Installation :: Install Java Program On Ubuntu?
May 9, 2010How can i do Java programming on ubuntu.
i mean how to install java on ubuntu.
i tried but fail to install jdk.
How can i do Java programming on ubuntu.
i mean how to install java on ubuntu.
i tried but fail to install jdk.
I just got linux yesterday, ubuntu 9.1, with the wubi installer. I have no previous knowledge of linux and I am having a very hard time working out how to install or run any programs, at the moment I'm trying to get java to work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post and I'm pretty new on Debian. I had used Ubunu for a while now and I've decided to move on Debian Squeeze.But I've one problem: I've a Java programm to install and the installer is GUI Java based. When I run the script, I've the next message:
Preparing to install. Extracting the JRE from the installer archive.Unpacking the JRE.Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive.Configuring the installer for this system's environment.Launching installer Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead. Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. But this program is not able to run the installation in console mode.
I've tried to install sun-java6-jre but without success.Has anyone an idea to help me install this programm? My Configuration: Debian Squeeze 6.0 amd64.
I have a jsp code. After executing that code, a Java program should be executed without refreshing the page. that is, my first page is a login page which is in jsp. After logging in the next page must be displayed which is a Java code. is that possible? Can we use applet for that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf you are interested, Java SE 6 Update 24 is available. The Check Java Version link in my signature will tell you if you are up to date or not. The Update Java Version link in my signature will tell you how to obtain and install the latest version. The 32 bit version install directions are on the left side of that page and the 64 bit instructions are on the right side.
Just remember to remove the current version before installing the new one as it says in the instructions. The remove instructions are below the install instructions. Also, in Step 9 - "Now you'll want to tell the system, that there's a new Java version available." See the note below it that says if you get an error upon entering the command once, enter it a second time. I have to do that and sometimes forget. Just thought I would mention that. These instructions are already setup for version 6 update 24, but they can be modified for any update and they will work. I have been using these instructions for a couple of years and they work.
How to install java and firefox java plugin on Ubuntu 10.10?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwishes of the day.I hav "jdk-6u17-linux-i586.bin" file. how to install it into my system (ubuntu 9.10-intell-32-bit).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to install java 6 update 18.Mine is 64 bit Ubuntu OS.I have downloaded jdk-6u18-linux-x64.bin file from I don't how to install .bin file in ubuntu.Before that can i use above file to install.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have Ubuntu 10.4 with browsers Firefox and Chromium. Neither browser has Java. I want to install Java for both browsers. I have downloaded jre-6u20-linux-i586.bin and I have permission to execute it, but I don't know what folders to put it in before I execute. I need someone to educate me with detailed instructions because my computer skills are less than modest. Do I have to create folders?What is the command to execute?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have followed this link to install the jdk7. [URL] but when I use sudo update-alternatives --config java that will give me possibility to chose jdk7, it seemed like that it is listed in the jdk installed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try to install the java plugin but the java test pages show not installed. I have tried the openjdk-6-jdk package and the Oracle/Sun 1.6.0_26 version to no avail.
Is there some good instructions page someplace? I have yet to find a set of instructions that provides something clear that works.
Do Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and all Linux distributions have Java JRE installed so end-users don't have to install it to run Java applications?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had just downloaded and installed Ubuntu. I had to manually install the Software Center. So I did that and installed a bunch of things including OpenJDK and its browser plugins. OpenJDK caused trouble in a game I play, so I installed Sun instead. However, that's the old version. I followed the above instructions, removed the old verisons and attempted to install the plugins. But unless I use the Software Center, it doesn't work. I'm cutting and pasting exactly and nothing shows up in my aboutlugin screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to make a shortcut to a program?
It's a Java program started by a shell script
java -jar LinShredder.jar
It starts okay in its original folder, but when I link to it from e.g. the desktop it doesn't work.
I have ubunto 10_4 X86-64 (I use putty to connect)
installed apps
mysql server-client
my java program
open jdk* 64bit
apanche2 (the web server stuff)
and its aVPS machine
Xeon 2.0 64bit 4 GB ram
How can I make (or force) my java program to use more then 1 core? I would like it to be using just 5 of the 6 that I have. I use a .sh to run it this is the code for it.
cd "${0%/*}"; java -Xshare:auto -Xmx2662M -jar craft.jar
I would like that my java program continues executing when I close the ssh connection, how can I do that? I suppose I have to create a service, but I have no idea how to do it!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem starting a java program.
I installed and am trying to run Antelope an ant file editor. When I try to start antelope I get the trace-back listed below.
When I first tried to start Antelope it asked me where ant/lib was located. I pointed it to /usr/share/ant/lib which has 3 jar files named ant.jar ant-bootstrap.jar and ant-launcher.jar.
I am running in Fedora14. With java version "1.6.0_20"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.7) (fedora-
OpenJDK Client VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode) and javac 1.6.0_20
When I try to start it I get
I have tried it 2 ways, one with the environment variable ANT_HOME set to /use/share/ant/lib - which has some 3 jar files - and also to /home/knox/apache-ant-1.8.2/lib which has about 25 jar files. Same error message both ways.
I'm trying to install java 1.7 but every time i install java it gets 1.6.
Does anyone know how i can get 1.7
I've got a database and I've got a Java program that I'm programming in Netbeans that is suppose to run queries to the database. how I will set about to connect the database with the Java program so that I can run the queries?
It is very important that I learn how to do this, else I am forced to go back to XP in order to finish this project on time.
How can i install Sun Java (JDK) 1.6 on Debian lenny?
make-jpkg does not work with Java 1.6.
Trying to use the html editor 'Arachnophilia'... here are the instructions on their website. ".Open a command console (Linux: shell console), move to the Arachnophilia program directory, type "java -jar Arachnophilia.jar" For convenience, this command can be made part of a shell script, and those using X windows can easily make a desktop icon." hoping someone can explain how to run this program.. using a new install of fedora 12 (which has java)...i'm a newbie, trying to go open source on a low end laptop - LOVE Fedora .[URL]..
View 14 Replies View RelatedI want to execute Linux commands using a Java program. I came to know that we can use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("commands") to execute the commands through the program. I'm new to both Linux and Java.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi downloaded packages of java and amsn but i cant see them in the synaptic package manager.when i search them i cant find and when i click file--> add downloaded packages ,it doesnt take this packages.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI run a program by executing this command in a terminal screen.Code:coco@coco-desktop:~/Escritorio/MO_1.10/MagnumOpus$ java -jar MagnumOpus.jarSince it is a bit tedious, I tried to create a launcher. I copied the above code into the Command box. The launcher is created, but fails to run the program. Instead I get an error message.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have installed CENTOS / PHP 5.1.6 / JAVA 1.5.0_20. Now i want to install JAVABRIDGE for PHP and JAVA title should list in the PHP_info page.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a java program with gui. I want to start this program in the start of system (rc3.d) and when I connect to the machine bring to front without open another time the program. I want to connect to opened program in the start of system.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo this picture will explain [URL].. So after i typejj java -jar RSBot-257.jar it should have to come ijj up.It doesent show any errors but doesent start.What to do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am facing problems to restart PADS(Passive asset detection system) from java program.I used the root as a user. So from the command prompt I can start PADS with out sudo ,but when I try to start PADS from the my java program i.e.
Process proc=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pads restart");
It throws the error in log that FATAL error ! you not root and permission denied.
Then I tried the same with sudo
Process proc=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sudo pads restart";
Here it create another two process extra
1 for stop the pads
2) for start the pads
It does not kill the previous process of PADS .and both the process get hung.
Is it possible to debug remotely a java program with ddd (data display debugger)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write a java program and eventually a web app to do the following.1. get the server name, username, password from the user and ssh to the linux box.2. goto a folder, open a script file (the file has different function calls, I need to comment all other function calls and just un-comment the one I want to use)