Programming :: Sending Binary Data Through Sockets In C
Nov 29, 2010
I am coding a http server which has to send the file(s) such as images, .avi files, .mpeg, that the client is going to request. I have been trying of sending files through sockets.
char info [256];
bzero(info, 256);
read(socket, info, 255);
write(socket, HTTP, 255);
FILE *fl= fopen(info,"rb");
fseek(fl, 0, SEEK_END);
long len = ftell(fl);
printf("largo: %ld", len);
unsigned char *ret = (char*) malloc(len);
fseek(fl, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(ret, 1, len, fl);
However, it's supposed to be shown in Mozilla Firefox (as the client). But it is not doing it, so.. It's just not getting the complete file.
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Aug 30, 2010
I am using centos 5, want to send a sets of binary data to other bluetooth device I know how to sent a file but dont know how to sent raw data. My case is like this I have a bluetooth device I need to send data to then after it process I need to get it back, I plan to do this all using terminal is that possible?
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Jun 25, 2010
I would like to send a data using one thread and receive a data using other thread by using a same socket connection using USD sockets. The calls i am using for sending and receiving are send(), recv(). let me know is it possible to send and receive the data parallel (Full duplex communication)?
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Oct 28, 2010
I am writing a code in Python where a socket client changes data with the server. That works nice if the connection is up. However it is also supposed to work offline. So I need to be able to detect if the connection is up before sending data, but I was not able to do so. A summary of the code is like that:
socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
socket.connect( (, self.port) )
connected = True
connected = False
if connected:
data = "some data byte"
If I unplug the cable after the connection is ready then the socket sends data and does not detect the connection failure. What is amazing is that the client detects the connection failure just after the cable has been plugged again. Of course there is a loop in the code above and always that connected==False a new connection is made. How could the program detect the connection failure before sending data and then lead the code to an exception?
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Apr 15, 2010
I am trying to redirect connection to port 8980 to execute a telnet command to a local machine
by issuing the following command :
In Server 1 :
socat TCP-LISTEN:8980,fork EXEC:/myscript,reuseaddr
My script contains
telnet //local Server 2
I am sending Binary data from the client to Server 2 via Server 1. So it happens that I have some characters in Hex translated to special characters in ASCII like open brackets or Commas etc.. and that closed the socket between the two machines.
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Feb 25, 2011
I am doing a project where 2 clients connect to server and communicate (chat) and transfer data one after other using sockets. I have working code for this in C language. Now our main aim is to create a communication link where two clients transfer multiple streams data parallely. To be more precise i want to transfer images files and audio files parallel at same time, so is it possible to send data parallel using one socket connection?
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Feb 4, 2011
NextPendingConnection () returns a new socket with respect to a new client. This new QSocket is passed to the connect () function which connects it to a SLOT 'xyz' with SIGNAL 'readyRead()'. Now in the SLOT 'xyz' how I am supposed to automate the monitoring of ALL connected sockets to see whether some data is available on them? One pathetic way would be to run all the sockets through a for loop and check each one of them for the data. Secondly, I read up on QSocketNotifier() here: [URL]. But I am not sure if that is the correct thing.
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Jul 24, 2010
I'm trying to add local sockets in my multi-threaded application in order to exchange data between threads. The only problem I got is that most of the information available on the net is related to internet oriented socket programming whileI want to perform local connections. got a thread that does the sniffing via libpcap. And I would like that thread to send each captured packet to a second thread that will analyse the packetof the thread implementations is written in separate .h file.Or maybe there is a more effective method of exchanging data between threads
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Feb 20, 2010
I have created a file using open() and written data to it. Data appears as normal characters in the file. How to save these characters in a binary format in that file using C language? Here I mean that the characters should be actually stored as 0 and 1. Do I have to convert the whole data using some function or there is some standard way to do it in Linux?
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Dec 17, 2010
What would be the best way to extract data by sending queries to a website?
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Aug 19, 2010
I wrote an application that receives packets on one interface and sends them to another interface after it added a vlan header. Both the sending and the receiving is done using raw sockets. Everything seems to work fine until I get TCP packets that are of size 1514 (MTU). Once I add a vlan header to the packet, its size becomes 1518 and when I try to send it I get the returned value -1 and errno=90 (message too long). I tried to change the MTU of the NIC to a value that is bigger than 1500 but that fails. If I create a bridge using brctl and vconfig between the NICs I can see that my NIC does sends packets of size 1518. What do I need to in order to make my NIC to send packets of size 1518?
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May 5, 2011
Is there any Linux utility to combine two or more binary files into a single binary file ?
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Nov 30, 2010
How to coded version info and other information likes author and company name into the ELF binary?
I prefer the put the version info during build step.
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Jan 24, 2011
What ubuntu server setup will work the best on a non web mostly data based via sockets (mysql php phpadmin) will be the easiest to use and what sockets to use? Lamp?
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Nov 18, 2010
Is there any way to implement a simple ping script in C (unix)? I'm programming simple OpenWRT scripts.
I have found some examples of ping in C:
However, nothing happens, nothing is sent.
When I look at the code, in the portion where the socket is created, I can see that the socket is not binding to any interface:
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) == -1)
setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &optval, sizeof(int));
Instead, it uses "setsockopt" to set some options.
My guess is that it is trying to send packets over the eth0 interface instead over the wl0 (wireless) interface (which is the one I want to use to send pings).
Now, my question is: Is there any other way to send pings in C by binding to an interface?
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Jul 25, 2010
I need to create a C/C++ program in Linux that succeeds in detecting how many tcp-sockets and what tcp-sockets are created by the other processes in the system in a particular time interval (e.g., the interval time this application is running in). Then, I'd need to get some information like local/remote port number and local/remote ip address of each of these sockets.
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Aug 27, 2010
I am struggling a little on how to best approach this problem. I have wrote a server program that runs via xinetd, that obviously spits out data at the client end. Fairly straightforward stuff?There is a point in my server code where I need to display an image/gui i.e something that runs on X11 that prompts a user to perform a task on the display connected at the the server side.So far I have written a test program that displays some text at the client end and then launches the browser at the server end. I have also set the following export. Code: export DISPLAY=:0 and then goes on to launch my web browser. Works great when ran locally on the server and when I remotely telnet in to the server and run the code.
However when I try to run the same piece of code as a xinetd service the export seems to have zero affect and the client terminal window displays errors associated with there not being a X11 server running.The code launches fine when I create a socket to serverip:6556 it just the ability to display gui programs to another display that does not seem to be working.
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Feb 1, 2011
Can someone help me with this problem,trying to send a packet,using tcp/ip,the packet should look like this:
field 1: SOCKS protocol version, 1 byte (0x05 for this version)
field 2: status, 1 byte:
0x00 = request granted
0x01 = general failure
0x02 = connection not allowed by ruleset
0x03 = network unreachable
0x04 = host unreachable
0x05 = connection refused by destination host
0x06 = TTL expired
0x07 = command not supported / protocol error
0x08 = address type not supported
field 3: reserved, must be 0x00
field 4: address type, 1 byte:
0x01 = IPv4 address
0x03 = Domain name
0x04 = IPv6 address
field 5: destination address of
4 bytes for IPv4 address
1 byte of name length followed by the name for Domain name
16 bytes for IPv6 address
field 6: network byte order port number, 2 bytes
and this is my code:
int domainLen = strlen(domain);
char reply[domainLen + 7];
reply[0] = 5; // version
reply[1] = 0; // succed
reply[2] = 0; // reserved
reply[3] = 3; // its a domain
reply[4] = domainLen;; // lenght of domain
for(int j = 0; j < domainLen; ++j)
reply[j + 5] = domain[j];
reply[5 + domainLen] = 80; // port
reply[20] = '�';
Send(reply, sizeof(reply));
domain is "". Am I doing it right ? I dont know much about bits.
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Feb 14, 2011
I manually rotated my catalina.out file, and now the file jumps to 30+Mb and when I try to view it, less tells me it might be a binary file. It sure appears to have binary data in it, about 30meg of it.
I did the rotate via a copy:
copy catalina.out to another file
cat /dev/null > catalina.out
I have tried using echo:
echo "" > catalina.out
...also with the same result.
This application isn't something I can just bounce when necessary. It kind of appears that the original file is still there - sort of. But is it not readable text anymore.
SunOS 5.10
tomcat 5.5.26 (version required by app vendor)
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Aug 11, 2010
Is there such an application that can handle opening a 30GB binary file containing hex data? GHex won't open it.
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Jun 9, 2010
I have a problem creating my second socket in client file. the program was running well but when I try to add another socket to connect to the same server, I got a problem connecting to the first socket! it doesn't make sense. the original code was:
sockfd[i] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(sockfd[i] < 0) error("(MAIN) - Error openning socket 1");
port_num[i] = portno;
bzero((char*) &serv_addr[i], sizeof(serv_addr[i]));
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Jun 9, 2010
I am using the API libpcap in order to filter the traffic of the port 53 from my PC ro other PCs, in other words the DNS traffic.I want to get more information about the DNS traffic that is being sent to the DNS server, in other words the queries. So far I have no idea how to read the information data or payload of the UDP package in order to read the content of the traffic for example if there is any PTR, A, MX, etc Resource Record.According to the RFC 1053 there is a header that is possible to use in order to easily get this info.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a problem passing a file descriptor from one process to another.
I have two processes A and B. Both are running in different network and
filesystem namespaces, so it is impossible to use unix domain sockets or
net sockets to pass a file descriptor from process A to process B.
The usage of STREAMS is also impossible, as you can see in
[quotation begin]
Linux doesn't have STREAMS, which are the System V way
of doing this task. ...
[quotation end]
Are there additional possibilities for file descriptor passing like
using named pipes or something like that or does anybody know
a good workaround for this problem ?
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Nov 30, 2010
I have written a server application which has select for both incoming new client connection requests and incoming data from client. I am able to process incoming connection requests and client data.
For example, server has 8 clients connected to it. If client 3 disconnects from server, how will server come to know this client has disconnected and to close its client socket fd gracefully? Does server's select get data on that client socket fd as 'close' data or any error code in recv() function that notifies server to close this client socket fd? Also if client disconnects abruptly without sending close request to server, how should server handle this? Does server get "EPIPE" error?
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Jul 8, 2011
Hi, is it possible to send a request to a http server without using sockets?
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Jan 14, 2011
i would like to add 8 bytes of data to the begigning of a binary there a command for this?
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Mar 31, 2011
Iam using socket programming in one of my problem. The scenario is like this.
=>one module is working as a socket server(process p1) is able to handle client sockets on that port.
=>one module is working as socket client (process p2) is connected to server socket and Tx/Rx data on this socket. This module has some more threads, based on received data from server socket it will connect to http on other thread and get information...
=>one more module is working as socket client (process p3) is also connected to server socket and doing some other transactions.
Here my problem is when in presence of p2, p3 http connection taking more time than the expected. If we wont start p3(means only one server-client socket) then http connection is fast enough.
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Apr 15, 2009
constructing a protocol where in it involves sending and receiving different files, so sending data over consists of file name, size of the file and content of the file, so while receiving can i use functions like strchr() to differentiate these fields for sockets? so to allocate memory for file to save i need to have its size.
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Apr 13, 2011
I have a question regarding Bluetooth with Bluedevil. Finally I got a connection working in one direction: sending files from my mobile (Google Nexus One with Android 2.3.3) to the computer. But I can not send files from my computer to the phone. I also tried to send files from my desktop to my Laptop and it fails. I also tried it the other way around: from Laptop to Desktop... fail.
What is it? Is it still a bug in Bluedevil and all I can do is wait? Or is there some package missing? The following packages (regarding bluetooth) are installed:
libbluetooth 3
I don't believe that it is hardware related, because it works one-way... If I should post logfiles or whatever.
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Jun 29, 2010
shed some light on what I am doing. I am wondering if I just havehings back to front.Server (MESH):Fedora 13Firewall ports open tcp 22(ssh), tcp 873(rsync)sshd service started
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