Programming :: How To Load Source Files Into An IDE

Oct 7, 2010

I've been wanting to try editing programs on linux (like for my own personal mods), but I cannot find out how to load the source files into an IDE, I don't want to use Kate or gedit because it's time consuming looking at 50+ files trying to find where a piece of code would be at (say trying to find ColorDrawer.Tablet.MakeFile(thisfile,here);, and having to look for a file with the ColorDrawer class) back when I was on windows I used Visual Studio, and I liked how I could highlight the classes or actions and open the file that they were within. I've tried constant programs, MonoDevelop, QT Creator, CodeBlocks, etc, but I'm clueless as to how to actually get a source code to load into a solution. How would I go about getting say into a solution for MonoDevelop (or any other IDE)?

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Programming :: Load Flash Movies Directly From Any Source (no Temporary Files)

Dec 28, 2010

Flash Player ActiveX is always copying movie from I-net before playing it. Is it possible to load and play flash movies directly from any source without usage of temporary files to protect the movie from any other LOCAL outside access?

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Programming :: IDE For Building C Source Files?

Jan 18, 2010

I am trying to build an application on linux and it requires compilation of several files along with my application. Till now I have been trying using a makefile which is built for a test application which uses almost the same files as the mine by replacing its main.c file. But mow have ended up writing everything, function declarations, definitions... in the same file looks very unprofessional and is quite difficult to manage.

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Programming :: C++: Compiling Multiple Source Files (with Templates Involved)?

Mar 21, 2011


anisha@linux-uitj:~/junk> ls -R
include src
template0.h template0.h~ template0.h.gch


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Programming :: Find Source Code Of C Library Files In Ubuntu?

Feb 26, 2009

Where do i found source code of c library files in ubuntu.

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Programming :: Source Code To Get The Location Of Installed Files After Rpm Installation

Jul 25, 2011

The rpm command to get all the list of all installed file location after rpm installation is rpm -ql <rpm file-name>

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Ubuntu :: Command Line To Copy Files From One Location To Another / Retain Source Files Group / User?

Feb 20, 2011

Is there a method at the command line to copy files from one location to another and retain the source files group and user?I'm migrating some MySQL files from one machine to another.I want to back-up the original files in the directory presently. They have owner:group of mysql, some have owner:group root:mysql and so on. To copy them under cli or Nautilus everything changes to root for I execute sudo cp or gksudo nautilus and copy via gui.

Since it is MySQL data I could simply do a dump of the database and restore it on the other machine. But there's about 20 db's and I want to do this via a copy for it will be faster - at least that is what I think.

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Debian :: Download Source - ISO File Burn And Load On Main Work Pc

May 31, 2010

I have a touchscreen panel pc that boots a version of Debian. I have very little experience with Linux in general. I need to quickly get up to speed with this operating system and Debian in general. The panel pc uses an ARM 9 processor, which I need to program to control a lighting system. I have a good back ground in C programming and embedded control. send me a link to an ISO file of Debian that I can burn and load on my main work pc.

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Fedora :: 12 Restored Files From USB Key - Source Files Are All Binary?

Feb 11, 2010

Before installing Fedora on my laptop I backed up my files onto a USB key. I wiped the hard disk and installed Fedora 12. I copied my files back to my home directory - but all the text files are now binary! Any ideas why this would be or how to fix it??---------- Post added at 10:54 AM CST ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM CST ----------Hmm it seems that only some files are binary. Looks like some .tgz files are corrupted too.---------- Post added at 11:02 AM CST ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM CST ----------Damn - I wonder if the files weren't completely written to the usb key before I removed it. I don't remember their being a safe mount option in Fedora 10 - but I definitely unmounted it before removing it from the laptop.

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Programming :: Find The Source For 4ge?

Aug 2, 2011

How to find the source for 4ge programs ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Source Files And Just RPM?

Nov 29, 2008

What is the difference below these files?

1)Say an application is written and is having source files.
2)A file called source rpm package
3)A rpm package

In case of (1) we need to compile using either the make or if we know using appropriate compiler with proper libs included. Can I know what's the difference between (2) and (3)?

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Programming :: Calling C Ece From Java Source

Aug 13, 2010

I want to call c exe from java source code and i want to interact with the c program during it's execution, i am able to send the parameters to c program but i am not able to interact with it.

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Programming :: Passing A Source Ip To The Server?

Jan 12, 2011

i'm programming a small tcp client, but i need that the server knows the source ip. My client receives a external connection and forwards, but the ip seen by the server, of course, is the client ip. I would like, change this ip to original source ip.

I don't know how to do this. I tried with the connect and select function.

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Programming :: Use For Open Source Development?

May 19, 2011

I wish to start development for the open source projects. And going to start working on some project in C/C++ and shell/python scripts. I wish to know the best suitable development environment for this purpose? What about eclipse? I will be interacting with git, make and other open source utilities.

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Programming :: Need Any Open Source Alternative To .net / VC++

Jan 2, 2011

I refuse to use .net for any of my apps since I hate using proprietary code that wont work on other platforms without using emulation.

However, I do like how all the hard work is done for you and you can spend more time implementing, then actually coding stuff like socket classes, date/time classes and other wrappers to make the complex C/C++ code easier to use and tie with each other I have a custom library that I've been adding to as I need stuff, but then I got thinking, there must be something out there with everything I need to code applications, that is easy to use and more reliable and efficient then anything I'd ever make.

Does such framework exist?

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Programming :: Debug Library Source In GDB/DDD?

Aug 25, 2009

is there a way to debug my library files from DDD? Basically a way to pass the paths to DDD so I can view the source etc. I'm having a segmentation nightmare, which only crops up about every 10 or so starts, I know it's in one file in a library. I could move the source file into my general code to debug, but am sure there's a way in DDD.

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Programming :: Get Source IP From UDP Socket Using Recv()

Sep 29, 2010

I have scoured google for ways to get the source address of the client sent to my server which receives using UDP sockets.

I get the packet with no issue, but I would like to get the source address. Where it currently uses, I would like it to be this address.

#include "rbsocket.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>


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Programming :: App To Annotate Source Code ?

May 11, 2010

I've tried to use google to find this, and all I find is M$ SAL and some annotation standard for java, neither of which is anything like what I'm looking for.

I am pouring over someone else's source code, and want to be able to take notes on it, saving those notes in a separate text file that I can grep, open in a text editor, etc. I want each annotation line to include a line number (or range of lines) so it's easy to know what part of the code it refers to.

I could do this by hand, but it would be nice if a program existed to read and write such a file format. It could be similar to Kompare, only with editable notes on one side and source on the other, linked together with colored bands.

Does such a thing exist?

Cosme Zamudio and I are discussing a possible file format and an Android app - [url]

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Programming :: 'Top' Command Source Code

Jan 19, 2010

Where can I find the top command source code... I got it from "" but it seems for Solaris. where can I get the source code for top commend running on Linux????

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Programming :: Where Is The Kernel Source Code ?

Mar 7, 2011

In particular i'd like to know where is the kernel source code in slackware 13.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Synaptic & Source Files?

Sep 29, 2010

So I've installed a dependency from source since I needed to customize its config (couldn't figure out how to do this to a package). Synaptic doesn't recognize that it's installed and the program I want to install wants to reinstall this dependency. Specifically, I'm trying to get Kdenlive, and FFmpeg is the dependency.

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General :: Text/source Files: What Is The EOF Indicator

Nov 10, 2010

i am working in gcc compiler i am opening a file using file pointer writing in the file ,entering the text from keyboard tell me the end of file indicator after entering the text

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General :: Update Packages From Source Files?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm not to sure if i'm using the right terminology but im trying to install rrdtool and it needs all these dependencies. One of them I have installed but it isn't up to date.glib-1.2x needs to updated to 1.17 or higher. How do i go about updating this? I downloaded the source and did ./configure && make && make install but this didn't update it.Also trying to install libxml-2.0 to 2.6.31, im getting a whole list of dependicies.

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General :: Kernal Source Files Are Not Found In FC-12?

Jan 7, 2011

I am Vamsi from Alcatel-Lucent. We have a software to configure the wireless broadband devices to the Linux machine. Till now, it was running on FC-5. When we need to add any new device, we used to add it in airprime.c, sw.h and usb-serial.c under /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial directoy.

Now we are trying to upgrade the system to FC-12. But I am not able to find any kernal files under /usr/src/kernels/ directory. I saw in some websites that the kernal files can be found at: /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/linux-2.6.31/drivers/usb/serial. But in my system, there is no rpmbuild directory.

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Slackware :: How To Edit Firefox Source Files

Jul 5, 2010

In the Firefox source directory is a file called ''. I simply want to make a small edit to this file to carry out a bit of experimentation. However, whether I use KWrite, KEdit or Kate, I run into the same problem that after I have saved the file, the build always crashes out like this:


root@Toods2:/usr/src/firefox-4.0b1.source/mozilla-central# gmake -f profiledbuild
gmake -f /usr/src/firefox-4.0b1.source/mozilla-central/ build MOZ_PROFILE_GENERATE=1
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/firefox-4.0b1.source/mozilla-central'


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Programming :: Source Or Dot Command Not Working In Makefile

Apr 5, 2010

I am trying to run a script to setup environment variables and then run other commands in a make file. But the source or the dot operator (shell is bash) does not seem to take any effect as the subsequent command didn't pick the environment up. Do I have to put every lines of the environment setup in the first script into the makefile instead?

export MYDIR=/somedir

sample makefile:
all: source ./
echo $(MYDIR)

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Programming :: Source Code On Email Parsing In C++ ?

May 11, 2010

Does anyone have source code on Email parsing in C++

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Programming :: Extract Source Email Address - Awk?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a small bash/awk program that extracts the date/time/size of thousands of email headers. I'm trying to also extract the last "Received from:" string from these email headers which will give me the senders email server. on extracting the last occurrence of this string, and printing the information after it?

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Programming :: Bash Script - Source Not Found

Feb 25, 2011

I want to edit the environment with a bash script, a part of my script is showed in the post. Its not everything, but the rest is working fine. At the begin of my script I've the follow line Code: #!/bin/bash
set -e First I tried with this solution. Code: sudo chmod 777 /etc
sudo rm /etc/environment
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/ruby/bin"' > */etc/environment
sudo chmod 755 /etc
source /etc/environment Error, source not found

The second solution was this:
Code: sudo chmod 777 /etc
sudo rm /etc/environment
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/ruby/bin"' > */etc/environment
sudo chmod 755 /etc
. /etc/environment
This one didn't give an error, but if I try this:
Code: ruby -v got an error
so the environment didn't worked.

If I use both commands
Code: source /etc/environment
Code: . /etc/environment
In the terminal, without a bash script, it works, so if I do
Code: ruby -v
It works and showed the right version.

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Programming :: Debugging Nasm Source Code ?

Dec 5, 2010

I found on the Internet a rough suggestion to debug code which says to add a line:

An example shows this lists the lines of source that do work.

I do not know where these lines are supposed to go and whether the "notdeadyet" should be a call to a subroutine or what. I only found that "%define" is used to link to external files, so I am confused because what I tried did not work.

(I am unable to use (and learn) any debugging tool for another few weeks and I'd like to progress on this If I can.)

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