Programming :: Changing Log Script To Write To Top Of File

Apr 5, 2011

I'm running a simple backup and log script that is cronjobed to run twice a day. So currently, when new data is added to the log, its added to the direct bottom of the log file. However, I would like to have it printed to the very top of the log. The code is attached, I can't quote it in here because I am a new user and the system thinks I have url's in it, when they are just paths.

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Programming :: Changing Ownership Of File

Aug 4, 2010

I am running a shell script as the user "redhatuser01" and this script creates a files in the home directory of another user "redhatuser02" (/home/redhatuser02/sample.txt) but the ownership of this file is currently "redhatuser01". How can i change the "ownership of this file to the user "redhatuser02"? (My constraint is that I cannot sudo as redhatuser2 and create the file).

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Programming :: C++ Program Does Not Write File

Jun 26, 2011

I have the following problem. I call a C++ program from a Java servlet by using Runtime exec. The OS is ubuntu and I use Netbeans 7.0 with Glassfish 3.1 web server.The program executes but it does not open and write into a specified file in a specified folder. The same C++ program compiled under Windows opens and writes this file.How can I solve this problem in Linux?

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Programming :: Detect If A File Is Used In Write Mode?

Apr 14, 2011

I have to read files from a linux server. When I copy a file I receivce just a portion of the file I expected if the process generationg ths file is still writing it.

I read the file from a java apllication using SSH/SFTP. How can I detect if the file is still used by the writing process ?

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Programming :: Can't Write Header To Excel File?

Jan 15, 2010

I am having trouble getting some code to work. It takes an input file (csv) and converts it to an XLS. The problem is that I can't seem to get a header to be printed first...

use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $input = $ARGV[0];


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Programming :: How To Write To A File With Specific Indentation Through Php

Dec 12, 2008

I am a beginner with php ,trying to work my way through.
I have a file to be written with particular indentation and by appending some special characters...
this is the o/p file i wanted. could anyone please guide me as to how i can write it? code...

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Programming :: How To Write A Lds - Linker Script - File?

Oct 13, 2010

I first found something called lds(linker script) file.

And now I am willing to do a test with __attribute__((section)) to make a function stay in a private section. Sounds fun to me.

Part of my source code looks like this

By objdump, I didn't find a section called "my_own".

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Programming :: Write Output Of Two Commands To A File?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm writing output of top command to a file However since top does not provide time I would like to append the 'date' command and then write all this to a file.

so something like top -d 1 -b; echo 'date' >>file

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Programming :: Perl - Writing To File - Keep Open Or Only During Write?

May 24, 2011

i am working on this thread: [URL] if it is better to open a file every time i need to write to it or should i keep a file open the whole time and when i am done with the script, close it and sendmail it out?

Or i just thought of this: i could keep concatenating to a string and just sendmail when done.

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Programming :: Changing Shared Object File Default Place

Mar 27, 2010

I wanted to know how can I change the default place of shared object files of a program in a system. let me explain it better for you : I have an embedded computer with Linux OS that its file system is read only and I can not add any file to /usr /lib and ..... and I can just mount a SD memory card to it and copy all of my programs to it and run them from there as you understand I have two choices to choose, first make one big binary file for each program that I am doing it now and it is not a suitable solution and the second is finding the way to change default place of shared object file of my program.

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Programming :: Write An If Statement For The First Line Of A Text File Bash?

Feb 15, 2011

At the moment I got my md5sum checking working which I write to a text file and see below.

If the md5sum works it will write the output to check2.md5 test.txt: OK

If the md5sum fails it will write test.txt: FAILED

How do I write if statement to check the output whether or not the md5sum failed or not ?

cd /home/ops/Desktop/test1
md5sum test.txt > $check1


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Programming :: Write A Shell Script Which Edits A Config File ?

Mar 1, 2011

Write some simple script?

Heres what Im trying to do:

-Qjackctl has a config file which is modified each time QjackCtl is shut down. This means that whatever preset is in use when QjackCtl closes is written into the QjackCtl config file as the DEFAULT PRESET, for the next time QjackCtl starts (or at least this is how I understand it).

-I want to edit a specific line in the QjackCtl.config file, which specifies the DEFAULT PRESET. Obviously its easy to do manually, but I want to do it using a shell script which runs automatically on StartUp so that QjackCtl starts every time with the same DEFAULT PRESET, NOT the last one used.

-Unfortunately Im not at my Linux system right now (which is KXStudio/Kubuntu), but I believe the QjackCtl.config line looks something like this: DEF_PRESET=alsa (where alsa is the name of the preset)


I want a shell script which changes the line DEF_PRESET=alsa to DEF_PRESET=alsa, even when it may currently exist as DEF_PRESET=firewire due to occasions when firewire was the active preset when Qjackctl was last closed. I notice that the application in KDE that enables the user to set which applications open automatically on StartUp also allows the user to select shell scripts.

Ive done some research, as a beginner, and Im led to believe I might need to use AWK and/or CHMOD. I could have a go at writing a shell script but Im always wary about experimenting with StartUp scripts/operations because obviously if I get it wrong and make my system unusable, then because its going to run first thing on each boot, Id have great difficulty disabling it.

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Programming :: Bash Checking For File Write Completion Before Acting?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a bash script that checks for contents in a folder every 15 seconds and then acts on it's contents. This works great for the average size file however on very large files it starts acting on the file before it's completely written. Is there a facility in bash shell to get a file complete signal or such? here is trigger to launch a larger script.


while true
$HOME/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &


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Programming :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Check A File Name In A Dir And Copy It?

Apr 2, 2010

I am a novice to the shell script. In my system from db server the log files are enerating with the name log1.txt,log2.txt..... It is capable of keeping 10 files at a time in dir called /db/sis/log1.txt. I want to copy the log1.txt to another directory when ever it generating by attaching the time stamp to it for the back-up purpose. this files will be there for a period of 24 hours. after that the back-up dir should be cleared and it start copying again the fresh file from the same dir.

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Programming :: How To Write Using Fwrite Without Affecting Existing Content Of File?

Oct 30, 2010

How can I write to a file multiple times using fwrite without affecting the previous writes?The method shown below accepts a file name, buffer and offset. The method opens the file in reading/writing mode and writes the content of the buffer at offset.

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Programming :: Find / Write A Shell Script That Will Go Through A File Organized?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to find / write a shell script that will go through a file organized like this (but with thousands of lines)...


...and check the region of each line between the second and third pipes (the 6-digit numbers) against the values in the first column of a separate text file in CSV format like this...

274326,"Wnt family of developmental regulators"
114745,"FOG: Hormone receptors"
100379,"Transcription factor tinman/NKX2-3, contains HOX domain"

...and when they match, replace the value to the right of the third pipe (e.g., with the value in the second column in the CSV file associated with that number.

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Programming :: Write A Program Which Will Read Input From A Text File

Apr 7, 2010

i am trying to write a program which will read input from a text file, check if each line contains any alphabets and then display a message imforming me if there is an alphabet in each line. My text file is formatted in this way...


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Programming :: Simple Bash To Write Files By Year To A Log File

Jan 31, 2011

I have a folder of 2 many files that the old ls just hangs.

I am trying to write some log files such as;

I don't mind doing one at a time, but I am just playing and even getting the listing I am not getting the date stamp, I have the following;

That does create the file, but all the files look like this;

So basically it's just sticking that ls inside the log file and not actually running the ls, so how can I use the above type to get files just created per year?

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Programming :: Write A Script That Makes File Executable And Writes A Message That It Has Been Done?

Mar 10, 2010

like my alias a retired person, and Its never to late to learn something½ve just installed Ubuntu and found a tutorial online about bash-script.Manage some, but I cant to this one:[Write a script that makes file executable and writes a message that it has been done.If I run the command > <scriptName> <fileName> , then the file fileName should be executable and then it should indicate that fileName have been executable.]

Ive read man pages up-n-down and search the web, and I think I should let the script use chmod and ls -l, but I cant get the hole picture here. Actually I have nothing to show up, so I hope someone could help me with some ideas or a soloution - just to the how it should look.This is my first post, ever, at a forum like this, so please be nice if I didnt follow any rules here, I dont know if you even will answer this post, but at least give me some clues, a skeleton-code ti be based on

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Programming :: Changing A Line In A Config File While Installing The Program Using Bash Script

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to write a bash script that installs a program fully automated for me. I am stuck at the one part where i need to change a line in one config file. I have tried various syntax for sed and none have worked. Maybe someone can suggest how to go about this. Since the line appears in the middle of the file, I can't use echo or cat. Also the file will be diffrent lengths depending on the install.

The line I need changed is:

I need that changed to:

the last syntax i tried is:

Yes this is for PNP4Nagios on centos 5.6 64bit. If i can get this figured out. I will be willing to post the whole thing for others to use. it will be used to install PNP after a working nagios install is done.

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Programming :: Write A Utility Which Will Scan In A Text File And Search And Replace Strings?

Jul 16, 2010

Something very handy to do in a Linux shell, is manipulating files and strings - essentially parsing data. Write a utility which will scan in a text file and search and replace strings. We also want to keep track of how many strings we've replaced.

I know that my command would look like this: <utility name> <filename> <stringToSearchFor> <stringToReplaceWith>
Code: #!/bin/bash


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Programming :: Write Data To Text File Which Is Coming On Serial Port Infintely?

Aug 5, 2010

trying read serial COM port and want to write that received data to file, now its writing only one sentence, but i want to write full file which coming on serial port, as i'm sending file from hyper terminal and reading on linux pc, If i put while loop its not writing anything,without while loop its writing only one line and if send big file then application terminates and then writes to file.But i need do write any size which coming on serial port.Finally i want write full file which is coming on hyper terminal, after writing the file it has wait for next data. This is my code,

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>


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Programming :: Write A Batch File For Windows That Starts Cygwin Tool And Runs Unix Scripts?

Nov 17, 2008

I need to write a batch file for windows that automatically starts the cygwin tool in windows and executes the unix scripts.Previously we had these scripts in unix server.Now we need to migrate them to Windows server.For this reason we are using cygwin tool that allows the scripts to be executed on Windows server.We had written a batch file that starts the cygwin tool,but we were not able to execute the unix scripts.How can we write a batch file such that it executes all the unix scripts in cygwin.

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Fedora :: Erroneous Write During File Extend. Write -1 Instead Of 4096

Nov 17, 2009

Ive installed Gaussian '03 on fedora Core 10, but I'm unable to run it. It aborts and i get the following error


Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 4096
Probably out of disk space.
Write error in NtrExt1

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Security :: Group Write Access For Newly Created Files / Directories Without Changing Umask

Apr 3, 2009

I have several directories, each owned by root and a group of the same name,By setting the sgid bit, I made sure that newly created files and directories are owned by the correct group, and that directories have the sgid bit set too.On each newly created directory or file, the permissions are set to 755. This is because this is the default umask, and I cannot change a users umask. I actually only want files created below a particular directory to have group write access, inheriting this behaviour to newly created directories properly.I'm not on samba or NFS, I have to do this for SSH users.The filesystem is ext3.I started to fool around with ACLs, but couldn't find what I was looking for.

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General :: Changing Directory - Saved File On The Desktop - Cannot Seem To Get That File To Execute It

Mar 10, 2011

I was doing a tutorial on scripting in bash. I saved my file on the desktop and I cannot seem to get to that file to execute it. Here is what I have been using:

I try cd Desktop says that there is no such directory.

I tried /home/me/Desktop same thing.

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Software :: Overwrite The Contents Of A File Without Changing The File Size?

Jul 12, 2010

We have some large files with sampling data in it. Don't want to delete these files. But want to quickly overwrite the file with 0s and/or 1s and preserve the original file size.

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General :: Remove Write-Protected File - Will It Actually Delete The Password File?

Jul 30, 2010

When I ls -l /etc/passwd, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root /etc/passwd When I login as myself, and rm /etc/passwd, it asks: rm: remove write-protected file '/etc/passwd'? If I say yes, will it actually delete the passwd file?

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Programming :: EBADF Using Write() In C?

Jun 24, 2010

I just started messing around in Linux programming, and I wanted to create a simple test program to open a file, read to it, and write to it. I can open and read it, but write always gives errno = EBADF. I've messed with file creation permissions and I can figure out why write() thinks it's a bad file descriptor but not read().Here is my code:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>


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Programming :: Write A GUI For The Web To Gather?

Mar 10, 2011

I need to write a GUI for the web to gather the following info:


Of course, I then need an 'submit' button. I then want to have the user upload all paths supplied from their machine to my server. I hope to work with this data as arguments for a bash script. Also, I need to work with all possible client OSes consistently. What language should be used?

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