Programming :: Integrate A MACRO Command In Open Office?

Dec 3, 2010

integrate a macro from MS Word to Open Office? It is a script I need for music. I cannot upload the file here nor give you the link, because I'm not let.

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Programming :: How To Integrate Ls Command In C++

Aug 19, 2010

I just create a simple c++ program on linux is there a way to intergrate linux command such as ls, du, df and etc on my c++ program?

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OpenSUSE :: No 'Record Macro' In Libre Office?

Aug 6, 2011

As in title, I'm using Libre Office on my OpenSuse 11.4 and there is no 'Record' option under macro. I have search the net and some suggest this solution - to check box 'Enable experimental features' in Options. I did that but still no Record Macro at all.

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General :: Running Open Office From The Command Line?

Apr 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed OpenOffice on my Linux server. But when I go to run it through the command line, it says command cannot be found. I've also tried other things like OOWriter, etc. Has anyone had this problem? Installation process went like below: root@aserver [OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_en-US.9567/RPMS]#

rpm -i *.rpm
package is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core01-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-en-US-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core02-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed


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OpenSUSE :: Delete Libre Office Writer And Install Open Office Again?

Apr 28, 2011

Is it possible to delete Libre Office Writer and install open office again as Libre seems to be full of bugs and unusable? I have 11.3.

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Ubuntu :: Open Microsoft Office File Without Installing Microft Office For Sur?

Feb 22, 2011

how to open microsoft office file in ubuntu without installing microsoft office for sure

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Ubuntu :: Libre Office: Can It Read Open Office Documents

Mar 28, 2011

I just found out about Libre Office. I am currently using Open Office on my Netbook (ubuntu 10.10), and NeoOffice on my Macbook (OS/X 10.6.7).

QUESTION: I have some backups using these formats: .sdw, and .odt. Can Libre Office read documents saved in these (StarOffice / Open Office) formats?

FWIW: I would have preferred to use OO on both machines, but unfortunately OO never fixed a problem with printing envelopes in the Macintosh version. Hence my use of NeoOffice.

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Ubuntu :: Switching From Open Office To Libre Office?

Apr 22, 2011

I have both installed, but since LO is going to be the way Ubuntu goes for office applications, can I easily have my system setup for native LO? Native being if I double clock on a .doc file it will start up LO's Write program instead of OO.Will just removing OO achieve this or is there an easier way? I looked for file associations and didn't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Get KDE Office Instead Of The Regular Open Office?

Sep 14, 2010

Sometime ago I realized my Open Office had changed, I don't remember having done anything in particular but today it isn't the regular open office but what I believe is a KDE version or idk. The theme changed and instead of regular menus I get "window" menus, in the sense that they get effects as regular windows. It's hard to explain it.


I tried uninstalling it and installing open office and also in the soft center open office is more than once, but I tried the different versions and I still get the same problem.

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Programming :: C++: Macro Not Defined In Quotes?

Dec 12, 2009

I converted my programming project over to autotools, which gives me a config.h file with all the cool definitions, like these ones:


/* Location of data files. */
#define DATADIR "/usr/local/share"
/* Define to the full name of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_NAME "lusus"

And naturally I think this is cool because then I can hardcore these into the binary. To my dismay, however, I discovered that the pre-processor does not do the text-substitution if the macro name is inside another quoted string.


// Prints out "/usr/local/share/lusus"
std::cout << DATADIR << "/" << PACKAGE_NAME << "


This seems lame, because then this doesn't work:


CL_Image leaves_corner_tl(gc, "DATADIR/PACKAGE_NAME/img/leaves_corner_tl.png");

So, am I literally going to have to strcat DATADIR/PACKAGE with the other text every time I want to prefix DATADIR/PACKAGE_NAME onto another string?

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Programming :: How To Test Whether A Macro Is Defined

Mar 20, 2011

I've been reviewing some source code recently which contains many conditional compilation statements, and I found it hard to understand the code not knowing whether some macro is defined or not. Is there any way to test whether a macro is defined?

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Calc: Macro Command To Select Entire Row / Column

Feb 4, 2010

What is the macro command (in OpenOffice Basic) to select an entire Row or Column? I tried to "Record Macro", then click on the Row/Column header, which would then select the entire row/column. But "Record Macro" failed to capture this action.

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Programming :: Append Item To A List ( C Macro )?

Apr 13, 2010

I have my own declared types and I have to operate with lists of items. I wish to write a one macro, instead of using a function for each type. It's intended to be like this: Code: #define ____append_to_list(head,

item, type)
type* ptr;
for ( ptr = head; ptr->next != NULL; ptr = ptr->next )


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Programming :: Can't Get VBA Macro To Run In Powerpoint Slide Show

Aug 18, 2010

All I'm trying to do is ShellExecute a program every time a new slide appears.

I'm using Office 2003 Powerpoint.

I did the following:

1. Tools, Options, Security Options, Macro Security, Security Level= Medium

2. Tools, Options, Macro, VBA Editor:

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
MsgBox ("OnSlideShowPageChange")
End Sub

3. File, Save

4. Back to PowerPoint: F5) Slide Show, View Show <= Did NOT see the message box

5. Exit out of Powerpoint, reopen the .ppt file, F5) again <= Still don't see the message box

why isn't "OnSlideShowPageChange" getting invoked when I run the slide show?

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Programming :: Macro To Access Kernel Objectys Structure?

Jan 29, 2011

telling the exact macro name and location, by which I can gain control over the following kernel base level structure

1. strct super_block of Virtual File System, for super block object.
2. strct inode for inode ofject of VFS.
3 file structure for file object of VFS.

in addition to these if you know location to access other kernel structure.Please let me know.My main objective is to get the access to the structure pointer of these structure by which i can have access over the individual fields o these structure.

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Debian Multimedia :: When Open An Open Office Document From An NFS Share It Always Opens As Readonly

Apr 27, 2010

When I open an open office document from an NFS share it always opens as readonly. This was a problem I had on Arch linux and the fix was to change the locking options in the soffice script but I've tried that fix here and it doesn't work. I've seen a lot of discussions but they all go back to changing the locking options in soffice, has anyone got any alternative fixes or one that definitely works with locking?

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Ubuntu :: Data Lost - Open Office Or Pdfs - Have No Information And They Won't Open

Dec 14, 2010

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I've been running Ubuntu or a variant for about a year now and suddenly every now and then one or two of my documents (open office or pdfs) have no information and they won't open.

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Ubuntu :: Sporadic With The Program - Can't Open Any Open Office Programs Without Rebooting Computer

Jan 28, 2011

I'm having sporadic issues with the program. Sometimes, power point presentations will crash the program and then I can't open any open office programs without rebooting the computer. The problem seems to be just with powerpoint files and I'm not sure what the issue could be.

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Programming :: Macro To Get Base Address Register In Configuration Space?

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to understand working of pci_resource_start function So I browsed code via cscope and searched for string pci_resource_start and got following in pci.h


#define pci_resource_start(dev, bar) ((dev)->resource[(bar)].start)

I am not able to understand how does this above macro works. How does it above macro gets appropriate base address register in configuration space?

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Programming :: Convert Macro Defined Functions From Kernel In Visual C++?

Jun 27, 2009

I am dealing with some Linux kernel code, which define most its functions with Macros.The trouble I am having is to use those code in user space in Windows.

For example, I have a function defined like this:

#define list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member)
for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeid(*pos), member),
n = list_entry(pos->, typeid(*pos), member);
&pos->member != (head);
pos = n, n = list_entry(n->, typeid(*n), member))

And in user space code, I call it in this way:

list_for_each_entry_safe( pcre_item, tmp,
&(((pcre_list_head_t *)(hr.value))->head), list)
// My code to handle each element in the list

This is working like a charm in Linux, but I got errors in Windows:

It reminds me missing ';' after 'list_for_each_entry_safe( pcre_item, tmp,
&(((pcre_list_head_t *)(hr.value))->head), list)'.

Does this kind of linux code not working in Windows at all? (Linux is in GCC C stand and VC is ANSI C) I prefer not to convert them to normal functions but keep it the way if it could be working under windows by some tricks.

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Debian Multimedia :: Open Office 4 Installation - Can't Open Display

Feb 15, 2016

I installed Open Office 4 on Debian 8 but when I run the program I get this error message.

root@localhost:/home/paul# openoffice4
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
/opt/openoffice4/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:
Set DISPLAY environment variable, use -display option
or check permissions of your X-Server
(See "man X" resp. "man xhost" for details)

Open Office works fine when I run the command "startx" in the Konsole but so far I haven't been able to configure it.

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Software :: Cant Open Xls Files In A Shared Folder Using Open Office 3.1?

Oct 12, 2010

I cant open xls files in a shared folder using open office 3.1. Its all started when i install a new open office version. when im using open office 3.0.8 i can open all the files but now i cant even open it. Its always display untitled documents.

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Applications :: Open A MS Access File In Open Office?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a MS Access database I would love to able to use in OOo. How do I do it

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Programming :: Bash: Integrate The Area Of A Sound?

Jan 21, 2011

I would like to finish some work on some audio sound treatments... based on user voice.

I have an issue with how to integrate the area of a sound.

find in the jpg how to bash program would work. someone code the program in Perl or Python or Bash ?

The idea is to put always the maximum peak to 1000 or 100, so that we have an arbitrary unit (based on the max value)

Ref: [URL]

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Programming :: GTK Library To Integrate The Cube And Other 3D Window Geometry?

Mar 12, 2010


GTK library to integrate the cube and other 3D window geometry?

The code and the binary are both there.

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Programming :: O_SYNC Parameter In Open Command?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a small board that has a static ram board attached to it. I have two different programs that each write to a byte of memory in the static ram board. I get a file descriptor to the device memory with the following code:

int phymemfd;
phymemfd=open("dev/mem, O_RDWR | O_SYNC);

This opens the physical memory for both reading and writing. Next I get a pointer to the beginning of my ram board.

volatile unsigned char *novram;
novram = (unsigned char *) mmap(0, getpagesize() * 31,
PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, phymemfd, 0x11AA0000);

I do this same code in two processes that are both running and this works fine. Now, if I take out the O_SYNC parameter, one of the programs gets into some sort of weird state.My understanding of the O_SYNC parameter is that it cause the process accessing the memory location to block, not allow another process to run, until the first process has finished writing to it.I can see that if my program doesn't block, I wouldn't really know what was in the memory location, but would I can't see how it would cause any other type of system problem.

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Programming :: Variable Substitution In Sqlite Open Db Command?

Jun 15, 2010

I have the following TCL code:

if{ [catch {sqlite3 db /path/to/db/file} result] } {
puts stderr $result
} else {
do something

What I want is to use a variable for the file name/path. When I put in a variable instead of the absolute path, I get an error: "missing close-brace: possible unbalanced brace in comment while executing"

This is weird because when I run the code with the fully qualified pathname, it works fine. I substitute out the pathname for a variable containing the pathname ($variable) and I get this error.

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Programming :: Bignum Library And 'BN_ULONG' Macro: Not Declared In Bignum.h!

Sep 17, 2010

I recently was pointed to [URL] in another thread and ran into a problem: What header file do I need to download to write the code in the documentation? Apparently no 'bignum.h' file on the Internet declares the "BN_ULONG" macro or "BN_BITS2" bit chunks.

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Fedora :: Can't Run Open Office

Sep 13, 2009

I can't get open office to run. I believe I need jre1.60 to run this. I have jdk installed since I need this for java programming. Can I also install jre1.60 and use jdk as well? I am taking a class in Java programming so I don't want to screw up my programming environment. However, I need to use OO powerpoint for class as well.

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Ubuntu :: If / Where Can One D/l Open Office 3.2 DEB

Mar 12, 2010

I have been on the open office site, and tried several different downloads for Open Office 3.2. However, once I unpack the gzipped file, I get several deb packages from within the archive. Could someone kindly point me to a link where I can d/l a single deb package so I may easily install / (upgrade to)version 3.2? FWIW, I am using Karmic with the latest updates and OO ver. 3.1.1 on my netbook.

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