Programming :: UTF-8 Or Locales - Cannot Get Html Files On Pc To Render Properly

Jun 10, 2011

I cannot get some html files on my pc to render properly, Epiphany and Iceweasel show some non-latin characters as garbage but shows others of the same language correctly although Gedit shows the same files, with or without the html code, correctly. I have all the locales installed. Can someone point me to a solution? I am misleading you when I say "garbage", it is always a pair of question marks.

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Programming :: Isatty - Terminal Emulators Don't Render Right To Left Languages Properly

Oct 13, 2010

I'm new to Linux and these forums, but programmed in C++ on other systems. I discovered several Linux terminal emulators don't render Right to Left languages properly and so as an exercise I writing my own. It based on GtkTextView widget. Basically is working, but the shell won't issue prompts because it doesn't think my terminal emulator is actually a terminal (isatty returns false)

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Ubuntu :: Fonts Don't Render Properly

May 4, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 with unity. Occasionally I will have text in firefox that doesn't render properly. It will have horizontal lines through it. I have attached an example of the problem I am having.

Is this a bug in 11.04?

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu - Won't Display/render Properly

Jun 26, 2010

I just installed Xubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx on an Intel 1.5GHz, 500 MB RAM, 128 MB video card system, 80 GB hard drive (it's a 5 year old system)....My system meets the requirements according to this [URL]

But for some reason, things aren't displaying correctly. The best way to describe it is that it's almost like Xubuntu can't "repaint" the graphics correctly. So I see distorted lines or text that doesn't render completely.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Doesn't Render Pages Properly

Feb 12, 2011

It seems that I have been running Firefox unbeknownst to me with a broken configuration. It seems that if I enable the Quote: Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above in Edit->Preferences->Content->Fonts&Colors->Advanced, pages will no longer be render properly -- they are mostly blank.When running on the command line, I notice that I get errors from Pango (whatever that is) and think there may be a connection.

I tried doing sudo aptitude reinstall libpango-perl libpango1.0-0 libpango1.0-common libpangomm-1.4-1 but it didn't fix the problems. (I haven't yet tried uninstalling pango since it looks like it removes some crucial components.)I also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and it didn't help.I'm guessing that the fonts cannot be scaled.This otherwise wouldn't be an issue, but it seems that some Firefox addons forcibly ignore the configured fonts and those pop-up windows are mostly blank/empty and therefore useless.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Doesn't Render Japanese Fonts Properly

Oct 10, 2010

So far, as a former Chrome user on Windows, I am enjoying Chromium. However, there is one glaring problem that is bugging me, and is disrupting my usage of the browser.

Chromium will not show Japanese fonts properly. It's not that everything shows up as boxes. The problem is that certain characters will show in Japanese, and certain will show in Korean, thereby making the Japanese text unreadable. Copying and pasting into gedit allows me to read the Japanese text, and Firefox never had this problem, however, within Chromium, this is unreadable.

Here is a picture to show you what I mean:

Has anyone else had this problem, and fixed it? I have installed the language packs and have tried setting things to different unicode fonts and changing the encoding to unicode and even Japanese, and continue to get these errors.

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Programming :: Replace Html In Multiple Files (80+)

Mar 2, 2010

I want to change some HTML in my files (80+ so I prefer not to do this by hand). I got a script to replace a string in files, however the HTML I want to replace contains an enter (and tab of 4 spaces) (explanation below) Does someone know how I could update my HTML by using a function in Linux?

I also found sed but don't know how to use it with the enter (linenumbers will not work because they variate)...


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Programming :: HTML / PHP Access To Files And Hanging Directory?

Oct 1, 2010



Alright this works fine to pull the directories/files in the /var/Store/2010/ directory.

But when you click on of the links it tries to http://'serveradress'/$filename

note that $filename in the url is the filename clicked on so the php script is working. but I need it to change to that dir so that you can see the folder/files there and work your way up/down/side wise thru the folder tree to where you need to go. Not try and pop it as a direct url which doesn't work.

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Programming :: Client Side To Include HTML Within HTML?

Sep 12, 2009

what is the best way (i.e standard way that is supported on all browsers and probably as well followed by web crawlers).... to include an html file either locally or externally in another ? Of course , i've done the research and i also know that there are server side includes (php , asp name it) at the moment , i'm using this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="path to file/include-file.js"> </script>

however, i've been warned that this method may not show up in some browsers as some tend to ignore this tag and that crawlers like your favorite search engine wouldn't bother reading this. so , what is the best and safest way to do the job? and btw , the reason why i've ousted SSI's from the start is because of among other things:

1) the fact that the included file is static html and because the text is included pretty much everywhere

2) hoping to reduce load time as the code (if successfully recognized) would hopefully be treated like any other embedded external file (e.x like an image) , therefore it would be cached without the need to downloaded it over and over again for each new page on the site.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Viewer For Dvi Files, Since Xdvi Doesn't Render Correctly?

May 6, 2010

I am using emacs+auctex for latex editing now, I want to change the default viewer for dvi files, since xdvi doesn't render correctly most of my documents; okular works perfectly, though I cannot make it the default viewer I went into the AUCTex manual, and there is a tex-view-program list that should contain the list of viewers, but I cannot find the way to customize that variable.

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Fedora Installation :: HTML Files Instead Of RPM Files?

Mar 7, 2011

I recently upgraded from FC12 to FC14 due to errors using yum and rpm. I keep running into mirror sites with RPM files that don't install. These site have what appear to be valid RPM files, but if I use wget to retrieve the file and run "file" on it, it turns out to be an HTML file. I understand the fact that if a file is corrupted, it won't install, but I can open these "RPM" files using Mozilla after changing the extension from RPM to HTML. When I open the new HTML file, I'm prompted by the browser to open or save the RPM file. If I save the RPM file pointed to by the HTML file, I can download and install it using rpm -ivvh unless a dependency check fails. how does anyone install using yum if the package is an HTML file with an RPM extension. Here is a link as an example:


If I use wget on this file and then run "file" on it, here is the output:

file HTML document text

If I change the extension of this file to HTML and open it with my browser, I am prompted to download the RPM file which turns out to be a true RPM v3.0 file. Is anyone else having this problem or can anyone point me in the right direction to download the correct RPM file. I am running behind a proxy server and have installed cntlm, configured wgetrc, yum.conf and .curlrc to use the proxy server. I am able to download and install most of the simpler applications where the dependencies are either installed or non required.

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Debian Installation :: Different Locales For Root And Users

Mar 30, 2015

I've just installed a Debian wheezy and I'm experiencing some issues regarding the "locales". No matter what I've tried (ran "dpkg-reconfigure locales" and restarted my session, edited "/etc/default/locale" then ran "locale-gen") to update the locales, running "locale" in a root shell or as a regular user returns different results.

In a root shell, the result is the right one (similar to "/etc/default/locale").

I do not understand why locales values are different in one case or another.

As a side question, what is the correct syntax for /etc/default/locale ? Is it case sensitive (I've encountered "en_US.utf8" and "en_US.UTF-8") ? Are double quotes mandatory (encountered values with or without double quotes) ?

user@pc ~ cat /etc/default/locale

Code: Select all#  File generated by update-locale

[Code] ....

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Debian Configuration :: Change Locales To Da_DK_UTF-8?

Sep 7, 2011

I am running a Debian server, but I have a problem with the locales, as I need to use the Danish letters I tried using dpkg-reconfigure locales, but it do not change the LC_* and LANG*, but it is set to POSIX How can I change the locales to da_DK_UTF-8?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Change Locales With Gnome Automatically

Apr 25, 2010

I have my 10.04 set up with english (us and gb) as well as spanish languages installed.

I have firefox 3.6.3 compiled and installed for a 64 bit system. The firefox source code comes only with en-US locale, so I obtained en-GB.jar and es-ES.jar (as well as their manifests) from and added them manually to my chrome directory.

This had worked in the past, when I'd logout and switch the gnome locale to es-ES firefox would come up in es-ES etc, but for some reason firefox will only start up in en-US now.

How can I fix this to match the desired behaviour?

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Ubuntu Security :: Authentication Failure After Removing Locales

May 1, 2011

Yesterday I installed a program called localepurge to remove the locales I don't need, I've chosen only en and ar to maintain and removed the rest, after restarting, can't access the ubuntu, I wrote the password manytimes and checked the upper and lowercase. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 on a Toshiba L500 laptop

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Programming :: Intersperse The PHP With HTML?

Sep 21, 2010

In my site, I have a "Make A Friend" link, which will lead to a page where the user has to input their username and password, to identify who they are. The link is like so: "makeafriendlogin.php?person=26", to identify the person who is going to *making* the friend. When the Submit button on the login page is clicked, the "person" argument has to be transmitted to the script that handles it (makefriend.php). This is how I'm going to lay out the "makeafriendlogin.php" script:

<form method="post" action="makefriend.php">
<input name="username" type="text>
<input name="password" type="password">


My probem is with the "<input name="author" type="hidden" value="$author">" line - unless I put it within <?php and ?> tags, the "$person" won't be parsed, but at the same time, it's HTML, not PHP.... so I can't figure out what to do. Should I put it in a "print" statement?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Save Html Files

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up some basic websites on an Apache 2 server running on my Linux box. At the moment, I have some really basic html files that I want to load into the /var/www directory. However, for whatever reason, I cannot save my html files. First, I thought it was because I didn't have permission on my account, so I switched to localadmin (i don't know if all Linux distros come with a localadmin account, but i know localadmin has "higher" permissions than, but less that root, of course). Even as localadmin, I could not save my html files!

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Ubuntu :: How To View The HTML Files

Aug 7, 2010

I just downloaded libgtk2.0-doc at the gtkmm docs to help me with some programming. I've found where the libgtk2.0 documents are (/usr/share/gtk-doc/html) and I'm not for sure where the gtkmm docs are.

My question is: what is an easy way to view all of these HTML files? I know on Ruby you can run gem-server and you can see all of your RDocs from localhost on your browser. Is there an equivalent to that on Ubuntu for gtk-doc?

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Ubuntu :: Process .html Files As PHP?

Jan 27, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit to do testing for a web site. I have successfully added a .htaccess file to the production site to process .html files as PHP files, but cannot get my localhost to process the files the same way.

Addition to apache2.config:

HTML Code:
<Directory "/home/*/public_html/*">
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow


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General :: Cannot Post Files To /var/www/html Using FTP?

Nov 25, 2010

I created a local user acount and tested FTP. This allows me to post files to this directory using filezilla. I then created a webftpaccount and set the home directory to /var/www/html. Here are the permission to this directory using ls -l drwxrwsr-x 6 webftpaccount webftpaccount 4096 Nov 23 10:32 htmlhere are the permission on the sub directories

drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount ftp 4096 Nov 14 07:37 myfinanceguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:37 mylawguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:36 xpiinc

I can log into the webftpaccount using filezilla client and it lists all the directories.It will not allow me to write a file into the html directory or any of the sub directories.Can someone help me set appropriate permissions on these directories so that I can get this working? I need to get FTP working so I set up dreamwaever FTP tlich and maintain sites.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Select The Catalan (Valencian) Translation - 47 Locales?

May 1, 2011

Let me introduce this topic before I ask my question. When selecting the system language, there are different options that are based on the ISO-639 standard, which defines a code locale for each language and country. This allow us to select, for example, pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) or pt_PT (Portuguese form Portugal) as the language system. Then, if two variants of a language are in a different country, the ISO-639 can differentiate them this way.

But there are languages, for example Catalan, that have two variants in the same country. Then, the ISO-639 cannot differentiate them. Here is where the BCP-47 standard appears [1]. It adds a subtag to identify variants or other codifications (like sr and sr@latin) of a language. In the Catalan case, standard Catalan uses the ca_ES locale code, and the Valencian variant uses the ca_ES-valencia locale code (the subtag is -valencia). On systems based on Debian is possible to select this variants using the @ modifier. Then, if I define this LANG environment:


The translation shown on the system is the ca@valencia (for example, in GNOME). GNOME is already translated into Catalan (Valencian) [2]. As well as KDE,, VirtualBox, Firefox and many others. Here is my question: How can I select the Catalan (Valencian) translation (not the standard Catalan one) when using openSUSE? I have tried modifying the /etc/sysconfig/language file, and defining the rc_lang to:


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Programming :: How To Use Html Version Of Patches

Dec 4, 2010

I am currently following the instructions from the Linux From Scratch book and have made it to the downloading of the patches.There are links to all of the needed patches but when you click them, instead of downloading a file like I expected, it takes you to an html page displaying (I'm guessing) some sort of programming or scripting language. Link to the page with the all the patch download links. From there instead of downloading the file it displays its contents.

- www
- (period)linuxfromscratch
- (period)org
- /lfs/view/stable/chapter03/patches
- (period)html

(had to break it up because the forum won't allow me to post links yet ) My question is: What do I need to do with this text? Do I copy and paste it into a text file? Are there certain extensions that I need to append to the text files?

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Programming :: Done To Convert Html Pages To Pdf ?

Jan 1, 2011

Im new to linux Iam pursuing bachelors in computer science engineering.... my final year project is to develop a "html to pdf converter using linux"... i have some basic knowledge of commands used in unix

1) Where can i get the basic idea about the existing converters... their pros and cons...
.... programming...

2) Any kind of material or source where i can get basic idea of programming used for converting html pages that are linked into a single pdf..

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Programming :: Can't Get HTML Canvas To Work In IE?

Jan 1, 2011

Does anyone know how to get HTML5 canvas to work in Internet Explorer? I tries to do it using excanvas and jqcanvas but had trouble using them.

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Programming :: CSS - Put Several Lines Of HTML Into One Line Using CSS?

Dec 14, 2008

I've got a website set up which has a section which is just a bunch of links on the side. But this section of links is on every page of the website. And when I expand and add more links I don't want to have to go to every page and add the new link. Is there a way that I could put all the links into something on CSS (or anything else) that I could just include one line in the HTML? So that when I add a link I'll only have to edit the one file and and then every page will be updated?

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Programming :: Put All The HTML In A Print Statement?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a site which will have, for example, a login system where people have to enter their usernames and passwords, depending on which they'll be let in to the site. So, in code, I've got a line like:

if ($_POST['password'] == $password) {
then do whatever
else { print "Wrong password" ; )

My problem is, this "Wrong password" printing is just a solitary line, not keeping with the colours and style of the site, and it looks very bad. I want to ideally, output some HTML, which will have a picture, and print the "Wrong password" in the font and colours I desire. Do I have to put all the HTML in a print statement, and then deal with the nightmare of escaping all the quote marks in it with a ""? Or is there a cleaner method to the whole thing? Maybe something like this -

if ($_POST['password'] == $password) {
then do whatever


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Programming :: HTML To PHP To EXPECT Formatting?

Apr 13, 2011

I wrote an expect script that tests user authentication against a RADIUS server. The username is an email address, including an @ sign. I recently wrote an HTML/PHP front end to allow others to input username/password into a form and then see the results when they hit submit. Expect code that takes two args username, and password


expect "#"
send "test aaa group radius [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1] new-code
"expect "#"


Every works as it's supposed to, except for the output of the script. When it displays on the webpage, it's segmented weirdly with  all throughout. What I've found is when I remove the @ sign in the username input, it fixes it. Is there any part of HTML or PHP that treats the @ as a special character? 1 more thing is that I have another HTML/PHP/EXP script that works fine with the @.

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Programming :: Parameter Passing In The HTML?

Jun 11, 2010

If I have the following links in HTML


<a href=lang.php?lang=cymraeg>Cymraeg</a>
<a href=lang.php?lang=english>English</a>

and lang.php has a link to page2.html, how do I pass on the value of the lang parameter from lang.php to page2.html? The value needed is the one passed in to lang.php.

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Programming :: Php Not Running In Html Page?

May 22, 2010

I have an HTML page that I want to run some PHP code. I found several "How tos" about this but I can't get it to work. The code is very simple:


cat test.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


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Ubuntu :: Apache Not Parsing Php In Html Files?

Dec 10, 2010

why Apache is not parsing php code inside html files in LAMP? Whereas the same is working fine in WAMP..

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