Programming :: Write A Shell Script For Submitting Multiple Jobs Sequentially

May 27, 2010

I want to write a shell script for submitting multiple jobs sequentially. For example,


# when is done, run the next one


how to make the shell script know that is done and now I can run

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Programming :: Get Background Jobs To Execute Sequentially?

May 4, 2009

I'm looking for a general pointer, or label for what I am trying to do. Not a specific line of code. I've written a couple of small sh script that gets some user input, then calls several programs to run in the background with the &. My problem is, they all run at the same time. Is there some way to get these jobs to run sequentially rather than consecutively? If yes, what is this process called? I'm thinking there should be a way to line up background jobs in a job queue, similar to how a print queue works, one job at a time. After searching for a couple of hours, I'm thinking there must be a name for this, but I don't know what it is.

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Programming :: Shell Script To Copy Database Archivelogs Sequentially From One Directory To Another?

Jun 2, 2009

want to write a shell script to copy database archivelog files sequential from one directory to another directory within a server. I am hereby enclosing the sample archivelog file name. Archive log filename : log_0000118432_1.arc (Here number 0000118432 will be sequentially incremented by 1 for next filename). Here the catch is all Archivelogs must be copied to destination directory. Previously copied files should not be copied.

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Programming :: Submitting Using Curl - Include Html Tags?

Jun 24, 2011

I am writing a script that is used to submit a package to testflight from my build system. In order to make the presentation as clear as possible I would like to include some basic HTML in the note section, however, using a < or > causes an error in curl. I have tried different variations of quoting and escaping but have not yet been able to find the solution.

VERSION_HEADER='<strong>Version: </strong>'


If I use VERSION_HEADER="'<strong>Version: </strong>'" then the single quotes are submitted.

If I use < or > then those are submitted but the receiving api does not decode them correctly.

Can anyone suggest a way to submit exactly: <strong>Version: </strong>

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Programming :: How To Write A Toy Shell

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to write a toy linux shell. For starters this is what I'm trying to do:

1. Start a new process with fork.

2. Execute a program in the new process with execl().

3. Redirect the output from the new process from STDOUT to another file descriptor, using dup2(2).

4. In the parent process, read the output from the child process and write it to the screen.

Creating a new process and executing a program in it is no problems, the problem is that I can't seem to capture the output from it in the parent process.


//C++arl 2011-03-24
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


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Programming :: Get Several Scripts To Run Sequentially?

Apr 14, 2011

I have 6 scripts that do after-hours tasks: mostly backup related. Is there a way for me to create a "" script that will invoke each of the others, and let them finish before starting the next? That would give me a single place to turn on, shut off or move the order of my scripts.

When I tried this, ran the first script in line and then exited. I don't know how to get back to to start the next process. Yes, I have searched around and tried several things, but this is proving harder (for me) than I thought.

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Programming :: How To Write Own Shell In Unix

Sep 16, 2010

I wish to create my own shell for my operating systems project in college...

My professor has asked me to make sure that my shell can execute at least 30 or 40 commands... I have around a month's time

I have seen endless source codes in the net, I'm not able to understand any of it

How do i get about doing it?

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Programming :: Rename Several Files Sequentially?

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to rename some files that do not have a pattern in their names to a sequential names. original file names are in the form of REC92837498, REC9837449 and so on. I want to rename them to REC_1, REC_2...etc.

I used the following script:

for i in $(ls -rt REC*)
/path/${i} /path/REC_${j}


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Programming :: Write A Function In A Shell Script?

Sep 22, 2010

I need a help regarding writing a function in a shell, what exactly a function does!!

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Programming :: Write A .sh Script That Allows To Run Multiple Other

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to write a .sh script that allows me to run multiple other .sh scripts at once.

My problem occurs within a Variable:

I have set

S1 to S7 to be the name of the .sh

C="$S$A" <- and this is where my problem is

I want C to be the content of S7 till S1 but if I run this line it will of course look for the content of S and link it with the content of A.

How can I correct this?




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Programming :: Write Shell Script To Ssh Into A Remote Computer And Run That?

Jun 26, 2010

How do i write a shell script to ssh into a remote server with password and run a script in it?

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Programming :: Write Shell Script For Copy Files?

Mar 25, 2010

write shell script for copy files to usbdąsk that cosist of very long argument like "2009025_efkl".

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Programming :: Write A Shell Script To Set Security Policies?

Apr 13, 2011

I don't know how to write a shell script to set security policies for Linux to start. and how. I know that there are many security policies for Linux but do not know which one best suited to write a shell script.

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Programming :: Write Shell Script So That It Can Run As Service / Daemon

Mar 8, 2010

Am not sure of the best way to go about writing a script. All I need at the moment is to start a java http server program at startup.How should I write so as to be able to stop the script execution?

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Programming :: How To Write Programs In Multiple Languages?

Aug 18, 2009

Well I have been interested in programming for a while, and just found out about Linux and Unix. I started out with Java, but now I know I bunch: Flash, C++, C and others. I was working on a mac so I made a few flash games then started to work on iPhone games. I was board one day and I found out about Unix and I thought that would be something else to try.So in an attempt to learn about Unix I have been reading different articles about it, and have heard of using different languages in one program. The article I was reading didn't give any examples, and it assumed the reader has programmed Unix before.

So how do you write programs in multiple languages, which languages would you use, and why would you want to do that?

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Programming :: Write A Shell Script Which Edits A Config File ?

Mar 1, 2011

Write some simple script?

Heres what Im trying to do:

-Qjackctl has a config file which is modified each time QjackCtl is shut down. This means that whatever preset is in use when QjackCtl closes is written into the QjackCtl config file as the DEFAULT PRESET, for the next time QjackCtl starts (or at least this is how I understand it).

-I want to edit a specific line in the QjackCtl.config file, which specifies the DEFAULT PRESET. Obviously its easy to do manually, but I want to do it using a shell script which runs automatically on StartUp so that QjackCtl starts every time with the same DEFAULT PRESET, NOT the last one used.

-Unfortunately Im not at my Linux system right now (which is KXStudio/Kubuntu), but I believe the QjackCtl.config line looks something like this: DEF_PRESET=alsa (where alsa is the name of the preset)


I want a shell script which changes the line DEF_PRESET=alsa to DEF_PRESET=alsa, even when it may currently exist as DEF_PRESET=firewire due to occasions when firewire was the active preset when Qjackctl was last closed. I notice that the application in KDE that enables the user to set which applications open automatically on StartUp also allows the user to select shell scripts.

Ive done some research, as a beginner, and Im led to believe I might need to use AWK and/or CHMOD. I could have a go at writing a shell script but Im always wary about experimenting with StartUp scripts/operations because obviously if I get it wrong and make my system unusable, then because its going to run first thing on each boot, Id have great difficulty disabling it.

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Programming :: Write A Replacement For Shell Command Line Interpreter?

Sep 2, 2010

If say, I want to read the input given by user at the command prompt and write a code to execute the cmd given then which commands do i use to implement this ( Im writing the code in C )?

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Programming :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Check A File Name In A Dir And Copy It?

Apr 2, 2010

I am a novice to the shell script. In my system from db server the log files are enerating with the name log1.txt,log2.txt..... It is capable of keeping 10 files at a time in dir called /db/sis/log1.txt. I want to copy the log1.txt to another directory when ever it generating by attaching the time stamp to it for the back-up purpose. this files will be there for a period of 24 hours. after that the back-up dir should be cleared and it start copying again the fresh file from the same dir.

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Programming :: Find / Write A Shell Script That Will Go Through A File Organized?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to find / write a shell script that will go through a file organized like this (but with thousands of lines)...


...and check the region of each line between the second and third pipes (the 6-digit numbers) against the values in the first column of a separate text file in CSV format like this...

274326,"Wnt family of developmental regulators"
114745,"FOG: Hormone receptors"
100379,"Transcription factor tinman/NKX2-3, contains HOX domain"

...and when they match, replace the value to the right of the third pipe (e.g., with the value in the second column in the CSV file associated with that number.

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Programming :: Shell Script For Multiple OS?

Jun 28, 2009

i need a script that will give as much system info such as CPU usage, partition info, mem usage, etc.. from multiple OS's, FreeBSD, AIX, HP-UX. I only know SCO unix and dont know the commands on the other OS's.

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Ubuntu :: Cron Jobs Across Multiple Machines And PHP?

Jan 6, 2011

run a cron job to download my email logs to my laptop. But the question is HOW? Im not sure how to write the php script for the cron job. the file is on "computer A" and the file is setup to chmod I just need to know how to write the php to "access" the other computer and then download the file to a certain file on my laptop.

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Software :: Bash Jobs Over Multiple Instances?

May 20, 2010

I know that bash can suspend and resume processes, but I am interested in forking and resuming them from different bash instances. So, for example, forking a gui app started from the console so that it will not crash when the terminal is closed. I currently know about screen, which can work, but I was wondering if there was a way similar to Ctrl+Z, bg and fg.

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Slackware :: Multiple Jobs On A Multicore Processor?

May 3, 2011

I've got an intel i7 920 CPU. It has 4 cores, but thanks to hyper threading technology each core could run 2 threads so in /proc/cpuinfo it shows "8 processors".

1. what would be the optimal -j flag when compiling programs on my CPU. I've come across -j7. Why 7?

2. Where and what would I put this flag to make it permanent (eg. .bashrc?)?

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Software :: Write A Cron Jobs In System To Monitor Project Diskspace Usage?

Jul 28, 2011

How to write a cron jobs in linux to monitor my project diskspace usage?
check diskspce= du -h .

any clue for me as a beginner?

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General :: Command Running Multiple Jobs On Servers

Jul 26, 2010

How to submit multiple jobs onto a Linux server. The only way I know to submit and run a job on a server is using qsub, and verifying the status of the job using qstat. I usually run my scripts using qsub -cwd so that I can run it on my own directory (instead of having the results sent to a scratch folder).

1. However, assuming qsub/msub are not available, is there another way to do it? What commands can I use instead?
2. I know that some jobs can run in the background, is that an alternative? How do I do it? And would I still be able to check the status of the job or delete it?

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Server :: Running Multiple Cron Jobs At Same Time

Jul 1, 2010

I want to create 2 cron jobs daily

1st cron: Every day by 13(1pm) I want to stop the httpd service
2nd cron: Every day by 13:30(1.30pm) I want to start the httpd service

I tried but only 1 cron job can able to run at a time.

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General :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Simultaneously Collect OS User Information And Write In An Individual Text Files?

Feb 17, 2010

I want to write a shell script which will simultaneously collect OS user information and write in an individual text files.Can anyone tell me the syntax of the script.N.B. The user name will be mentioned in an array within the shell script.

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Programming :: Write Shell Script That Adds An Extension ".new" To All The Files In A Direct?

May 28, 2010

How to Write a small shell script that adds an extension ".new" to all the files in a directory.

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General :: Write A Shell Script Instead Of Shell Function?

Apr 27, 2011

I would like know when it is necessary or advisable to write a shell script instead of shell function ?

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Programming :: Run Parallel Jobs With Make -j4?

Nov 27, 2010

I use an application called redbutton-browser to access some of the things available on the redbutton digital tv channels. It compiles fine if I use a simple make but fails if I try to run parallel jobs with make -j4. I'd like some help altering the Makefile so that it does a few commands sequentially before it does the rest of the Makefile in parallel.

The relevant bit of the Makefile looks like this:

ISO13522-MHEG-5.c:xsd2c.c ISO13522-MHEG-5.xsd add_instance_vars.conf add_rtti.conf
make xsd2c
./xsd2c ISO13522-MHEG-5.xsd
./add_instance_vars ISO13522-MHEG-5.c ISO13522-MHEG-5.h
./add_rtti ISO13522-MHEG-5.c > rtti.h


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