General :: Update Timezone After Relinking /etc/localtime?

Sep 20, 2010

I wanted to change the timezone from Asia/Shanghai to Asia/Hong_Kong on RHEL5U5 in a non-interactive way. After I executed the following command:


ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Hong_Kong /etc/localtime

I checked the timezone with the 'setup' command, and found the timezone is still Asia/Shanghai. Did I change the timezone to Asia/Hong_Kong successfully? Why the 'setup' program still shows the former timezone? Is there any other way to change timezone in a non-interactive way other than relinking the /etc/localtime?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Switching Hwclock From Localtime To UTC?

Apr 29, 2010

I have the following problem: I installed 11.2 on a laptop with the hardware clock said to run on local time (CE(S)T), expecting to do a dual-boot Windows setup later. That plan got scrapped, and the to-DST switchover lately failed, so I'd like to switch the hwclock to UTC.

By now, I have (coming to work at 08:53 CEST = 06:53 UTC today):

# grep '^[^#]' /etc/sysconfig/clock


YaST2 shows checkmark for "Hardware Clock set to UTC"

- but nonetheless, when I logged in, the OS time shown was *06*:something "local" (digital panel clock) / "CEST" ('date' command), and 'last' says:

reboot system boot Thu Apr 29 06:54 (02:49)

(For the moment, I run ntpd to fix the issue, but I'm lucky to currently *have* network every day.) What am I missing to have the OS clock be initialized *correctly* on bootup?

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General :: How To Set Timezone In Fedora 12

Aug 19, 2010

In the panel at the top of the screen it shows the time of day - perhaps at the international date line. Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to inform the system of my time zone? Tried "info timezone" - drew a blank. Don't know where to look.

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General :: Use To Set The Timezone Of The Entire System Using C?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any function I can use to set the timezone of the entire system in linux using C? (Other than creating a symbolic link between /etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo/). Could I specify the timezone offset in seconds by any chance?

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General :: How To Make Own Custom Timezone

Feb 17, 2010

I don't really like Los Angeles (they steal all our water) and neither Tijuana nor Vancouver make sense to me, so I am trying to make my own, custom timezone of Felton, California. How do I do this? I changed my /etc/timezone to "America/Felton" but upon reboot my calendar still says "Los Angeles". Which files do I need to change?

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General :: Set Timezone For Nagios In Ubuntu 9.10

Aug 5, 2010

so as the title says.

i saw this in nagios.cfg:

# This option is used to override the default timezone that this
# instance of Nagios runs in. If not specified, Nagios will use
# the system configured timezone.


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General :: Optimization - Set The Timezone In A Non-standard Distro?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm trying to set the time in an embedded system ... There isn't a link/file /etc/localtime and /usr/ has only two subdirectories /usr/bin and /usr/sbin.Is there something I can try or do I just give up and make UTC be my timezone?

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Server :: Difference Between America/Mexico_City And Mexico/General Timezone Files?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a Centos 5.5 server and I had a problem with its time because it was 1 one hour ahead of my local time. I installed and activated NTP and I created a link for /etc/localtime:


ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime

I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasnt correct. The server's BIOS clock has UTC time so I edited /etc/sysconfig/clock file replacing:


UTC=false for

I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasnt correct. After breaking my head for about 1 hour, I realized that there is a directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico and changed my link for /etc/localtime


ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico/General /etc/localtime

And It worked. What is the difference between America/Mexico_City and Mexico/General files in /usr/share/timezones, they should be identical but of course they are not?

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General :: Good Desktop/application Or Command Line Tool To Show Two Different Timezone Concurrently?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to find a desktop application or command line tool to show two different timezone concurrently under LINUX.

Anyone knows there are such application?

Say i want to know the time at london and USA at the same time. (different time zone)

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Fedora :: Change Timezone From BST To UTC?

Sep 16, 2009

How do i change the timezone from BST to UTC ( through the terminal only )

SERVER ~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/clock

However a date shows :

Wed Sep 16 11:07:15 BST 2009

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Debian :: Setting Date Timezone

May 5, 2015

I'm trying to install Symfony to Debian 7 amd64 LAMP Server and I have some lil problems

When I run php my_project_name/app/check.php

It says:
Your system is not ready to run Symfony2 projects
Fix the following mandatory requirements

* date.timezone setting must be set
> Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini* (like Europe/Paris).

I already tried to edit php.ini with command :
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

I deleted ; and so under [Date] section is now following sentence: date.timezone = Europe/Helsinki
after that restarted apache /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

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Ubuntu :: How To Change The Timezone Permanently

Jan 3, 2010

So, here's my problem. Every time I'm trying to change my timezone, it last until I'm restarting my comp again, it seems like it doesn't save the changes permanently.I'm using Ubuntu v9.10 installed through Wubi. My timezone is set currently via BIOS.

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Server :: How To Get Info About Current Timezone

Jan 13, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way of knowing what is the current set timezone for a linux server. I know that "date +%Z" gives the 3 letter abbreviation of the timezone, but then CST can be interpreted as Central Standard Time (US) and as China Standard Time. I'm looking for a way I could tell what is the real timezone, e.g. "Asia/Jerusalem", "Europe/London", etc. I know that I can set the timezone by symlinking /usr/share/zoneinfo/<Timezone Name> to /etc/localtime, but when I freshly install CentOS and choose my timezone, /etc/localtime isn't a symlink at all so I can't use this info...

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Slackware :: 13.37 - Need To Define Date / Timezone In PHP

May 18, 2011

I need to define date.timezone in PHP for an application and I can't seem to figure out how to get Apache (or whatever) to use changes in /etc/httpd/php.ini. For example, I need to set the value of date.timezone to America/Detroit and the latitude and longitude values. I'm assuming that simply stopping and restarting HTTPD ought to make that happen (it doesn't) or rebooting the system should (nope). I must have missed something somewhere.

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CentOS 5 :: Timezone Change Not Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I was needing to change the timezone on a CentOS 5.1 (but upgraded to 5.3) machine that doesn't have X installed nor did it (initially) have the system-config-date package installed. After some Googling it appeared that all I needed to do was copy over the desirec zoneinfo file to /etc/localtime and edit the /etc/sysconfig/clock file to zone that I choose. I then set the time and used that to set the hardware clockhe original timezone was "America/New_York" (EDT) and was wanting to change it to "US/Central" (CDT). After making the changes, when I do a "date" command it is still reporting the time in EDT. I then installed the system-config-date package and tried using /usr/sbin/timeconfig. I still get the result that the timezone is reported in EDT. The time is technically correct but is an hour ahead since its using EDT to report the time.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Fails To Install Timezone

Feb 26, 2010

I'm newbie in Linux, but have used Windows and Mac OS X Leopard. Used RedHat in the past, and can't figure this out. I burned Fedora12-x86_64 DVD image on DVD, and start install. Whether I use "linux text" command from boot or just select Install at graphical prompt, everything goes OK until I select hostname. I leave it as "localhost.localdomain" and press Enter. It always give me an error "Can't load class=TimeZoneWindow".

My computer is connected via ethernet to my router, and I had no problems getting online in Windows. Now, in case there are hardware questions:
Intel Pentium 4 with HyperThread enabled and 64bit support (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit runs perfectly in 64bit mode)
2Gb of DDR 400Mhz RAM
I have 2 SATA hard drives with RAID option as Mirror (BIOS settings - RAID or AHCI)
And 128Mb ATI RAdeon X300 series. Pretty simple, but this error aborts my installation.

I tried to do Anaconda updates, but I have no clue about URL where the image is, ex:
linux updates=[URL]
or I tried configuring network:
linux ip= netmask= gateway= dns=,
and no luck. Why does "Can't load class=TimeZoneWindow" appear? Is it a network issue or what? I've seen the screenshot for TimeZone screen in the Installation Guide, but I never get to it.

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Ubuntu :: Scripting Timezone Changing Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I have worked on redhat/fedora for last 5 yrs but now working on ubuntu as well. I have around 200 ubuntu VMs on which I have to change the timezone.I know I can do that using "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata",But doing it manually on 200 machines is not what I really want to do.Hence I am looking for a way to script this process.On fedora, its simple,change the "ZONE" entry in "/etc/sysconfig/clock" and copy corresponding file from /user/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime. Hence I can script is easily.But in ubuntu, with "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata", I don't know how to script it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Changing The Timezone In RHEL 5.4 (CentOS)?

Apr 5, 2010

*Trying to change some Linux severs timezone from EDT to GMT remotely

*Unable to run "system-config-date" tool from command line


Mon Apr 5 09:31:10 EDT 2010

cat /etc/sysconfig/clock:


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Server :: How To Change Timezone Running RedHat

Feb 2, 2010

I want to change the time zone in my redhat server but its not working. I have made necessary changes to make it IST but not coming up. I have made it Asia/Calcutta and also Asia/Kolkata but not changes and its changes for other zones.

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Slackware :: Changing Timezone Settings And CMOS

Feb 12, 2011

I am having a problem getting my Slackware 13.0 to accept a timezone cmos setting change. My cmos was set to local time and my Slackware was displaying the correct time as EST. Cmos was set localtime to be compatible with dual booting Windows I have now removed Windows and replace it with Ubuntu. Now, Ubuntu wants the hardware clock to be UTC, which is the norm for unicis. SO, lets make Slackware treat the hardware clock as UTC.

I go to /etc/hardwareclock make these changes.

I reboot setting cmos to UTC, but now when I come up Slackware displays UTC and calls it EST. I go to the date/time app under the system xfce menu, but all it says it is set to UTC (EST) and change from the list below. The list below only has UTC listed. So, now how do I get it subtract the necessary five hours?

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Debian :: PHP Info Command - Fluctuating Default Timezone

Feb 24, 2010

I have an issue when running the phpinfo() command on a webpage. Occasionally the Default timezone setting shows 'utc', at others it show 'Europe/Berlin'. To prove I'm not going mad I screen captured a short video of the display changing while all I was doing was pressing F5.

The system is set to a European timezone i.e. both date and hwclock commands show 'CET'. There was an update to the Debian tzdata package which I installed at the beginning of February 2010. I'm not aware of there being a problem before that but I could be wrong about that.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - Updated Timezone Version (Official Repo)

Mar 18, 2010

The DST in Chile has changed due to the earthquake. I am using openSuSE 11.2, but my clock is using the pre-earthquake info. I am currently using timezone and timezone-java version 2009u-0.1.1, and I believe there is an updated timezone version 2010u, but it hasn't been uploaded to the official repositories yet. How can I fix my timezone?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MythWeb Broken - Failed To Set Php Timezone To EDT?

Sep 23, 2010

I let the machine update the other night. Now MythWeb is broken with these lines appearing either at the top of the listings or as the only thing on the page. User Notice at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/MythBackend.php, line 124: Failed to set php timezone to EDT Response from backend was Array ( [0] => EDT [1] => -14400 [2] => 2010-09-21T21:27:32 )

Warning at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/_shared/tmpl/default/header.php, line 16:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/errors.php:14Looking at MythTV pages it looks like this got broken in late August but should be fixed by now.

Looking at Synaptic it looks like I am at the current version.

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Slackware :: Setting Timezone On A Per User Basis For Xorg?

May 23, 2011

Slackware: 13.0

After having some problems with iptables not picking up automatically (without restart) the transition from winter time to summer time, and on advice from the iptables/netfilter mailing list, I've decided recently to go down the Unix way and set my hardware clock time to UTC/GMT instead of local time. I am, however, having some difficulty reconfiguring my entire machine to cope with this change.

1. I've used /usr/sbin/timeconfig - which took care of system wide timezone. After that, if I opened a terminal, du "su root" - and then check the date - it looks good. Doesn't affect though the logged in (non-root) user. Running "date" in bash window for logged (non-root) user returns wrong time (UTC) instead of local time.
2. I've added an export statement in ~/.bashrc, to set the timezone for the user account I use. That fixes the time for the logged in user, but only in the terminal. The time in fluxbox/X is still the UTC time.

Where is XOrg taking it's timezone for the logged in user? Do I amend/add to XOrg.conf? At the moment there is nothing about time zone in Xorg.conf (only contains few tweaked settings I've added to it - as I believe most of the rest is autoconfigured). I've searched - but couldn't find how Slackware configures timezones for individual users - aside from the timeconfig utility used during setup.

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Slackware :: Timezone Adjustment For Daylight Savings Automatically

Apr 2, 2011

We just had daylight savings change (the clocks went back one hour at 2am). he machine that was on at 2am adjusted it's time on it's own. All the other machines (5 of them) were off at 2am are still on the 'old' time.Wwhat's the best way to ensure I don't have to adjust these manually next time daylight savings change? Maybe "ntpdate -s &" in rc.local?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Natty Installer Hangs At Timezone Select

Aug 11, 2011

I've just decided to downgrade from 64-bit to 32-bit Ubuntu. I created a live USB from the most recent (as of today) 11.04 download, booted up, and selected the option to replace Ubuntu. (Also on my HDD are a Windows partition and a shared partition for documents.)The installer hung at the timezone select page - and, foolishly, I hard-restarted the PC. I can get into 'try Ubuntu' without problems, but every time I try to actually install, it hangs. I can't boot into Windows, since GRUB seems to have been overwritten in my failed partial install. (I can get to a 'grub rescue' prompt, though.)

I suspected it might have something to do with my internet connection - I need to go through a university proxy script, so I'm not sure whether the installer will actually have internet access, even after I've been able to apply proxy settings while running Ubuntu from the USB.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Fedora Set Localtime

May 18, 2010

my system is can i disable the UTC? i want to use localtime. and where can i set the timezone. it is useless to modify /etc/sysconfig/clock.

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OpenSUSE :: When I Set The Timezone To Europe/UK The Date/time Are Correct UNTIL Reboot The Laptop?

Feb 25, 2010

I just installed OpenSuse 11.2 3 months ago on my laptop. I'm running with the Gnome Desktop. I live in Chicago and am currently in London. When I set the timezone to Europe/UK the date/time are correct UNTIL I reboot the laptop. After reboot if I type in the 'date' command it shows the time at 6+ hours from London time. When I check the hardware clock 'hwclock' it displays the correct London time. I check the time setup with yast and it shows the correct Timezone but again shows the 6+ hours difference. I change the time in yast and and my applications ( e-mail) display the correct local time again... UNTIL I reboot and then I'm right back where I started - wrong local time ! I suppose I could write a little startup script to do a 'hwclock --hctosys' but I thought I'd check here first to see if anyone out there had any ideas..BTW - I hate to say this but on the same laptop running XP I don't have this problem AND I didn't see this problem in OpenSuse 10.3 or 11.1

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installationen Freezes The Moment When The Setup Comes To Adjust The Timezone?

Aug 18, 2010

The installationen freezes the moment when the Setup comes to Adjust the Timezone.I have already tried all other Installoptions (Secure Kernel, without APCI/ACPI), no difference.I tried the Install-DVD on another Computer (on which i dont want to use Linux) and it didnt crash at this Installationstep, so the dvd seems to be ok.My System is a AMD Athlon XP 1700+, 256MB RAM, which should be ok for Minimum system requirements

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Ubuntu :: Error : Unknown Timezones Are Treated As The 'floating' Local Timezone

Sep 28, 2010

On Karmic, every once in a while this error pops up near the notification area at the top right (also see attachment):

Timezone Errors See Error Console: Unknown timezones are treated as the 'floating' local timezone.

But the 'date' command shows the correct date/time and timezone. /etc/timezone is also set correctly. The machine is running ntpd and is connected to the net 24/7 via ethernet. I also don't see any 'timezone' errors in /var/log/* Which software is complaining? What is the "Error Console" it is referring to?

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