General :: What Is The Purpose Of Having "/etc/shadow" File
May 15, 2010we can save the users password in /etc/password file itself.then why a special file /etc/shadow is created to save the encripted password of users.
View 2 Replieswe can save the users password in /etc/password file itself.then why a special file /etc/shadow is created to save the encripted password of users.
View 2 RepliesI attempted to run various cron jobs as root - just general server make-tidy stuff. But if I edit the /etc/crontab file directly, these tasks don't get run. However, if I use crontab -e as root, these jobs appear to work. Any idea why this might be the case? Also, I understand that user cron jobs are stored in /var/spool/cron/<user> (including root). If this is the case, what's the purpose of the /etc/crontab file?
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhat is the purpose of using hard links instead of being a shortcut to some file ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedToday i was going through some of security guides written on linux .Under shadow file security following points were mentioned.1)The encrypted password stored under /etc/shadow file should have more than 14-25 characters.2)Usernames in shadow file must satisfy to all the same rules as usernames in /etc/passwd.3)password for application Username should display * if username is not locked.4)If a user is locked it should be displayed as ! as the first character in second field of shadow file.
Confusion for point 1 and 2:Now i m confused as why the encrypted password should be more than 14-25 characters.Also what rules to satisfy How to check it?Confusion for point 3 and 4:There are lot of users with * as second field i guess they are not locked but according to 4th point there are lot of users with ! as first characters.How would i check whether they are actually locked or not.I m posting the output of /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files for the account.
I am just wondering what encryption method the shadow file uses, so that I may be able to manually change it. I ask this because I am trying to make a web page that will allow people to change their linux password via a browser.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI deleted root from passwd and shadow file.Can I crate a new root user?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to grep all values other than encrypted password from /etc/shadow fileFor example,each line consists of 8 fields separated with :/The only thing that I want not to print out is the contents between first : and second : (encrypted password)
View 7 Replies View RelatedOn a production Centos 5.3 system, I want to raise the hard & soft limits of open file handles from 1024 -> 8192 (not a "biggie", I'd think) Right now, "sysctl -a | grep file" shows fs.file-max=463144 (a default, I'd guess) I'm guessing file-max is the maximum number of open file handles on the system, vs the per-user limits seen with "ulimit -Hn" and "ulimit -Sn". Right? If so, I shouldn't think I'd have to touch this on a server with few users.
Also, after doing a lot of reading, I still don't understand the mentions of needing to also add: "session required" to /etc/pam.d/loginor adding "session required /lib/security/$ISA/" to /etc/pam.d/system-auth Maybe I've gotten off into the deep weeds in goggling about raising file handle limits.
i am new to debian. I need to know after booting sequence login shell appears to get username and password. so what happens when user puts username and password ?? how this given username and password are matched with /etc/shadow file ??
my another question is what is role of /etc/pam.d/ authenticating username and password ?? does it work with shadow file or not ?
I'm trying to learn how to create a user account manually on the system, and I've edited the /etc/passwd and /etc/groups as well as creating a new home directory by copying /etc/skel but I'm stuck at how to generate an entry in the /etc/shadow file since it comprises of the hash and all?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noticed that our /etc/shadow file is readable on a patch I released for one of our in house linux boxes a while back ago. Could they use it to gain access the root account etc? Our passwords are all MD5 encrypted.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat is the easiest way to replace a hash in a shadow file for one particular user, not using passwd, and when the current password is unknown?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on building a customized ISO image of a server based on linux. The thing is after the server is installed and run for the first time, three users have to be created for the various services to run properly. I want this to be automated. To achieve this what is was thinking is automatically enter the user entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files through init scripts when the server starts for the first time after the installation. I tried creating user and assigning password in one of my machine, and the /etc/passwd and the /etc/shadow entries of this user I copied it into the other machine and tried login in on the other machine and everything worked fine. How I am trying to achieve this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to know, how does changes happened in the encrypted password in /etc/shadow file , when user changing password . because user doesnot have access on that file
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to write php or perl code to generate the sha-512 password hashes in fedora. I've been unable to do the hashing which is encoded in the shadow file on fedora core 11. Does anyone have php or perl code which provides the hashing algorithm. (All of my attempts result in the encrypted hashing being longer than 86 character -- the length that crypt says the sha-512 should be)
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI've always been confused about this issue of boot partitions. In the past when I install linux I usually have 2-3 partitions.
1. Main OS partition mounted on /
2. Storage partition mounted on /home
3. Swap partition
Why and when would I need to have a boot partition? Even if I dual boot two OSs, I just make one more partition for that other OS. So what's the purpose of a boot partition?
Can you explain me what is purpose of shebang in scripts? I have noticed that my scripts will run without shebang. i.e. When i save my crontab file it says that scripts will be executed in i.e. /bin/sh shell. So, what is the point if I put #!/bin/ksh at the start of script?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a folder that may contain text documents, pictures, MP3s, video clips, all sorts of stuff. Supposing that, within reason, I'm not too bothered how long it takes to compress and uncompress them. And suppose I don't care if it's free or open source (well, has to be free as in beer). What's the best compression format/algorithm (whatever it is that I install in Synaptic and choose from the drop down menu in the compression tool) I should use?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to create a general switch that I can use to send a signal to my ubuntu server when it is activated/deactivated. Here's an example: I want to know when a certain door is open, so I can have a switch closed when the door is closed and opened when the door is opened. When opened or closed, the computer will receive a signal and I can have some software intercept this signal and process it to my liking (i.e. ring a bell/text message me/email me/etc).
I know I will have to create a simple driver, software to make use of this signal, etc... I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as far as which interface I should use to communicate with my server (i.e. usb, serial), which references I should read, and any personal experience you have with something like this...
What is the purpose of libc in an operating system?
Is the libc is common for all OS or it is different for different OS!?
I mean source of libc build for RH is same for Ubuntu !?
I have been trying out in learning with logrotate command and logrotate configuration file )logrotate.conf custom logfile for an process is 'test.log'
#cat /etc/logrotate.d/test
/var/log/test.log {
rotate 4
whenever the log file (test.log) exceeds 100M a new file will be created with the file name as test.'date'.'gz'(new file is created with a current date and in a compressed format of gz) and also with permission mentioned above). I really dont know what is the role of rotate( will this be carried on only for next 4times i mean upto 400MB; (4times*file reaches 100MB)? and also what could be the purpose of postrotate?
I'm confuse about different beetwen console and terminal in linux system? And what purpose them for?
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View 2 Replies View Related"Life has been made easier with all Microsoft systems, all versions of Dos and Windows, because each of them has to be installed in an active primary partition and so hence will always has a boot loader in the root partition." So if I already have Windows 7 installed (in a 100gig partition of a 1t hdd) how do I modify the windows booting process so that I can go on to create many additional partitions that will be used for linux distros?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI noticed that file /etc/shadow changed it's timestamp.Why it is changed? Is it "normal"?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to manually convert an string ( like with echo ) to a DES crypt format to be inserted inside a /etc/shadow file, does anybody knows how can I do that?
Maybe there are some little tool that could handle that operation, well.. I don't know, hope someone can give me a hint on that.
How to create the password hash exactly the same as in shadow file (from the command line)?
The command
openssl passwd -crypt
returns something different.