Programming :: 11th BME Challenge24 International Contest?

Dec 28, 2010

The traditional BME Challenge24 International Programming Contest organized by the Electrical Engineering Students' Hungarian Association (MAVE) will be held between 29th April and 1st May. We are waiting for the registration of those challenge seeking programmers who would like to participate in one of the most prestigious competitions in Europe. The final round will be held on the campus of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). More information and registration on [URL]..

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Programming :: X BME International 24-hour Contest?

Jan 28, 2010

Do you like programming? Can you take challenges? Would you match yourself with others? Here is your chance! Grab it! The jubilee X. BME International 24-hour Programming Contest will be held this year in May!

This contest is a real test of creativity, knowledge, endurance and team-work, an EXTREME CHALLENGE! Sponsors and the offered prizes worth 6000 euros contribute to the high standards of the contest. The team which gaines the utmost points can take home the award and the cup.[URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Get The C Cedilla In 10.10 With A US International Keyboard?

Oct 31, 2010

I just solved this problem, inspired by a previous post in this forum, that worked perfectly for release 10.04. Here's how I did it in Ubuntu 10.10:Open Applications/Accessories/TerminalType gksudo gedit in order to get editing rights to system files. The system will ask you for your password.After that, and if you have the authority, it will open the file browser with editing rights.Navigate to usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/gtk.immodulesThere is pair of lines that look just like this:"/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/" "cedilla" "Cedilla" "gtk20" "/usr/share/locale" "az:ca:co:fr:gvct:sq:tr:wa" You just add :en after :wa and save the file.The two lines should now look like shown below:"/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/" "cedilla" "Cedilla" "gtk20" "/usr/share/locale" "az:ca:co:fr:gvct:sq:tr:wa:en" Now exit the file browser, restart Ubuntu, and you're done. If you now type a comma followed by a c it should produce a

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Networking :: International Blockage On Ports?

May 23, 2011

As of 5 days ago I lost connectivity on HTTP, SSH, and SIP to any international address expect within South Africa.I did contact the service provider and they told me that there are not blocking any ports and everything seems fine on their side. My server is been colocated on their network.Here are our diagnostics1) I can ping from the box to any address using IP and DNS2) I can ping from an international address to the box using IP and DNS.3) I CAN NOT access HTTP, SSH, SIP from any clients outside SA.3b) CAN access all ports within SA.4)NMAP[root@localhost ~]# nmap -T5 -sV localhostInteresting ports on localhost.localdomain (

Not shown: 1671 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)


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Software :: Set Up An International Video Conference ?

Dec 31, 2010

I foresee a possible need to set up an international video conference. I will be at one end, and people who haven't a great knowledge of these things will be at the other, with windows, I must presume. This is a once or twice off event, but there is a lot of significance attached to it.

How would I go about setting that up? I am presuming webcam + 1 microphone at each end, but I'd need a larger pic than you get with skype (in linux, at any rate). What software should I use? I can test it locally and debug the system.

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OpenSUSE :: Connection To Several International News Streams?

Feb 18, 2011

[URL].. is a TV player client,allowing connection to several international news streams(video/audio) from around the world. it is available for Linux, Mac as well as pervasive game systems. ran ok in 10.3 but seg faults in 11.3..after manually tinkering with its audio setup in ~/.openalrc it runs good here until the seg fault...sometime it runs five minutes,sometimes 25 minutes or more...i have been unable to detect the triggering event..started by executing 'livestation' in an open terminal always results(eventually) in "Segmentation fault" and nothing else as the client disappears..anyone else seen this?or, running with no problems?

[NNTP posted w/openSUSE 11.3, KDE4.5.5, Thunderbird3.0.11, nVidia
173.14.28 3D, Athlon 64 3000+]

"It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than to undo the problems caused by not." DD 23 Jan 11

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Server :: Local / International Routing For Squid?

Jun 24, 2009

I have setup squid on a local-only ADSL account as per management to cut costs. But now they have asked to route international sites via another proxy. The local sites should still go through the local proxy and the international sites get routed to another vpn.Is it possible to use iptables for domain names and redirect the traffic.

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Ubuntu :: US International Keyboard W/Dead Keys?

May 28, 2011

I have set my Keyboard as listed in the tile and it work great with one drawback, When typing in Espańol I can not get the inverted ?. I have looked on the Keymap under Latin with no success either.

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Ubuntu :: US-International Keyboard Layout All Wrong And Difficult To Use

Apr 10, 2010

The US-International layout in K/Ubuntu seems to be extremely irritating and difficult to use. I'm wondering if I could find some help here. One thing is if a dead key doesn't work (typing in ' + t for example) it will produce nothing in Ubuntu, as opposed to windows producing 't. I must add a space after almost every apostrophe or quotation mark, which is becoming extremely difficult, tedious, irritating and unnecessary. Also the dead keys that are available are ridiculous. The dead keys I am used to and want are:

' + [letter] = ����� � �
" + [letter] = ����� �
` + [letter] = ���� �
~ + [letter] = � � �
^ + [letter] = ���� �

Which allows one to simultaneously and smoothly type English, Dutch and German but could (to a lesser extent) be used for French. What I get:


Which makes 's (ś) painful, as well as the many uses for apostrophes in dutch like m'n and 'k (producing mń and ḱ respectively) etc. Considering this layout is widely used and is pretty much the de facto layout in The Netherlands whose primary languages would be Dutch and English (and some German), why has it become so difficult to use? Also, how do I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: No Equivalent To Windows US International Keyboard Layout?

Oct 8, 2010

The only thing I miss about Windows is the US International keyboard setting. Is there really no equivalent in Ubuntu?

The current Ubuntu US International keyboard setting is just not the same. "whodoesitwant" explained the difference last year [URL], and it has been asked about before [URL]. Does anyone know if there are plans to implement a Windows-like keyboard setting?

This may seem petty, but it's a real nuisance if you've learned to touch type in Windows. At the moment the best I can find in Ubuntu is the US International (AltGr dead keys) layout, but it's awkward and slow using the right-hand alt key.

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General :: Gnome - US International Keyboard Layout That Mimics Windows' Behavior?

Jun 19, 2010

I am used to using US International as my keyboard layout. However, the implementation appears to differ greatly between Windows and Linux (Gnome, in my case - may well be a GTK issue since GTK behaves the same on Windows).The layout uses dead keys, for example for keys such as ', ", ^, &c. allowing easy entry of characters with diacritics. On Windows pressing a dead key and then a key that has no pair associated results in the dead key's character (when paired with space) and the character from the second key. Example: Pressing ", a yields "ä", however, pressings yields "'s", as there is no pairing for ' and s.

Now, there is a language called English which makes frequent use of exactly those two characters and since it works on Windows to just type them as usual it's muscle memory for me now. Which brings me to my problem:On Linux (and GTK on Windows), there is a pairing for ' and s (among many others), resulting in Å› (which, in turn, leads to me frequently typing "itÅ›"). So typing "it's" requires me to type ',  , s at the end.There are a few other combinations I'm used to that don't work. Among those is that for non-existant pairs simply nothing is the result. Typing "I'd" results in "I". Hitting one of those keys twice results in a non-spacing diacritic which breaks my habit of typing strings by first typing both quotation marks (which now result in a non-spacing acute accent or macron).

Long story short: None of the supplied US International layouts appears to function the same as in Windows - are there any that do work identically? Or any chance to configure it that way? While it may be nice to type an s with acute accent or non-spacing diacritics, those aren't exactly common needs for me.

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Ubuntu :: Power Converter Kits For International Travel Negatively Affect Touchpads?

Jan 12, 2011

I have my adapter set up properly with my laptop, but the touchpad is flipping out.

Cursor jumps randomly and clicks even when I haven't clicked.

My USB mouse is not affected.

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OpenSUSE :: International Keyboard Switching Is Missing In KDE Opensuse 11.4 X86_64?

Aug 10, 2011

on a newly installed opensuse 11.4 x86_64 I am unable to find the settings to switch keyboard layout from english to german to french or any other language .it used to be in the system settings Keyboard-->Keyboard layouts -->> activate german btw french etc...

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Programming :: 3D Programming - Difference Between JOGL And C++ OpenGL Programming?

Aug 27, 2010

I am interested in learning 3D programming. The thing is, I would hate to put too much effort to learn something that doesn't have future and is dying. My favorite language at the time is Java. My goal is professional programming.

So I have several questions:
1. Should I learn JOGL or start learning C++ and do C++ openGL programming?
2. Is there a big difference between JOGL and C++ openGL programming?
3. Is it worth to learn openGL? Does it have a future?
4. Is it a big difference between openGL and directX coding?
5. If choosing Java, then JOGL or LWJGL?

Why and what is the main difference between them?

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Programming :: Groovy Scripting - An Object-oriented Programming Language For The Java Platform ?

Mar 7, 2010

Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. I do not have experience in Java, only perl and shell scripts. Recently I have been asked to maintain a software written in groovy (also to make enhancements). So can I learn groovy without knowing java language. or isit I have to learn java before venturing into groovy.

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Programming :: Searching For Video Or Screen Cast Which Shows Device Driver Programming?

May 30, 2010

I did searched you tube but my results were not great.I have 2 books on KernelProgramming.I feel I need if some where I can get a video tutorial which can help me to understand how to develop a Linux Device driver that will be great.I had a look at Greg Kroah Hartmans video lecture of developing patches on ......I have been reading books and a lot of stuff.So I wish if I could get a video lecture that would be better

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Programming :: Timer In Socket Programming - Wait For X Sec After Read() And Then Disconnect The Client Connection

Mar 8, 2011

I have a server listening on incoming client connections. Once the client establishes SSL connection with the server, the server waits on read() from the client. Only Client can disconnect the connection. I want to have a timer in the server program to wait for x secs after read() and then disconnect the Client connection.

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Programming :: Totem Python Plugin Programming: Any Signal For Video Mouse Click?

Feb 9, 2011

I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":

vd = totem_object.get_video_widget()
vd.connect("clicked", vd.hide)


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Programming :: Socket And Timer Programming - Server Doesn't Execute Any Msg Which Client Sent

May 16, 2011

i have a server program which accept multiple client connection and am using polling. like every 2 secs it will look to client whether any data is received after it binded. i have used setitimer but there is runtime error i got.. the server accept all client connection but doesn't execute any msg which client sent.


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Programming :: Headers From Richard Stevens Network Programming Book Not Installing

Oct 27, 2010

I am learning network programming via a book of Richard Stevens.The sample source codes are given here
I downloaded and unzipped the file in /usr/src folder.As per the instructions given in README of downloaded archive I did.

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Programming :: Unix Programming - Single Thread Server Can Support Exactly 2 Clients At Once

Sep 28, 2010

A simple TCP based chat server could allow users to use any TCP client (telnet, for example) to communicate with each other. For this question you should consider a single process, single thread server that can support exactly 2 clients at once, the server simply forwards whatever is sent from one client to the other (in both directions). Your server must not insist on any specific ordering of messages as soon as something is sent from one client it is immediately forwarded to the other client. As soon as either client terminates the connection the server can exit

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Programming :: Unable To Find Description Of Alsa's Programming Language

Dec 19, 2008

I am unable to find a description of alsa's programing language, this sort of stuff:


I need to know what, for example, 'ttable' means and what is its syntax. This seems to be a state secret.

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Programming :: Choice Of Programming Solutions For Collated Document Repository?

Feb 18, 2011

We have documents on multiple workstations and want to collate them into a single repository to provide text search and download. So far we have implemented rsync to copy files from each workstation under a directory for each workstation on a server (incidentally providing a backup) and have set up text search using Xapian with Omega; users access it via a web browser. Still to do is to set up a system to copy files from each workstation's area on the server to the repository.

Many files are duplicated. In these cases we want to preserve the names but keep a single copy of the file;hard links can be used for that.For each file to be copied from a workstation's area into the collated area we need to check whether it is a duplicate (file size and, if same, MD5 sum) and if so, create a hard link to the original rather than create a copy.A system to detect and replace duplicates in the collated area has been written using ruby and postgresql but the developer cannot commit to continuing this work. It does mean we have a postgresql database populated with "fingerprints" of files in the collated area.My first priority is to get the system working; in the longer term whatever is developed must be maintainable; I do not yet know which language skills are available locally.

I am fluent in bash and competent with awk. Ruby looks nice but I have started to learn python and do think it prudent to learn both at the same time. Python's postgresql capabilities are not settled but may be fine for the simple usage required.What to do? A bash solution would run very slowly but could be developed quickly. Language knowledge aside, I have found it difficult to install ruby on the server (CentOS 5.5;installed rvm but "gem" still not installed; seems a very complex system with its own package management).

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Programming :: Socket Programming While Displaying Received Message In File

May 11, 2011

i have problem in socket programming, while displaying received message in file,i got a problem... i cant able to write it in the file.... this is the code....

/* tcpserver.c */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>

now my problem is run time error i can able to create file but i cant able to write file....log.txt contain nothing.... as here i have give sample code... dont say not initialising function and all.... i have initialised , please only see func1() - my problem is only not able to write msg which i got received from the client..

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Programming :: C++ Programming With Simple RTAI Functions Outputing Words?

Apr 11, 2011

I need help as I am not proficient with Linux C++ Programming. There are two parts which I need to do in the coding provided below.

1. Produce the program so it can output the word "Hey there!" and wait two minute and print the word "See you later!".

2. Produce the program that will output the text "Cool" every 20 seconds by setting a periodic task.

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
int init_module(void)
printk("Hey there!


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Programming :: Programming Languages For Project Euler / Additional Ideas?

Jun 28, 2009

I've been working in the real world for a year making some money to go back and finish my masters, and now I'm coming to the end of my contract and am realising how little i remember and how small my scope has become; i basically do shell scripts and perl these days, and its making me uneasy. So instead of bitching about it , I'm going to endevor to complete Project Euler Using randomly generated programming languages for each problem, selected from

And post the fruits of my attempts at my blog (shameless plug) aswell as opening up my svn repository when I'm done. (altho i need to ask in another thread about svn permissions....)To my shame i havent ever touched C#, JavaScript, Ruby or Python, so all in all its going to be very interesting how much i screw up.Anyone have any additional ideas, or languages I'm missing or such? I was considering TCL or Haskell or Erlang at a strech, but i dont know how useful these three would be.

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Programming :: Use Socket Programming In Order To Implement Chatting Feature?

Aug 25, 2010

how to use socket programming in order to implement chatting feature

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Programming :: Termios Programming - Without Removing Carriage Return / Enter Key

Jun 30, 2010

I trying to write a UART(interfacing of serial devices) to linux machine but after I execute the following code to receive data I need to enter key (carriage return).... but I don't want to remove carriage return/enter key


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Programming :: Unix Programming - Single Process That Does Not Start Up Any Other Threads

Sep 28, 2010

i want a process that can operate as both a TCP echo server and a UDP echo server. The process can provide service to many clients at the same time, but involves a single process that does not start up any other threads.

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Programming :: Arrays In The C Programming Language Are Pointers To The First Element Of The Array?

Mar 27, 2010

I wonder why arrays in the C programming language are pointers to the first element of the array, not the first element of the array itself?

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