OpenSUSE Install :: Bug On The Yast -> Hardware -> Printer Installation Utilty?
Mar 13, 2011
My Epson Stylus D88 Plus parallel connection is not detected in the Yast -> Hardware -> Printer installation utility, while the driver is supported in the OpenSUSE 11.4 stable version ? Ok when this printer is connected to USB port.
I have WiFi printer, HP DeskJet F4500. If suse firewall is on, yast doesn't see that printer. If I turn firewall off, Yast sees printer and install it just fine. Problem is, that when i start firawall again, yast denies whole printer and turn it off mode in Yast. What firewall rule i have to make to get this work?
I have been using YaST to install software. It has been working probably. But yesterday when I want to use it again. I can goto that SUI (blue screen) but I just can't go into the software management. and then I try the other options. None of them can't be used.
From a fresh install of OpenSuse 11.2 64 bit the default is KDE. But if you want to install both KDE and Gnome on the same machine. I got to Yast --> Patterns --> And tick Gnome Desktop Environment and Gnome Base System.
That inturn pops up with a dependency issue. That states the following: #### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2010-02-24 13:18:37 #### pattern:gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64 requires patterns-openSUSE-gnome, but this requirement cannot be provided uninstallable providers: patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.3-1.1.1.i586[] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.3-1.1.1.x86_64[] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64[openSUSE 11.2-0] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.i586[repo-oss] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64[repo-oss] [ ] do not install pattern:gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64 [ ] break gnome by ignoring some of its dependencies [x] deinstallation of patterns-openSUSE-kde4_pure-11.3-1.1.1.x86_64 #### YaST2 conflicts list END ###
So my question is what exactly does removing and applying the Gnome pattern do. Because it seems to change alot more than just branding. It changes the default environment to GTK. How would go about reverting the pattern back to KDE after the install of all the correct Gnome Dependencies.
I can get the installation history via the command line: Code: rpm -qa --last | less
Is it not possible to get it from YaST in the same way as you can in Synaptic? It would not only be nice to see a basic list, but also what has been pulled in as dependencies and have it grouped by 'installation sets'. Too much to ask?
I don't know why this is happening, however, all of a sudden I am unable to install any packages (from OpenSUSE repos of course) using either Zypper from the CLI or YaST2. Every time I try and install anything, or perfom a zypper dup, I am greeted with the below error message.
Code: error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
I'm no stranger to OpenSUSE's package manager, however I have yet to come across this error before.
when in command line (because i cannot start plasma either) i get an error message stating [/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ symbol: _ZNst_num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE2idE, version GLIBCXX_3.4] i would like to know how bad it is and if it can possibly can be fixed
The updates used to happen automatically in 11.4 but the last few weeks no updates at all even if I do it manually in yast still no updates is this normal?
I get the following error when YAST tries to install the latest updates----Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index----could it be from removing KWALLET? Now I cannot re-install it due to this error.
If you go to Vuze: The most powerful bittorrent client in the world. you'll see that you can download a tarball for linux. But, if you're like me, you'd rather get the RPG so you can use YaST to install it, allowing you to add vuze to your application launcher and desktop. After digging through google for the rare RPG files for the latest version of vuze.
Step 1: Download the swt libraries RPM here: - ( original link found on this page ) Step 2: Download the Vuze RPM here: (original link found on this page)
The Vuze package needs the swt libraries pre-installed, so download that one first. In just two clicks, you'll have the latest version of Vuze installed by YaST on your system! BTW, this is my first post and first thread in these forums. I just installed SUSE on Tuesday and it's my first Linux OS I've tried.
Is it possible to configure Yast Software Manager module so that it does not completely exit when done installing a package? It get's annoying to search for a package and install it, the software manager exits, you then have to reopen it, install another etc. a few minutes later.
Seems this would be a config option, but if so I can't seem to find it.
I cannot open YaST nor 'install software' in the GUI. A new window is appears in the panel, but after 10 seconds or so it disappears. When in terminal, i can open YaST.
This happens from time to time and often after a while I can open it again in GUI (also when rebooting). It's very annoying when I want to install something and I cannot open Yast2 (I'm not familiar with terminal, so that's why i want to stay with GUI, which is KDE btw).
I have a problem when trying to update or install new application via Yast, I'm using opensuse 11.3. PackageKit Error repo-not-available: Failed to download /content from Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/oss
I have old laptop that I intend to give away to a child who's family, due to bad financial, has no means to afford it.
I'll quote Ken Starks: "A Child's Exposure to Technology Should Never Be Predicated On The Ability To Afford It"
I have installed openSUSE 11.2 with KDE (as this one works perfectly on that laptop), but I wish to put it in one of the languages (ordered by preference)
1. Serbian 2. Croatian 3. Bosnian
During and post installation there were neither of those languages available.
As I have had some problems using kpagager I've used file asociations to set yast as the default. When I download an rpm the yast icon bounces around for a while and then dies. I assume this means I need another set of yast launch instructions. Suppose I could download to a directory and set it as a repo but would rather just have it launch for rpms as it's quicker. 11.4 KDE 4.6.0
i had the problem that i couldn't surf access the internet while DNS and PING worked well. That i solved with ipv6.disable=1 at boot time. Now i can suf the internet with a browser but YAST is still unable to access the repositories which are accessible with a browser. Can someone please help me what the problem with YAST is?
When I am closing yast, from time to time I get this error. Although something segfaults the system seems to behave normally and I do not experience other issues it seams. The error comes up in a small separate window. Yast stays operative. Should I be worried about something? What is the system complaining about actually? Although this happens quite often, it does not happen always.
System is: 11.1 with Linux linux-xu0v #1 SMP 2010-02-22 16:49:47 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux and KDE 3.5.10 (r87) Yast: 2.17.69-0.1.1-x86_64 kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/ kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/ kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/ kbuildsycoca4 running.
I'm not talking about YaST auto-resolving dependencies for me or the auto-updater checking for patches... sometimes, when I start up the Software Management portion of YaST, there will be a package or two marked for installation. Today, for example, it wants ksshaskpass. This is 11.2 64-bit. (I know I'm bucking the trend of 11.3 questions, but I'm hoping you can overlook that.)
Is this behavior expected? I don't think I ever noticed it prior to 11.2.
After a fresh install of openSUSE-11.2 (yes, still 11.2) I noticed that the -desktop flavour of kernel is in use. All types of kernels are installed. Is there any easy way to change the kernel in use with yast? I would prefer -pae to get full use of RAM.
To fix a Windows problem with hibernation, I had to let it overwrite my MBR. I can still boot into openSUSE 11.3 thanks to a wonderful piece of freeware called Plop Boot Manager, but the GRUB menu is no longer in my MBR (obviously).How can I force a rewrite of GRUB to the MBR from YaST?
I've got a weird problem since the update to 11.4: every time I use a yast module (the problem occurs with all of them), when I've finished (press OK or Cancel), it relaunch the module after the work is done. For example, launch the Package Manager, choice a package to install press OK : it performs the install and then relaunch the Package Manager. If you choose to quit, it will relaunch it... The only way to stop it to kill the process (or killx).The same problem occurs with the terminal version of yast. it's linked to a config file of yast under root or something so? I haven't found such problems reported on the internet.
Alright so I've just reinstalled openSUSE 11.2 but apperently some stuff doesn't work the way they used to. YAST install software is incredible slow. The booting took forever when loading all the packages and now installing also takes a loong time and I have a pretty fast internet aswell.
According of technical support of this repository yast is not able to handle HTTPS repository and as result yast going to point error of download failed. There are no other repository available than HTTPS.
It would be nice if someone have ideas about that? Is it really bug or is it have work around available? Idea was try with some other HTTPS repository for random software but i did not find any from the Internet.
Firefox informed me that I should get the latest version. I naively listened to that voice, and was taken to a download screen. I downloaded it. I was hoping for a self-installer, because I'm used to windows. It opened in KPackageKit, or something named similar. I extracted it to my documents, because frankly, I have no idea where to extract it to. Anywhere's I've looked says that most software comes as a package, which you can search for and install in YaST. I searched for "firefox", and nothing new came up. how to extract things to the right place/install them correctly with YaST?
I just installed openSuse 11.2. I added extra repo's like packman and Mozilla. I gave them priority level 80. The normal openSuse repo's have priority level 99.Still, Yast does not show newer versions from Packman or Mozilla.Yast completely ignores the prioritylevels of the repo's.The only time Yast shows packages from other repo's, is when they are not in the default repo's, like XMMS,w32codec-all, etc.So the repo's are added in the right way,but something strange happens in software management.
When I search for firefox, it shows the old version 3.5.6-1.1.1.When I click on the tab versions, I see that version 3.6.0-1.2 is there from openSuse buildservice.Why is Yast not showing the higher version (available) in the mainscreen?When I select it manually, Yast complains about dependancies because it is not aware of newer versions of mozilla xulrunner.
When trying to open YaST Software Manager, it downloads/refreshes repository information, but then, just when the loading bar indicates that the manager is about to open, a warning window pops up which says: "There was an error in the repository initialization." The program continues to open, but only packages that have already been installed are visible.