Programming :: PHP Accessing Variables Within Array
Mar 30, 2011
I am pretty new to PHP so excuse my dumbness. I've searched this up in quite a few places and cant find anything : Basically, I've made an array, within it are 3 more arrays. Their are two values in each array, 'Name' and 'Age'. Basically I am using a While statement to try and cycle through the 'age' value of my array and state whether or not the person is eligible. (I am actually just learning so I'm doing this to just test myself).
Here was an attempt to try and create a reference to age, I tried it many different ways
while($age < 10) {
echo ('$name, is eligible') ; } ?>
Okay, so I tried to do this through two ways, one way I tried to create a reference to age, then evaluate it, without that line of code their would be no reference, which way is correct, why wont it work? I am using Xammp, so when I launch local host I get an undefined variable error. What To Do?
step 2 - update ~/.bashrc export some new variables
step 3 - check said variables, if they return a value then we know a reboot has taken place and we can continue to step 4. otherwise halt and isssue a warning that a reboot is needed.
Ok, so this works if I just execute the script when I am logged on as root, and after a reboot & rerun of the script I can check the variables exist and the program will continue as expected. only when I am logged on as root will the variables I exported in bashrc return a value. If I run the script as sudo root the values are blank.
I have a general question regarding php. Suppose that I want to have an array that stores connection-specific data, that can be anything IP address or something similar. However, whenever I use global or server variables (i.e. GLOBALS or _SERVER) the array created in this way is kind of connection-oriented, so that for each connection there is a separate instance of this array. Maybe it has something to do with the MPM of Apache, but I am not sure. Is it possible to implement an array that stores information about all connections that are at a system? In this way, each connection can chip in and upload it with data? Also, I would rather not use cookie's.
I need to parse through a file which contains timestamps of transactions. What I am trying to do is come up with a Max Transactions Per Second (TPS) value. I was thinking that creating an array variable would be the way to go, but I'm having problems determining even how to start.
What I'm trying to do: write a script that will list all the directories in a given location. Ask the user to enter a number corresponding to the location of the directory in the list, and then moving into that directory.
I have written a script to do this, but it only works when I run it as: <user>$program_name and the script runs in a sub-shell. But, when it is run in a sub-shell, the changes made by the script go away after the script ends.
When I run it as: <user>$. program_name and the script runs in the current source shell, I get an error: bash: cd: /home/dev/Project/dirname: No such file of directory
Code: IFS=' ' read -d '' -a ArrName < <(ls ~/Projects) read filenumber cd $HOME/Projects/${ArrName[$filenumber]}
I'm trying to delete directories (long story, Mac temp files there, Windows not cooperating) on a sever connected to a HP 20 Modular Smart Array set up as RAID5. System currently running Windows. I've booted from a 9.10 LiveCD but can't see the external drives. Is it correct that I need to install mdadm to "see" those drives from LiveCD? From a different machine (linux) I can mount the drive using samba like so:
I have admin privileges on the Windows OS. In linux (or Windows beforehand), is it possible to take ownership of the directories so that I can do a rm -f -r <dir> ?
I'm writing a PHP program. I've encountered a problem; in the following code I try to pass $_POST['delete'] which is an array as the value of a hidden input to some form, but it doesn't do so.there's something wrong with converting PHP array into HTML array. I'm sure that $_POST['delete'] is not null and is a real array.
(I am using vector() and matrix() functions from "Numerical recipes in C".)There are 100 numbers to be stored in 2D array of 10 rows and 10 columns.100 numbers are stored in a 1D array.I get "segmentation fault" at the line indicated in the segment of my code below:
I looked on the net for such function or example and didin't find anything, thus after having made one i guess it would be legitimate to drop it to see what others thinks of it.
#!/bin/bash addelementtoarray() { local arrayname=$1
I can define all variables in tcl programming in a file for instance var.cfgand source the same file in my tcl script such assource var.cfgIs this possible in perl too?
I'm running into a problem when I try to set a variable to an awk output in c-shell. Right now my command is Code: set STR_MSG_TYPE = `awk -F{ '/msg_type/ {print $2}' <filename> | tr -d }'/''*' ` I then run echo to see what the output is and it returns blank, however, when I run the same awk command from the command line, I get an actual output of "MT-715". Am I setting my variable incorrectly? I do something similar using the date command to set a STR_DATE variable earlier in the code and it works fine and I use the same syntax.
i'm practicing in very basic c programs using the gcc compiler.I found that when i create two variables let's say
int a,b and Code: a=15; b=3; a=b; b--;
then a equals 2.I thought that this isn't normal in C isn't it?I haven't had the time to read the gcc documentation i think it has something to do with my compiler's default settings.I use the
Code: gcc filename.c -o filename command to compile
I have a C header file which have arrays of predefined(known) structure type. But i dont have names of arrays and their size. when i include that file and compile my application, i want to know the names and sizesof those arrays.
purpose of application is to get the content of those arrays and to explain it in descriptive words instead of hex numbers.ofcourse this can be done by file pointers and reading also with out header file inclusion, but as i am working in C, once compiled, those variables are in my address space in i include header file.
My php knowledge is very poor (only worked with strings so far), and I am faced which a task that is a real challenge for me: I have a variable, that contains data of different type, in this order: byte, byte, string, string, string, string, short, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, string.
Strings are of variable length. How could this data be parsed into variables of the right type, and then all converted to strings? What are the functions to use? Strings are unicode ones, and they are delimited by "
I just created a website in PHP and tested on my own webserver. All of my session variables worked great. Today I uploaded it to my commercial server host and it does not remember the session vars from one page to the next. Here is the session section of phpinfo().
Code: session Session Support enabled Registered save handlers files user sqlite Registered serializer handlers php php_binary wddx DirectiveLocal ValueMaster Value session.auto_startOffOff session.bug_compat_42OnOn session.bug_compat_warnOnOn session.cache_expire180180 session.cache_limiternocachenocache session.cookie_domainno valueno value session.cookie_httponlyOffOff session.cookie_lifetime00 session.cookie_path// session.cookie_secureOffOff session.entropy_fileno valueno value session.entropy_length00 session.gc_divisor100100 session.gc_maxlifetime14401440 session.gc_probability11 session.hash_bits_per_character44 session.hash_function00 session.namePHPSESSIDPHPSESSID session.referer_checkno valueno value session.save_handlerfilesfiles session.save_path/tmp/tmp session.serialize_handlerphpphp session.use_cookiesOnOn session.use_only_cookiesOffOff session.use_trans_sid00
You can see that session.save_path is set to /tmp, which is the default on the shared server. /tmp does exist in my document root directory.
Im a fresher in PHP.Actually i wanted to know that whether there will be time delay while using session variables in PHP.By using some 10-20 session variables in my code will it affect the speed of the loading of the page.If so then can u suuggest any other method to pass the varaibles which will not slow down the speed?
I have sles 10 . A user has a default shell of tcsh. I want to run a script which has to use ksh . In that script only some variables are exported, which will be used in subsequent scripts which are called inside it.
But the variables are not exported. I am unable to find whether its a conflict of shell or what ?? I tried with debug mode, it only displays the command but not execute anyone ..
I have a file that contains 5 fields and anothen one with two I want to take the value from user and search file1 and if the value exists then write in file2 to the $2 to the line that $1=value
What's the best way to include variables in a string using C,i.e if i want to do the following query in C, how would i do that.How do i build the string variable up in C?
I'm writing something which takes user input (which may or may not contain spaces...) and then runs a command on a remote system via ssh. However the remote command does not work. I can't print the exact code so I'll just provide an equivelenat problem. This needs to work with filenames which do and do not contain spaces.
I'm trying to write a bash script and I'm having trouble with it.I have a list of DNS entires from a file called zoneExport.txt.Than I want to parse a log file to see if that DNS entry has been queried for. So I'm running a grep command and trying to save it into a variable. What I'm looking for is a variable ($varGrepQ) that has the number of matches for the grep query. I will then run this through an if statement and do some things from there..
But my problem right now is with this grep query. It keeps outputting '0' even when I know there are records in that file and when I run the same query on the command line I get the actual count. My thought is that the $record variable is not passing right.
If I read in variables entered by the user, how can I check to make sure the correct number of variables were entered? For example, after reading in a data file and making it into an array, I have:echo "To check the data, enter the first element number, last element number and step size as x y z:"read x y z.It then goes on to start a loop, but what I would like now (before the loop) is a check to see if three variables have been entered, before the rest of the script continues.
I've tried specifying the variables as $1, $2 and $3, but if I echo $#, the value comes out as zero, so it's obviously not working.
I'm playing around with some shell scripting and I've got a directory call CS005 and I'm trying to write a script to I can locate to the directory really quick and easy.
export CS005DIR=/home/stud/0/043234/CS005
Now I get this error
CS005DIR=/home/stud/0/043234/CS005 No such file or directory.
This is because I've got numerical values within my variable.
Is there a way to allow numbers for variable names?