Networking :: STP In Bridged Connection ?

Nov 24, 2010

I am trying to get a bridged connection to work in centos

Here is the network diagram [url]

There are two interfaces in linux system , they are bridged and connected to the windows system I am not sure if I need to enable STP in the bridge or not?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuring A Bridged Connection?

Apr 22, 2010

how to configure a bridged connection in where we are required to enter username and password.I am currently using PPOE type connection of my modem(A Nokia siemens ADSL modem).

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Networking :: Iptables Rate Limiting For Bridged Connection ( Kvm Created Bridge )?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a bridged network setup ifconfig -a gives following output

br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:b9:82:42:38
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::226:b9ff:fe82:4238/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:150779 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


3) What are these vmnet1,vmnet2,vmnet3,vmne4 which I see above. I used kvm and virt-manager to create a bridged setup.

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Networking And NetworkManager - No Network Connection Because Network Isn't Managed

Mar 2, 2011

I have installed qemu/kvm and created a Bridged network connection which works just fine(Windows 7 VM won't work in NAT mode.)

But when I try to use NetworkManager it says that I have no network connection because the network isn't managed, (I set the settings in ifcfg-br0 and ifcfg-eth0 to be managed)

The real problem is that now I can't use my VPN connections (I have many) in NetworkManager.

Is there a way to have both of these pieces of functionality?

I am using FC14

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OpenSUSE Network :: Static IP For Bridged Connection ?

Aug 11, 2011

I have virtual box installed which automatically installed bridges for my network adapters. This has always worked fine. I'm attempting to set up a static IP for this machine now. I use NetworkManager, and the physical connection (eth0) is set to static IP of, and the bridge (br0) attached to eth0 was set to DHCP. I changed br0 to my desired static IP and lost net connectivity (I'm talking about the host, not the virtual machine - I'll get the host working first). Re-enabling DHCP restores connectivity. So I don't know what the problem is, but I am unable to assign a static IP to the bridged connection. Do I have to do this differently? Do I need to remove the bridge so I am using just eth0 again, assign the static IP to eth0, and then re-install the bridge? I haven't tried that yet because a) I don't know how to remove & reinstall the bridge, because it was done automatically by Virtual Box installation, and b) I could probably do that if I had the time figure it out but right now I don't.

I set up a static IP on wlan0 on another machine using Network Manager and it works fine. That machine also has Virtual Box installed but for some reason doesn't have the bridged connections. (Perhaps because it runs Ubuntu, not OpenSUSE, if that makes any difference)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Realtime Bandwidth Monitor 10.10 (Bridged Connection)

Apr 14, 2011

I posted this in the Networking section, but should probably be over here. Couldn't move it. I have a transparent proxy in place. I have Webmin installed on the server. Is there an app that can monitor bandwidth in real time? Also run reports? I have SARG installed, but seems to only monitor HTTP traffic, I need to monitor all traffic. I have a bridged connection, but monitoring the outside interface is fine too.

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General :: Bsnl Bridged Internet Connection Wth Username And Password In Kubuntu?

Nov 6, 2010

How to set up a bsnl bridged internet connection wth username and password in kubuntu 10.10 ? i tries pppoeconfig but it didnt give me any solution.

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General :: VirtualBox - Network Connection To Bridged Mode Setup Fails

Jan 23, 2011

I virtualised backtrack on windows 7, and set up the network connection to bridged mode, but my networking still fails.
dhclient eth0, outputs many DHCPDISCOVER but no DHCP offers.

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Networking :: Bridged VPN With Two NICs

Jun 4, 2010

My brother has a Ubuntu server attached to a LAN with Windows PCs. I set up an openVPN tun service on the server, let's call this VPN1, so that I can connect remotely from my Ubuntu desktop. The server has one NIC and the LAN has a router that is the gateway to the internet.

My brother would like to remotely access his windows network when roaming with his Windows laptop.

Therefore, I would like to set up a second VPN service, this time tap, that is bridged with his LAN. Let's call this VPN2.

The LAN subnet is The internet gateway is

The NIC has a fixed IP set by the router of

How do I set up VPN2 so as not to trash VPN1? That is, if I bridge eth0 with tap0 how will that impact VPN1's tun0 that is using eth0? Do I need a separate NIC for the VPN2 bridge?

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Networking :: Bridged Interfaces In CentOS

Nov 20, 2010

I have two eth interfaces bridged in CentOS, one of these interface is connected to a Windows Server, I can do a ifconfig down on both these interfaces and there is no change of status at the windows side, I don't get the message that 'network cable has been unplugged'

Is this behavior normal ? I think when you shut an interface than you get the interface down message at other end ? And what becomes the status of the bridge if I shutdown one of its interface ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Bridged Networking On 11.4 With Xen

Aug 20, 2011

Newbie Question: How do I setup networking on openSuSE 11.4 on an HP Proliant DL385 G7 with 4 NICs to host Windows 2008 R2 on Xen? I've installed openSuSE 11.4 with all the patches (and most of the server patterns - Mail and News, LAMP, LDAP, Samba, etc.), and I've installed Windows 2008 R2 in a Xen virtual machine. I'm having problems configuring the 4 NICs eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3 are "bound" without an ip_address as br0

eth0 connects to my ISP - currently through a private LAN - It connects directly to the router with static IP Eventually, one of the other NICs will serve ip_addresses via DHCP to a separate LAN (for use in an office setting), and eth0 will be set with a static IP from the ISP That means, eth0 will be static to the ISP, and the other NICs will attach to a switch serving private ip_addresses in the range.

Currently, I have br0 unconfigured and eth0 static. I have configured eth0 in the External Zone and br0 in the Internal Zone in the firewall, and all the correct ports are opened (afaik) I have enabled masquerading. Hostname, Domain (workgroup), DNS Server addresses and IPv4 Gateway are configured.

Windows 2008 R2 (Guest VM in Xen) "sees" the other machines on the network, and "browses" the internet, although it will not download patches except intermittently. I have not tried connecting to it from the LAN Eventually, I wish to run Windows Terminal Server. openSuSE cannot "browse" the internet, though it initially did. What am I missing? I "think" I need routing or NAT, or I may have my bridge setup incorrectly, although I've tried almost every combination. Google says Xen should be setup with either NAT or a Bridged Network.

Output of ifconfig:
br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:4A:92:76:B8:F2
inet6 addr: fe80::3e4a:92ff:fe76:b8f2/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:953 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:119849 (117.0 Kb) TX bytes:368 (368.0 b)

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Networking Unreliable In VM's ?

Oct 1, 2010

I've got a Fedora 13 box running a bunch of VM's w/ bridged networking.

For some reason, every 10-15 minutes the vm's networking freezes and the vm's become unresponsive to pings and any other network traffic for 10-15 seconds. It eventually gets restored.

I don't see any error messages other than this occasionally on the host: eth0: received packet with own address as source address

Here's the two interface configs:

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Fedora :: FC 13 Vmware Workstation Bridged Networking NOT Working

May 28, 2010

Im using fedora 13 x64 install from DVD. Has anyone else found problems using vmware 7.0.1 or 7.1. My bridged networking will not pickup a dhcp address, and even if I configure static my network will still not work, yet NAT works fine. Even configuring bridged to use a dedicated device doesnt work. Workstation worked fine on Fedora 12 but this seems to be a reoccuring problem in every other release.

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Successfully But Cannot Access Internet

Aug 7, 2010

Bridged successfully but cannot access the Internet.I installed VMware in my Fc13,and installed XP sp3 in the VMware.I can access the Internet in XP,I set the network as Bridged with Fc13,but Fc cannot open a page,but I ping,it can display: Code: Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
then nothing.I still cannot access the Internet in my Fc13.

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Fedora Servers :: Bridged Networking And Virt - Manager?

Feb 1, 2011

I have been trying to set up bridged networking, but I keep failing. I am using Fedora 14 x86_64 KDE as host with qemu-kvm and SPICE. The plan is to install a windows server, a few windows clients and then rawhide as guests on that. Naturally I want to use bridged networking for the windows guests.[URL]..But those both leave the guest without internet access. Is it really this difficult, or am I doing it wrong(tm)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Routed And Bridged On The Same Server?

Mar 10, 2011

I currently have one of our clients set up to use a routed VPN for their 5 laptops to connect to the server remotley. And this works brilliantly. They are about to bring on a remote office that will need a VPN connection back to the main office, so I was going to set up a bridged connection between the two sites (and possibly more sites in the future).

So my question is whats the best way to go about this? Can I have one instance of OpenVPN running with tun0 set up for a routed connection to the laptops and add a second tun (tun1) to the config that will be for the bridged connection between the sites? Or am I going to have to run multiple instances of OpenVNP, one for the routed and another for the bridged?

If routed and bridged have to run in seperate instances, will I have to add another instance for each new remote site that needs a connection? Can a bridged config connect to multiple sites, or have multiple tuns in the one config?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Host Can't Access Gateway But VM Can With Bridged

Jun 19, 2011

I've set up bridged networking so that I can have KVM virtual machines that are accessible from outside the host. I can access both the Host and my VM from other machines on the local network, and from the VM I can access the internet but from the Host I can only access my local network. Since I can access the local network and the same issue applies regardless of whether I use host names or IP addresses I suspect it's not picking up the gateway properly.

How do I go about allowing the VM host to access the internet while still having bridged networking so I can access my VMs?

What I've checked so far:
Ping Google DNS ( )
From Host: Destination Host Unreachable
From VM: Suceeds


The issues are only with accessing things outside of my subnet. I can access other machines on the same subnet from the Host just fine.

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Fedora Networking :: VLAN Do Not Work Over Bonded Or Bridged Interfaces

Aug 20, 2011

I'm having trouble getting Fedora 15 to work with my em/bond/br configuration as it did in Fedora 14. I've got a bonding interface over em1 and em2, and then individual bond vlans (bond0.2, bond0.10, etc...), I then have a similarly named bridge interface (br0.2, br0.10, etc...) for kvm. Regardless of if I assign bond0.2 or br0.2 the IP address, I am unable to ping the gateway, but the native untagged VLAN (bond0, br0) has no issue at all.

To try to isolate this issue down to the switch or Fedora 15, I went with a plain em setup and configured em1, and em1.2 which works as expected. This issue has been plaguing me since Fedora 15 came out and I'm about to trash it and go back to Fedora 14 (Which didn't have this issue), but some of the new kvm features have kept me trying to get over this incomprehensible hump.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box 4.0.8 - Bridged Networking Crashes Host (kernel 2.6.38-10)

Jun 19, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.10 host running in VirtualBox 4.0.8 r71778, and I need to setup a LDAP authentication network between two VM's: a Maverick-based distro and Ubuntu Server 11.04.

Screenshot of the two running perfectly fine:


Using NAT, I can have the two VM's up and running on VBox, but they get the same IP ( I googled it and quickly found out that I needed to change the VM's network interfaces to Bridged Networking. So I tried that. Here's two screenshots of the default configurations:

1- Ubuntu Maverick based distro:


2- And here is one of the Ubuntu Server:


(I'm Portuguese, that's why there are mixed languages in the UI)It's pretty stupid to explain like this, but whenever I try to start one of those two using Bridged Networking, I get a black screen full of errors (I can't take a printscreen of that, so I took a bunch of pictures - yeah, it's lame, I know ). Then, I have to press the power button to shut down my host, and restart the pc.Here they are:


Where I think the problem is:


My host is currently running Linux kernel 2.6.38-10.I have dkms, linux-header-generic and build-essentials installed (and the VB extension package too)And my host is a laptop, connecting to the internet using the router my ISP provided me.How can I solve this? Is this some kind of bug regarding 2.6.38-10 kernel?I don't have other pc's to test my LDAP authentication, so I needed the two VM's to have different IP's.

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Networking :: VirtualBox Bridged Adapter + 8021q = [b]ridiculous Performance[/b]

Oct 15, 2010

I'm configuring a CentOS 5.5 server in order to have multiple VirtualMachines in it. The throughput of the machine is at least 300KBps (yes KB), I configured two web servers one on the virtual machine and the other in the physical machine, the difference was: 300bps-3 KBps on the virtual machine, 230KBps on the physical machine.

The configuration is as follows:


If I attach the public ip address to the virtual machine this gets smoothly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Xen Bridged Networking - Setup Multiple DomU Through The Default Bridge Setup

Feb 4, 2010

Im trying to setup multiple domU through the default bridge setup. I am able to access only one of them through the network at a time. If you ping one of the domU it works perfectly but you cannot ping any of the others until you stop pinging the one and even then it takes a bit before you can. Ive looked around for a while and seen similar problems but nothing ever seems quite the same. Im probably missing something really stupid. Or is this the way the bridge is supposed to behave? Do i need to use a routed virtual network?


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Networking :: Bonded NICs At Host OS - Ubuntu Server - Bridged To Virtual OS - UServ - In VMware Server

Jul 19, 2009

Just something that struck me while working on our virtual servers today.

I have bonded 3 NICs at the host in Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS. They are using mode 0 for Round-robin. Point is to increase the speed/performance of all the servers, but mainly the fileserver. The fileserver is a virtual server running Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS on VMware Server 2.0.

1) I noticed the NIC in the slave OS reported link speed as 1000 and Im unable to change it as the NIC (virtual one) doesnt support it. Does this not really matter, as the NIC doesnt exist, and it will run at higher speeds anyway? Or do I have to remove the bond on the host, bridge all 3 interfaces from the host to the slave OS, and then make a bond in the slave OS?

2) While at it, does mode 0 only increase performance on data being sent from the host or does it also increase the available incoming bandwidth?

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Server :: VPN Setup With Bridged Tap Interface

Aug 12, 2011

I need some advice on setting up VPN. The situation is as follows:
Server => Centos 5.5
Clients => Fedora, Ubuntu, Win XP, Win 7 (and possibly mac)
The flow could be as follows
Client=>10.x.x.x=========>10.x.x.1<=VPN Server=>192.168.x.1<=========192.168.x.x<=Server in LAN

A bit of explanation of the above. I would like to allow any client (be it any Linux version or Windows), to connect to the VPN server, obtain an IP Address and then function as if it is in the LAN and be able to access all the servers in the LAN. So the connection between an external client and the VPN server will be through the 10.x.x.x ip range and the server and the internal machines will be through the range 192.168.x.x. After going through the internet, I have decided to deploy OpenVPN client/server, with bridged tap interface in the server and the client.

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Red Hat :: Setup A Network Bridged Server On Centos 5?

Jan 31, 2009

I am trying to setup a network bridged Server on Centos 5 like belows,

Broadband Router (NAT mode) ---> Bridged server (with t Proxy)--> Client PC .

after installing and configuring bridge, client can browse. But, i want to make this server working as a transparent proxy.But, my bridged proxy is not working. i need to use iptables command to make it properly.

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Debian Configuration :: Using WiFi Router On Eth1 Bridged To Eth0

Dec 13, 2015

I am running : Linux ics385 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 (2015-11-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Here's the situation

1. I'm trying to configure a WLAN using a D-Link DLR655 wifi router that is connected to eth1.

2. eth0 is connected to the ISP's DHCP router and has the IP

3. I've bridged eth0 to eth1 such that eth1 has the static IP

4. I've manually configured the router and it uses the as the WAN address with its subnet on the 192.168.10.* address space.

5. I can connect a laptop to the D-Link using wifi and ping but I can't ssh to it or to anything beyond it from the laptop.

6. If I'm on the server ( I can ssh into either or but not if I'm on the laptop. I conclude from this that ssh is not the problem but the laptop says ssh: connect to port 22: connection refused.

So, am I conceptually confused or is it that I have to open ssh up to the other sub-net address spaces or something like that?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An OpenVPN Server In Bridged Mode?

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to setup an OpenVPN server in bridged mode (Ubuntu 10.04 Lts). The goal is for the clients to be able to reach all the servers behind Openvpn server's lan. I have followed the official OpenVPN guide for Ubuntu 10.04.

My network setup is:

Private lan:
Openvpn server ip:
Gateway public ip: 79.xxxxxxxxx

I have forward port 1195 to the Vpn server through my gateway firewall.Besides that no other firewall is running.I can connect and ping the server both from windows and ubuntu clients. The difference is that from windows I can reach the private lan but not from ubuntu clients.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Bluetooth Connection Between Two Computers Throws Connection Refused (111)

Apr 3, 2011

I'm trying to create a PAN (Personal Area Network) using a laptop (Siragon ML-1040) and my desktop computer, but I get the Connection Refused (111) error.

Blueman doesn't detect any network service between the two computers unless I start PAND on one of them and then it detects the NAP service. That, only after I enable the NAP/Workgroup services on the Services submenu in Blueman. However, it doesn't work neither with the NM plugins or without them (dhclient and that other one I can't remember the name of).

Any clues over here? I'm using pand 4.91 and blueman.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Active But Still Not Internet Connection?

Jan 24, 2010

Its a case of ".... wireless network connection active but still not internet connection .."I am using WEP - 128 key ... Works when I connect directly using ethernet cable ... but not wireless (pci and wireless router)

ubuadmin@ubucomputer:~$ ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:25:12:83:3b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::206:25ff:fe12:833b/64 Scope:Link[code].....

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Fedora Networking :: 11 - Share My Internet Connection With Wireless Connection

Jun 21, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 recently. I want to share my Internet connection.

I have e LAN connection eth0 which is connected to internet.

I have a Wireless connection wlan0.

I want to share my internet connection with wireless connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Connection - Router Works To Except Connection Requests

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to do a SSH connection between my home and work PC both machines are running ubuntu 10.04. I have read all the comunity documentation at [URL] from Work PC. I went on to the web site what is my ip address and noted down the number, From Home i opened a terminal and typed: pnig (ip address). to which their was no reply, now i'm assuming i need to configure the works router to except connection requests, is this Correct?

Also what information do i need from my works network and how do i get it? I understand that I need the routers expernal ip address, but how do i referiance a specified computer after that address? What program do i use in ubunu and how is that information applied to it?

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