Hardware :: Physical Ram Limitations On 32bit OS

Jun 8, 2011

confirm, 32bit Linux os can utilize only upto 4gb phisical memory?

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General :: What Are The Limitations Of Virtual Machines

Jan 4, 2011

I'm considering setting up a virtual machine running Windows, with Ubuntu 10.10 as the host OS, for those cases where I have a Windows-only program.I understand that using a VM will lose some performance, but are there other limitations to what the OS in a virtual machine can do compared to "running on bare metal"?

For example:

Can a VM play games, like Dragon Age Origins or Civilization V? (Possibly with poorer framerates and/or lower resolution, but does it play at all?) Can a VM rip DVD/Blue-ray using AnyDVD or similar Windows program? Can a VM handle new hardware that requires dedicated drivers, but the drivers are only available for the OS running inside the VM? (Ex. graphics card, digital camera, card reader for smart card authentication.) Is it possible to say anything about "general limitations" of VMs, or is this wholly dependent on the specific VM?

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General :: Can Setrlimit Be Used To Put Limitations On Firefox

Apr 26, 2011

I noticed that firefox sometimes uses a lot of memory. Can something like setrlimit be used to control it? I tried to use it on the command line, but it didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Does /host Have Size Limitations

Jan 13, 2011

I need to share some space on my hard disk with my wife, over our home network. I'm dualbooting Ubuntu and Windows.

My Ubuntu partition is limited to 30GB, and the Windows partition gets all the remaining disk space. Does /host suffer size limitations while being accessed through Ubuntu, or it's size is the same as the Windows partition?

EDIT: For the record, she's using Windows XP on her machine, only... no dual boot. Couldn't get her off Windows yet, but i'm still trying

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Networking :: Removing All Bandwidth Limitations

Apr 25, 2010

I have a network camera, with a linux OS. We need it to be really precise in its timing for the specific application we want it for. But it's not!

After killing some of the garbage processes on it (and having some achievements, but not enough), it seems that there's some kind of bandwidth limiting applied on the outgoing traffic.

My question: What are all the things that should be done on a machine, running linux, to remove all the bandwidth limitations?


1- With my very basic knowledge about traffic shaping in linux, I have made these observations:

# tc qdisc ls dev eth0
qdisc pfifo_fast 0: root bands 3 priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory

2- I am trying to download the images from an HTTP link, and I already have about 14Mbps. I want it to reach at least 50Mbps. I can download with speeds higher than this when downloading from another PC on a windows network. So I assume this is not a problem with the cables. Also the eth0 on the camera is said to be a 100Mbps device.

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Red Hat :: Limitations In Trial System Enterprise 5.3?

Sep 29, 2010

What are all the limitations in Redhat enterprise linux 5.3?

How much would it cost right now?

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Red Hat :: Shared Memory Limitations In RHEL AS 4?

Jul 16, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a size limitation for shared-memory segments in RHEL AS 4?

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Ubuntu :: DVD Playback Prohibited By Area Limitations

Feb 14, 2010

I recently converted and .avi file to dvd .iso and when I try to play it in my dvd player. I get this message "playback prohibited by area limitations". I was wondering what does that mean and how do I get this movie to play.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mldonkey: Remote Access With Ip Limitations?

Oct 15, 2010

Coming to the point, as per object, I'm playing ( read also as "messing up" ) with mldonkey since last weeks and I have managed to get it working correctly on my home network ( behind router and firewall ). Next step in my development plan was to enable remote access to mldonkey web interface from any external network, like for example a friend pc. I'm aware of the "IP Access Restriction" in the mldonkey configuration file (downloads.ini) but there I can only specify an ip ( or ip-range) to allow access.

So the question is: how can I manage to disable* ip restrictions upon access, so that with a DNS-aliasing service I can access mldonkey web page virtually from anywhere?

(*) = maybe this is not the correct word but it explains the concept.

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General :: Customizing Desktop - Setting Limitations / Rights?

Sep 23, 2009

I am working on Fedora, I am trying to figure out if there is any way we can set limitations/rights to linux desktop, so that we can control which things user can access, like if i dont want user to have access to kde control center, and should not change the settings in it, or disable changing wallpaper,or disable changing screen saver. How that can be done in linux?

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General :: SSH Connection Limitations That Can Connect To One Single Machine (at The Same Time)?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a network of 100 machines, all with ubuntu Linux. Is there a limit to the number of machines that can connect to one single machine (at the same time)? For example, can I have 99 of my machines maintain continuous ssh connection to the 100th machine? Can I have every one of my machines (every one of the 100) maintain a continuous ssh connection to all other 99 machines? How much memory does each such a connection take?

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Ubuntu :: Running Scripts At Computer Wakeup From /etc/pm/sleep.d .. Limitations?

Apr 11, 2011

Are there limitations on what can be started from /etc/pm/sleep.d after system wakeup?I wrote a perl script to randomly change my gnome desktop background showthread.php?p=10654538
I want to run that script when my laptop wakes up.I followed this guide : and wrote this code

. /usr/lib/pm-utils/functions


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Networking :: Virtual Interface Routing For Clients And Rate Limitations?

Jul 14, 2010

I need to make some solution for my home network, I have a linux server which is: Linux Centos 5.5. So, what I need to do is to make a virtual interface for my clients which set its bandwidth up to 1Mb/s shared to them, but my real bandwidth is 2Mb/s. Also, after that, I have two questions:

1. How to set this rate limitation to that interface?
2. How to edit this interface to let it work and route the client data to my ADSL router?

I'm already generate the virtual interface using webmin managment tool, so I need to set its rate and route data.

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General :: Limitations Of GNU General Public Licenses?

Mar 23, 2010

I have the impression that not that many people understand the scope and limitations of GNU General Public License. This is somehow my basic understanding of it. If I take a program covered under the GNU license, first of all I have the right to get the source code. Second, I can modify it at will. Third, I can redistribute it as will too but the new code will necessarily will have the same GNU license. This made me wonder how people actually can charge for software derived from Linux, for instance, Red Hat. Well, my impression is that they really make profit only out of services. In this thread [URL] I think I found a lot of confusion, even from a moderator (not intended to offend). Red Hat is based on Linux and it is necessarily covered under GNU. Somebody probably bought the program from RHE and can make it available at no cost.

Nevertheless, the moderator decided to warn the user. In this article [URL] it says the following:"Our training is not designed to promote vendor lock-in. Though these courses are based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the source code for [RHEL] is available to the community via the GPL [GNU General Public License]," said Red Hat spokewoman Leigh Day. This thread [URL] shows yet more confused people. Is there is a glitch in this type of license that prevents programs like RHEL to be redistributed for free? Why their license page doesn't mention GNU license? Or the problem is just that people get overwhelmed by this license and are afraid to be penalized and get paralyzed? By the way, RHEL is just the example. The key question is about the license!!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Use Second Physical Drive?

Jun 27, 2011

I installed a 30 gig hard drive for extra storage space. It is currently using the ext2 file system. When looking at it in gparted, there is a key icon next to the drive. I would like to use this drive for storage with programs running in WINE, but can't even see the drive from there. From the normal OS, I can see and mount the drive, but can't use it for anything.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the key icon means it is locked somehow. How do I unlock/use this drive? Is there a command to use in the terminal, or within the Disk Utility that will do it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding A New Physical HD?

Jul 2, 2010

I've opensuse 11.2 installed and running. I have separate mount points for /, home, srv. I have two physical HDs of total 160gb in my system. Now my / partition is nearly full 91-93%. I'm thinking of adding another HD. I cannot figure out how to transfer data after installing the new drive. I plan to move /srv and /home from the main physical disk to the new disk and then add the space freed from under /srv and /home to the / partition. I understand the procedure how to add the drive, how to partition it and so on. I need some help in understanding how to shift the data from one physical drive to the other without losing any simlinks and data of course. I have a virtual host web server running on my machine, so you can understand how difficult it would be if I'd need to do all the linking manually again or worst case if I'd lose any data.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing 2nd And 3rd Physical Drives?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a Dell XPS with Ubuntu 10.04 installed. I have a laptop dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I can see all shared folders on the Dell from my Windows partition in my laptop but can only see the shared folders in Home on the Dell from my Ubuntu partition in the laptop. My set up is as follows:


root, home and swap are on the 1st 160g hard drive.
2nd 160g hard drive has only the one partition: /storage1
3rd hard drive, 500g has only one partition: /storage2

I cannot access any of the shares on either storage drive but I can see them from the ubuntu laptop. What I want to do is have access to those storage drives from my laptop. If I go into Nautilus, navigate to either storage drive, I cannot share them via right click, properties because I don't have root. Basically I am not sure how to go about this. There are a few folders in storage 1 and storage 2 that I want to be able to access from my Ubuntu partition in my laptop. This is one of the reasons I still have Windows on the other laptop partition but I really would like to dump it. Samba is installed and I tried giving permissions that way. It allowed me to add the drives but it had no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade The Physical Computer?

Dec 1, 2010

I am currently using linux on my old system (store bought Gateway). I am building a new computer for Christmas. This is how I want things to go down: Set up new computer > install new hard-drive (as primary) > install (this) hard-drive (as secondary) > copy full contents from current drive to new drive > boot from new drive > Use (this) hard-drive from there on out as a backup/storage.

Will this work? Will a new mobo/processor combo mess any with my current system as a whole? I know that when I use to use gentoo everything was compiled "system specific", however, I do not believe ubuntu operates this way (well they are both goign to be a 64bit capable processor, which I think is about as specific as ubuntu gets)

Furthermore, I will be transfering my current videocard (GeForce 9800 GTX+) into the new system, so I will not need to configure any new video drivers. But what about audio? I currently use onboard audio, and will be using the new mobos audio as well.

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Hardware :: How To Increase Physical Memory

Jan 23, 2011

I'd like to ask you how install new physical memory in my hp ml350 g6 server with linux redhat operating system>

i sugess it is easy like in windows operating system but there is frind told me you must make mount , i am new with linux os .

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Networking :: Routing Red Hat VM Through Local Physical Box?

May 31, 2011

I've setup an XP VM using Red Hat's KVM. The physical Red Hat box has two NICs, a fiber one in use and active and a CAT-5 one that is disabled and with no wire connected. The physical box has br0 active and bridging on the subnet of ip route show also displays for virbr0 My physical box ( ping the virbr0 IP of, but not the XP VM of

I have played around with Window's route command to try and setup some method for the Windows VM to ping the network, but have not had any luck. I've also messed around with the Red Hat netmask and such to work it from the Linux side. But then, as would be expected, I can't talk to other Linux boxes on the physical network.

Does anyone have any ideas how to get the Windows box to communicate with the Red Hat box and the other Linux systems beyond while keeping the two distinct networks of and leaving them both as Class C ( I mentioned the unused CAT-5 NIC thinking perhaps it could operate as an internal router even with no cable attached. That was just a random thought and I have not even explored that.

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General :: Configure Physical Memory Map?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build and bring-up Linux (embedded) for a piece of hardware which have MIPS 74K proccessor 16MB Flash, 128MB DDR and network/usb support. How to configure/set into the kernel the exact addresses of the physical memory map? How does the kernel know where is the system ram, i/o memory, root FS? I have read some book and I found how the applications can go and read some special files like /proc/iomem to find out info about memory but what I need is how to set those addresses at the beginning when I build the kernel and FS in order to boot the kernel on my h/w.

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General :: Physical Drives Need To Use The Same Interface?

Feb 5, 2011

I understand the software RAID partition types on two physical drives that will be paired must be set to the same size. However,

1. Do the physical drives themselves need to be the same size?

2. Do the physical drives need to use the same interface?

e.g. Can I setup mirroring with one 80G SATA, and one 320G PATA? (And is this reliable/stable?). The use is for an asterisk server which came with the 80G, I can't find anything smaller than 320G for the 2nd drive, and the free connector inside is PATA.

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Server :: How To Tell If RH System Is Virtual Or Physical?

Feb 11, 2011

This may seem like a silly question but I have many servers and sometimes we forget when we login if it physical or virtual running on a VMware system. This makes a diffrence when I try to get a console access etc. So I wanted to know before if its physical or VM.yes I know i can change motd once i get the info or make a list etc. There are many ways not OS related for me to find this info out. But I was wondering if there was a Linux command that I could use when I ssh to a system to check if its physical or logical?I have inventory information etc and vm vsphere to check but that can be time consuming if I just want to check something quick.

uname -a or something like that that would tell me would be cool. I am thinking there is no command as Linux really does not care if its running Vm or physical.

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Software :: LVM Physical Volume -- Not Shrinking?

Feb 23, 2010

I was running through a fairly routine Gentoo install on a 160G hard disk. My intention was to have two partitions on the disks: one for boot, and one to be an LVM physical volume. In a stroke of absent-mindedness, however, I forgot to create the boot partition and only created the LVM physical volumend didn't realize ituntil the end of the installation.Anyway, I just want to shrink the physical volume partition and add in another partition with fdisk. However, this doesn't seem to be working the way I intend. I ran

livecd dev # pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 159G /dev/hda1
WARNING: /dev/hda1: Overriding real size. You could lose data.


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Programming :: Two Text Consoles On The Same Physical One?

Jun 27, 2011

How large would a program have to be to open two text consoles on the same physycal console? And what would the general outline be?

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Ubuntu :: How To Know Which Of Two (32bit 0r 64 Bit) I M Using

Jan 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu on my home PC as it will avoid any virus.Please tell me how to know which of two (32bit 0r 64 bit) I m using.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Run 4gb At 32bit

Sep 21, 2010

how can i run 4gb? because i got to ram 2gb each and its only running with 1.9gb what should i do to get both running with 32bits

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Slackware :: Using 4GB Ram On A 32bit?

Sep 17, 2010

My pc has 4GB ram and I want it to use it entirely. With Slackware's kernel my system is only able to access 3287MB. So I built a new one ( and used the Slackware's config as template. I kept High Memory Support with 4GB because I only have 4. Now I found out that I have to set High Memory Support to 64GB to activate PAE.

What's the sense about it? Should I really use this option? Although I only have 4GB memory I don't see disadvantages.

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Fedora Hardware :: Removing A Bad Physical Volume

Jan 22, 2010

So I got a bad physical volume inisde my logical volume. I want to do this safely rather than tinkering around, how can I get the bad physical disk out and look at the data on the other 2 drives to see if I can save anything? Its just the standard fedora setup where it combines all the disks, nothing fancy.

I have the volume group activated as a partial, and now I just want to see the data on the other sections how could I mount that?

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General :: Why Set Swap Space Twice Big As Physical Memory

Sep 12, 2010

When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?

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