that they cannot be recovered again. am aware of the "shred" command but i dont know if it can reach to files that are already in trash.I have found a solution but it requires to fill the whole unused memory with a file that consist of some ramdom bits and than deletes it:

dd if=/dev/zero of=zero.small.file bs=1024 count=102400
shred -z zero.small.file
cat /dev/zero > zero.file


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Fedora Security :: Password Protect File Folders?

Oct 12, 2009

I was wondering how to password protect certain file folders?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make Apache Ask For Password In Certain Folders?

Apr 13, 2010

I basicly want certian folders to deny access to all clients exept those that supply the correct user name and password. I tried following the directions here (for the basic authentication), but its not working.i have

Deny from all
AuthType Basic


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Fedora :: Access Files Remotely But Remain Secure?

Mar 15, 2010

I would like to be able to access my data file that reside on my Linux machine at home from the Internet but I don't want to open any "doors" for lack of a better word that will compromise the security of my files. I am running F11 and I am using cable broadband and a Linksys router.I have been able to get ssh working with OpenSSH while I am at home but I don't really need or want to ssh remotely, I would rather setup what I think is called an ftp. I just want to be able to up and download files to my Linux machine.

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Security :: Ways To Secure Sendmail Or Secure Alternatives To Send Mail

Dec 1, 2010

I'm an Oracle DBA and started working for my current employer about 4 months ago. This past weekend an alert re: FS space brought my attention to /var/spool/clientmqueue (full of mail re: cron jobs) and the fact that sendmail is not running on our Linux servers.I'm told that the IT security team deemed sendmail too vulnerable so we don't run it.Aside from FS filling up and missing notification of issues with crontab entries, I'm concerned that we may be missing notification of potential issues. In other Unix/Linux environments I've seen emails from the print daemon when it experienced problems with specific jobs.

Are there other Linux facilities aside from cron and lpd that use email to advise the users of possible issues? Are there ways to secure sendmail or secure alternatives to sendmail? My primary need/desire is to make sure that emails regarding issues on the server get to the appropriate users. Secondary goal would be to have the ability to use mailx to send mail out. There is No need/desire to receive mail from outside.

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Ubuntu Security :: Secure Delete/Shred Files And Folder?

Jun 27, 2010

I don't use the Trash bin because it does not really delete things,speaking from a security point Instead, I gotten used to 'shred' and 'secure-delete' .But to move around files, cut-n-paste is very handy.And I was wandering if items from the Clip get stored somewhere ?i realize that they get overwritten again and again in the clipboard but do they also get stored somewhere else?

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Ubuntu One :: Android - Files Feature - Secure App Launch With PIN Entry

Sep 1, 2011

I'm a member of ubuntuone-android-hackers team on Launchpad, I work on Ubuntu One Files app. If you would like to see new features in the app, you can post your ideas here. I think the forums is a good and comfortable place to share ideas. We have already received quite a lot of requests via e-mail. Most notably, these have been already requested:

- secure app launch with PIN entry
- preserve folder structure when auto-uploading files
- real sync (i.e. reupload a file, that has been modified; sync down favorite folders; etc)

We continue to fix bugs and improve on what we already have, this is just to give you a place to share ideas on new features. We will select the best we can take on given available time and resources. I can't guarantee we'll implement them, I can guarantee however that we're doing our best and I'll be keeping track of this official thread.

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Ubuntu Security :: Secure-delete Won't Work On Larger Files / Sort It?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to clean a hard drive and I'm using secure-delete but it just stands there and takes cpu power but nothing happens, I used -r switch first and nothing, so I tried it on single files, small pictures worked as intended but a simple 50MB MPG file just stands there as well and nothing happens.

I left it running for 24 hours and nothing happened but the cpu was working at 90-100% all the time :/

Any one know what's wrong? I'm using 10.04 UNR

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Ubuntu Security :: HD Crashed, No Boot, Some Sectors Read, Access Secure Files?

Jun 17, 2011

I was running a 2-partition hard drive, Windows Vista (lamentably) on one partition, and the other running Ubuntu. I began having trouble with the Vista partition, so I attempted to move as many of the files that I really wanted to keep as possible over to the Ubuntu partition, and then reformat and reinstall the Vista partition. As a result, I could no longer boot to Ubuntu, and I consistently got errors back from everything that I tried on the Vista partition.

The only way that I can now access anything on the hard drive is to insert the Ubuntu install disk, go into trial mode, then mount the partition. At long last, here is the problem: Is there anyway to possibly make the partition bootable again so that I could burn the files to a disk? From trial mode I can get to a number of the files on the mounted partition, HOWEVER, they are secured with the username and password of my user account on that partition. Is there any way that I can access the files from the trial mode by entering my username/password?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Crypt Keeper On Natty Narwhal - Unable To Access Secure Files?

May 13, 2011

After upgrading to Natty Narwhal my Crypt Keeper app will not launch. I am now unable to access secure files. Has anyone had this issue after their upgrade to Natty Narwhal? If so, How were able to resolve this issue.

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Fedora :: Stripping Folders From Files?

Oct 22, 2010

I have 70 folders as an output form some software they are called folder1, folder2 folder70. I want to find a way to automatically copy the contents from each folder to one big folder? So all the files are in one folder without the directories? I was thinking of something using the mv command but I'm not sure how to do this. Ok I think I have answered my own question. I did this:

# cp folder*/* bigfolder

I used cp in case it went wrong, it worked so I deleted the previous dir's.

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Fedora :: Moving Files Between Folders

May 14, 2011

I feel like this is probably a dumb question but regardless, I don't know the answer and my eyes will start bleeding if I keep trying anymore. How do you move files between folders? Dolphin's layout (unless I'm not figuring it out, which is probably the case) doesn't seem to let you drag from one folder to another and there's no other pane to see another folder to drag to.I have an mp3 file in my download folder that I want to move to my music folder but I can't get it to move.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE Files And Folders On The Desktop?

Feb 19, 2010

A couple of months ago, I upgraded from OpenSUSE 11.1 w/Gnome desktop to 11.2 w/KDE desktop. While I generally like the refinements of KDE, there is one aspect I absolutely detest, and that is the apparent inability to work with files and folders directly on the desktop as one does with Gnome or Windows or Mac OS.

While file manager applications like Dolphin have their uses,I generally find them to be cumbersome compared to being able to drag and drop files and launch applications directly from the desktop. In this respect, I feel as though I have reverted to the functional equivalent of Win 3.1. Is there a way to enable access to folders and files on the desktop in KDE or do I need to revert to Gnome?

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OpenSUSE :: Hiding Files And Folders In KDE 4.x And Later?

Oct 22, 2010

After stumbling across how to do this, then losing it and only after a long search finally re-discovering this little documented feature, I've decided it's likely worth posting.

Basic Concept of Hidden Files in Unix

In Linux filesystems, anything with a leading period (files or folders) is considered to be hidden and viewable only with an "all" option using whatever utility to list the files. Unfortunately, this may not be sufficient to clear the clutter in today's world.

KDE enhanced hidden file support, Why

As a Desktop that sits on top of Linux, KDE supports the basicLinux hidden files/folders convention using the leading period in applications like File Managers (eg Dolphin).

But, what about other files? An example of another file type a User won't likely want to list is the backup file that is created with a trailing tilde (~) whenever a document is modified. This would especially be true if files are dropped into the Folderview widget on the KDE Plasma Desktop, potentially up to half of all the space would be occupied by these undesirable files.

In KDE, you can now hide any definable filetype, re-claiming space and making file/folder listing more efficient.

KDE enhanced hidden file support, How

This feature seems to be hidden in a corner and not configurable in any main file management tool like Dolphin or the KDE management utilities and so far I haven't found it in Google, the KDE website or any other place.

It's only configurable in the KDE Folder Widget properties.

First, unlock widgets on your Desktop if necessary (Is unlocked by default).

1. Either rt-click in the open space of an existing Folder View Widget or add a new Widget to your desktop by

Rt-click desktop > Add Widgets > Folder View Widget (Drag to Desktop) > rt-click on empty space in new Folder View Widget >

2. After rt-clicking on the Folder View Widget, select Folder View Settings

3. Modify Location to point to one of the three location types... The Desktop folder itself, a pre-configured (by KDE) "Place" or a custom folder of your choice. The first choice is OK if you don't already have something else in mind and you just need one Folder View.

4. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on "Filter."

5. In the top dropdown, select "Hide Files Matching"

6. In the bottom "File Types" input box (Not the middle box), type your pattern in my example the tilde (~), and you will see the backup file type already defined.

7. Make sure the backup file type is checked, and click "OK" which saves changes and closes the Folder Settings window.

8. Check your nandiwork. Drop a new file if needed into the Folder View Widget, modify the contents and save. Open your KDE File manager to the location of your Folder View Widget and list the contents. In both cases you should not see your backup files unless you select the option to view hidden files.

When you've finished modifying your Desktop's widgets, don't forget to lock the widgets to guard against accidental loss.

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General :: Add Files/folders To A Tar File?

Aug 31, 2010

Is there a way to add files/folders to a tar file?

I am using the tar command for compression.

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Ubuntu :: Find Folders That Do Not Contain Certain Files

May 20, 2010

I am trying to find out how to search for folders that do not contain certain files. My music collection of 20+GB a is organised into folders (Artist-Album). I would now like to ensure that every album folder contains the respective cover art image as a cover.jpg file. Quite a few do already, but many don't. So I would like to find all folders (not files) that fulfill the following criteria:is a subfolder of /home/user/Music;
Does not contain further subfolders (i.e. don't want to find artist folders);
Does not contain a file named cover.jpg.

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Ubuntu :: Managing Files Like PS3 With Tag Folders?

Apr 12, 2011

What I've noticed recently in file managing is that sometimes one file might fit multiple categories yet you must fit it into just one (without linking the file). It is most essential when managing an ebook library or a project library (for example have I placed a particular script under PHP_Scripts folder or CMS folder... I tend to forget).

What I'm looking for is a Tag categorization type of management for files. The PS3 file manager is a good example for this since I could make it generate folders by the artist's name, the year etc. for music files, then I would just navigate to the particular folder to find what I was looking for. Now my question is if such thing already exists as a nautilus extension or as a stand alone application... If not would you guys think it would be worth creating? If you do should it be approached as:

* A Nautilus extension? * or as a python script? For example one that creates a folder with folders in it, made up from the [nautilus] tags of the files you want to browse, then creates links of all the files [you wanted to browse] automatically to the appropriate tag folder[s] generated.

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