I implemented a SSL client using openssl on Linux and it's working fine i am getting response from server...
But my problem is I have a separate thread for each request comes form front end and i have to do SSL communication in each thread, for this i have to create a separate SSL Context for each thread and this is taking too much time hence my transaction is getting delayed
My question is can we implement Persistent SSL connection where i will do SSL Handshake only at the time of application startup and use that connection in all the threads....
The word on all lips are "virtualization" so I decided to smell this flavor. I have a machine running CentOS 5.3 64bit and I have unlimited access to this machine, but I don't want to reach it physically. Is it possible to install and maintain a virtual medium using ssh or other remote connection? When I installed the OS I have selected the packets regarding the virtualization, but now from where can I start? Is somewhere a guide for doing this?
I have a partially completed interpreter that has first-calss functions and can store scopes in variables. That way it is possible to implement a simple class like this:
MyClass = func () { value = 0; setValue = func (x) value = x;;
But what about inheritance, and what if I want to know the type of the object?
As root, I can mount the /home directory from my desktop to my laptop which uses wireless. However, when I logout the mount disappears. That is, I mount the directory, check it is mounted, then I logout, log back in as root, the mount is now not there. How do I make the mount persistent, always there?
I want the mount to persist so that the two ordinary users on my small household network can access the same files whichever computer they use.
It appears that this may be because the wireless link disappears when I log out. Both machines are using Fedora 10. A persistent mount used to work using Febora 8, but maybe some settings I am not aware of have changed.
I am doing real time programming in C++, under Linux. I have two processes, let me say A and B. A process is being started periodically, every 5ms. B process is being started every 10ms. The process A is doing data processing. The process B is reading that data and displays it. I am confused about how to run periodically processes. The problem is that the period of process A should be as much as it is possible accurate (5ms). For the process B it isn't so important. I have created independent processes, each in one .cpp file, and I am starting them from bash file. Is that OK? I don't have to make child processes in order to have parallel processes?
So basically, there is a really cool writing system I have been working on. It could be viewed (for simplification purposes) like an encryption method for the Latin script.
Facts about the writing system: It has a little over 300 symbols. It is syllable-driven. It is highly compositional (eg. "c", "ca", "cae", "ca " and "ci." all map to different symbols - and NOT by overlaying elements) Symbols have medium graphical complexity (comparable to Korean Hangul, or Japanese Hiragana) Has a rather complex set of diacritics (~10, some of which can go on any symbol) Has no ligatures
How transliteration occurs: Sequences of Latin symbols map to certain symbols. Example below:[G][rou][p ][hu][g.]Characters sequences between "[" and "]" map to a single symbol (so it would take only 5 symbols to write "Group hug.").
How I want it to work: I would like to have a daemon that: Intercepts all text displayed on the screen. Converts it to my writing system (changes letter sequences with individual Unicode codes) Leaves unsupported symbols unchanged. Displays all the text on the screen using my font and characters intertwined with the fonts and characters left unchanged.
For example, if you take the following line of C++ code:for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) I would like it displayed like this:[fo][r ]([i ]= [1]; [i ]<= [n]; [i]++) Bold-symbols should be in my Unicode font with special symbols defined for this writing system, and the rest should be in its original font and encoding. Also, I would like this encoding to hold for display-purposes only. The data in the memory should remain unaffected. This also means real-time adjustments: if I open a text editor (say, from the OpenOffice Suite) and I start typing, I would like to see what I type encoded with my writing system, even though the document actually contains Latin letters. This also means that the symbol immediately before the cursor may change as you type.
I developed a protocol "it's a modification of OLSR" for wireless networks, it was with JAVA and I try to simulate it on NS2, I used AgentJ, so in the TCL I did any thing like usual;
set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# channel type set val(prop)Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagation model set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# network interface type
and I didn't specified the protocol because I attached my nodes to the JAVA class responsible for the protocol, but when I run it generates errors, it claims the protocol to use, so I don't know how proceeding.
I have an interpteter that supports string literals, and the way it works is that the lexer returns the entire string as a single token, with the quotes removed and escape sequences replaced with the literal characters they represent.
I already implemented single-quote strings, they don't interpret any characters specially except for the single quote. I partially implemented double-quoted strings, they already support all the same backslash escape sequences that C does. But I would also want to add variable substitution.
The way it would work is that "${expression}" would interpret the expression (which could just be a variable name) and replace itself with the result. But I have no idea how to do this.
In case it matters, I'm using a hand-written lexer and recursive-descent parser.
I need to implement SAML 1.1 SSO process in Php(Preferred), Java, or C# I am having a very difficult time finding information related to this task. If I could use SAML 2.0 I would be home free with "Simple Saml Php" but I am not that lucky. Would the process be as simple as building the SAML in XML then submitting it with a SoapClient? According to the Docs I've read that would appear to work.
how to implement inheritance an polymorphism in plain C. Most of them do this through function pointers.However I'd like to support multiple inheritance.
I'd like to implement a dynamic menu which will allow me to specify an IP address and read it into memory. This is what I've got so far (it's fairly basic...)
Code: IPS=`ifconfig -a | grep 'inet addr:' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "addr:"` PS3='Select an option and press Enter: ' select i in $IPS do case $i in $i) echo $IPS;; esac done echo $IPS
At the moment it just says "Which IP would you like to use" and then freezes, most success I've had is it showing all the IP's listed in ifconfig and then showing the same menu.
I'm implementing a TCP protocol. TCP implementation requires to send packets continuously and if the receiver doesnt respond after a particular interval of time it should resend the packet again. I need some method to implement a timer expiry function. How can I implement it? Should i implement threads (If yes can you please give a sample)? or is there any better method? I'm implementing it in a Unix system.
I wish to implement some part of my codes to use the GPU of my graphic card but I have no idea whether GNU as already implemented it (as for OpenMP). I mean, there are PGI Fortran compiler which embedded CUDA but I figure it's not free. I also wonder if that works only with ATI graphic cards or if for instance I can use my Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller.
you have to read from many devices separate devices and make it look like a single one. It sounds very much like a device driver to me, perhaps... but getting my hands dirty with kernel code sounds like a daunting task for me that I've never done it...
I'm writing a user ranking module for a site. This ranking depends on some criterias and it's possible to set or unset any one of these criterias in order to consider them in calculating the user rank or not. And here's the way I've implemented the ranking calculation :
when I set one or more of the criterias to be considered in ranking , for each user in the system I insert one record for each criteria , for example : if I have 2 criterias and both are set and consider that I have two users , I'll have :
It means I just set the to_be_added field to 1 for all of them and leave the calculation of score for each criteria for each user to the time the user logins so that to prevent doing all these calculations at once , because there are a huge number of users ... But there is one problem , if I want to show for example the best user (based on the highest score) , the result can't always be true because some users might not logged in at that time and their score might be zero .
I just created a website in PHP and tested on my own webserver. All of my session variables worked great. Today I uploaded it to my commercial server host and it does not remember the session vars from one page to the next. Here is the session section of phpinfo().
Code: session Session Support enabled Registered save handlers files user sqlite Registered serializer handlers php php_binary wddx DirectiveLocal ValueMaster Value session.auto_startOffOff session.bug_compat_42OnOn session.bug_compat_warnOnOn session.cache_expire180180 session.cache_limiternocachenocache session.cookie_domainno valueno value session.cookie_httponlyOffOff session.cookie_lifetime00 session.cookie_path// session.cookie_secureOffOff session.entropy_fileno valueno value session.entropy_length00 session.gc_divisor100100 session.gc_maxlifetime14401440 session.gc_probability11 session.hash_bits_per_character44 session.hash_function00 session.namePHPSESSIDPHPSESSID session.referer_checkno valueno value session.save_handlerfilesfiles session.save_path/tmp/tmp session.serialize_handlerphpphp session.use_cookiesOnOn session.use_only_cookiesOffOff session.use_trans_sid00
You can see that session.save_path is set to /tmp, which is the default on the shared server. /tmp does exist in my document root directory.
The first is about implementing function calls. The way I currently have it is that functions are called with a C++ std::vector of nodes as the parameters. How would I turn a comma-seperated list of expressions into a C++ vector in the grammar?Second, how do you implement left-associative operators in a parser that does not allow left recursion?
And third, what would be the best internal representation of integers? A C++ int seems simplest, but limited. Using GMP seems more versatile, but I'm afraid it might seriously slow down the interpreter compared to C++ ints.
I have a server listening on incoming client connections. Once the client establishes SSL connection with the server, the server waits on read() from the client. Only Client can disconnect the connection. I want to have a timer in the server program to wait for x secs after read() and then disconnect the Client connection.
I have followed following steps to implement, ftp upload by test1 user.
Code: 1. Add group ftp-users # /usr/sbin/groupadd ftp-users
2. User test1 has been added to the group of ftp-users with /home/ftp-docs as home directory # /usr/sbin/usermod -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs test1
3. Ownership and permission of /home/ftp-docs has been changed to provide read/write access to user test1 and group ftp-users # chown test1.ftp-users /home/ftp-docs # chmod 770 /home/ftp-docs
But My intention is for the user who login with test1 user privileges, he should not be able to browse any other directories say /, /var /etc etc. Also he should not be able to change to any other directory. How can I accomplish this ?