Red Hat :: How To Do Mirroring With Centos 5.5

Jun 3, 2010

how to set mirroring (RAID 2) withing centos 5?

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Software :: CentOS 5 - Mirroring System Using Rsync

Mar 30, 2011

I believe it was rsync was the tool. I have a box running CentOS 5. It has a 250GB HD in it. I have another drive with the exact model. Currently it has a as a said a 250GB IDE drive. I want to shutdown the machine, install this other hard drive and set up a cron job that will backup my main drive at times that I set. This way if the main drive fails, I do not loose all the data and have to rebuild the server from scratch as I have been custom configuring it for years. I can't remember if there was an issue with the main drive being mounted to back it up or not. I have looked at some of the how's on rsync but they seem to only talk about using another server for this. If I shit down the box, install the new drive, and the box boots back up, is it going to ask about that drive or what do I need to do to get rsync going and does it partition the drive as such? And can I do it this way. This way if the main drive fails, I can just swap the drive and be on my marry way.

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CentOS 5 :: Mirroring With Rsync - Error "unknown Module"

Jun 6, 2011

Using mrepo, i'm trying to pull down centos 5.6 updates from a mirror (say, or i want to use rsync to do this so i can try to exclude packages i don't need on my servers (e.g. firefox, openoffice). when i try this, i get the error "@ERROR: Unknown module '5.6'".

The following rsync command is what mrepo uses when i run "mrepo -ugvvvv":

When i run that, i get the unknown module error.

But what i don't understand about that error is, sniffing out the rsync server's modules on the commandline shows me that module (and path?) should work. like so:

Anyone know what i'm doing wrong when trying to pull this mirror down via mrepo? (or even that long rsync command)

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OpenSUSE :: Tumbleweed And 11.4 Mirroring With SMT?

Apr 1, 2011

I have several SLES 11sp1 servers and using SMT (Subscription Management Tool) to provide local mirroring and prevent all the unnecessary web traffic to update all these machines.

I found this article which is working out quite nicely to mirror the openSUSE 11.3 Updates which prevents all my openSUSE 11.3 machines from all going out getting the same update.



I am looking to try and do the same with openSUSE 11.4 and with openSUSE 11.4 using the Tumbleweed repos. Has anyone done this or can someone provide some insight on what I need to do. I am thinking I can run this command


smt-setup-custom-repos --name OpenSUSE_114_Updates --description "OpenSUSE 11.4 Updates" --exturl --productid *don't know what productid

I should use* to provide me with openSUSE 11.4 Updates. For the Tumbleweed repo would I do the same and would that work?


smt-setup-custom-repos --name OpenSUSE_Tumbleweed --description "OpenSUSE Tumbleweed" --exturl --productid *don't know what productid I should use*

Again I don't know what productid I should use or if it really even matters, could I use one that is not being used? I am trying to limit how many machines go out to the Internet to pull down updates. I would really like to have one system (SMT) pulll down any new files and all my clients get their updates from the SMT server.

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Software :: APT Repository Mirroring

Apr 13, 2010

I've got a repository (3rd party, but not a launchpad one) in my APT sources list that takes a long time to respond on apt-get update.What I was wondering was if I could keep a local mirror of just that repository, and have apt-get update refer to it instead of the normal one, then leave a cron job to check the normal one for any updates.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Software RAID And Mirroring

Sep 2, 2010

I've set up a test machine with Ubuntu 10.04. It has two drives making one RAID 1 drive using mdadm. This RAID drive is where /home is mounted. I like to break things just to see what happens and to know what to do to resolve it before it happens for real. So I physically removed one of the drives that made up the RAID 1 (while it was off).

I then rebooted the machine. I thought since it was mirrored then /home would mount correctly using the other mirror. What actually happened was on the Ubuntu splash screen it said there was a problem mounting /home. I skipped the mounting, logged in and looked in /proc/mdstat. It reported one drive that was inactive it did not report the missing drive.

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General :: Perform HDD Cloning / Mirroring?

May 10, 2011

Currently I backing up the MBR, the C and the other partitions to an external USB HDD and from there I restore them if needed. I use the SystemRescueCd and commands like dd if=/dev/sd* of=/mnt/PC_name/backupmbr.1 count=1 bs=512 and ntfsclone --save-image --output /mnt/PC_name/PC_name_c.img /dev/sd*1 etc. I want to clone the HDD the way, however, that I omit the external USB drive. I want to connect the new HDD to the PC and do the cloning directly from one disc to the other.

My questions are:

- Can you provide me with the exact command?
- Is that a difference if the disc is SATA or IDE?
- Can I copy the disc even if the old disc don't wan to boot?

The OS is Windows on the disc I want to clone.

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Server :: Mirroring A Mail That Is On Fedora 8?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a mail server on Fedora 8. I would like to have a mirror to this server so that it takes over in case my server goes down.I dont know how to go about it.

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Server :: Root Mirroring In SUSE 10.1?

Dec 27, 2010

I want to mirror root hard disk in SUSE LINUX 10.1.I have two 80G hard disks, I searched in google but I did not find any good link to describe this.


Server1:~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 16G 1.2G 14G 8% /
udev 1.3G 140K 1.3G 1% /dev


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Server :: Root Mirroring On Redhat?

Jan 20, 2010

Is root mirroring is supported in RHEL /RHAS operating systems? If so, how to find out whether the root mirroring is enabled or not?

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Slackware :: Mirroring Displays In Console?

Apr 24, 2011

I've always been under the impression that when using the console only a notebook's display is used. Apparently this is not the case as I just booted off of a SystemRescueCD and the display on the notebook was mirrored on my external HDMI connected monitor. I have a feeling this is set somewhere in the kernel, but where?

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OpenSUSE :: Mirroring Of Php Website For Offline Viewing

Mar 25, 2011

is there a way that I can archive an entire website (to a local drive) that makes heavy use of php so that I could view at a later time OFFLINE?

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Software :: Log File Size When Mirroring With LVM2

Feb 11, 2010

I'm going to be using LVM2 to mirror 2 250GB drives for redundancy and fault-tolerance. As per the best docs I have found on mirroring [URL], I am going to keep the log file on a separate physical volume, however I can't seem to find anywhere a good reference for how much size I need to save for the log file. Everything says "small," but "small" doesn't really help in the real world :-).

I have plenty of space on the 3rd pv but want to leave as much of it as possible for other stuff. Should I leave 32MB ? 500MB ? 1GB?

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Software :: Mirroring System Folders Between Two Computers

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to mirror an apt-cacher-ng cache between two computers. I have apt-cacher-ng installed on my laptop, and I have another machine running apt-cacher-ng. In order to keep them both up to date with each other and to make sure all the computers have all the updates, I've been trying to find effective ways to keep them matched.

- Unison looks like what I want, it would delete files that are deleted, and it would add files that are added. (the assumption is if they're deleted from one, they'd be deleted from others).
- Rsync seemed quite a bit easier, especially with the advanced permissions issues. Apt-cacher-ng uses a user called apt-cacher-ng.

Instead of giving root an ssh password, I wanted to just ssh as apt-cacher-ng. Then I can still get the files over the network, but without the root account being open.
So I ran:
passwd apt-cacher-ng
and when I sshed, it looked like it was working until it logged me out (almost immediately). So that's not working. What am I missing? Maybe there's a better tool then rsync for this?

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Software :: - New Storage - Synchronization / Mirroring Tool

Apr 18, 2011

We have a Linux system serving as a storage. As it is running out of free space be bought a new server which should replace the old one. We would like the outage during the migration to be as short as possible. The plan is as follows (actually very similar to XEN live migration):

1. Copy the data to the new storage
2. Stop access to the old storage
3. Synchronization of data
4. Set the new storage as the primary one.

I was thinking of rsync, but the first phase (building file list) takes extremely long, because there are millions of files. Is there any other tool which whould be more suitable for it?

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Fedora Installation :: Disks Mirroring Setup For Failover

Nov 10, 2009

Have been tasked with a couple of Sunfire X2100 that I am slapping Fedora 11 onto for some high profile tasks around the office. Have two drives of the same size in each server and would like to have the two disks mirrored for redundancy. Admittedly I am new at Linux administration and am feeling over my head.

1. Can this be managed during the installation process of Fedora 11?
2. If yes, let me know the step by step please.
3. If no, I take it a cron job of rsync is going to be my best option.
4. Alternatives insights etc.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Manually Installing LVM Mirroring At Boot On 11.3?

Aug 23, 2010

in the direction of a HOWTO (cant find one via Search or Google)hat tells me how to install dm_mirror to enable a boot of an 11.3 system that uses LVM for root and swap? I really would likecommands rather than using the GUI as it will help me understand what is going on in the background

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Mirroring Hard Disk Using RAID

Jan 5, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10. I have a system set up with 1tb HD. I also have another 1tb HD which I'd like to use to mirror the other drive. So if the primary HD fails I can boot and operate from the mirrored drive. I've read that this is possible by using Raid. however I am confused if it is possible to set-up with a HD which is already set-up Ubuntu system. Also what what I can make out the mother board does not have a raid option.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 GPT Bios Boot Partition Mirroring?

May 2, 2011

I'm doing a fresh install of xubuntu 11.04 x86 32bit via the Alternative CD. My computer has two 2TB drives and I want to mirror the partitions for redundancy For the Linux partitions (ie root and swap) I'll be creating raid partitions on each drive and using software RAID 1 to create md partitions of type ext4 and swap.

For the GPT's bios boot partition, am I also meant to use software raid ? Ie create a raid partition on each drive and use software RAID 1 to create a md partition of type bios boot ? Or am I meant to not use raid partitions and just create a bios boot partition directly on each drive ? In this case, will xubuntu's install process and grub tools ensure that both partitions contain the relevant grub files or do I have to explicetly do somthing to ensure that ?

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General :: Creating A Raid Device Which Has Both Stripping And Mirroring?

Mar 19, 2011

I just tried creating a raid Device which has both stripping and mirroring i have done as below Quote:

mdadm -C /dev/md00 -l1 -n2 /dev/sda7 /dev/sda8
mdadm -C /dev/md01 -l1 -n2 /dev/sda9 /dev/sda10
mdadm -C /dev/md02 -l0 -n2 /dev/md00 /dev/md01
pvcreate /dev/md02
vgcreate volgroup02 /dev/md02
lvcreate -n orac -L 9G volgroup02


Everything is fine until here but after reboot the device wont mount on /orac it says special device not available i found that that md02 device is not in active state
i tried deleting it and recreating it but no use still it wont persist a reboot

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Hardware :: RAID 1 Mirroring Setup For Home Environment

Jul 21, 2010

I planned to setup raid 1 mirroring for my small home environment. Then I selected two new harddisk and connected to my system. I inserted my fedora dvd and I clicked raid button in the graphical installation process by refering redhat docs. I installed successfully in /dev/sda /dev/sdb it works fine. For testing purpose I removed one harddisk /dev/sda. My system didnt boot it shows grub error. Why this happened? Since I have configured raid mirroring why the system is not booting from second harddisk /dev/sdb.

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Server :: Network Disk Mirroring Of >16TB XFS Volumes?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm setting up two media servers - one will be primary and the second will be the failover box if the first one dies. My original plan was to use Heartbeat and DRBD to replicate the first to the second, but it turns out DRBD has a limitation of 16TB per volume, and my RAID 6 is 30TB in size. I'm trying to figure out some options.

One is to split the partition into two, so it's under the 16TB limit of DRBD, share both partitions, and then use LVM to join them as a single volume at the OS level. I'm not sure what kind of performance hit that will make on read/write access since now it will need to go through LVM *and* DRBD.

Two is to use something like GlusterFS or XtreemFS. However, I am wary of both of those as the first is a FUSE-based system and isn't really tuned for performance, and XtreemFS is still kind of beta-ish.

Three is good old rsync, but that is a bit too asynchronous in my opinion. I'd like to be able to fail over virtually instantly and not lose any content.This is a production system and performance of the disk systems are paramount, followed by reliability.

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Server :: Simple Mirroring Networked File System?

Apr 8, 2010

I have two web servers. One is active and one is in reserve. I keep the user data (web pages) in sync by running rsync every 10 minutes or so. This copies any changes from the active machine to the reserve machine. But, it's slow, only gets changes every 10 minutes, bogs down the disk, does strange things to files that are changing during the rsync process etc...

I want something that will automatically copy any changes from the active server to the reserve server as they are made. IE I hit 'save' on the active server, it copies the file to the reserve server. Simple!

I've been looking around and I see GFS which is really vastly more complicated than I need. I'm happy with read-only access on the reserve host, so I don't need distributed lock management.

I could theoretically implement this by setting inotify watchers on every file and running an SCP or rsync command when a file gets saved. So, it can't be that hard.

I do not need a true networked file system, as in something I mount over the network. I just want something to keep my disks in sync.

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Server :: Unioning And Mirroring File System Over The Internet?

Apr 6, 2010

Blue sky thinking at the moment:I have a number of file servers, each at different sites. I would like to be able to make these appear as one, so that files on any server can be accessed from any site, and the user doesn't even see there are multiple servers.Obviously, the internet is slow, especially the upload speeds. So when a file is written the write ought to go to the server on the client's LAN - even if it was previously on another of the servers.However, for robustness, some sort of background mirroring is also wanted. If all the servers were left on and connected, they eventually end up all in sync. But this mirroring needs to be mindful of bandwidth usage; if someone writes a big file to their local server, copying that to the other servers can't interfere with normal internet usage.I think UnionFS or similar might be able to handle the unioning side, but not the mirroring stuff.

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General :: Bash - Mirroring Of Multiple Directories - Hard Linking

Apr 11, 2011

I have 5 FTP users that upload files (and subdirectories) in their home directory, i need to mirror theese directories beetween them and with a "master" directory (accessible from a 6th user). Files can contain spaces or others special caracters. All the files are in the same filesystem, and i want to use hard link because i don't want to waste 5 time the space of a single file. I tried with find but i cannot handle spaces in it.

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General :: Create A RAID1 (mirroring Only) Array With 3 Live Drives?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm not entirely a newbie, but this seems like such a simple question I'm not sure where else to ask it. I checked through the various HOWTOs and searched already and didn't find a clear answer, and I want to know for sure before we start investing in hardware. Is is possible to create a RAID1 (mirroring only) array with 3 live drives, rather than with 2 live plus a spare? Our goal is to have 3 drives in a hot-swap bay, and be able to pull and replace one drive periodically as a full backup. If I do:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Disc Mirroring Between Local And Remote File System

Nov 5, 2010

Is there any software that will do full mirroring between a local and a remote file system. I have a server (9.04) and a laptop (9.10). Each user has shared a shared directory on the server, and on the laptop. Updates to files may be done on either system. I want to keep both copies syncronised. Currently I use a script based on rsync (scheduled by cron) to keep the local and remote copies in sync.

The problem with this approach is that rsync only seems to be able to handle deletion of files if one file system is the master, which is not the case in my set-up. If I move a file to a different directory, rsync will reinstate the old file as well as copying the new one. I was hoping there was some software that could do proper mirroring between the 2 systems, but6 so far I cannot find anything.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mirroring Repositories With Rsync: Module Opensuse-full Is Broken?

Dec 1, 2010

The rsync module "opensuse-full" which worked well so far seems currently broken. It tries to mirror a huge number of additional stuff (factory?) but fails with "permission denied". Any place where I could report this?Command:

rsync -rlpt -hi -stats /drive/repo


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Software :: Folder Name Comparison Utility - Folder Names No Longer Mirroring Each Other

Feb 4, 2010

Does anyone know a good program to use for comparing folder names from 2 different directories? The reason being that at work we have a shared area with 2 folders one named REC (records) the other named WIP (work in progress) within these 2 folders there are 100s of subfolders. The folder names in wip and rec both need to mirror each other but the files are different within the folders. The problem we're having at the moment is people are creating new folders with out letting me know which means the folder names are no longer mirroring each other. I need to know if there is a utilty available to compare just folder names so that we can get a list of folders which have been created without our knowledge and we can ask the originators to remove them.

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Software :: The Partition /dev/sda5 Was Formatted "ext2" Before Mirroring?

Jun 29, 2011

I've set up a RAID-1 array /dev/md0 consisting of two partitions /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5.The partition /dev/sda5 was formatted "ext2" before mirroring, but now when I "mount -v /dev/md0 /mnt", it says "/dev/md0 on /mnt type ext3 (rw)".Why is the type changed from "ext2" to "ext3" ?

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