Programming :: Develop An Html Template Parser Employing Flex & Bison?
Mar 23, 2011
I'm trying to develop an html template parser employing Flex & Bison, but now I found a problem and I don't know if surrender, so let's see if you can guide me to the solution (if any).
(Here I simplified the code to make only print what it gets, but it returns a token and the text to the bison program). Now my problem is that I would like to get the unknown characters as an unique string. [using the flex file above, returns char by char all HTML code that is not a comment!].
So, Could it be possible to make a flex rule that gets the HTML code?. It is not necessary to check if HTML code is correct I do it (before parse) using expat. Also there is no need to check the resulted code it will be done by the parser or compiler of the used language.
I know that are a lot of tools that uses this kind of templates in all languages and systems... but I'm just exercising my pour flex&bison skills. Also, using my current flex file, I have to remove the string "<!--MARKUP" from the beginning and "-->" from the end of returned string to bison... But in reality, if I could manage the HTML code as a flex rule, I could solve that sednding to bison an start Token, the code and and end token.
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Jan 4, 2010
Linux and have got some work to do on Debian 4.0. I have installed this version with the Cd image debian-40r8-i386-CD-1. I Believe this was a minimal installation.I'm in need os some packages like Bison flex.
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Jun 8, 2010
configure: warning: bison versions supported for regeneration of the Zend/PHP parsers: 1.28 1.35 1.75 1.875 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 (found: none).
configure: warning: flex versions supported for regeneration of the Zend/PHP parsers:
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Jan 13, 2011
iḿ trying to parse a file using html parser by libxml.
Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml/HTMLparser.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(){
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Jul 13, 2010
Right now we send notification emails using a velocity template (apache and java), the thing is that the notification engine call the Email.vm file to add all the information and variables. This process only attach the information (text) on the .vm file.
We need to send that email on html. The thing is that if we write the html code on the file, when the .vm file is called that email includes the code not the result of the html.
We have tried adding the headers and everything.
The question is:
Is there some way that we can pre-process the html code and include to that email the result?
Or can we tell the .vm file that it should be handle as html? (like php for example <?php ?>, the <html> and </html> tags doesn't work.
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Nov 27, 2010
I decided to try making a programming language again after my last unsuccessful attempt, so now I figured how to write a good AST and it works great when the nodes are hard-coded into a test program. But to make a language out of it, I need a parser to build the tree according to an input file. I ran into a problem here:
YACC input file:
#include "nodes/allnodes.h"
#include "Node.h"
int vars[26];
%right ASSIGN
%left NE
%% .....
As you might see, each nonterminal creates a Node* object and uses it as its value. The problem is that the literal tokens, however, don't return Node*'s and I don't know what to do. I would like to be able to convert literal tokens to nodes in the Lex file (which would avoid the problem), but the problem is with the assignment operator, which takes a Node* for the right-hand side and a variable name (not a Variable Node, because they just evaluate the the variable's value and you can't change the variable with them) for the left hand side.
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Jul 7, 2011
I'll show the code first:
What I am after is to get the string text from the clip tags. But for now I just tested to see if it can finds the command tags and print something if it does. But it doesn't find it. Anyone knows why ?
Looks like the xml is not good, i test it with a xml validator:
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Sep 12, 2009
what is the best way (i.e standard way that is supported on all browsers and probably as well followed by web crawlers).... to include an html file either locally or externally in another ? Of course , i've done the research and i also know that there are server side includes (php , asp name it) at the moment , i'm using this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path to file/include-file.js"> </script>
however, i've been warned that this method may not show up in some browsers as some tend to ignore this tag and that crawlers like your favorite search engine wouldn't bother reading this. so , what is the best and safest way to do the job? and btw , the reason why i've ousted SSI's from the start is because of among other things:
1) the fact that the included file is static html and because the text is included pretty much everywhere
2) hoping to reduce load time as the code (if successfully recognized) would hopefully be treated like any other embedded external file (e.x like an image) , therefore it would be cached without the need to downloaded it over and over again for each new page on the site.
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Jan 14, 2011
I wrote a C++ program that uses two different parsers. The first parser is reading program arguments from command line:./mybin arg1 arg2 ...then during program execution there's an interactive prompt asking for more parameters:
>> (second bunch of arguments here)
I'd like to run my program inside a bash script, but I don't know how to give the second level arguments.
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Nov 12, 2009
I'm woring on a personal research project and would like to know if there are lilypond parsers for python available or I'll have to create my own. Just in case you are wondering: I don't need to typeset the content of the lilypond file, just understand what's written in the file (what notes, what duration, when in time to play each one, etc). [url]
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Jun 26, 2009
Do you need to know C++ to develop software. I'm an advanced PC user. Is it pretty easy to pick up. What kind of capabilities can I tap into?
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Nov 27, 2010
I would like to know what should I do to be able to develop firmware for a system.I have been a hobbyist kernel programmer and as an interest I have written device drivers.Now I would like to jump to firmware development.
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Oct 23, 2010
I just started taking OS implementation class, and you might wonder why im not asking this from my professor, well I have but he said its too soon.I want to know that if someone were to develop a new kernel , where would they start ?If you could just let me know where to start I would appreciate it very much.
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May 12, 2011
Probably a stupid sounding question, but bear with me please. I need to use the link grammar parser in order to do some part of speech tagging. It's freely available and works once you run the makefile or 'make' it or however it's correctly said. Thing is, it has a C API which I intend to use. And once I ran a bit of the sample code given in the documentation it gave a whole host of errors. This is very confusing because I'm including the path for the folder that has all the header files.
gcc -I/path/include/ filename.c. But it still gives me errors about not being able to find things that are clearly defined there. An hour of trudging around the internet tells me I need to 'compile' the API first. I'm not exactly sure how or if I'm supposed to do that. If someone could just shed light on this it would be greatly appreciated. I grow increasingly cynical to the musical swell of my tiny brain rattling in my skull.
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Feb 6, 2011
I am having trouble understanding some concepts regarding C++ template specialization and I was hopping you guys can help me like you did last time.I will go right into the code and let the code do the talking.File foo.hpp
// Template Class
template < typename T1, typename T2> struct foo {
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Sep 8, 2010
I have two functions:
void func1(std::string &s)
Is there a way to create one template function for both vector and string that would clear them?
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Aug 12, 2010
If I remove all the template stuff, it works.
whats going on here?
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Oct 6, 2009
i have trouble to define a static member in a template, and i search from google, but didn't find any similar case, my case is a little complex, i paste the code below.code in xxx.h
template <class T> class FreeListManager
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Mar 28, 2011
I had some trouble doing this but finally figured it out. Here is a general solution:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
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Jun 6, 2011
this should have been a simple task, but for some reason one of my rollovers plain old isn't workingmy html sheet
<div style="background:#F5F5E9 url('/sites/all/themes/flossmoore1/images/bricks250.png');padding:1px;padding-
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Jul 8, 2011
I am new to the whole concept of makefiles, and I'm trying to compile and build my program using a makefile template I have found. My project consists of three directories: "source", where my .cpp files are (source1.cpp, source2.cpp, source3.cpp), "include", where my .h files are (header1.h, header2.h, header3.h), and "obj", where the object files are to be stored (obj1.o, obj2.o, obj3.o). In the project root directory is my makefile, which is as follows:
EXEC = myexe
CC = g++
IDIR = include
SDIR = source
ODIR = obj
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a template similar to the following.
template <charT>
virtual void do_get_date(charT* = "str")
{ ... }
As you can see we have a problem. If we use a wchar_t instead the string wont be formatted right we need to prefix L in front. If we use char16_t we need to prefix a u in front. Is there a was to make the generic without resorting the the std::string class?
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Jan 20, 2011
The first is about implementing function calls. The way I currently have it is that functions are called with a C++ std::vector of nodes as the parameters. How would I turn a comma-seperated list of expressions into a C++ vector in the grammar?Second, how do you implement left-associative operators in a parser that does not allow left recursion?
And third, what would be the best internal representation of integers? A C++ int seems simplest, but limited. Using GMP seems more versatile, but I'm afraid it might seriously slow down the interpreter compared to C++ ints.
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May 23, 2011
I wrote a class that uses templates and some test code to make sure it works, but I get these "undefined reference" errors:
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Feb 23, 2011
I have CentOS 5.5 installed .Is it possible to install bison++ on centos ?I could not find any rpm file .
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Sep 21, 2010
In my site, I have a "Make A Friend" link, which will lead to a page where the user has to input their username and password, to identify who they are. The link is like so: "makeafriendlogin.php?person=26", to identify the person who is going to *making* the friend. When the Submit button on the login page is clicked, the "person" argument has to be transmitted to the script that handles it (makefriend.php). This is how I'm going to lay out the "makeafriendlogin.php" script:
<form method="post" action="makefriend.php">
<input name="username" type="text>
<input name="password" type="password">
My probem is with the "<input name="author" type="hidden" value="$author">" line - unless I put it within <?php and ?> tags, the "$person" won't be parsed, but at the same time, it's HTML, not PHP.... so I can't figure out what to do. Should I put it in a "print" statement?
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Mar 5, 2010
I have been able to make my webcam work some time ago, but it does not work anymore. (I installed xen kernel recently, but I don't know whether it's related or not).
I am using Opensuse 11.2.
My webcam is a Bison uvc compatible webcam. It should work with the uvcvideo driver which is intalled by default with the kernel. My kernel is
Linux linux-61le #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-01-27 08:20:11 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
lsusb gives:
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 5986:0241 Acer, Inc
dmesg gives:
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Mar 25, 2010
i need to find the current version of bison flexzlib make if they are not installed in ubuntu or their version are outdated i need to install things.i hope i have posted the query at the right place if not please redirect it to the relevant thread adn let me know the path
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Dec 4, 2010
I am currently following the instructions from the Linux From Scratch book and have made it to the downloading of the patches.There are links to all of the needed patches but when you click them, instead of downloading a file like I expected, it takes you to an html page displaying (I'm guessing) some sort of programming or scripting language. Link to the page with the all the patch download links. From there instead of downloading the file it displays its contents.
- www
- (period)linuxfromscratch
- (period)org
- /lfs/view/stable/chapter03/patches
- (period)html
(had to break it up because the forum won't allow me to post links yet ) My question is: What do I need to do with this text? Do I copy and paste it into a text file? Are there certain extensions that I need to append to the text files?
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