Programming :: Bash Regexp String Compare Stopped Working?

Oct 20, 2010

Have a bash script which contains a line like this:

if [[ ${array[${last}]} =~ "screenpc.PRODUCTION.*" ]]

which WORKED as expected in bash 4.0.33 and now fails in 4.1.2

Instrumented the script to print the value of the left-hand side and it is exactly what is expected.

As noted above, this has been working fine until we installed Fedora 13 (kernel 2.6.33), and now it fails.

Tried setting shell 'extglob' to On with same results.

Did something change? Are there other shell/bash options that need to be set?this has the whole installation stopped!

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Programming :: Write Regexp That Matches String That Begins With Whitespace Or Contains Newline?

Dec 10, 2010

How do I write a regexp that matches a string that begins with whitespace or contains a newline, but not necessarily both?

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Programming :: BASH - If Variable -eq String Not Working ?

Jan 24, 2010

Here is the code:


How ever when I run this script I get the following error


I just don't get it, I have racked my brain trying to figure out every combination of how I should write this if statement and I can't get it to work.

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Programming :: Bash: Regexp In 'if' Doesn't Evaluate Correctly

Mar 1, 2011

I'm using an 'if' statement to check whether one of positional arguments is a word or a construction like "x-y", but something doesn't seem right.

Here is the relevant part of the code:

if [[ "$3" =~ [a-Z]-[a-Z] || "$3" =~ [a-Z] ]]; then
grepRange=$3; else grepRange=$4
And for the input like this:


but shouldn't the $grepRange variable be blank in this case?

Bash version is 4.1.7(1)

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Programming :: Bash - Compare Directory To Database?

May 23, 2011

I have a (rather large) database of mp3 track information. I also have several directories of the actual mp3s. I'm trying to write a simple bash script that will check the contents of the directories against what's in the database, and upon finding a file that isn't in the database, do something.

Here's what I have so far:


The trouble I'm having (in the sample directory of "/mnt/music/B/Beatles, The/" the file "Beatles, The - Taxman.mp3" isn't in the database.) is getting it to actually trigger an error when an entry isn't in the database.

Once triggering on a non-entered file is working, any way to get it to traverse the entire /mnt/music hierarchy?

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Programming :: Reading File And Compare In Bash Scripts?

Dec 9, 2010

how to program in bash, an i have a problem, i am trying compare values in between 2 values (from another file), so far my solution is to make a nested for loop, but that causes it to compare every value. Here is a visulization of what i want

file.a 2,3,4,5
3 5


i want the values 2, 3, 4, 5 from file.a to be compared inbetween values 3 5, 6 9,1 2, 4 7 from file.b (var1 is the value im comparing, var2 is the less value, var 3 is the greater value)

for i in $var1
for k in $var2


my problem with the above code is it compares EVERYINNG, not the values inbetween what i want (which is 3 5, 6 9 etc).

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Ubuntu :: Regexp R-search In Bash

Jul 13, 2010

What keyboard shortcut will give me a regexp reverse search in bash? Or does C-r supply something like that already that I can't figure out?

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Programming :: Bash String Splitting Into Array?

Oct 14, 2010

I am using gnu bash 3.2I need to split the string into array like

a=this_is_whole_world.file # split [_.]
I need to split this on _ and . some thing like this

preferable using bash regex. if not sed is also ok.

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Programming :: Bash Concatenating String To Variable ?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a program that loops over each word in a sentence. I need to append a constant to the beginning and end of each word. It works up until the last word on the line.



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Programming :: Bash Regex String Extraction?

Jun 10, 2011

g echo ${mm[$j]}
4 BashNotes


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Programming :: Bash Removing String From File?

Aug 7, 2010

I am trying to remove everything before my string code...

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Programming :: Using Bash To Append A String To Array?

May 19, 2011

I have the following function that does not iterate through the array I want to be able to do some manipulation on each element in the array[@].it appears the below array has only one item in the array whereas i want the array to have 3 items hence the loop three times printing the message Any ideas why this is not happening ?

function foo() {
name =$1
array=( "$2" )


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Ubuntu :: Bash ${variables} : Replace Last Instance Of Regexp?

Mar 10, 2011

I have something like...

# echo ${var/%e/E} doesn't do anything because i can only replace "r" or "er" this way


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Programming :: Bash: String Verifier Doesn't Work

May 26, 2011

I'm currently learning bash programming and am trying to create a program to maintain a list of people. Here is the code so far:


# Namelist


As you can see, I attempted to build in a protective measure to prevent duplicate entries using "if grep -Fxq "$FN $LN" /home/andrea/namelist.txt", FN and LN being first name and last name as you can see in the first read operation. However, this fails to actually work. Demonstrations:


It saves the details to the file rather than displaying the error message, or in other words, it doesnt check the file properly.

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Programming :: Bash Thinks String Variable Is A Numeric One

Jul 7, 2011

Bash 3.1.7




I think read A1 A2 makes A1, A2 string variables. Then, when A2 gets the value 01, '01' should be a string. But for some reason bash takes it as numeric. I know there are no types in bash.

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General :: Use Regexp In Diff / Exclude Lines That Contain The String "[skipthisline]"?

Feb 10, 2011

I need to compare 2 files using diff. The problem I've encountered is that I need to exclude certain lines that contain certain phrases. I know that diff supports the -I switch but no matter how I try to form the regexp it doesn't seem to work the way I expect it to. If anyone has used the -I switch before could you please post some examples of how it is used.

diff -I "[skipthisline]" file1 file2 > output.diff

I need to exclude lines that contain the string "[skipthisline]" but I have no idea what syntax is used after the -I switch. Is is supposed to be included in quotes or slashes /[skipthisline]/ or entered without either? I need to include a backslash before each bracket so that it's not interpreted as a set of characters like [a-z] but is instead interpreted as a string. Do I need to use 2 backslashes? "\[skipthisline\]"

Is it sufficient to simply type the string I want to match or do I need to match the entire line in order to exclude it from the output?




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Programming :: Nontrivial String Replacement With Bash On-board Means?

Jan 9, 2011

My simple bash-script replaces --> by the HTML-entity for the right arrow. To be precise, it replaces --*> by → Until now, I used sed, for example:

Code: $ flight='AMS --> JFK'
$ echo "$flight" | sed -e 's/ --*> / → /g'

AMS → JFK With sed, -* matches zero or more dashes, because for sed the * is the Kleene Star matching zero or more instances of the previous element. So with sed, --*> matches exactly what I want:



Because sed seems oversized for that task, I played around to accomplish the same with on-board means of bash without using sed. On first thought, this line looks like doing the same but it isn't:

Code: $ flight='AMS --> JFK'
$ echo "${flight// --*> / → }"

AMS → JFK As I recently learnt in this forum, this * isn't the Kleene Star. It is a multi-character wildcard matching any zero or more consecutive characters. So here, --*> matches:



-abc> And if you continue your flight to SEA, then the result is totally wrong because the * matches greedily:

Code: $ flight='AMS --> JFK --> SEA' $ echo "${flight// --*> / → }" AMS → SEA

The sed line above would produce the correct result and would match the dashes correctly.

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Programming :: Find String In Text File (bash Script)

Apr 17, 2011

write such script (bash script). I have some text file with name filename.txt I must check if this file contains string "test-string-first", I must cut from this file string which follows string "keyword-string:" and till first white-space and save it to some variable.

For example. File: PHP Code: PHP Code:
Start 15022011 Eng 12-3-42
SN1232324422 11 test-string-first
SN322211 securities
HH keyword-string:123456321-net mark (11-22) 


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Programming :: Bash: Functional Difference Between Process Substitution And Here String With $( )

Mar 14, 2010

Further to solved LQ thread Bash: how to populate a list of arbitrarily named files?, what is the functional difference between feeding a loop with process substitution and feeding it with a here string with embedded command substitution? ABSG pages: process substitution, here string and command substitution. This works


while IFS= read -r -d '' file
done < <(find $dir -type f -print0)


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Programming :: Find A Substring/member In A String/array Using Bash?

Oct 13, 2010

This may be a basic bash array/string operation related question, but I couldn't find any direct answer. So here it goes:I have a lot of data sorted in various directories. All directories need same processing except for a special group of directories. I have a symbolic link of the script in discussion in each directory. I want the script to get the name of the current directory, check if that belongs to special group and do specific operations.So I get the name of the directory

mm=`basename `pwd``
Now the the group of directories that needs something different to be done, contains these


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Debian :: Login Via SSH - Bash Autocomplete Stopped Working

Feb 3, 2011

For some reason my bash autocomplete stopped working. I get the error when I try to cd into a directory, pressing <tab> for autocomplete:
cd A-sh: <( compgen -d -- 'A' ): No such file or directory
Autocomplete works for the root user and for the other user on the machine, just not logged in as this user. The .bashrc file looks fine to me, and I didn't make any changes to it to even cause the bash autocomplete to stop working (as far as I know).

# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
What else could cause autcomplete to stop working? I log in via ssh, btw.

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Programming :: Copy String A To String B And Change String B With Toupper() And Count The Chars?

Oct 22, 2010

copy string a to string b and change string b with toupper() and count the chars

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Programming :: Find And Replace A String In A File Using Perl Command From Bash Script?

Feb 14, 2011

I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.

perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile
where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line
and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line

But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.

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Programming :: Migrate Regexp From SED To AWK?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a sed script to search and replace a pattern on the next kind of text:

C/username/Mydocuments/games & music
C/username/Mydocuments/New files 09-17-2007
The script is:

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General :: Compare Two Arrays In Bash?

Sep 30, 2010

I am writing a script to get the multiples of 2 and 3, place them in an 2 arrays, and then show the common integers. So far everything works fine till the comparision. I don't know how to compare them. Here is the code:


let num1="2"
let num2="3"


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General :: Compare File Timestamp In Bash?

May 6, 2010

How do I compare the timestamp of two files? I tried this but it doesn't work:

file1time=`stat -c %Y fil1.txt`
file2time=`stat -c %Y file2.txt`


I printed both the time stamps, in order and it gives me

./ line 13: [1273143480: command not found

So basically if comparision is not working, I guess. Or if there is any other nice way than what I am doing, please let me know.

Edit: There was no space in between if, so changing it to this works:

if [ $file1time -gt $file2time ]

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Ubuntu :: Bash: Compare 2 Wav's Files If Similar

Dec 20, 2010

I would like to compare them, in terms of amplitude, length, tempo, ... Which program could basically analyse them giving an sufficient output data

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General :: Script In Bash - Compare Two Files Name

Mar 7, 2010

I want to compare 2 name files, for instance. I got the package foo1.tgz and the foo2.tgz. and I want a script in bash that detects foo2 is newer than foo1 and delete foo1. Can it be done for managing collection of slackware packages.

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Programming :: SDL - Suddenly Music Functionality Stopped Working?

May 15, 2011

The problem started with that I got a lot of errors about missing header files included from SDL_mixer.h when I attempted to compile my projects. I looked in the directory of this file, and all header files were missing except SDL_mixer.h Resolved this by compiling and installing the base SDL library package. Programs that got recompiled and were able to play music before suddenly produced no music, but sound effects worked. However, old binaries that were compiled prior to the issue with the missing header files played music fine. What the heck is this? I get no errors, nor warnings; none at compilation, none on execution. The kernel pool (dmesg) is clean. There is also another strange issue, which perhaps has nothing to do with the first issue. x86_1$ ./fire XDM authorization key matches an existing client!Couldn't initialize SDL: Couldn't open X11 display.

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Programming :: Inverse Regexp Matching / Developing Of An Idea 'pattern Based Filtration'?

Sep 3, 2010

I am interested in the following problem: given a string (pattern) find a regexp which match this pattern.
I will need this for a developing of an idea 'pattern based filtration'.

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