I am new to unix, I am looking for a script to delete files older than 7 days but i also want to exclude certain directories (like arch,log .....) and also some files with extensions ike .ksh, .ch, ..............) in directories and sub directories
I am trying to put together ksh shell and I am new with writing scripts.How do you write a command to delete any files if it's 30 days old and also it's not currently being locked?
find -type f /path/* -mtime +7 -exec rm {} ;Is this the best way to delete only files (not directories) within /path that are older than 7 days? or is there a better way?
I got this part from my script working that it will delete a folder is from 8 days agoEightDaysAgo=`(date --date="8 days ago" +%d-%m-%Y)`rm -rf $EightDaysAgoTarHowever I need to remove files that are older than 8days for example if the script is'nt run for a day it will remove both the 9th and 8th day one not just the 8th day one. If I'm making any sense lol
I have set up a simple find and delete script for files older than X days. The problem is that some of the files that are send in this share are transfered from an archive server and creation/modified date remains the same when copied and the age of them could be a year ago or older and they get deleted over night by the script.For performance reasons the raid is mounted with noatime in fstab.Do you see any solution to this problem except enabling atime?I'm thinking at some more advanced script that writes the list of added files once a day and marks them for deletion after some time.
I have been trying to write a script that will take a directory, for example /accounts compress it into a .tar file with the filename containing the date of compression, for example accounts030210.tar and then place that file into a directory called /archive
I also want the script to delete files in /archive that are older than 7 days.
I am having my own testing server in which mySQL database will be backed up daily. in the format mysql_backup_dd/mm/yy.tar.gz in my home folder I need to setup a cron job to delete the backups older than 7 days.how to do this.
Seem my rotation part is not removing files older than 90 days. Anybody know what is wrong?
Code: #!/bin/sh #navigate to the desired backup location cd /public/backup/linux #dump the MySQL entirely, output file is dated mysqldump -u root -pmt1jxz68f2 --all-databases > "`date +%Y%m%d`.sql" #backup the web folder
I'm trying to truncate a postfix Maildata directory for one of our users. I want to be able to move any files older than <n> days to a new location, but also copying the relevant directory structure. This should be doable in the one comman. I've used find to locate the files, and mv to move them, but I can't figure out how to build the directoryt structure on the fly in the new location.
I want to capture a mms stream daily. All works well with that, but I also want to delete any mpg files that are captured from the stream that are more than 7 days old. Will this command work?
Possible Duplicate:How do I delete files greater than a certain date on linux How to delete all files in current directory and it`s sub directories older than one year ?
I have server running ubuntu. There is folder /var/netflow and I have there files, which creates every 5minutes new ones(monitoring traffic on network). And I need to delete files older than 6 months manually. Can you help?
I want to make the script to copy all folders which older than 7 days from Linux server to Windows server by Samba. And make it automatically by using cron
I have log files that should be parsed and then deleted by a script on a regular basis. Sometimes things don't work for a variety of reasons and the log files sit and sit and are never dealt with. What I need is a small script that can give me the files older than X days and a count of those files.
What I have so far helps me take care of things manually but I need a little automation in my life Here is what I have: I can count all the files in the necessary directories recursively with this: ls -laR | wc -l And I can find all the files that are older than 10 days that haven't been deleted yet by doing this: find /home/mike/logs -type f -mtime +10 But how do I put both of them into a script that will just give me the end number of both?
I want Firefox to delete history after several days. Can I configure it this way?"Remember my browser history for at least..." is not the option which does it, right?
We have a problem at work that we are using Word Press And now for security we have to delete install.php in WP-Admin and rename upgrade.php and install_helper.php to *.bak Im a noob in Script creating (Had a bit practice a couple of years ago but allready forgot T.T) So what i ask that is there a way to make a script
That:Finds wp-admin(if it exists) folder enters into it and there deletes install.php and renames upgrade.php and install_helper.php to *.bak and the makes the same process again untill theres no wp-admin folders left with these files, We have alot of web pages so manually it would take about a month to find em all (about 3000 pages :
When I turn on my computer, because of frequent updates it will display several versions of Ubuntu 10.10 that I can choose from. I wonder if it is possible to delete some of the older versions and how. I think having several versions of Ubuntu uses up a lot of space in the hard drive.
the moment the file name goes as backup-"$(date +%d-%b-%y)" so something like backup-13-Feb-11.I have already setup in my script to make sure the backup was successful and is not corrupt what I need to do next if for exampleif I backup for 21st feburarybackup-21-Feb-11if it finds anything older than five days for examplebackup-13-Feb-11 it will delete this. I want the old delete part to work on the filename not a system time stamp
I need a command to find the all files which filename contains the text "SomeText" and to delete that files!From /home/movie/wp-content/uploads/this folder I have lots of files and folders .Also I need that for folders and subfolders who contains some text in folder name "someTextInFolderName"
I am facing a problem in Windows due to a virus called Newfolder.exe which creats files with the same name as it's parent directory and an extension .exe and this happens for every directory in the entire hierarchy in the infected pen drive. The antivirus detects them, but is sucking slow. So I thought this is a good opportunity to use the concepts of the all mighty shell script to remove those as they follow the same pattern. Say my complete path is
The virus would have created an file with complete paths
If fol1 has two more directories fol11 and fol12 Then there would be two more .exe(virus created) in the following path
I have 2 external hdd in wich I have all my files. yesterday, I have copied all the files from hdd2 to hdd1 and I want to eliminate duplicates so I used FSLint to find them,now I want to make a shell script to delete all the files/entries (read from the log file) that begin with.
I have a shell script that need to create some files:
1) backup files of user passed in file ( that will be written by this shell ).
2) temp files that the shell will create and later delete/remove.
This shell script will be used from my local dir ( I am not a super or a sysadmin ). Users of this shell will call this script to run on their local files in their respective directories. When my script runs, it errors with the following:
for the temp I was able to avoid this error by creating the temp file in the /tmp directory. All I want is for this shell script to run, create/modify/backup files in user's local dirs.