Programming :: Use Awk And Sed To Extract Height And Width Of File

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to write commands that extracts the height and width of a video file via ffmpeg. I have the following working so far:

This gives the following answer in widthxheight format with an extra , 720x480,

How can I instead run 2 separate commands that give me height and width separately? I want some command to give me 720 and another command to give me 480 and I dont need the x or the ,

If you need to know this is what ffmpeg -i 2>&1 gives as output

Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate:

At least one output file must be specified

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Programming :: Get Width/height Of A Terminal Window In C++?

May 28, 2010

How do I find out how many characters fit into a terminal window horizontally and how many lines the terminal window is high (i.e. how many rows and columns are visible - the width and height)? I am using c++ and Linux Mint 8 - Gnome.

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Software :: Imagemagick - Height-and-width Not Deterministic When Crop An Png File

Sep 8, 2009

After spending a few hours and having some little sleep, I am very puzzled and disturbed by the fact that new-new-02-5-1.png does not have the intended 818x788. It must have to do with cropping with nonzero offsets.

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Ubuntu :: View Image File Properties In Folder Windows - Height Width

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying to sort image files I've assembled for document production, and I need to be able to see the height and width of the images without having to open them one by one. Is there a way to view an image's physical size in the folder window?

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Programming :: Adjust Table Width So That It Fits To Page Width

Mar 22, 2010

A couple of days I started using latex and have still one question about the table width. My table is too wide for a page. How can I adjust it so that it fits on the full width of a page? Can I use a command or do I have to specify each column widths by hand?

My table looks like this;

I did try several commands likeextwidth, esizebox, setlength but didn't found the solution yet.

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Programming :: Get Console Window Width - Why Ioctl Always Return 0 Width

Jul 1, 2010

I use ioctl to get the cosole window size (the SSH window).

I use the following code:

When I debug on linux pc, it gives me the correct window width. But after I try it on router (this is my enventual place where my code shall run), ioctl always give me 0 width, that is, numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow == 0. but the returnValue is 0 which means that the function call succeeds.

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Programming :: Extract 2 Numbers From A Same File?

Dec 22, 2010

I am trying to extract 2 numbers from a same file and my goal is to print them both in another file, on the same line, separated with a space. I have to do that for 20 files and I would like to have therefore 20 lines like this in the output file. It would look like this :


number1_file1 number2_file1
number1_file2 number2_file2
number_1_file20 number2_file20

So far, I did only extract one number and got an output file like this :



And I did this by running a bash script with the following content :


ls execution$1$2*.* | while read filename
cat $filename | grep -e "Total aborts:" | cut -d " " -f3 >> abort$1$2.dat

$1 and $2 are just strings to identify the different files I want to consider in this loop. This script works well to extract a number which is the 3rd field of a line starting with "Total aborts:".Now, how could I change this script to do what I mentioned above (i.e. extracting two numbers from two different lines) ? The second number is the 3rd field of a line starting with "Total throughput:"

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Programming :: Extract Part Of File Name?

Mar 26, 2010

I have this string ./DAT000728-652523058.job.I want to extract the no between DAT and - sign. I want 728. I dont want 000728.echo ./DAT000725-560162365.job | cut -d'T' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1 I am getting 000728.string can be ./DAT326822-652523058.job also. then i need 326822

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Programming :: Extract Specific Lines From A Flat File?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to extract specific lines from a flat file. I need lines that fall within a range of coordinates. The -F can be either ! or = If the line is in this set range I need all of the data on that line. ranges lat 36 to 39 and longitude -74 to -84

awk -F '=' '{lat=substr($2,1,2); lon=substr($2,10,3); (lat >36 && lat <39) && (lon >-74 && lon <-84); print lat"--"lon}' < net.log

example line from the flat file
K4MQF-3>APN383,VA2-2,qAR,N3HF-5:!3818.65NS07800.17W#PHG77306/W3,VA3/Clarke Mnt

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Programming :: Extract Extra Packages In A Separate File?

Mar 6, 2009

I have two files containing list of packages using


dpkg --get-selections > file-name


Now I would like to create a third file which contains only those packages which are present in package-a.txt but NOT in package-b.txt. The file should look like this:



Note: The world "install" is also to be removed for all packages. Using diff command I could get something like this:


temp# diff -yb package-a.txt package-b.txt | grep "<"
package2 install <
package4 install <

But not sure how to remove instances of "install" and "<".

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Programming :: Extract A Part Of Flat File In Shell Script?

Feb 12, 2010

My rquirement is I have a flat file with lot of lines on it.example:



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Programming :: How To Find Out Width Of Terminal

Mar 19, 2010

I wonder how CLI applications know the width of the terminal. For example, how does ls know how many columns to use?

How do package managers like pacman know what length to make the download progress bar?

Also, how do they redraw the progress bar in the same line?

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Programming :: Get String Width In Pixels In Xlib?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm trying to get the width of a string in pixels this way:

Display *disp;
int len;
disp = XOpenDisplay(0);
font = XLoadQueryFont(disp, desc );


I'm getting negative numbers as the the pixel length, eg -7275

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Programming :: Console Window Size - Why Ioctl Always Return 0 Width

Jul 1, 2010

I use ioctl to get the console window size (the SSH window). I use the following code:
struct winsize ws;
int returnValue = ioctl(pCommandStructure->terminal, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
int numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow = ws.ws_col;
When I debug on linux pc, it gives me the correct window width. But after I try it on router (this is my enventual place where my code shall run), ioctl always give me 0 width, that is, numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow == 0. but the returnValue is 0 which means that the function call succeeds.

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Programming :: Fortan Error - Nonnegative Width Required In Format String At - 1

Jun 10, 2010

I'm in the process of debugging and compiling about sixty FORTRAN 95 programs and could use a little bit of your help before my brain is fried and fingers are cramped. Thanks for your time!

I receive the following errors:

Here is my code:

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Debian :: Make The File Browser Column Width Smaller?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to know how to make the file browser column width smaller than I can normally adjust with the mouse. I have minimized with the mouse, it is still too wide. Is there a minimum column width setting I am supposed to specify somewhere?

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Ubuntu :: File System - Whenever Extract A File From A .tar Or Whatever - It Isn't Detected

Sep 1, 2011

When ever I extract a file from a .tar or whatever, it isn't detected. I notice this mainly when i'm using xampp. I copy zip up all my files on one computer, load ubuntu on another, extract the files to the web folder (htdocs) and then I get nothing. However, when I manually create the files directly on my computer as opposed to extracting them, they appear.

Is there something I need to do in order to have these files appear? Is there some sort of file system refresh? Or am I being a complete idiot?

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Programming :: Extract Value From String?

Dec 27, 2008

I need to extract a price from a string, this may vary in the future so it may be 12.99 or 14.99. i thought a sed command might crack it and i need to write to a file:<td><b class="priceLarge">?6.99</b>I need to extract the price 6.99(with no ?)so extract anyhting between "> and </B> and write it to a file such as tmp1.txt .

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Programming :: Cannot Extract Webpage For Processing

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to extract a web page via Google for processing. I am able to create a proper query and test it using cut/paste into the address bar of my firefox browser.

When I attempt to extract the page with wget:
wget -O - -q "$query"
I do not see the information that is present when I used the browser.

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Programming :: Extract Portion Of Text - IRC Log

Jul 18, 2011

I have a lot of files containing chat-log (IRC) and would like to extract information out of these files.

File sample

Session Start: Sat Apr 03 15:06:29 2010
Session Ident: XXX
[15:06] XXX is * XXX
[15:06] XXX on #channel1 #channel2 #channel3


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Programming :: Extract The Text From Files?

Aug 28, 2010

I have many files in a folder from which I need to extract some contents, these are basically text files wich have individual lines with (i.e)

name: john
address: whatever
phone: 123456

Some caveats

1. Sometimes a line might be missing.

name: johnn
phone: 123456

2. Lines are not in the same line-numbers across the files I did try some things with awk based on google searches but I couldn't extract the data of each file into a single line (this is the ultimate goal):


I don't have knowledge other than having put some bash scripts together for backup jobs, so I am open to install anything that could to pull this off.

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Programming :: Extract URL From Firefox Address Bar ?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm trying to create an application that monitors, among other things, what site the user is currently viewing. I would like to know if there is any way to get the current URL from the Firefox's address bar on a Linux machine. I know that under Windows I can use the DDE server approach, but under Linux this task is proving very tricky. I've considered an approach involving an extension to Firefox, but this would require the user to install the said extension himself. Which is not something I want. If an extension can be installed by a different program's installer than that could work, but I don't know if that's possible or not.

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Programming :: Extract Values From Array PHP

Jul 2, 2009

The idea is to make a website to check the availability of domains and it works but its not pretty yet. Below is what i have till so far:

## this is the API from my domain registrar.
<?php $client = new SoapClient('');
## I have a search box that sends the request to this page
$var = $_GET ["s"];

## remove the most common subdomains from the request.
$var=eregi_replace("www.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("mail.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("ftp.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("pop.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("smtp.", "", $var);

## remove any TLD extension from the request.
$split = explode(".", $var);
$main = $split[0];
$arraysize = sizeof($split);
for ($x=1; $x<$arraysize; $x++) {
$tld .= "." . $split[$x];
## login to the API
$paramLogin = array('handle' => 'randall', 'password' => 'password');

## match the domain with any possible TLD
$varcom = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'com');
$varnet = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'net');
$varorg = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'org');
$varbiz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'biz');
$varinfo = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'info');
$vareu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'eu');
$varnl = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nl');
$varbe = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'be');
$varde = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'de');
$varcouk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varorguk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varname = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'name');
$varmobi = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'mobi');
$varin = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'in');
$vartv = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'tv');
$varcn = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cn');
$varws = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'ws');
$varnu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nu');
$varbz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'bz');
$varcc = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cc');

## this requests the domain.COM and domain.NET
<div id="content">

## below prints the result
print "<html><body><pre>";
$result1 = $client->__soapCall('Login', $paramLogin);
echo "<b>Result Login:</b>
" . print_r($result1, true);

$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varcom);
$resvarcom = var_dump($result15, true);
$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varnet);
$resvarnet = var_dump($result15, true);

print "</pre></html>";

## the returned array looks like this

Result Login:
[code] => 200
[message] => Login succesful
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(20) "Domain not available"
object(stdClass)#236 (1) {
string(5) "TAKEN"
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(16) "Domain available"
object(stdClass)#232 (1) {
string(4) "FREE"
## till so far it works

What I need to do is to make this ugly looking reply in to something more readable, basically if TAKEN print occupied and if free print its yours to grab. I have been struggling with the in_array function but i'm not getting anywhere close in getting it to work.

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Programming :: Extract Metadata From Image

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to get the metadata out from an image file in python. I have tried using PIL but it does not give me the data I am looking for (mostly just got a bunch of hex code) and I have no idea how to use ImageMagick, the python module is poorly documented and I can't find any examples on the net.The info I need is stuff like camera model, if flash was used, focal length, exposure time, date, etc.. pretty much the same info I get when I look at the "Image" tab on properties in Nautilus on Ubuntu.

What I am doing is writing a script that will iterate through a lot of pictures and put all this metadata into MySQL. I chose python since it is simple and I am familiar with it. But I can't find a good way to get that metadata from within python.

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Ubuntu :: 2nd Screen Too Stretched - Get The Vertical Height Corrected?

Nov 13, 2010

The screen info says it is 1280*1024*60Hz.I put this into the nouvou monitors hardware control centre. The screen is too stretched in the vertical. Some icons are cut off at the top.The screen is a V7 videoseven.For some reason the menu controls on the screen only work on the non screen movement icons. I cannot access them .how to get the vertical height corrected? If I have I will go back to the NV proprietary drivers but I would prefer not to do so.

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Programming :: Extract Source Email Address - Awk?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a small bash/awk program that extracts the date/time/size of thousands of email headers. I'm trying to also extract the last "Received from:" string from these email headers which will give me the senders email server. on extracting the last occurrence of this string, and printing the information after it?

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Programming :: Awk To Extract Phrase Between Two Words On A Line?

May 25, 2010

im trying to find a way to extract the phrase between the words Connection and is (ie the underlined words below). Can we use awk to do this? How? Is it the best command to use?


[06:25:00][i] Connection at Plant A is live
[06:25:00][i] Connection at Building_C is not live
[07:25:00][i] Connection at Terminal D is down

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Programming :: Extract A Substring Using Regular Expression With SED

May 7, 2011

I've spent most of the evening browsing the web, trying many things I've found on various forums, but nothing seems to work.

I have a test.txt file containing many lines like the following ones :

<insert_random_text>228.00 €<insert_more_random_text>
<insert_random_text>17.50 €<insert_more_random_text>
<insert_random_text>1238.13 €<insert_more_random_text>

And I want to extract :


There is always one occurrence of € in each line. I want the numeric value that precedes this € occurrence. The random text (before and after) may contain numbers too, so the € may be important to parse, in order to correctly identify the number to return. The last character that precedes the number to extract is always a ">" (coming from an HTML tag).

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Programming :: Extract The Full Name Of The Process Running In Box?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a requirement where I want to extract the full name of the process running in my box. I tired various options of ps. The wide option gave me the full command but that contains command, the interpreter and also the arguments passed.


XX XX XX XX XX XX /usr/bin/sh /path/to/exe/ arg1 arg2 arg3.

Is there any way from ps or any other command I can extract the full name of the command

Desired Output :


/path/to/exe/ or

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Programming :: How To Extract A Subset From A Huge Dataset

Mar 13, 2010

I have a huge file which has 450G. Its format is as below

x1 50020 A 1
x1 50021 B 8
x1 50022 C 9


Now, I want to extract a subset from this file. In this subset, column 1 is x10, column 2 is from 600000 to 30000000. I wrote the following perl script but it doesn't work:

$file1 = $ARGV[0]; # Input file
$file2 = $ARGV[1]; # Output file


I guess the input file and output file are both too big that my script can't handle it.

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