Programming :: Find The Source For 4ge?

Aug 2, 2011

How to find the source for 4ge programs ?

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Programming :: Find Source Code Of C Library Files In Ubuntu?

Feb 26, 2009

Where do i found source code of c library files in ubuntu.

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Slackware :: Cannot Find The Source Code

Jan 19, 2011

I need a mixer app called envy24control. Nobody seems to have a Slackware package for it, which would not be a big deal except that I cannot find the source code either! Does anyone know where I can find this thing?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Find Kernel Code Source

May 19, 2010

I was trying to install VPN client for my Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit. During the installation process the terminal reads:

"Directory containing linux kernel source code [/lib/modules/2.6.31-21-generic/build]"

On that I pressed enter for the default option (in bold). After a few more steps I reached the following error:

Making module
sh: Can't open ./
Failed to make module "cisco_ipsec.ko".

[/lib/modules/2.6.31-21-generic/build] is the location where the installer expects the kernel source to be (I am guessing). So unless I correct the terminal (by providing the location of the kernel source), I think I will keep on getting the same error message.

So to get the kernel source I visited: [URL]From there I copy pasted the command:

sudo apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r)
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)

Everything went fine, but even now I don't know if at all I have a kernel source and where it exists on my machine.

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Ubuntu :: Where To Find Full Source Code

Sep 13, 2010

does anyone know where to find the full Ubuntu source code all i can find is the kernel source. if any knows where to get the full source code for any major Linux distribution could they let me know.

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Software :: Way To Find Dependencies From Source Code?

Jan 15, 2011

Is there a way to find the dependencies from the source code in the directory produced by the tarball? All I do till now is ./configure, see the missing lib etc, install it, again ./configure, see missing lib, install it, and so on. Is there a way to have all the missing dependencies before configuring the program for the system, maybe with a proper configure flag? But ./configure -h

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Find Source Code For Application?

Jun 21, 2010

I am new to centOS and one of my application need linux source code as such I am failed to find suitable link for that. Any suitable link for Linux kernel version: 2.6.18-194.el5.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing RPM - Cannot Find Source Code

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to install an rpm and when I run rpm -ivvh "package" I get this output
Expected size: 29111 = lead(96)+sigs(180)+pad(4)+data(28831) D:
Actual size: 29111 D: ldipmi-8.50.0.i386.rpm: Header SHA1 digest: OK (d3665fbf1c1a418ac1bf17befe92870b95c1a446) D: added binary package [0] D: ============== /root /root: not an rpm package (or package manifest): Is a directory D: found 0 source and 1 binary packages

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Debian :: Compiling Kmess From Source - Can't Find Libgif?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to install the latest Kmess from source, but when configuring it (it's really a wrapper for cmake) I get the following error: configuring KMess

checking build directory
running cmake from /usr/src/kmess-
command: cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=relwithdebinfo


fix the problems mentioned above, and run ./configure again. For example, make sure you have the KDE 4 devel packages installed.I've done this yesterday on another computer and it worked fine once I had both libgif4 and libgif-dev installed. The problem is that I've got both of those packages installed on this computer and I still get the error.

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Fedora :: Can't Find Kernel Source

Mar 14, 2010

I can't seem to find the kernel source for This should be a simple task, what am I missing?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Cannot Find Source Media Although Does Boot ISO DVD?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm trying to install 11.3. The iso install DVD boots up ok, says 'welcome' in far more languages than I understand, I select English & US English then all useful progress stops. It suddenly can't detect my CD/DVD (although it DID when the system booted with the CD/DVD drive selected as 1st device to try to boot). I've tried pushing the button to eject and reload the DVD, no dice. Nothing seems to work, when I finally go for shutdown it suggests I might need to load a driver. My drive is a fairly new plextor px-b940sa.

Searching the plextor corp site for linux turns up zilch as does the knowledge base at it's all in knowing the right magics words i suppose. my chip is the intel 6 core. my mobo is asus p6x58d (actually im wondering if it's the culprit because it does some fancy tricks). i tried my store-bought 11.1 suse install disk, it has the same difficulty. i suppose a usb-linked external dvd drive might be the obvious solution (won't cost too much but fairly likely to have some problem).

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General :: Command To Find The Source Package Of A Binary?

May 30, 2010

I know there's a which command, that echoes the full name of a binary (e.g. which sh). However, I'm fairly sure there's a command that echoes the package that provides a particular binary. Is there such a command? If so, what is it? I'd like to be able to run this:

commandName ls and get coreutils for example.

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General :: Find The Bash Source Files Of Programs In Mac OSX?

Jan 6, 2011

I am currently writing some convenience methods for my terminal in my bash_profile and am sure if what I am writing is "the best way". I figure a good way to verify whether what I'm doing is right or not would be to find some source code of more established programs and see how they do it.My question then is, where can I find this code on my Mac? An example is, with Macports installed, where is the source code that opens the port interactive console when I type nothing but "port" in my shell?(I added Linux in the title even though I am on a Mac because I assume the answer would be the same for both)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find The Audacious Source Code?

Mar 4, 2010

I installed the audacious source code and now i can't find it I looked in "/usr/share/audacious" but no luck. im still getting used to the Linux file system so forgive my ignorance.

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Ubuntu :: NVIDIA Installer Can't Find Kernel Source

Mar 7, 2010

First my uname -a

Code: Linux quad 2.6.33 #1 SMP Sun Mar 7 18:22:02 CET 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am using Trisquel GNU/Linux 3.0. I am asking my questions here, since this involves non-free drivers. I succesfully installed the nvidia driver on the default kernel. But the default kernel has removed all support for DVB USB sticks, so I had to compile my own kernel.

I got the newest version from Saved the archieve to /usr/src/. unzipped the file in the directory (so my kernel source is now in /usr/src/linux-2.6.33/.) Made a symlink with ln -s linux-2.6.33 linux. I compiled the kernel succesfully. Did a "make install" and "make modules_install" and ran "update-grub". Restarted system. Cd'ed to my source directory and ran "make headers_install" succesfully. Looking at my timestamps, it looks like the kernel headers has been installed to /usr/src/linux-2.6.33/usr/include/linux/. I downloaded the latest x86_64 drivers from nvidias website. Went to console 1 and closed up X. If I start the installer without any parameters (sh NVIDIA*.run) I get the following error:

Code: ERROR: Unable to determine the version of the kernel sources located in '/lib/modules/2.6.33/source'. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the 'kernel-source' or 'kernel-devel' RPM installed. If you know the correct kernel source files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the '--kernel-source-path' command line option. lib/modules/2.6.33/source is a symlink which point to /usr/src/linux-2.6.33

I get the same error if using --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux/, /usr/src/linux-2.6.33/ and similar options which link to this directory through symlinks. If I use --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-2.6.33/usr/include, I get the following error:


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Ubuntu Security :: Find The Source Code Behind Mkpasswd?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to find the source code behind mkpasswd which I apt-getted from universe. I am trying to code a similar app in Java and want to see how the salt is implemented in the /etc/shadow file.

Bu I just can't seem to find any source about that particular program...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Find Software Source Option In 10.10

Oct 22, 2010

I have upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04, a a200 laptop, real old desktop (Pentium 4 with sdram), and did a complete install on a I5 with 4G of ram without any problems at all. However I could not find the "software source" option that was under Administration in 10.04 and earlier. I am in Australia and getting all of the updates from the main U.S. based server is a really slow. I used the optus server before and got much quicker updates. Is there a choose server option in 10.10 that I missed?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Software Source On System - Administration?

Jan 6, 2011

So, i need to install wine and i can't find software sources to add a code.

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Ubuntu Installation :: BIOS Can't Find Bootable Source?

Mar 2, 2011

I purchased a book about Linux called the Linux Starter Kit. It came with a full install disc. The disc is labeled: Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, Bootable & Installable LiveCD.

After playing with the thing for a while, I decided to take the plunge and install it on my Dell Inspiron laptop. I went through the entire install. Everything worked fine. I shut the computer down.

The very next time I turned on the computer I got the message "BIOS does not find a bootable source."

Right now, the laptop is a big paperweight--unless I either learn how to get Ubuntu to run installed so I can do real work with it, or reinstall XP.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Tarball For The GNOME Source Code?

Jun 15, 2011

I want to build my own GNOME. The problem I have is that I cannot find the tarball for the GNOME source code. Another thing I've read on their website is that the way to build it is not the conventional './configure, make, make install', and that it has to be done using a multi-phase process. Is this correct?

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Software :: (Ubuntu 10.04) How To Find Source Of Installed Apt Package

Jan 18, 2011

How do I find which "software source" provided a package that I installed? Some weeks ago, I installed linux-realtime. A collaborator is trying to mirror my setup and looked for that package, but it isn't in the default software sources. So, I need to tell him where I got it.

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze: Can't Find Source For 2.6.32-trunk Kernel

Apr 30, 2010

I'm attempting to install ndiswrapper-dkms package. The installation fails due to the following error:Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed. dpkg reports that the source is installed


I've been searching google for the past couple of days but haven't found anything specific. Any ideas to get me going in the right direction?

uname -a reports

Linux debtop 2.6.32-trunk-686 #1 SMP Sun Jan 10 06:32:16 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

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Debian Multimedia :: Source Install Can't Find Package Keybinder

Dec 12, 2015

I'm installing xfce4-volumed-pulse 0.2.0-4. [URL] .....

Getting the error:
Code: Select allThe required package keybinder was not found on your system.
*** Please install keybinder (atleast version 0.2.2) or adjust
*** the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
*** installed the package in a nonstandard prefix so that
*** pkg-config is able to find it.

I have installed everything available in the jessie repo with "keybinder" in the name. It seems like my path variable is configured correctly:

Code: Select allpkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config gives me:
Code: Select all/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig

and (leaving out doc files and such) locate libkeybinder gives me

Code: Select all/usr/lib/

So I can't figure out how to get keybinder recognized.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find US Source For Inexpensive PCI Video Card

Feb 12, 2010

I'm trying to find a US source for an inexpensive PCI video card, most bang for the buck.It must be a standard PCI card.

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General :: Shell Script To Run Source Code And Find All Its Dependencies?

Aug 1, 2010

this is srinath,newbie to linux and shell in need of shell script,which have to checkout the source code(C/C++) from CVS server to a specified directory and compile that source code and get all its dependency files to a specified directory.

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Fedora Hardware :: Find Source Code For OV2640 Web Camera Driver?

Jan 23, 2010

When I may find source code for OV2640 web camera driver?

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Debian :: Building Kernel - Initrd Fail And Nvidia Can't Find Source

Feb 25, 2010

So I'm building a custom kernel cuz I want the fbcondecor patch in my kernel. I use the same .config that 2.6.32 debian kernel package comes with. This kernel runs perfectly. I pass --initrd to make-kpkg when building the package but no initrd is built when I install it so I have to make it using "mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.33 2.6.33" to get it to boot. Now when I try to build the nvidia drivers it complains it can't find the source. I did build kernel_headers and installed them also the source is in /usr/src/linux. I also tried to specify the path by passing --kernel-source-path= to the nvidia script but no change. What is going on? I've done this fifty times before and never had any problems. Has there been some changes to how debian kernel packages are built? EDIT: Just thought I'd add some info about the steps I took.

tar xjvf linux-2.6.33.tar.bz2
ln -s linux-2.6.33 linux
cd linux
patch -p1 < ../fbcondecor-0.9.6-2.6.33-rc7.patch
cp /boot/config-2.6.32-trunk-686 ./.config

make menuconfig Loaded .config then I removed support for maxtorfb, tile blitting and some sirrusfb thing, nothing thats relevant to my system. Changed cpu from Pentium 4 to Core 2 and added framebuffer decor
support from my patch, exited and saved. Then:


EDIT2: I have now tried to build in the same way with the same strange results, anyone have any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong just throw it at me, I'm getting desperate and running out of ideas. I've checked all the kernel source symlinks and everything looks good.

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Debian :: Unable To Find Source Package For Xserver-xorg-video-ati

Jan 18, 2011

I'm trying to get the source package xserver-xorg-video-ati. My sources.list looks like this:


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Software :: General Protection In /var/log/messages - Find Related Source Line?

Nov 11, 2010

SuSE SLES10, 32 bit. I have an app which crashes with general protection often.

There is message every time in /var/log/messages:
2010-10-22T08:49:49.350476+02:00 HostName kernel: ProgramName[28023] general protection rip:404575 rsp:7fffc5656270 error:0

How do I establish relation between this message and source code? Error was observed on another host where some tests were running, now license is expired and I can't get more info nor core dump. I have to investigate what I have and try to reproduce it locally. Unfortunately original binary was stripped.Now I prepared non-stripped version. Does it has the same addresses for function as original? Is it possible to use symbol information for finding where RIP points to?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Kernel Source Tree Nvidia Driver Install

May 12, 2010

So after getting around the Fakeraid bug, and the grub bug, and all the other bugs killing my system fixed and then i moved on to install my video driver. There was nothing in Administration>Hardware Drivers, so i downloaded the latest driver for my two 8600m gt cards. Did the whole ctrl+alt+f2 and then stopping xserver and then running the driver install only to run into yet another damn bug(see log below)

I have tried fixing it by doing what other threads have said to do e.g:[URL] still nothing. Below is the Nvidia log.


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