Programming :: Helios : Using Tab On Text Field Having Content Proposals, Crashes Application?
Sep 8, 2010
Using content proposal in helios, giving problem if u press tab. Below is the error. For recreation snippet is provided(taken from 2 sites) after error log.Only u need to press tab while proposal pop up is visible & then point mouse at client.
#################################ERROR LOG#############################
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
I've just installed openSUSE 11.4 64bit Gnome and after that I downloaded eclipse-cpp-helios-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz (CDT version for eclipse). I downloaded the linuxtools and tried to write some lines and I got a crash. I have the Oracle Java installed on the system. I restarted eclipse but seems that I cannot get rid of this crash. Did you experince something like this?
This is the output from cli: # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f48a3a2a89b, pid=16354, tid=139949755737856 # # JRE version: 6.0_24-b07
I'm trying to display fields from flat files where the first 8 fields are always the same. Fields 9 - n are varied but will contain specific patterns I'm after. I'm using this so far because "mySearch" is on each line I want to examine.
How would you pattern match and include 2 additional fields above field $9 but change field position from line to line?
I am creating a game with random variables. In the game I have created a dialogue exchange to players. I have set up a table with various returns and I inserted {$fields} to represent various random variables. When I call on the requested fields, I only see the field text and my field names. Am I supposed to parse something and call it back another way?
ie: myfield is: "You have won {$random1} silver! <br />{$wi['gender'] majesty rewards you well." the code I am using to call that field is:
I use OpenSuse 11.3, Eclipse Elios for C++. What do I have to do for using boost? I put #include <boost/regex.hpp>, but it can't find the file. What variable do I have to use?
I want to develop a system that converts speech to text in C sharp in Windows 7 platform.I haven't enough idea about this one.From google that,there will be grammerbuliding.Moreover i think,there will be a problem of spelling words correctly. from where i will start or which steps i should follow to develop the system??
I'm using Chromium 10 from the build service and just installed the upgrade to version 10. Now there seems to be an issue with scrolling. When i go to reply to an email in gmail there is something weird when i try to scroll. The scrollbar will move like i am scrolling but nothing actually in the text area moves
I use Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenOffice 3.2.We have forms we use for computers we sell. I have to fill out a profile. The problem is I cannot enter text into the text entry fields. I get this error:"Readonly content cannot be changed. No modifications will be accepted."Here is a link to one of the files. If you try to enter more that a digit or two in a text field, you get that error:[URL]
Why do you have to press ctrl-L to use the location text box in Nautilus? There used to be a setting in preferences where you could have it always use the text bar. Now you have to use some gconf command in the terminal. The gconf command I've used also will only work for normal users. If I want to open a root nautilus terminal to move files around between my mounted drives then I have to hit ctrl-l every time. It is really annoying because if I am in a Nautilus window there are lots of times where I need to copy the path to something I am doing in the terminal.
Why does it seem like everything involved with Ubuntu is simplifying things at the expense of having options? I thought GNU/Linux was all about options. I guess it still is, but I just cannot understand why you would completely remove options instead of just putting them in an advanced section or something.
I have just done a fresh install of OpenSuse 11.3 I am using KDE4.When I move my mouse and click on a text field, I start typing and the first few keypresses are ignored. Or if I stop typing and pause for a bit without moving the mouse or doing anything, then when I press the next key it is ignored again.If I go to System settings -> accessibility, neither slow keys, bounce keys or sticky keys are ticked.The effect of this is that if I momentarily pause for thought in the middle of writing then sometimes half a word can go missing. Unfortunately this makes the desktop extremely difficult to use as I am always having to check that all my key presses have been accepted.
I'm running and XP virtual machine using KVM / QEMU. THere are time when I need to copy text from an application in the Fedora host machine and paste the text into a different app in the XP guest machine. I was able to do this using Vitualbox on an earlier version of Fedora.
I've had a very colorful morning learning the innerparts of Linux's sort command, and have come across yet another issue that I can't seem to find an answer for in the documentation. I'm currently using -t, to indicate that my fields are split by the comma character, but I'm finding that in some of my files, the comma is used (between double-quotes) within values:
Jonathan Sampson,,,0987654321 "Foobar CEO,","CEO,",,,
How can I use a comma to terminate my fields, but ignore the occurences of it within values? Is this fairly simple, or do I need to re-export all of my data using a more-foreign field-terminator? (Unfortunately, I do not have any control over declaring a different terminator with this particular project).
I"m running 10.04 on a netbook. I switched my Java look and feel to Nimbus and now my java application opens with most of the buttons and window content missing. The main menu is there, but otherwise the main form is mostly blank. If I restart the application (not my computer) 2-3 times, the problem is resolved until the next time I have to launch the java app. I did not see this issue before changing the look & feel setting for Java. But the GTK l&F doesn't work for other reasons, so I was forced to make a change.
I'm running compiz and I know the blank windows in Java apps was a common problem a while back. I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is related to that old problem or is something different.
I'm trying to fill in an application form that I downloaded. It has some shaded areas where I can answer questions, but there are a couple places where the shaded areas are missing.Have you previously applied with the C.B.E? "Readonly content cannot be changed No modifications will be accepted." Can I add a shaded area in so I can fill this in, or can I disable the read only part?
I want to validate a web form using PHP. I spent ages confusing myself with client side scripting and realised until I worked out it is not what I want. My problem is that now I am looking at PHP and everything is mixed up in my brain. I need to point out that PHP is very new to me! This is what I already have: 1 An html page with my form on it. 2 PHP page which emails the contents of the form to me.
The above works well. For the sake of clarity, here are my pages (cut down to the essentials where appropriate): My html form: first name surname Email Home phone Mobile Work phone
I have read and understood your terms and conditions. My php script (regform.php) $receiver = 'me@email'; $subject = 'New registration'; #$message = 'This is a new registration.'; $surname = $_POST['surname']; $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $email = $_POST['email']; $homeph = $_POST['homeph']; $mobileph = $_POST['mobileph']; $workph = $_POST['workph']; $time = $_POST['time']; #from here $oldaddress = $_POST['oldaddress']; $DOB = $_POST['DOB']; $elect = $_POST['elect']; $job = $_POST['job']; $salary = $_POST['salary']; $employer = $_POST['employer']; $benefit = $_POST['benefit']; $smoke = $_POST['smoke']; $claim = $_POST['claim']; $children = $_POST['children']; $children2 = $_POST['children2']; $pets = $_POST['pets']; $pets2 = $_POST['pets2']; $require = $_POST['require']; $terms = $_POST['terms']; $rooms = $_POST['rooms']; $body = "first name:$firstname surname:$surname DOB:$DOB email:$email home phone:$homeph mobile phone:$mobileph work phone:$workph address: $address time at this address:$time previous address:$oldaddress electoral register:$elect employment:$job employer:$employer salary:$salary benefit claim:$benefit future benefit:$claim children:$children ages:$children2 pets:$pet pet type:$pets2 other requirements:$require terms:$terms"; $headers = 'From: email' . " " . 'Reply-To: email " " . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($receiver, $subject, $body, $headers, "From: $firstname $surname " . "Reply-To: $firstname $surname class="inlineimg" />;
You can see there are many more form fields than I have shown in my example html form above. What I want is that the following fields have to be filled: 1 mobileph 2 email 3 terms (checkbox) I would like the user to be asked to fill the form in properly if any/all of the 3 fields have not been filled in. I imagine I need some php in the html page and some more in the php page. I am certainly not asking any one to do this for me but I am really confused. I have googled and copied and pasted and edited for 6 hours and I am lost. What I want is a very simple and clear example of the code needed. Sorry if I sound as if I can't search properly on Google: in this case I clearly can't!
how do i ask in a query for any numeric or string field? It may not have any meaning, but i need it to fill a toplink DataReadQuery in java....Something like " select * from table where table.fieldA='?'
I just finished my first bash script for moving around mp3s based on their ID3 tags. So I'm fairly new to this kind of stuff!Now I need a small program for Stop Motion. I need it to be light, To preview the camera frame, and some number of previous shot frames, via "onion skining" and surprise surprise, to control my camera.The thing is that I'm thinking of writing it in Python2.6 because I believe that it will be much more efficient and fun.
My question is:
a) Is this project small enough for me to tackle (considering I'm a freelance and currently theres no job to be found)
b) Would you propose an alternative language and why?
c) What about a nice link for learning a bit of Python!
I'm having a bit of a trouble getting a particular field replaced in a host list. I have a MasterHostList which has a comma delimiter for fields and a new line to separate servers.
I then have a file.list file with a grouping of server names. What I need is to search the MasterHostList and for each server that is in the file.list I need to change the fourth field from group1 to group2 without changing the order or position of anything in the MasterHostList. Obviously the above names are arbitrary.
Failed attempts have been: for SERVER in `cat file.list`; do sed /$SERVER/s/,group1,/,group2,/ MasterHostList MasterHostList.tmp && mv -f MasterHostList.tmp MasterHostList; done for SERVER in `cat file.list`;do awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="," } /^${SERVER}/ { $4 = "group2" } 1' ./MasterHostList MasterHostList.tmp && mv -f MasterHostList.tmp MasterHostList; done
Both of these would in various output tests find the correct lines, but it wouldn't change them all correctly.
The first field identifies the file name, the second is the search key, and the third is the line number of the file that the search key points to. Any subsequent fields are other key/line number pairs.
As an example, I can search for 4151 (key) from my bash script to identify the file I will have to access, but I also need to capture the line (142) as well, and I can't figure out how to do that using grep, awk or sed (or anything else).
If I have a MySQL field called, say, "Occupation", which contains "Java Programmer" in it, I would like it to come up when I search for "Java", so that I can get to the other fields in the table. How do I do this?
In the MySQL database for one of my programming projects, I used a "YEAR(4)", because I wanted the column to contain four-digit year values. I discovered, though, that this type only allows values from 1901 to 2155, which is not workable as some year values are previous to the twentieth century. But I do not want a "DATE" type because the month and day are of no interest to me. What type should I convert to that would be the least radical change in data type, while giving more range?
The thing is that the command for sed resembles the following
Now if I want to place another command like grep or cut in the address field how do I do it. Actually I don't know the line number. The user has to give it as an input. How shall I do that?
I am in the process of learning some scripting, however I am running into a roadblock in specifying a certain time format in the array. Ideally I would like to use Here are the lines of text that I am interrogating:
I've got a set of objects (all of the same type). I'm trying to think of a good way to divide it into equivalence classes, with equivalence of two objects defined as meaning a specified set of attributes are equal for both objects. More concretely, I've got:
- a Java class with around 50 fields - a bunch of instances of the class
I want:
- to divide the instances into a few sets - in each set, each instance has field 1 - field 5 equal to fields 1-5 of the other instances in the set.
The method I've come up with is to generate a hashcode for each instance based on the hashcodes of fields 1-5*, and map the hashcode to one of my sets. Ignoring problems with potential hashcode collisions (which I'm expecting to be too rare to worry about for now), does that sound reasonable? It seems simple enough, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler method I haven't thought of.
* I'll generate the hashcode using a method based on Eclipse's generic hashcode method, which looks like this:
public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1;
The lines beginning with greater-than symbols are the sequence descriptors and the lines immediately after each descriptor with A-Z characters, dashes, and question marks are the aligned DNA sequences. The sequences are always the same length within a file and never span/wrap across more than one line.I am trying to write a script to remove positions in the sequences that are only represented by a -, X, ?, or N (these represent gaps or missing data). Also, if there is exactly one non-gap/missing character in a position it is also useless (there is nothing to compare it to) so I would like to remove those positions as well.
Position 5 (from the left) was removed because it was all gap/missing characters. Position 9 was removed because only one character was a non-gap/missing character. Position 10 was retained because there were 2 non-gap/missing characters.I'm really not sure where to start here. My first concern is I can't figure out how to tell awk to treat each character in lines not containing a greater-than symbol as a separate field. After that, I'm thinking I should use set up a counter to count the number of lines with gap/missing characters comparing that to the total number of lines not containing greater-than signs?