Networking :: Comparison Of Linux IPv6 Implementations - Find More Up-to-date Resource?

Jan 20, 2011

[URL]... contains a great table comparing the implementation of IPv6 features in several Linux distributions. the problem is that it is over 4 years old. where I could find a more up-to-date resource?

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Programming :: Bash Scripting With File Date Comparison?

Mar 23, 2011

I need to be able to compare a file date with system date and delete files older than 30 days.

the file name is basically

of course the extension is the date the file was created.

Oh and before i get hammered I looked everywhere but am unable to make sense of what I found.

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Networking :: Setting Up Linux Box As IPv6 Router To Replace Netgear WNR1000 Wireless Router?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set up a Linux box as a wireless router to replace our existing Netgear WNR1000 router, as I believe the Netgear does not support the coming IPv6 protocol. Unfortunately, it is not flashable with OpenWRT or DD-WRT presently.

As we have Comcast, our cable modem acts as a dumb modem according to the customer support guy I talked to, and our router is the one that asks for the IP address from DHCP. Thus, when Comcast switches over to IPv6, I don't believe my existing router would work, correct?

My idea is to take a Linux box and put two NICs and a wireless adapter in it, using IPCop or Smoothwall to set up a router. I could then enable IPv6 support for when we have IPv6 with Comcast. Is that possible? Would there be a way to get BIND to hand out private IP addresses in the same subnet on the both the LAN NIC and the wireless card?

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General :: Whether Should Enable Ipv6 When Installing Linux

Jun 14, 2011

What determines whether I should enable ipv6 when installing Linux? so not sure whether it depends on my ISP, my hardware (network card or modem or router), my Linux kernel, my CentOS version (5.6), my requirements, etc.

So I'm not sure whether or not I should enable it. And if I were to, in the CentOS installation screen would I select 'Automatic neighbor discovery' or 'Dynamic IP configuration' or 'Manual configuration'?

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Fedora Networking :: Ipv6 With Tunnel Broker - Better Client For Non Native Ipv6 Connectivity?

Jul 22, 2009

I used to play with gw6c ( a client for tunnel broker ) It works well with fedora9 , fedora 10, but not with leonidas. my rpm is gw6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386.rpm ( a little old!) when I tried to install i have got this: est ncessaire pou w6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386 I try to make a soft link to, but nothing; The question :-Is there a solution for that pb - did you know a better client for non native ipv6 connectivity?

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Fedora Networking :: FC15 IPV6 Wireless Router - No Longer Gets An IPv6 Address

Aug 31, 2011

I have been struggling to get FC15 to act as an IPv6 router for a while now, am sure I am missing something trivial.. The idea is that I have a ppp / adsl connection (this works fine), use the wireless card on my pc with hostapd and dhcpd to provide connections to other pcs (works fine), and radvd to delegate ipv6 addresses.

The issue seem to be that as soon as I turn on ipv6 forwarding (net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding =1), the ppp connection no longer gets an IPv6 address. This means the router cannot ping any ipv6 address outside my network.

If I disable ipv6 routing, my router gets an IPv6 address on its ppp connection, and can ping things such as just fine, however (of course) no packets are forwarded from my network and radvd complains that forwarding is disabled.

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Ubuntu :: How To Find The Primary Resource

Jul 1, 2011

i want to leaning from smple basic ,how and where to choose will be better ! who can refer to ?

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Ubuntu :: To Find Out Program's Computer Resource Usage?

May 17, 2010

I am currently developing a program that i need to compare to other similar programs, mainly to provide a cost v. benefits analysis for myself and coworkers. does anyone know of a program that can accurately provide this information? or, otherwise, an idea of how to start coding?I have seen in research papers before that quickness was actually evaluated in seconds/microseconds taken for processes to finish- is this legitimate?

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Networking :: Wifi Comparison - Vista To Ubuntu ?

Mar 10, 2010

Is there a reason that wifi on Vista seems faster/more reliable than on Windows? Does this vary be distro? Or wifi card? I have an Atheros b/g/n card and it seems like if I stay in the same location Vista outperforms Ubuntu 9.10 in this area.

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Ubuntu :: Find Out The Last "up-to-date" Date For "Update Manager"?

Jul 31, 2010

When I clall the "update manager" it tells me if my system is up-to-date or new updates are available. Lets assume I update my system now (I disabled automatic updates).

Then (in a couple of days or weeks) I start the Update Manager again and it tells me again that new updates available. How can I find out now when the last time was when my system was "up-to-date" (=when a complete, successful update took place)?

Is there soemwhere an entry which shows this date?

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Networking :: Unable To Ssh Linux Box From Other Linux Boxes

Mar 12, 2010

I am unable to ssh a Linux box from other Linux boxes; also tried to window putty.Although I am getting the password prompt instantaneously.So far, by comparing logs of other server, I am just able figure out that "debug2: callback start" is not coming in ssh -vvv logs.

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General :: How To Find Installation Date Of OS?

Oct 22, 2010

How would i find the installation date of my OS.

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General :: Find Files In Date Range?

May 31, 2010

ls -l /tmp/empty_file*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-05-30 08:00 /tmp/empty_file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-05-30 12:00 /tmp/empty_file1

This looks good, the files expected to be seen are output: find /usr ( -newer /tmp/empty_file -a ! -newer /tmp/empty_file1 ) -print

But this shows me files that should not be output and likewise when I replace ls with tar it is tarring a whole bunch of stuff I do not want: find /usr ( -newer /tmp/empty_file -a ! -newer /tmp/empty_file1 ) -exec ls -l {} ;

In the end I would like to replace the "ls" with "tar cvvfp some.tar {} ;", but can't figure out what is going wrong here.

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General :: Find And Sort Results By Date Modified

Jun 7, 2011

so I was wondering how I could do a simple find which would order the results by most recently modified. Here is the current fine I am using. (I am doing a shell escape in php, so that is the reasoning for the variables. find '$dir' -name '$str'* -print | head -10

How could I have this order the search by most recently modified. (Note I do not want it to sort 'after' the search, but rather find the results based on what was most recently modified)

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General :: Regex - Using Find To Locate Filenames Before A Certain Date?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a ton of files that are timestamped directories. These all look like2011-06-24_13.53.36 // a directory name for june 24th, 1:53:36 pmI have thousands of these directories. I want to do operations on some of the older ones. Let's say I give it a string for date time that matches that exact format, like i'll give it2011-06-25_00.00.00 // june 25th, 12amI want to find all the directories BEFORE my time. So if i give the string for 12am on june 25th, i want to find all the directories before then.If not i can find EVERY directory i have like this and then filter after wards. The created/modified dates are not tied to the actual timestamp im looking for (that would make this easier)

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General :: Finding Files Based On Date Without Using `find`?

Aug 11, 2011

I know find can do what I am looking for, but I am wondering if there is an alternative way to find files on the filesystem either created before/after a certain point, or at a certain time.

Typically I rely on updatedb & locate for most of my file searching needs. Issues with those tools, though, are that it only has directory and file names, and it only creates a database of local directories, not anything mounted via CIFS|NFS or via -o loop (eg, .iso images).

So if I need to find files created after yesterday across the entire system (local and remote filesystems), I am currently needing to use find.

What other tools, if any, would accomplish this in a similar fashion?

I have tried ls and grep, but that requires (in my attempts so far) multiple searches:

ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 10
ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 11

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Ubuntu :: Find Programs Installed On Specific Date

Sep 4, 2010

Is it possible to find programs that were installed on a specific date or within a specific date range? If so, how?

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Programming :: Script To Find Out Modified Date For Particular File

Jul 9, 2010

I am new to Scripting. I am trying to find out particular file is modified in last one hour or not in script and then if that file is modified in last one hour i need to copy that file to another directory.Can any one please provide me how to check the file is modified in one hour or not?

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General :: Find All Files Modified In Date Range

Apr 30, 2010

I need to know all files modified within a date and time range.E.g: All modified files between 20 April 2010, 1100-1200 Hrs."find / -mtime +10 ! -mtime +11" :: this i found for date but how to include time as well.

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Red Hat :: Find Up To Date Documentation For Kickstart Configuration Under RHEL6?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm migrating a custom RHEL5.5 install DVD to RHEL6 and am having some trouble with the Kickstart script. All things work great with 5.5 but if just copying it over to use with version 6 some things don't work. For example creating a user, doesn't create his home directory, neither automatically nor when using --homedir option. Another example when creating logical volumes I used to use the --percent option with RHEL5.5 which worked perfectly but for some reason crashes under 6. When I set the size to fixed then it works. Does anyone have any idea where I can find up to date documentation for kickstart configuration under RHEL6?

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Ubuntu :: Creation Date For Directories Isn't Stored Or At Least Couldn't Find It?

Feb 19, 2010

i'm trying to make a script that gives one output if a directory in /home is older than one month, and another if the directory is less than one month old. I looked around and saw that the creation date for directories isn't stored, or at least i couldn't find it? How is this possible to do then?

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General :: BASH To Find Pics And Videos With No Date Taken Exit

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a script to do this? I have shotwell and want to find files that are going to cause problems with automatic sorting.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Find Php-pear-Date-Holidays For Horde Web

Nov 18, 2009

I was following these instructions[url] and it asks to have this installed yet I am unable to find the file/package.

yum install -y php-pear-Date-Holidays <-- (for now, this package is available in the EPEL repo)

I have followed the instructions on this link [url]

To install ELRepo for RHEL5, CentOS-5 or SL5:


How to get the package iinstall and/or recommended steps for horde

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Hardware :: Cannot Find Linux Drivers

Jun 29, 2010

I have two Yuan tv cards and want to use them with MythTv. I can not find linux drivers. Can anyone help? The conexant chip is CX23885-15Z.

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General :: Offline Method Required To Find Out Number Of Days Since A Certain Date?

Dec 13, 2010

What offline method is there of finding out days since a certain date. Example: How would someone find the number of days from 1-Jan-2003 to 7-Dec-2010? Could someone write a script that takes in the 2 dates and output the number of days?

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General :: Find A Proper Command To Move A Certain Set Of Files According To Date/time Range?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to find a proper command to move a certain set of files according to date/time range. I am thinking that the command should be something like:

ls -l | grep 'date/time range' | mv /folder

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Server :: Find The List Of File Being Tagged By User Jack Starting From A Given Date?

Mar 27, 2011

I need to find the list of file being tagged by user jack starting from a given date.Eg:Tag Name:lcc_dev_p1User: jackDate: >= 2011-03-02can some done tell me what is the cvs command for this.Should the below command give the correct outputcvs log -R -S -N -rlcc_dev_p1 -d">=2011-03-13" -wjack > /tmp/output.txt

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Networking :: Linux Router / Configure Linux CentOS 5 As A Router Using Iptable?

Nov 27, 2009

I want to configure linux CentOS 5 as a router using iptable, .Im new in linux so I need the steps to do that

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General :: Cannot Find Drivers For Linux For My Compaq Notebook

Feb 14, 2010

I have compaq presario v6307TU notebook, i am going to learn ethical hacking and i have ubuntu 9.10 and backtrack linux OS.

Do i need different drivers for my ubuntu n backtrack linux OS or there will be only one drivers required for 'linux'.

Anyways i am not able to find any drivers for my notebook for LINUX, i have asked HP for that but nothing gud happened they told that they dont have drivers for 3rd party operating systems.

My notebook uses Conextant HD audio and has intel 945 express family 128mb graphics, i ran ubuntu from the disk i have (but had not installed it yet) and tryed palying my .mp3,mpeg,mp4,avi files and nothing worked..obviously because i had not installed the audio-video drivers...causse i didnt had them...where to find them?

Also i wanted to kno that i have installed nfs most wanted on my xp, so will i be able to play it in linux?

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General :: Cannot Find Kernel Version In /usr/src/linux- - Is It Configured

Dec 21, 2010

I'm currently trying to get my wireless card to work with ndiswrapper after installing backtrack4 today, BUT.When I try and use the make command it tells me that some or another file is missing. I've checked and the output is right, There is no file of that name but there is neither a folder of that name.


root@bt:/usr/src/ndiswrapper-1.56/ndiswrapper-1.56# make
make -C driver
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/ndiswrapper-1.56/ndiswrapper-1.56/driver'


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