General :: Text/source Files: What Is The EOF Indicator

Nov 10, 2010

i am working in gcc compiler i am opening a file using file pointer writing in the file ,entering the text from keyboard tell me the end of file indicator after entering the text

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Change The Indicator Applet Text?

May 1, 2010

all my machines (save 1) say "Chat" for the Empathy launcher in the indicator applet on the upper tool bar.

I have one that says "Set Up Chat..." Well, chat IS setup but the text in the indicator doesn't say "Chat".

How can I change that?

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General :: Loop Append Text To Text Files?

Jan 15, 2010

may be an advanced question but I need to know how to do this. Here at work I am in charge of recruiting and we have about 1,000 resumes in already. All of the resumes are in a .pdf format. I need to rename every .pdf in the following format:{firstnameLastname}.pdfThe only way I know how to do this is to convert all the .pdf files to text, extract the name out of the first few lines of text, import into excel, and then use VBA to rename the files in mass:Here is my logic so far:~Deskop/a = houses all the .pdfresumesOpen terminal: Code: cd ~/Desktop/afor f in *.pdf; do pdftotext -raw $f; done That will convert all of the preceding resumes into text filesNow I would like to append the name of the text file into the last line of the text file. So, for example, for Resume1.txt, I want to append "Resume1.txt" to the last line within Resume1.txt. So after I run the command I open Resume1.txt and on the last line within I want to see "Resume1.txt" on the last line, at the end of the resume.How can I do this? I would like to use a loop and have the terminal append the filename to the body of the text file until all of the have been appended.

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General :: Search Text In All Text Files Of All The Sub-directories?

Apr 21, 2010

Currently, when I'm searching text in files of my PHP project, I use this line :


grep -r 'myTextToFind' *

But now, I would like to search only in ".lang" files. How can I do that ?

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General :: Getting HTML Source Or Rich Text From The X Clipboard

May 22, 2010

How can rich text or HTML source code be obtained from the X clipboard? For example, if you copy some text from a web browser and paste it into kompozer, it pastes as HTML, with links etc. preserved. However, xclip -o for the same selection just outputs plain text. I'd like to pull the HTML out and into a text editor.

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Software :: Join 2 Text Files Based On First Number Present In Every Line Of The 2 Text Files?

Jan 22, 2010

I have 2 text files : file1.txt and file2.txt

cat file1.txt

15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces

cat file2.txt

2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
54 this is sentence3file2

I would like to join these 2 files. The result should look as follows :

cat joinedfile.txt

2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
54 this is sentence3file2

==> so the joined file must be sorted on the first number. Any ideas how this can be achieved ?

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General :: Convert Open Office (odt) Files To Text Files?

May 25, 2011

How do you convert Open Office (ODT) documents to Text files?
I have made a report using libre office. Now I wish to continue editing the document using lyx (latex front end). So the ODT file needs to be saved as some .tex file.

I don't see an option to do this in File menu (export/save as). So is there any other plugin to do this?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Turn Wireless To On Only Bluetooth Indicator Is Enabled Not WiFi Indicator

Dec 17, 2010

i've just installed openSUSE 11.3 on my dell studio xps 1640. but i have problem with my WLAN . it's a WLAN 1640 mini-card and i think there is no problem with driver. because it seems that it's installed correctly but i can't see any wireless networks (it says "Device is not ready"). is there any suggestions?by the way, when i turn my wireless to on (it's a touch key not a switch) only my bluetooth indicator is enabled not my wifi indicator.

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Software :: Use Sed To Include A Text File In The Beginning Of Other Text Files Inside A Folder And Its Subfolders?

Jun 1, 2010

Can I use sed to include a text file in the beginning of other text files inside a folder and its subfolders? So it should be recursive.

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General :: Update Packages From Source Files?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm not to sure if i'm using the right terminology but im trying to install rrdtool and it needs all these dependencies. One of them I have installed but it isn't up to date.glib-1.2x needs to updated to 1.17 or higher. How do i go about updating this? I downloaded the source and did ./configure && make && make install but this didn't update it.Also trying to install libxml-2.0 to 2.6.31, im getting a whole list of dependicies.

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General :: Kernal Source Files Are Not Found In FC-12?

Jan 7, 2011

I am Vamsi from Alcatel-Lucent. We have a software to configure the wireless broadband devices to the Linux machine. Till now, it was running on FC-5. When we need to add any new device, we used to add it in airprime.c, sw.h and usb-serial.c under /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial directoy.

Now we are trying to upgrade the system to FC-12. But I am not able to find any kernal files under /usr/src/kernels/ directory. I saw in some websites that the kernal files can be found at: /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/linux-2.6.31/drivers/usb/serial. But in my system, there is no rpmbuild directory.

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CentOS 5 :: Text User Interface To Configure Text Files

Nov 5, 2009

I would like to write a text user interface (TUI) to adjust some text config files etc. Is there a tool or application for creating TUIs like this. I�m talking about those types of config tools which you see executed at first boot.

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General :: Find The Bash Source Files Of Programs In Mac OSX?

Jan 6, 2011

I am currently writing some convenience methods for my terminal in my bash_profile and am sure if what I am writing is "the best way". I figure a good way to verify whether what I'm doing is right or not would be to find some source code of more established programs and see how they do it.My question then is, where can I find this code on my Mac? An example is, with Macports installed, where is the source code that opens the port interactive console when I type nothing but "port" in my shell?(I added Linux in the title even though I am on a Mac because I assume the answer would be the same for both)

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General :: Difference Between Kernel Source Files (RPM And SRPM)

Aug 3, 2010

What is the difference between kernel-source.x.x.x.x.rpm and kernel.x.x.x.src.rpm?

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General :: Create Pdf From Text Files

May 18, 2011

Can anyone point me to a well working peace of software (free will be preferred) that can convert text-files into pdf.

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General :: Difference Between Two Text Files To Third One

Jul 14, 2010

I want the difference of two text files(a.txt & b.txt) into a third text file(c.txt). i.e. New or Differert rows of a.txt compared to b.txt



c.txt should be like>

I tried comm,but man says that the files have to be sorted in order to use comm. I dont want to sort the files.

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General :: Find Text Within Files?

Nov 23, 2010

find text within files? detailed at Code: man grep

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General :: Highlight Text In PDF Files In System?

Aug 9, 2010

Some pdf readers for windows allow you to highlight and type notes into PDF files. The pdf readers that I've seen for Linux only allow you to read pdfs. Are there any that allow you to highlight text and add notes?

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General :: Read EDIT Text Files?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm needing to read the Adam's Assembly Tutorials, that are old EDIT *.txt files, I'm on Linux and I need to read this files.What can I do?Is there any GUI editor that can read the files?There is any way to convert them into another file that is more modern1?

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General :: Comparing Lines In 2 Text Files?

Nov 5, 2010

Is there a way, besides writing a PERL program, to read each line one by one in file A and tell if this line also exists in file B? Can this be done via a shell script?

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General :: How To Combine Multiple Text Files

Mar 22, 2011

Combine multiple text files into one text file?

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General :: Deleting Lines From Text Files

Sep 17, 2009

Is there anyway to delete certain paragraphs within a text file and then insert the paragraph into another text file.I just cannot figure out how to remove the specific lines from the file and then insert them into another file at a certain line within that new file. Thanks again

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General :: Find And Replace Text From Many Files In A Dir?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a many directories each with about 20 html files inside. All the files have .html ext. What I'm hoping is possible is from command line to find some text in each one and replace it with some other text.

Basically what I want to replace is;


I can do this easily with dreamweaver or some other application but because I have 960 pages total to do I'm hoping to do it this way.

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General :: Convert Text Files Between Windows(Dos)?

Jan 24, 2010

What is a good way to do it? I have been trying to do it using sed.

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General :: View Png Or Pdf Files In Text-mode?

Apr 15, 2011

is it possible to view png or pdf files in linux text-mode?

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General :: Searching For Text String In All Files?

Mar 3, 2011

Is it possible to search ALL files on a system for a specific text string? I've been messing around with grep without any luck.

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General :: Have Several .amr Audio Files Containing Lectures Want To Transcribe Them To Text?

Mar 11, 2010

I have several .amr audio files containing lectures. I want to transcribe them to text. What is the best software available for achieving this?

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General :: SQL Like Group By And Sum For Text Files In Command Line?

May 2, 2010

I have huge text files with two fields, the first is a string the second is an integer. The files are sorted by the first field. What I'd like to get in the output is one line per unique string and the sum of the numbers for the identical strings. Some strings appear only once while other appear multiple times. Given the sample data below, for the string glehnia I'd like to get 10+22=32 in the result. how to do this either with gnuwin32 command line tools or in linux shell?


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General :: Manually Sort Random Text Files?

Jun 6, 2010

I have about 1000 text files and I need to view each, and move it to a folder if it's the correct one. I can only do basic sorting by length/size, and I can't grep because the text is random. How can I do this besides manually openiing + saving each in gedit.I'm on Ubuntu Linux.I've already done all the sorting I can based on ize,wordcount,greps,date,etc. This is what's left over. I'm trying to find an easy way to view +save/ignore the rest.

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General :: Search For Text Strings In Multiple PHP Files?

Feb 3, 2011

Long story short, I got a folder with nearly 800,000 php files. I would like to search each file for a string and if it exists in that file, the file gets copied to another directory. Is this possible from the terminal? So far I got: grep -i -n -r 'ppr-1792' * | cp $1 move_to_here

But this obviously doesn't work. $1 needs to be the file name that contains matching text.

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