Programming :: Implementing Matrix Based Keypad On X86 Processor Using GPIO's?

Feb 5, 2010

I need to control matrix 5x4 keypad, on a processor

i am doing by making one row low at a time, and keeping all other rows high,

by scaning coloums, the corresponding key value becomes low.

my problems is that it is taking much time to respond, like to make gpio

low to high and high to low...

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General :: Interface GPIO Driven Matrix Keypad?

Dec 4, 2010

I want to interface GPIO driven matrix keypad(4X4) to my linux box.
I saw a driver source file

How can I use this to achieve what I want?

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Programming :: Parallel Matrix - Matrix Multiplication Seg-faults?

Apr 13, 2011

I just can't find... why is my code seg-faulting?

PHP Code:
Code name: Assignment #7.
File name: slice.c
Program name: Matrix multiplication (parallel version).
Version: 1.


Is giving my a seg-fault right at the ending point where I do the final gather from the MASTER processor.

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Programming :: Missing Incoming Gpio Signal Pulses On Imx27

Nov 4, 2010

I am using an imx27 and have a timer set up for 100 ms and a loop to count the pulses while the timer has not expired. I get about 90 % reliable results but every once in a while i get one that is out to lunch. I am reading in a signal that is about 500khz and counting on an transition. I usually get around 85k count. But i will randomly get a 50k count.

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Programming :: C - Create 2 Vectors From 1 Matrix?

Mar 20, 2011

i did this code:

reads 1 matrix 2x2 and print!

# include <stdio.h>
int main()
int t, i, M[2][2];
int big[2];


Now i want to create 2 vectors:

1 vector: has the biggest number of every line on the matrix

2 vector: has the lowest number of every column on the matrix

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Programming :: Get Different Result Of Matrix Op On Hw Rtw Book?

Jul 31, 2011

Dear Linux/c++/g++ programmers: the run result on my system, ubuntuLinux10.04(kernel2.6.35-25), gcc4.5.2 is not what book predict

source code
#include "matrix.hpp"


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Programming :: Python: Storing A Matrix For Later Use?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm writing a command-line flash card program in Python. I've tried many existing applications, but none fit my specialized needs.

All of the words I'd like to study are manually added to a text file (study.txt). Each time the software is loaded, it checks for new words in that file and also compares them to a dictionary (a tab-separated file, dictionary.txt), and adds that to a matrix. The flash cards are thus automatically generated from study.txt and dictionary.txt.

Now, the software must manage lots of information about each word I'd like to study and add new information made while interacting with the program (such as when that word should be studied next).

That seems easy to put into a matrix. But what is the best way to put that information in a place where I can pull it back when I run the software tomorrow? Do I need to save the matrix to a CSV file, then convert the CSV file back to a matrix the next time the application is run?

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Programming :: Implementing A Garbage Collector In C++?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm interested in writing a generational garbage collector in C++. This is for a Python-like programming language project. I have used Boehm's garbage collector before, but I'm worried that it will have noticeable pause times (unacceptable for interactive programs). Since I can't really find any other C++ established GCs out there, I have been thinking of simply writing my own.

However, there are two essential ingredients I need for this:

- Some kind of write barrier mechanism that will notify my collector when something is written to a part of the heap

- A way for me to know the addresses and sizes of the stack, heap and global storage (the root sets)

how to implement write barriers (and how to get the stack, heap and global storage information) on the Linux platform? As an alternative, if you know of C++ GCs other than Boehm, I would also be interested.

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Programming :: Implementing Scrollbar Using Xlib ?

Oct 17, 2010

I am working on xlib project to develop text editor without using help from any of toolkit/widgets.I get stuck in scrollbar.I have no idea how they work and developed.It become more difficult as I am using low-level C library - xlib.

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Programming :: C - One Value In The Matrix Drops To Zero When Passed In As Pointer?

Dec 8, 2010

This is one of the strangest problems I've run into while programming. Maybe there's just something wrong with my version of gcc or something.

The main problem comes at this point in the code:

po = makePoFromScorbotXYZPR(X, Y, Z, P, R);
h = makeHB2GFromPo(po);
printf("%le", *h[1][0]); //##################################### Here it has the right value
printf("%s", "


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Programming :: Implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Mar 31, 2011

Though I have developed some web applications (automation tools) using PHP which have been primarily meant for Intranet (within the organizations I have worked for), I have paid little attention to SEO (it was not required until now). But now I want to understand how do we go about implementing SEO and where do we fit this mechanism in a system / website?

Do we need any other tools or learn some specific programming /scripting language to achieve it?Will implementing a good SEO yield identical results irrespective of what search engine (be it Google or Yahoo!) is being used by users?

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Programming :: Implementing Hamming Code In C Lang?

Sep 12, 2010

implementing hamming code in c: Calculating the Hamming Code The key to the Hamming Code is the use of extra parity bits to allow the identification of a single error. Create the code word as follows:

Mark all bit positions that are powers of two as parity bits. (positions 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.)
All other bit positions are for the data to be encoded. (positions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, etc.)


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Programming :: Implementing A Classless Qdisc (a Scheduler)?

May 13, 2011

i am running linux kernel 2.6.32-30 and my aim is to do packet aggregation in linux,so i created a qdisc simple one like sch_fifo.c and i wanted to put upon the dequeue function but when i attach my qdisct with tc qdisc add dev wlan0 root aggregate my screen just go black and in var/log/messages it says 31 m of stolen memory.graphic perfomance may suffer. can you somebody pls help me. Below is my dequeue function.

static struct sk_buff *aggregate_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch)
struct sk_buff *skb;
struct packet_buffer *packet_buffer = {0};
skb = __skb_dequeue(&sch->q);


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Debian Programming :: Implementing PyGtk For Python 3.3 In Wheezy

Sep 12, 2013

I run Wheezy Xfce 64-bit. I went through the Synaptic listings and added Python 3.3.2 and Tkinter for it, and that works fine; but for some reason PyGtk is available only for Python 2.7, not for Python 3.3, unless I'm just using the wrong way to try to find it. Is there a PyGtk available for Python 3.3 in Wheezy, and, if so, how do I install it and then import it once it's installed?

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Programming :: Data Structure For Implementing A Text Editor?

Nov 15, 2010

Options:A double linked list with fixed size character arrays. New nodes will be added when previous ones get filled. Dynamic arrays using realloc(). Linked list has the disadvantage of not having an O(1) search like an array but I think using realloc() will be more dangerous since it moves the whole block to a new location and if the new location is not big enough to hold the whole block, realloc fails !! this case will not occur with the linked list since its nodes are scattered.

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Programming :: Encryption / Implementing AIDE On Client Machines?

Aug 22, 2010

I need to implement AIDE on my client machines. The builds on these machine are different, so each workstation will have its own specific db generated through running AIDE initially. It is not good practice to just leave the db on the machine, since an "attacker" would be able to view this information. However, at the same time I do not want to pull back over 100 different aide db's to the ftp server and have an update pull each specifically every time I need to run the check. The plan is to leave the db on the client machine, but encrypt it (using public/private keys). I need to be able to encrypt the file on the client machine. I will use a cron on the client to pull an update (from my ftp server) that runs AIDE. This update needs to be able to decrypt the file, use it running AIDE, then re-encrypt the file on the client.

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Programming :: GNU Common LISP Package Implementing Forkpty()?

Mar 21, 2011

I seek a GNU Common LISP package which implements forkpty(); openpty() would also be a big plus, and login_tty() would be a luxury I could live with.

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Programming :: Implementing Sleeping Barber's With Multiple Barbers?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm working on a problem in which i have to implement the regular sleeping barber problem with multiple (say n) barbers. The code i'm using is this :


how to implement the modification? (there are many more such modifications where i'm stuck , but will ask about those later)

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Programming :: Double Pointers / Matrix GCC (fill It One Column With Zeros And The Other With Ones)

May 26, 2011

I have a 10x2 matrix, I create said matrix and fill it one column with zeros and the other with ones, now when I print the matrix I get this:

column 1:
column 2:

The first two rows of the second column are being replaced into the last two rows of the first column, now I even checked in visual studio and it works fine there. A friend tried my code and he gets it even worse:
column 1:

column 2:

As far as I've seen it must be a problem with GCC, unfortunately I need to have this up and running in GCC no matter what.


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Programming :: ASM - Making A Multimedia Library To Speedup Vector And Matrix Computation

Sep 2, 2010

I'm making a multimedia library to speedup vector and matrix computation. But I'm getting a strange error, in this code


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Programming :: Octave - Load A Text File With Floating Point Values Into A Matrix?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a .txt file with the format


I am wanting to load this into octave and perform operations on the data.


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Programming :: ARPACK++ - Error "Matrix Data Contains Inconsistencies"

Jun 26, 2011

In the following code, I am trying to define a matrix in CCS (which is equivalent to CSR for a symmetric matrix, right ?) in ARPACK++.
I have installed and patched ARPACK++. (The matrix is not sparse, but still it should not give an error)


Why is this so ? I have checked the values of ia and ja by running intel MKl on the matrix to find the CSR (again, CSR=CCS for symmetric matrix, right ?--I am asking this because ARPACK++ uses CCS, not CSR), and the values are the same. Is this some problem of 0 and 1 indexing ? Does ARPACK++ use 1 indexing?

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General :: Set The Gpio Pin Numbers For SCL And SDA?

Mar 2, 2011

On my board there is no i2c lines out. So I am trying to get i2c over GPIO by GPIO bit-banging. How to use i2c-gpio driver? Where to set the gpio pin numbers for SCL and SDA?

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Software :: AMD Processor Fedora Doesnt Support AMD Processor?

Jan 5, 2010

i have installed ubuntu in my laptop.since i have AMD processor fedora doesnt support AMD processor..the recent version fedora 12 supprots AMD processor.i am doing my final project in ns2 hence it should support tht too!!! Which is the best choice to override ubuntu grub fedora 12 or redhat linux.

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Programming :: Running External Program On Same Processor?

Mar 2, 2010

The situation is that I have an MPI-parallel fortran program. I run it and it's distributed on N processors, and each of these processes must call an external program.

This external program is also an MPI program, however I want to run it in serial, on the processor that is calling it, as if it were part of the fortran program. The fortran program waits until the external program has completed, and then continues.

The problem is that this external program seems to run on any processor, and not necessarily the (now idle) processor that called it.

how I can call the program and ensure it runs only on this processor?

Extra information that might be helpful:

If I simply run the external program from the command line (ie, type "/path/myprogram.ex <enter>"), it runs fine. If I run it within the fortran program by calling it via

CALL SYSTEM("/path/myprogram.ex")

it doesn't run at all (doesn't even start) and everything crashes. I don't know why this is.

If I call it using mpiexec:

CALL SYSTEM("mpiexec -n 1 /path/myprogram.ex")

then it does work, but I get the problem that it can go on any node.

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Programming :: Setting Processor Affinity In Application

Jan 28, 2010

there is any possibility that I can set in this application an affinity so that the processor binds it to core 2 for instance.Is this possible to do in an application that runs than under root? Or is this just possible after the application started with using the taskset tool?

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Programming :: Compile EmbeddedQT On My Debian Box For A ARM Processor - Error

Dec 18, 2009

I'm trying to cross compile embeddedQT on my Debian box for a ARM processor.

I've configured with

Everything went OK. I then made, after about 10 mins of compile I get the following error.

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Programming :: Processor Priority Level For Algorithm For Buffer Allocation

Jan 9, 2010

The algorithm for reading and writing disk blocks use the algorithm getblk to allocate buffers from the pool. In the algorithm getblk, if the kernel removes a buffer from the free list, it must raise the processor priority level to block out interrupts before checking the free list. Why ?Where can i find the C implementation of the above algorithm for buffer allocation in the linux source code ?

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Programming :: Perl Child Processes Become Zombie On A Multi-core Processor?

Apr 11, 2011

I have written a simple script which has to find required patterns from a bunch of files ( where each file is around 2 GB each,which contain the output of seq 1 10000000000000) on an 8 core machine.I am current forking 6 child processes which run simultaneously on 6 cores of the processor & have to search for the required pattern in 6 different files & inform the parent process when a pattern is found using a PIPE.

The problem is,when a child process is done reading a text file looking for a pattern,it is becoming a zombie process.It exits cleanly when i put a $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; in the script.Can any one tell me whats going on & how do i improve the communication between child and parent processes?

use strict;


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Programming :: Filtering Based On Columns?

Nov 13, 2010

Is there any way to filter the output of a command based on the values on the output columns. For example i execute du -h on directory with many files. Now I want to filter the output based on the size (i.e. M or G or K ). The filtered o/p should contain only M(megabytes) or G(gigabytes) and also all columns.

20K ./fload/temp/20000101/Pam
15K ./fload/temp/20000101/NAVEX
29K ./fload/temp/20000101/Avenge


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