Programming :: How To Use Html Version Of Patches

Dec 4, 2010

I am currently following the instructions from the Linux From Scratch book and have made it to the downloading of the patches.There are links to all of the needed patches but when you click them, instead of downloading a file like I expected, it takes you to an html page displaying (I'm guessing) some sort of programming or scripting language. Link to the page with the all the patch download links. From there instead of downloading the file it displays its contents.

- www
- (period)linuxfromscratch
- (period)org
- /lfs/view/stable/chapter03/patches
- (period)html

(had to break it up because the forum won't allow me to post links yet ) My question is: What do I need to do with this text? Do I copy and paste it into a text file? Are there certain extensions that I need to append to the text files?

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Fedora :: 12 Beta Version - Updates Or Patches?

Nov 22, 2009

I installed fedora 12 beta and I wonder if there are updates or patches to this beta version?

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Only Install Patches And Updates For Version 5.2 And Not To Upgrade To 5.3?

May 29, 2009

IIm running several Webservers on CentOS 5.2. Due to the Hosting-Platform I use, it is recommended that there will not be CentOS 5.3-Updates installed. So I searched the net a lot now but didn't find a propper solution. Is there a way to tell yum only install patches and updates for version 5.2 and not to upgrade to 5.3?

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Programming :: Client Side To Include HTML Within HTML?

Sep 12, 2009

what is the best way (i.e standard way that is supported on all browsers and probably as well followed by web crawlers).... to include an html file either locally or externally in another ? Of course , i've done the research and i also know that there are server side includes (php , asp name it) at the moment , i'm using this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="path to file/include-file.js"> </script>

however, i've been warned that this method may not show up in some browsers as some tend to ignore this tag and that crawlers like your favorite search engine wouldn't bother reading this. so , what is the best and safest way to do the job? and btw , the reason why i've ousted SSI's from the start is because of among other things:

1) the fact that the included file is static html and because the text is included pretty much everywhere

2) hoping to reduce load time as the code (if successfully recognized) would hopefully be treated like any other embedded external file (e.x like an image) , therefore it would be cached without the need to downloaded it over and over again for each new page on the site.

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Programming :: MinGW - Performance Is Degarding - Version To Win32 Version

Jul 10, 2009

I've made a linux app that I'm porting to win32 winth MinGW and MSYS. It's a ticker app that reads then renders a text file to a pixmap (a tall single-line image), then it kind of scrolls the pixmap by drawing a part of it to a drawing_area, using gdk_draw_drawable() within a timeout handler set by g_timeout_add().

The problem is it works fine on linux (the scrolling is really smooth and that's the goal) but the win version is choppy and uses at least 90% of cpu resources (vs 15% with linux) like there is a big performance problem. And I'm not even sure that double buffering is set. Is it related to some mingw config or drawing_area stuff or gtk for win?

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Programming :: Intersperse The PHP With HTML?

Sep 21, 2010

In my site, I have a "Make A Friend" link, which will lead to a page where the user has to input their username and password, to identify who they are. The link is like so: "makeafriendlogin.php?person=26", to identify the person who is going to *making* the friend. When the Submit button on the login page is clicked, the "person" argument has to be transmitted to the script that handles it (makefriend.php). This is how I'm going to lay out the "makeafriendlogin.php" script:

<form method="post" action="makefriend.php">
<input name="username" type="text>
<input name="password" type="password">


My probem is with the "<input name="author" type="hidden" value="$author">" line - unless I put it within <?php and ?> tags, the "$person" won't be parsed, but at the same time, it's HTML, not PHP.... so I can't figure out what to do. Should I put it in a "print" statement?

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Programming :: Done To Convert Html Pages To Pdf ?

Jan 1, 2011

Im new to linux Iam pursuing bachelors in computer science engineering.... my final year project is to develop a "html to pdf converter using linux"... i have some basic knowledge of commands used in unix

1) Where can i get the basic idea about the existing converters... their pros and cons...
.... programming...

2) Any kind of material or source where i can get basic idea of programming used for converting html pages that are linked into a single pdf..

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Programming :: Can't Get HTML Canvas To Work In IE?

Jan 1, 2011

Does anyone know how to get HTML5 canvas to work in Internet Explorer? I tries to do it using excanvas and jqcanvas but had trouble using them.

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Programming :: CSS - Put Several Lines Of HTML Into One Line Using CSS?

Dec 14, 2008

I've got a website set up which has a section which is just a bunch of links on the side. But this section of links is on every page of the website. And when I expand and add more links I don't want to have to go to every page and add the new link. Is there a way that I could put all the links into something on CSS (or anything else) that I could just include one line in the HTML? So that when I add a link I'll only have to edit the one file and and then every page will be updated?

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Programming :: Put All The HTML In A Print Statement?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a site which will have, for example, a login system where people have to enter their usernames and passwords, depending on which they'll be let in to the site. So, in code, I've got a line like:

if ($_POST['password'] == $password) {
then do whatever
else { print "Wrong password" ; )

My problem is, this "Wrong password" printing is just a solitary line, not keeping with the colours and style of the site, and it looks very bad. I want to ideally, output some HTML, which will have a picture, and print the "Wrong password" in the font and colours I desire. Do I have to put all the HTML in a print statement, and then deal with the nightmare of escaping all the quote marks in it with a ""? Or is there a cleaner method to the whole thing? Maybe something like this -

if ($_POST['password'] == $password) {
then do whatever


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Programming :: HTML To PHP To EXPECT Formatting?

Apr 13, 2011

I wrote an expect script that tests user authentication against a RADIUS server. The username is an email address, including an @ sign. I recently wrote an HTML/PHP front end to allow others to input username/password into a form and then see the results when they hit submit. Expect code that takes two args username, and password


expect "#"
send "test aaa group radius [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1] new-code
"expect "#"


Every works as it's supposed to, except for the output of the script. When it displays on the webpage, it's segmented weirdly with  all throughout. What I've found is when I remove the @ sign in the username input, it fixes it. Is there any part of HTML or PHP that treats the @ as a special character? 1 more thing is that I have another HTML/PHP/EXP script that works fine with the @.

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Programming :: Parameter Passing In The HTML?

Jun 11, 2010

If I have the following links in HTML


<a href=lang.php?lang=cymraeg>Cymraeg</a>
<a href=lang.php?lang=english>English</a>

and lang.php has a link to page2.html, how do I pass on the value of the lang parameter from lang.php to page2.html? The value needed is the one passed in to lang.php.

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Programming :: Php Not Running In Html Page?

May 22, 2010

I have an HTML page that I want to run some PHP code. I found several "How tos" about this but I can't get it to work. The code is very simple:


cat test.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


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Programming :: Cutting An Html File Apart - Perl - Sed - Awk?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an html file like this

HTML Code:

Some more HTML code... I would like to cut the above text so i get this: Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this. Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.

There are other HTML files with similar cuts I need to do, but once I have the method for doing one, I am sure I can do the others.

I think the two logical strings to cut between would be:

I am not sure if these strings are always the start and end of the line respectively, is this makes a lot of difference! Then the HTML tags would need to be stripped to get the text on its own.

I know the commands for removing tags, but searching for a string like class="IOSSectionTitle", and cutting everything before it etc is something I am finding challenging.

Just thought I would add that the HTML does not nec. appear on logical new lines throughout the file and there may be unexpected new lines, but as far as i know the class="IOSSectionTitle" and <img always appears as a string without any new lines between those characters.

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Programming :: Add HTML Formatting To Text File?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to extract som text from a text file. The text is a test log with system info at the top and results further down. What I need is to add different tags with formatting before and after each line. I have prepared a template with html formatting, but the number of lines in the test log may be different from case to case, so I need to be able to add formatting tags by need. Can this be done using bash script, sed, awk, head, tail... ?

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Programming :: HTML|CSS - Move Div With Placeholder So That Div In Row Above May Overlap?

Jun 15, 2011

Currently I have an issue with a html page with css layout. I use div blocks to visualize servers within a blade enclosure on a html page. Some servers are fullsize, others are halfsize. The css layout looks ok unless the second row misses some elements. I would need a div that I can use as placeholder so that neighbor divs are placed in the right column. Those placeholder divs should be overlapped by divs from row1 that are bigger in size.

Example: For example if bay 3 and 4 of row1 are occupied by a fullsize blade, 2 divs in 3 and 4 will be missing. The result is that the divs that should be displayed in bay 5 and 6 are placed in bay 3 and 4 instead of bay 5 and 6 where they would belong. Because the "empty space" divs are non overlapable, the "fullsize" divs from row1 column 3 and 4 are truncated. They should span to the second row and the "empty space" divs in row2 column 3 and 4 should move right to column 5 and 6.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ROW2[L][ ][x][x]......[L][L]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ROW2[L][ ][L][L][x][x][L][L]


As this html page is automatically generated once a day, I need to use something like a div placeholder as I cannot easily modify the position of an individual element.

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Programming :: Bash CGI Script HTML Tags ?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a fallowing simple CGI script:


Which after execution gives fallowing output:


The problem is that when I check [url] I get the fallowing error: malformed header from script. Bad header=<html><head><title>Test Page</:

However, the fallowing script works fine in browser:


The problem seems to be with HTML tags.

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Programming :: Can't Upload Images With HTML Forms?

Feb 16, 2010

Well, the title says it all. I have a form like this in my document:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="profile" method="post" action="?">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="250000">
Select image:<input type="file" name="image" />
<br />


I even printed the $_FILES array and it looks like this:

Array ( [image] => Array ( [name] => bojan.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /var/upload/phpjarPwZ [error] => 0 [size] => 10096 ) )

But the problem is that this file never gets saved to /var/upload directory (I changed php.ini file, so that uploaded files should be saved into /var/upload. I tried /var/tmp as well, but it's the same). Here are also the permissions of this dir:

drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache 48 2010-02-17 00:30 upload

BTW, I use Mandriva 2010 64 bit distribution. I spent last two days searching for solution on internet forums, asking people and made absolutely no progress. is it possible to debug what is happening with the supposedly uploaded file? I mean any logs, where I could find trace, what's going wrong? I tried to check /var/log/httpd and files in there, but no success either...

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Programming :: Eclipse Run Configuration For An HTML Page?

Aug 14, 2010

How can I create a Run Configuration for html page with no http server (e.g. Tomcat)? I want to debug javascript so I need not a server.

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Programming :: HTML Form Data In PHP Without Postback?

Feb 9, 2010

Just trying some programming with PHP. I need to write javascript code that contains some PHP code. The page extension is .php. I need to get the values from the HTML form text boxes in PHP variables without the click of submit button. I know there are these $_REQUEST, $_POST and $_GET functions that can do this. But they need a server hit for that. I need to somehow do it without hitting the server or hitting the server from javascript.

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Programming :: HTML: Make A Link That Goes Absolutely Nowhere?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to make a link that goes absolutely nowhere, since it has an onclick event that uses javascript to show/hide content. It needs to look like a standard link and the mouse needs to change to the finger cursor like a standard link.

The following all don't work:


<a href="#" onclick="show_element('jetshop')">Read more...</a>
- moves to the top of the page.
<a href="" onclick="show_element('jetshop')">Read more...</a>


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Programming :: Developing HTML To PDF Converter Project?

Dec 31, 2010

I am new to linux. I am pursuing bachelors in computer science engineering. My final year project is to develop a "html to pdf converter using linux". I have some basic knowledge of commands used in unix

1) Where can I get the basic idea about the existing converters, their pros and cons.
2) Any kind of material or source where I can get basic idea.

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Programming :: Pass _server Variable To Html?

Dec 20, 2010

This is a section on a php file running within a a Joomla module. I have the following code:

<?php echo '</div>'; ?>


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Programming :: Perl Regex Matching HTML?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to find out how to extract the string between the 2 <title> tags: <title>this is what i want</title>.I found lots of results but nothing I've tried works.. EG:$page =~ m/<title>($.)</title>/gism;

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Programming :: Why Create.html Appears In /cgi-bin Directory

Mar 18, 2010

I have index.html page with tables rows and cells. Within table I have:


<table width="100%">
<td class="form-font" width="40%" align="left">
<iframe src="create.html" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="no" scrolling="no">


but in index.html appears the following screeshot.jpg. create.html and index.html are both in /var/www directory. Why create.html appears in /cgi-bin directory?

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Programming :: Replace Html In Multiple Files (80+)

Mar 2, 2010

I want to change some HTML in my files (80+ so I prefer not to do this by hand). I got a script to replace a string in files, however the HTML I want to replace contains an enter (and tab of 4 spaces) (explanation below) Does someone know how I could update my HTML by using a function in Linux?

I also found sed but don't know how to use it with the enter (linenumbers will not work because they variate)...


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Programming :: Resizing An HTML Entrance Page?

Jan 2, 2010

I have created a website for a guy with an entrance page. I have written the entire site in PHP excluding the entrance page which is in HTML. The entrance page is literally just an image they drew up and I placed a link in. The problem is that the image is HUGE. I would like to know if there is any way (use JS, PHP, CSS, or whatever) to make this image either auto fit the screen/window or at least auto fit in a range of resolutions? Because if you have a small monitor then you wouldn't even see the actual graphic, just the border.

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Programming :: Shell Script With HTML Formatting?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a script that presents download link, but it shows download links in one line.How do I get it to show each link in its own line?

my $message_text =
join "


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Programming :: Two Elements Inside A Form In HTML?

Sep 18, 2010

For a search box on my site, I want a textbox, which will let the user input the term to be searched for, and next to it I want a drop down list that'll have, for example, "Fruit" and "Vegetables" as categories to be searched within. How do I do the HTML for this? (so that the arguments to my search.php script will be eg. "search.php?text=apples&type=fruit" ? )

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Programming :: Html <form> Doesn't Disappear After Using It?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a HTML <form> with two (input type text), and a submit button, after I enter the two values and click submit button, the x.php appear successfully but the HTML <form> still remain in the x.php page,how to hide the form from the x.php page

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