General :: View The Files / Dir Inotify Is Monitoring?

Feb 15, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to view all the files or dirs that inotify is monitoring.

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General :: How To Utilize Inotify Command Properly

Jan 21, 2010

I am using inotify-tools in order to achive my task. inotify-tools has two commands inotifywait or inotifywatch. I am using inotifywait. I want to be able to extract unique paths that inotifywait will output and then take those unique file path run them through clamscan and quarantine the files if necessary. Here's what I have come up with so far.

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General :: Recursive Filesystem Notifications (inotify) For Karmic Koala?

Mar 11, 2010

I need a program which generates events when a file is moved, removed or its extended attributes are changed. I'm running Ubuntu Karmic Koala 32-bit desktop.inotify is the standard solution for such problems, but inotify cannot install a recursive watch, so the only option is to the equivalent of find on the filesystem, and add an inotify watch on each node. This is what e.g. inotifywatch does. This won't work for me, because my filesystem has 1 million files, and installing watches to all of them takes forever.

fanotify could work except that I would have to patch the kernel for that (I'm currently running 2.6.31-20), and maintaining patches to the Linux kernel is beyond my time commitment.I used to use rfsdelta (whose kernel module is similar to rlocate), but it just doesn't compile on 2.6.31, because it uses obsolete Linux security framework APIs.

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General :: How To View SWF Files In Ubuntu

May 26, 2011

I have to view .swf files and I downloaded Gnash using Ubuntu Software Center but when I try to view the file it doesn't work.

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General :: Dropbox - How To View Files From Webbrowser

May 2, 2011

I now work on linux machine that I don't have admin on, so I can't install dropbox. is there any way to download some files from dropbox (by WWW) ?

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General :: How To View Files From Multiple Installs

Jun 25, 2011

I have four hard drives in my machine with several different O/S installs.

I have a couple of Linux distros, win xp, and win 7.

I'm wanting to view all my files in a file manager such as Dolphin but it only shows the Pardus that I am running and the other Windows installs.

My other Linux installs do not appear.

I've recently switched from Windows where I am used to seeing all the different Windows installs on windows explorer.

Is this not possible to do in Linux?

I am wanting to move some files from one system to the other and this is frustrating not being able to see them.

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General :: View Png Or Pdf Files In Text-mode?

Apr 15, 2011

is it possible to view png or pdf files in linux text-mode?

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General :: View Hidden Files In Ubuntu 11.04?

Jun 26, 2011

Is there a way to make the system display hidden files in the home folder when you open it? I know you can select "Show Hidden Files" in the view menu but having to do this every time you want to see or access hidden files and folders is annoying!

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General :: How To View Configuration Files For Passwords And Groups?

Apr 19, 2011

how do i view configuration files for passwords and groups?

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions On A File In /proc/sys/fs/inotify?

Sep 16, 2010

Trying to change permissions on a file in /proc/sys/fs/inotify. The command syntax are:

sudo chmod u+w max_user_watches
and the result is:

chmod: changing permissions of `max_user_watches': Operation not permitted Also tried to change it when logged in as root, same results. Parent directory permissions are dr-xr-xr-x, and are the same up the chain. Tried to change the directory permissions to u+w, that didn't work either. FWIW, /proc is part of the / partition, and it has ~600MB free space.

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Ubuntu :: Dconf - Inotify - NFSv4 Home Directory Mounts Don't Work In 10.10

Dec 16, 2010

I have noticed that when I have my home directory mounted over network with NFSv4 ==> applications that use dconf to save preferences do not work correctly.

If I try to save preferences they won't save and I'm getting "Unable to contact dconf service" errors with Evince, Empathy etc.

I was googling this issue and I figured out that Dconf uses inotify() ( [url] and [url]) and those notifys don't work with NFS at all so the whole "dconf thing" doesn't work!

Am I right that Ubuntu is moving from GConf to DConf? If that is true I think this issue will be a serious problem if most of the applications use mechanism to save settings that doesn't work with NFS mounted drives. It is quite common to use NFS to mount home directory in some schools, companies and LTSP-machines.

I've tried to reinstall dconf and libdconf0 packages with no working result. When I'm using my home directory locally there is no problems.

And with Ubuntu 10.04/9.10/9.04... there were no these problems.


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Debian :: How To View .la Files

Jul 4, 2011

About the Debian release plan of .la files removal.


I also saw that list that is being talked about in that wiki entry.


Does anybody know how can one look in his/her system and find how many individual .la files are installed ?

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Ubuntu :: How To View Pdf Files

Nov 15, 2010

how i can view pdf files

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Ubuntu :: How To View CAJ Files In 11.04

Jul 24, 2011

How to view CAJ files in Ubuntu 11.04?? A CAJ file is a CAJViewer Full-text Database file.

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Software :: How To View Flv Files

Jul 21, 2011

I have some flash video files with extension .flv which I originally viewed successfully in iceweasel. I then downloaded them for future access (there is no copyright issue with these BTW), but I cannot play them back. Is there a debian package which will view flv?

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Slackware :: Can't View Files On 13.1

May 13, 2011

I recently had Pardus 2011 Installed and i moved a pile of files from my extra hard drive and cleaned it and moved files back onto it. The music files/folders wont show up on SlackWare but if i flip in a ubuntu live cd or run pardus they show up just fine. But here is the kicker. If i for example one of the cd's was a band from in town where i live. If i hash check the torrent so it is seeing if the files are on my computer to share. It will show them if you show directory and if you use Dolphin you cannot see them at all. Is there some kind of setting somewhere i have tried the action of showing hidden files.

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OpenSUSE :: Possible To View And Edit Db3 Files ?

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to view and edit db3 files in linux? OpenOffice does not do it and dbview says it can't read version 83. Just wondering. I am not really firm with databases, but i remember that i did view databases in linux.

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Ubuntu :: How To View The HTML Files

Aug 7, 2010

I just downloaded libgtk2.0-doc at the gtkmm docs to help me with some programming. I've found where the libgtk2.0 documents are (/usr/share/gtk-doc/html) and I'm not for sure where the gtkmm docs are.

My question is: what is an easy way to view all of these HTML files? I know on Ruby you can run gem-server and you can see all of your RDocs from localhost on your browser. Is there an equivalent to that on Ubuntu for gtk-doc?

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Fedora :: 14: Cannot View Flash 9 Files (SWF 9)

Nov 25, 2010

I have installed the Flash 10 plug-ins for Mozilla (Firefox) as well as several others including some add ons, etc. I have several different video players including VLC, MPlayer, Gnash SWF Player and more but I still can not view any streaming video if it is in SWF 9 format.

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Debian Hardware :: Can View Some - But Not All Files On 16 GB USB Stick ?

Jun 22, 2011

During some partitioning my Son accidentally deleted a bunch of MP3 files from his disk that he thought he'd backed up. It wasn't a big deal at the time since we listen to the same music and since he got most of those files from me in the first place (ripped my 400 CD collection a couple of years ago). So yesterday he asked me if I would copy those files for him onto a USB stick. No problem, right?

I have a 16 GB USB stick which has some backup folders and about 2.5 GB of data on it. It's formatted as NTFS.

So I created another folder on it, entitled music. Then I copied about 12.5 GB worth of MP3 music to the USB stick. No problem. When all was said and done about 1 GB of free space was remaining on the USB stick. A few minutes after the copying was completed, I used the "Remove Disk Safely" option. A small window came up, indicating that data was being written and that the stick should not be removed until the process completed. It took about 15 - 30 seconds but eventually it was finished. I could see in Nautilus that the stick had been unmounted and so I removed it from my computer.

My Son then put the USB stick in his Debian machine ... indicating to me that although there were some folders, the folder entitled music was empty. I asked him how much space was available on the stick ... he replied 1 GB ... which jives with the space that I had left after my copying. Went to his computer, and sure enough, the folders are all there, the data that was previously contained in the other folders is still there as well, but the actual music files are nowhere to be found. Then we tried using Nautilus as root, but the files still won't show up. Tried rebooting, still can't see/access those music files. Brought the stick back to my Debian system ... SAME PROBLEM THERE.

What the heck is going on? Clearly, the space of the copied 12.5 GB is being used up ... but the files are nowhere to be seen ... not even when using Nautilus as root. Disk Utility does recognize the 16 GB NTFS stick and it can be mounted/unmounted.

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Fedora :: View Files In Windows XP Partition?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to view my files in my windows XP partition and I tried the following with no success:

1. updated /etc/fstab to include the following line:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/win ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

2. tried this command to mount sda1:

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/win (got an error message saying no such file or directory)

Here's what Fdisk shows:

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 581 8924 67023180 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 1 580 4658818+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda3 8925 8988 512000 83 Linux
/dev/sda4 8988 19458 84096000 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 8988 19458 84094976 8e Linux LVM

Since I'm pretty green at Linux, this is all I know how to do (for now). Isn't there a way for Fedora to auto mount these devices when it boots up?

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Fedora :: View Pdf Files In A Web Browser Window?

Aug 4, 2011

I would like to open pdf files in a web browser window. I have installed mozplugger and xpdf, but it does not work , I have only blank, white screen. I installed Adobe PDF viewer, and it worked good, but I don't want to use bloated PDF viewer.

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OpenSUSE :: View Files By The Date At Which Last Accessed?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there a way (I'm on kde) to view files (hopefully in dolphin but I'll take anything) by the date at which they were last accessed?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't View My Windows Files In KDE

Nov 28, 2010

I am trying to view my Wiindows files in the file browser in KDE, but it tells me to install a piece of software (I am able to view them using the terminal). Does anyone know how this packages is called?

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Ubuntu :: How To View Windows Partition Files

Apr 25, 2010

How can i look at my windows files? I have xubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: View 11.000 Text Files Quickly?

Oct 13, 2010

I need to view 10.858 text files by this friday to see which ones I need (searching file contents is not a solution), I was wondering if anyone knew any way/program to quickly view them as if they were, for example, images? And, optionally, to be able to save them to a different location from there? It doesn't necessarily have to be for Ubuntu as I also have WinXP and Vista, but it would save me having to transfer those couple of gigabytes to another computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To View Shockwave Files

Oct 29, 2010

i cannot view shockwave games on says missing plugin..but does show any to install..

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Ubuntu :: Unable To View .php Files In Web Browser

Jan 11, 2011

I've been having a common problem that most users get when trying to view .php files on a web browsers. I feel like I've tried everything including clearing the cache. This is the read what when typing this commands.


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Ubuntu :: Unable To View The Files On External?

May 16, 2010

I own an HP Mini with Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and a Western Digital 500 GB Portable External Hard Drive. I recently started to not be able to view the files on my external, with the message:

Unable to mount the volume 'Elements'.

Details Failed to open $AttrDef: Input/output error Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If you have SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first you must activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for the details. I don't think I have any SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware, and I definitely don't run Windows.

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Fedora :: View Tiff Files With Mozilla Browser?

Sep 7, 2009

I need to view Tiff files with Mozilla browser, does anybody know how and where I can get plug-in for Mozilla? I am running F10 with my laptop

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