Hardware :: Spamming Plenty Of Output About External Disks On Booting

Aug 4, 2009

When my 2 external usb hard drives (just storage based on ext3) are plugged and I'm booting Linux, it starts spamming plenty of output about these devices. I think during loading sensors daemon. At the end hangs. Previously I've noticed that the same happened on terminals. It was annoying, because spam was flooding even vim editor. I see this after major system update or rather new Linux installation. What I supposed to switch off to avoid this unwanted output?

MOD_AUTOLOAD="yes" #MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
MODULES=(acpi-cpufreq cpufreq_powersave !dm-mod !speedstep-centrino r8169 iwl3945 !ipw3945 !snd-hda-intel !snd-mixer-oss !snd-pcm-oss !snd-hwdep !snd-page-alloc !snd-pcm !snd-timer !snd !soundcore evdev psmouse !loop !bridge vboxdrv !autofs4 !capability usblp usbcore ohci_hcd ehci_hcd uhci_hcd !dm-crypt !aes-i586 !sha256 !osscore)
# # # Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
# - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
# - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
# DAEMONS=(syslog-ng acpid sensors network netfs hal avahi-daemon cups crond oss)

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Hardware :: Create Boot CD For Booting External Disks On An Apple IMac?

Apr 2, 2010

Is it possible to create a boot CD to boot external volumes on an Apple iMac 7.1 (which has an older firmware version and cannot boot external disks, unlike the MacBook Pro 5.1 which can do it, at least with grub-legacy which is all I'll ever use until EFI boot becomes available). There is some promising stuff on www.pendrivelinux.com, and I'll try it, but the instructions are for Windows, and I am not sure how to translate the menu.lst entry to linux (I suppose it would have to be entered in the "automagic" section). Of course I don't want to create a bootable flash drive but to use my external volumes that already boot on the MacBook Pro without altering them, except for installing the ATI video driver (but I have no problem booting in low graphics mode).

Until karmic there was a trick to make the iMac mistake the external volume for an internal one (the root partition had to have the same UUID as the internal root partition), but this does not seem to work for lucid. Anyway this UUID trick is dirty and causes problems when you want to edit the internal partition (which is the point of the external boot - you get a customized maintenance environment that boots much faster than the CD).

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General :: External Hard Disks

Mar 22, 2010

I'm using SUSE11.1, and connected to my system, a DELL 7500, a 1.5 TB Buffalo external HD. I partitioned it in 4 sectors.After connection, nmediatly the mounted disk would appear on the screen,(each partition with its respective name), and could use it as any other folder.To unmount the external Hard disk, I just ejected each partition, and had no problem. I used the same HD with my Mc, and things were all right, I used to backup automatically the Mc. However after having been using the system in this way for more than half a year, suddenly the hard disk began to rattle...and the SUSE system on the DELL, nor the Mc can mount the external hard disk any more. Thus, the partitions can not be mounted any more. When I cd to /media/ in the SUSE, the names of the partitions appear, but they seem to be empty..On the Mc, going to /Volumes/, before the problem appeared, the names of the partitions were there... but now, they are no more and the automatic back up either.So my question is, how to mount the disk, if it needs mounting... or how I can recover the partitions and the data therein... I am clueless, after two weeks trying to solve the problem..

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Debian Installation :: Booting On Two Separate Disks?

Sep 13, 2010

Got Wintendo7 on one samsung S-ATA disk. ( need it for starcraft2 and Homeworld2... sorry.. )

Now..: Booting Debian Unstable from USB or CD-ROM, then start installer. Tell it to install on second samsung S-ATA disk.
Before I go on, I just feel i will get into some serious trouble with GRUB?

Or will the installer understand, and see the windows7 installation and add it to Grub?

If not, what should I do inside /boot/grub/menu.lst when Debian is up and running?

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Slackware :: Dual Booting Slack64 With Slack13 On Seperate Disks With LILO?

Feb 27, 2010

I am installing slackware 13 on a machine that already has slackware 64- current. I'm doing this to try LFS which needs a 32 bit host (I know about CFLS, but I'm trying to keep it simple). My current installation is on sda with / being on sda1. My new 32 bit installation is on sdb with / being on sdb2.

I didn't install LILO as I figured it would be easy enough to just edit the current lilo.conf and run lilo after rebooting from the installation and then rebooting again into the new 32 bit install. What keeps happening is that the system boots seemingly fine, but after some wierdness I realized that it is booting a kernel from the 64 bit install on sda1. I'm assuming this is a simple screw up in my lilo.conf but I'm not sure exactly how to fix it.

# LILO configuration file
# generated by 'liloconfig'
# Start LILO global section
# Append any additional kernel parameters:
append=" vt.default_utf8=0 quiet"


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Ubuntu :: Disabling Desktop Icons For Disks And External Hard Drives?

Mar 19, 2011

i have docky and i set it up so when i put in a disk or plug in an external drive it registers on the dock. what i want to know is how to make it so when i plug something in or put a disk in it doesnt pop up on the desktop?

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General :: Process Getting Killed - No Log (Plenty Of Free RAM)

Jan 25, 2011

I am reasonable linux skilled. I am running a VPS account with Debian Linux Lenny, Virtualmin/Webmin. This has only recently started but I don't know at what point, as haven't done much on it recently but applied some updates. There's always at least 50% free ram when it happens (of 512mb) and basically no CPU activity. I've even tried killing off all process's apart from what I believed to be needed to test, (init, sshd, loggers). I can find mention of the action anywhere in any logs, even though I have klogd and syslog running. It seems to happen at varying intervals fairly regularly with certain processes. I've had it happen with a big 'rm -r' but more regularly with make's , make install's, apt-get (while its awaiting your reply to proceed), and rtorrent.

All I get is "Killed" and back to prompt,
If I type "echo $?" I get '137'

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General :: No Space Left On Device Error With Plenty Of Free INodes After Cross Compiler Setup

Jan 15, 2011

I have searched google for a couple of days, and I keep hearing about an INode limit on filesystems, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Now whenever I try to download something, watch a ..... video, or listen to Pandora radio, it just stops playing after 2 seconds. Downloading says "No space left on device".I also get the error as root.I do have 5% and more free of HDD space. After reading the similar posts I checked all of this, so if I am overlooking something on the forum, I apologize for an extra post about.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Input - Output Error When Booting From CD

Oct 2, 2010

I got interested in it when trying to play Windows games on my Mac. I've tried WINE and didn't get anywhere fast, but thats another thread for a different forum.

For now I'd like to try Ubuntu. I downloaded the ISO and burned it to a DVD and a CD.

When booting up my computer I get this message:

I have no idea what this means. I've tried to find answers on this forum with no luck.

The computer in question:
Intel Core 2 Duo
3.06 GHz
4GB Memory
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS (512 MB)
MacOS 10.5.8

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Ubuntu :: Input/output External Hardrive Error

Jul 23, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 two days ago and was using my 1tb passport external HDD with it to download and store files. However today whenever i try and copy/cut and past to the HDD i get this error message..

Error opening file '/media/My Passport/test.avi': Input/output error This is obviously very fustrating and i want to stay with Linux but i do need to fix this problem else im afraid im going to have to back to awful windows.

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Debian :: No Gnome And Booting From External HD

May 19, 2015

Yesterday I tried to install some packages via synaptic manager and it rendered my system without GUI and without network so apt-get does not work to fix it.

I made a clone of my hard disk with dd a month ago and have daily backups of my data.

My hard disk in the laptop is a SSD. (sda) the external hard disk is an laptop hard disk connected via a USB IDE connector (sdb)

today my system booted from the sdb hard disk. Which was unexpected. I am updating the data on sdb now. the problem I have now is that I can not access sda. How am I supposed to mount it ? My plan was to overwrite sda with sdb

after shutting down, disconnection sdb, rebooting and connecting sdb again I tried

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=4096 conv=noerror, sync

then I get the message dd invalid conversion

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting External Hdd?

Aug 17, 2010

My old GoBook IX250 won't provide option of booting from any external sources (hdd, flash drive, etc.), but I would think there should be some editing done to end of the boot fs on internal hard drive which would instruct the boot loader to allow choice of OS on external hard drive for booting -- have no idea just what should write there to obtain this result;

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Ubuntu :: Booting From External USB No BOOTMGR?

Jan 29, 2010

I prepared my external harddrive to become bootable correctly, xcopied ubuntu iso onto it, and restarted my computer with the usb mode as the primary boot sequence and I got the error of no BOOTMGR?

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Hardware :: Booting Live From An External Hdd?

Mar 29, 2009

i want to boot a live version of linux from as an external hdd.. wat are the procedures to be carried out for tat?..

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Hardware :: Booting Slackware From An External USB?

Aug 31, 2009

I've spent two whole days trying to get this to work and I believe I may be on the verge of insanity.

In any event, my goal is to have Slackware 13.0 be installed on an external USB drive and for any computer I use to be able to boot from that USB drive and load Linux.

I used fdisk to completely repartition the external hard drive making the first partition for '/' and toggling the boot flag on it.

I installed lilo on the USB drive, rebooted, disabled the internal hard drive, and instructed the computer to boot from USB.

"No boot options available."

I assumed there was a problem with the MBR. I booted into Slackware setup, performed a lilo -mbr on the external hard drive. Rebooted.

Still "No boot options available."

What could possibly be wrong? Yes, my computer does support booting from USB.

Do all hard drives have MBR's? Does fdisk overwrite the MBR when you partition it? If it does, do I have to ignore the first 1MB when I partition my disk so that lilo can boot from it? I remember having to do similar with 'parted' when I had to format a flash drive for being bootable.

The other problem I have is that the /dev/sda can change. Just because a USB drive is /dev/sda today doesn't mean it won't be /dev/sdb tomorrow. Is it even possible to have a boot loader load correctly, considering that you hard code the device name into the /etc/lilo.conf? I was thinking of using grub to manually choose where to boot at load, but that doesn't seem to be an option as grub looks like (i may be mistaken) it tries to find a root and then looks for the grub config info in that drive. I also don't think that grub loads USB drivers at runtime, nor do I think lilo does either, which makes me wonder even more if it's remotely possible.

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Fedora :: Route Line-in Audio For Output To External Speakers

Jan 29, 2010

i'm running fedora 12 on a dell dimension 4600. audio seems to work reasonably well for things like flash animation but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to route line-in audio through the system for output to my external speakers. on the sound preferences application on the gnome desktop: if i select the hardware tab and analog stereo input is selected, then i go to the input tab and have analog line-in selected, i see the v-u meter above moving around as though there is actually an input. [list]

but, i hear no sound. the output tab shows "dummy output" with no other choices. to get audio working for videos and other flash sites, i have to change to hardware->analog surround 5.0 output. such documentation as i have been able to find doesn't seem to describe my setup well, and in any case, i find all this fidgeting with hardware configurations an immense step back from the old alsa software. if this is going to be the future of linux audio, can i say, please, no?

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Ubuntu :: Booting XP From External Drive With Grub2?

Jan 21, 2010

I was given an external USB drive which has Windows XP Pro on the first partition. I can mount and access the partition with no problem. When I run update-grub, it finds the XP partition and creates a menu entry for it. But when I select it from the Grub menu, I get an error that the device is not found.

Results of sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00086c27


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Ubuntu :: Vista Not Booting Without External HDD Plugged In

Jun 6, 2010

I been meaning to install some linux distro on my external hdd to enjoy the renowned desktop experience, so far I installed sabayon first but it wasn't working very sharply and a friend of mine recommended me to just install ubuntu. Anyhow, since the first time I installed sabayon I could not boot vista when the external HDD is not plugged in. I get a grub rescue command prompt. I don't have a vista cd because my laptop came with the whole recovery function installed on a vista partition. I can boot that from the grub menu, from there I did a boot system restore, but I still get the same error. I'd like to be able to boot vista without having the external HDD on of course.

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General :: Write Qemu Booting Virtual Machine Output To A File

Apr 11, 2011

I've been trying out qemu to play around with some VMs. It's working well but I keep wanting to be able to view the text (linux boot process) that quickly scrolls by in the qemu window on startup of my linux virtual machine. Is there any way to retrieve this via qemu?

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Ubuntu :: External Monitor As A Main Screen In Dual-output Configuration?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm using dual-screen output with KDE 4.4 on my laptop. Is it possible to have the KDE panel on the external monitor if attached and back on the laptop's LCD panel as soon as the monitor is disconnected?

It seems that Plasma prefers the built-in LCD even if an external monitor is connected. I tried various settings with xrandr and also in the System Settings but none of them helped. The only way to move the KDE panel to the external screen is to disable the built-in LCD.

What I would basically like to do is to use the external monitor as primary in the office and the laptop LCD next to it as a second screen. When I'm traveling I'd like to use only the laptop LCD.

Is there also a nice way to switch between the screens? On the Internet I found a script for the "screen switch" key for IBM Thinkpad and modified it to work on my Dell. But it would be nice to have this also automatic: autodetect the monitor attachment/removal and perform a configured action. The KRandr doesn't seem to have such a feature. Is there anything I could use?

My system is: Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE 4.4 upgrade. Hardware: Dell Inspiron 1545 with Intel GM45 card.

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Debian Installation :: Linux Not Booting From USB External SSD Drive

Sep 14, 2014

Debian not booting from USB external SSD drive. Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae been installed on new SSD, attached to Windows 7 laptop. When I select "USB storage" in Windows boot order menu and try to boot, Linux not booting, every time loading Windows. Is it ever possible to boot linux with such setup?

[URL] .....

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Ubuntu :: External Harddrive Not Booting / Prevent This From Happening?

Mar 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a portable harddrive so that I can use it independently of my computer (when I visit my parents or my g/f). I performed the installation using a bootable Ubuntu thumbdrive, everything went fine but when I unplugged the thumbdrive and rebooted I got a kernel panic. I was able to boot into Ubuntu on my external drive once (I think it might have been due to reordering boot order in BIOS). My guess is that the kernel panic occurs due to the drive letter changing (sdb -> sdc) depending on which external devices are plugged in, but I'm not sure how to make sure that's the case. And if it is, how would I prevent this from happening?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting An Already Installed From Usb External Drive?

Apr 5, 2010

installed Ubuntu 9.10 in an internal SATA drive and used it for quite a while, but yesterday my laptop's graphics card decided to die, and it looks like it will be a full month until I get replacement m/b. Therefore, I bought an external USB SATA Hub for my laptop's drive, but I can't seem to be able to boot ubuntu from this drive. I'm trying to boot with this external usb hub attached to an old P4 machine with USB booting enabled.I get till the grub screen, but as soon as the message "Grub loading" appears, I get a message saying:error: no such partitionand I get a prompt as follows:grub-rescue>I guess grub is trying to boot to a different device name... It's weird, I thought Ubuntu should boot irregardless of which interface I use, be it SATA or USB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dell 2400 Booting From External HD?

Oct 25, 2010

First time user of Ubuntu and first post on this forum. So i installed Ubuntu on an external hard drive, it took me a couple days. I followed the web sights direction and when i saw the option for windows or Ubuntu, clicked Ubuntu and that brought me to this:

GNU GRUB Version 1.98+2010...

Minimal BASH-like line editing is suported. For the first word, TAB list possible command completion. Anywhere else TAB list possible device or file completions.


No tricksters Im having a profetional check this stuff before i use any of it

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Ubuntu Security :: Yahoo Spamming With Email (Vista)

Jul 7, 2010

My Email Address is spamming

1. I received an email (spam) on Yahoo Mail from someone who was not intending to send it. (While it did go to spam folder, I did 'open' the email (since it came from a trusted sender) but it only contained a link (which because of WOT) I assumed was spam.) I did NOT click the link.

2. I then informed him that his email addy was spamming.

3 Shortly thereafter, i noticed in Ubuntu (firefox) whenever I clicked "reply" to email back to someone, there was a quick flash of letters/numbers in the slot where I would normally write. This instantly disappears and goes blank so I can write something, so I just figured it was a bug. This is happening on BOTH windows and Ubuntu.

4 Now MY EMAIL is spamming people the people I write to.

So far: I have 1. Changed my Yahoo password 2. Deleted firefox 3. In windows Ran Spybot/Search-Destory AVG (turns up nothing) What else can I do?

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General :: Block Email Spamming Coming From Server?

Jun 26, 2011

I don't know what to do, I know how to block and delete pretty much every other type of abuse. I run a server with 500+ shared hosting clients and reseller clients and it was just blocked because of email spam. I can keep on top of all other abuse (people trying to do dos attacks etc) but the one thing I can't get my head around is email spamming. how to stop people spamming emails from my server?

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General :: Email Has Been Hijacked (spamming From Both Ubuntu And Vista). Cant Fix It?

Jul 7, 2010

Problem: My Email Address is spamming Situation Chronology: 1. I received an email (spam) on Yahoo Mail from someone who was not intending to send it. (While it did go to spam folder, I did 'open' the email (since it came from a trusted sender) but it only contained a link (which because of WOT) I assumed was spam.) I did NOT click the link. 2. I then informed him that his email addy was spamming.3 Shortly thereafter, i noticed in Ubuntu (firefox) whenever I clicked "reply" to email back to someone, there was a quick flash of letters/numbers in the slot where I would normally write. This instantly disappears and goes blank so I can write something, so I just figured it was a bug.

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Debian Hardware :: Servers Which Contain SATA Disks And SAS Disks?

Feb 25, 2010

I have servers which contain SATA disks and SAS disks. I was testing the speed of writing on these servers and I recognized that SAS 10.000 disks much more slowly than the SATA 7200. What do you think about this slowness? What are the reasons of this slowness?

I am giving the below rates (values) which I took from my test (from my comparisons between SAS 10.000 and SATA 7200);

dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile.txt bs=1024 count=1000000 when this comment was run in SAS disk server, I took this output(10.000 rpm)

(a new server,2 CPU 8 core and 8 gb ram)

1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
1024000000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 12.9662 s, 79.0 MB/s (I have not used this server yet) (hw raid1)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Which Disks Can Be Main Boot Disks

Mar 31, 2010

I have/had a PC with several hard drives, and a mix of ubuntu and windows on multi boot.The old boot drive died screaming, and I need to start again. (But my data is safe! yay!)

Is there anything special about which drive can be the main drive to start booting from? Or to put it another way, can I install to any of the other 3 and expect it to work, or do I need to switch them around so a different drive is on the connections for the recently dead one?

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General :: Different Graphic Cards Drivers While Booting From External Media

Sep 14, 2010

I am booting a certain system of mine with ubuntu 9.10 from external HDD. I am satisfied with the setup and it works fine, however I would like to modify it so that I can choose which graphic card drivers to load during the boot time. Specifically I would like to choose between:

nvidia proprietary driver
ati proprietary driver
generic driver

Currently if I am using proprietary drivers then dont boot into X, delete xorg.conf, start gdm and reconfigure the system using jockey (for hardware drivers).

What would be the steps to make this (semi-)automatic and avoid restarting X?

Where could one find examples of such scripts?

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