General :: Two Files Are Used To Configure TCP Wrappers?

Jun 30, 2010

what two files are used to configure TCP wrappers

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Ubuntu Servers :: Phar Stream Wrappers Doesn't Work?

Oct 16, 2010

I have a problem with phar: simply, stream wrappers doens't work. I've followed all tutorials on but the error is always the same. Maybe something wrong on my ubuntu server?


Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS / Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)


PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 17 2010 13:41:55)
Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies


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Security :: IPTABLES Vs Other Firewalls / All Network Connections That Come In To Services That Do Not Use TCP Wrappers?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm having problems with hackers from across the globe trying to get into our servers. Why? i have no clue. nothing of value in my servers worth getting.

Right now my service only does business with USA. So I'm trying to find a way to block all Non USA traffic. I called my hosting provider and they are unable to help. Said it was up to me to do this.

Well I've already taken care of the TCP Wrappers. by spawning a small C program i made that uses MaxMind's GeoIP system. to automatically deny access. Now i need to do something about all the other network connections that come in to services that do not use the TCP wrappers.

So i was wondering if IPTABLES have a way to spawn a sub proccess like TCP wrappers or if there was any other firewall software out there for linux that would let me achieve my goal.

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General :: Configure Files For Xterm?

May 4, 2010

Is there any config files for xterm for default settings? For example, on my system, xterm start with black text on white background, and I want it the other way around. I can do it by starting it with:

xterm -bg black -fg white.

I want to set in a config file that if I run it without arguments, it will start with these options.

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General :: Ubuntu - Configure Virtual Header Files For VMWare?

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to configure VMWare tools to work with the linux-virtual kernel, but every time I supply the headers path to vmware-config-tools, it rejects it. What should I do to configure it?I am using the path:/lib/modules/2.6.35-23-virtual/build/includeBut I get the rejection message:The path "/lib/modules/2.6.35-23-virtual/build/include" is not valid.It works with the generic version, so what am I doing wrong?

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General :: Dial-up Connectivity - Configure Kppp With Firewall - Find Lock Files

Mar 16, 2010

I have a desktop computer running Debian Lenny, a 56 K modem, and a dial-up account, currently configured like this: computer -> modem -> UPS -> phone jack

When I run off a Knoppix live CD, I can use kppp to configure pppd (using PAP/CHAP authentication and hardware control flow) to dialup and surf. When I try to user kppp to configure pppd exactly the same way on my hard drive installation, I get nothing. Both my Knoppix live CD and Debian Lenny use exactly the same version of kppp, but the pppd related files in /etc/ppp look a bit different.

Under both Knoppix and Debian Lenny hard drive installation, when I try to connect, the login debug window of kppp shows:

ATDT [phone number]

At this point I hear the modem dialing out, and when using Knoppix, after a few seconds I see


Which I think corresponds to my route to the InterNet being established through my ISP. When using the hard drive install, I never see the CONNECT, and all indications are that my modem is not sending authentication information at all, but getting stuck right after dialing out, so that my ISP gets a phone call from a modem which... refuses to speak. I never had any problems before, so I am baffled.

So apparently my system is currently misconfigured in some way which prevents point to point protocol from getting out.

I have a firewall on my computer which I set up using guarddog. I have enabled point to point protocol from internet zone to local zone. I know that ppp is a symmetrical protocol, but my understanding is that I do not need to enable point to point from local to internet zone. I have not enabled irc protocol because my understanding is that this is only relevant to software flow control using chat scripts. Does this sound correct? Is there some additional protocol I need to allow in order to use pppd to dial out?

When I reboot my computer (off the hard drive) I sometimes see that the system complaining about a failure to stop every process, and sometimes I see mention of an I have been looking for lock files; would they all be in /var/run?

When I use kppp to configure pppd, I want to do that as my ordinary user for at least two reasons, correct? don't want to run pppd as root user for security reasons kppp is a GUI and root user can't use X (on Debian)

So I should see in home directory of my ordinary user

But not in /root directory, correct? What pppd related processes should I see with ps -ef if everything is working?

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Software :: Configure Mysql InnoDB To Use Data Files Or Log Files On NFS Volumes?

Apr 15, 2010

I was reading [URL] which as the following in "Warning": Warning It is not a good idea to configure InnoDB to use data files or log files on NFS volumes. Otherwise, the files might be locked by other processes and become unavailable for use by MySQL. What does that mean, and how can one configure or check to ensure the above is being followed?

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Networking :: How To Configure SSL Certificates (CSR Files)

Jul 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to configure an SSL cert with GoDaddy? On the following squid page it seems to use x509 and PEM format for everything. GoDaddy seems want CSR files to issue the cert. The x509 & PEM combo don't seem to generate these CSR files in the correct format. Does anyone know the openssl commands to generate the files and the config line(s) to put in squid.conf?

I started from this wiki: [URL]
I also tried following this godaddy wiki, but it was for apache and not squid [URL]

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General :: Installing Hudson In Centos 5 - Manage Hudson By Using Configure System And Configure Options?

Aug 9, 2011

I have tried to install and configure Hudson in centos distro version 5.Installed hudson with tomcat by deploying .war files.after configuration was completed, builded a project.It displayed build was completed successfully.but I was not able to download output of build.

So I rechecked configuration,found that i havent set artifact file pattern to archive. how to set artifact file pattern and how to get build output. how to manage hudson by using configure system and configure options.what is the correct way to configure public hudson?.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure Squid To Forward .flv Files On The Fly?

Mar 5, 2010

I am using Squid Proxy Server alongwith Dansguardian, dhcp3 and ClamAV on my local network. Everything is working fine except for .flv files like [URL]. The problem is that Squid wants to download the whole .flv file first to its cache and then serve it to the client.

It has an advantage that the whole video loads at once on the client's browser but that is not what our users want.

What they want is that these files load on the fly as they do on a normal internet connection. How do I configure squid to serve .flv files on the fly to the client PCs?

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Programming :: Configure Httpd.conf To Parse .php Files?

Jul 5, 2010

what's the difference between the following 2 methods for specifying in httpd.conf to use PHP to parse files with extension .php?

Method 1
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Method 2
LoadModule php5_module modules/
<FilesMatch .php$>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

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Red Hat :: Grub / Windows Loader / Edit And Configure The Files?

Mar 16, 2011

my issue is that i want to boot from windows boot loader neither than booting form grub loader...

I have installated windows and then installated red hat...I am able to login to windows and red hat without any issue but my prob is to load red hat and windows from windows boot loader...

Can u guys tell me where to edit and configure the files.

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Fedora :: Configure Grep To Search Recursively Through All Files In A Directory?

Oct 1, 2010

somewhere lurking is a file containing the default print resolution, which is not being overwritten by printer settings or cups management. I've asked on the cup forum and nothing successful.

So here's the question:

How can I configure grep to search recursively through all files in a directory, or if need be starting from root to find the pattern "2880" I've looked in the man page for grep and I can't see how to do it, is grep the right tool to use for this ?

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Ubuntu :: Amarok Crashes Whenever Configure Or Browse Through Local Files

Mar 7, 2010

I've recently been using amarok and liked it a lot. I unchecked the show system tray in configuration, restarted amarok and then checked it again. Now amarok crashes whenever I go into configuration or browse through local files. I have tried reinstalling and deleting the directory ~/.kde/share/apps but no use.

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Server :: Configure Master / Slave Dns Using SSL Authentication While Transferring The Zone Files

Jul 11, 2011

In our Server they configure Master / Slave Dns using SSL authentication while tranfering the zone files, i dont have much idea about ssl authentication for Dns, how it will works

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Software :: Configure Samba Server To Access System Files From Windows?

Oct 12, 2010

I am new to Linux and want to setup Samba server in my CentOS 5.3. I have downloaded samba server from yum repository with command

yum install samba

I then followed the steps which i got by some googling on

this site which contains steps like code...

How to resolve it ?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Installing Driver / Configure - Won't Allow To Edit Or Paste Any Files Into The Folder

Dec 1, 2010

I just dual booted Open SUSE on my computer, and am pretty happy with it. But, in order to use my wireless card for it, I need to install a driver. The wireless card is a Realtek 8191 SE. I've downloaded a driver, but I have no idea how to configure it. I've tried pasting the files into /lib/firmware, but it won't allow me to edit or paste any files into the folder.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configure The Kernel Source Files In Order To Be Able To Install Nvidia Driver?

Jun 27, 2011

When trying to install the nvidia graphics driver I get the following error-message:

ERROR: The kernel header file '/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h' does not exist. The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files in '/usr/src/linux' have not been configured. How do I configure the kernel source files?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Mpd (music Player Daemon) To Access Music Files?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).

In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.

How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?

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Networking :: Copying /var/named Files From Fedora 7 To Fedora 11 Does Not Configure Bind?

Aug 12, 2009

host A: Fedora 7 has bind 9.4.2
host B: Fedora 11 has bind 9.6.1

I want to migrate my bind configuration from A to B I've read the release notes and man pages and I can't see why copying


I checked /etc/sysconfig/named too... Seems to have no effect on my brand new install on Fedora 11. Host B stays basically un-configured.

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Ubuntu Security :: Configure The Share And Folder So That The Win7 Client Can Create Files And/or Folders In The Share?

Jan 15, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and Samba 3.4. I've shared a folder and have accessed the share from a Windows 7 client. However, I've struggled to configure the share and folder so that the Win7 client can create files and/or folders in the share. Kept getting Permission Denied errors. Finally, (using Webmin) I set the permissions on the file folder so that "Other" had write access. I don't understand why this was necessary (and how unsecure this is). I already had the write access checkbox ticked for "User" but it wasn't enough.

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CentOS 5 :: Text User Interface To Configure Text Files

Nov 5, 2009

I would like to write a text user interface (TUI) to adjust some text config files etc. Is there a tool or application for creating TUIs like this. I�m talking about those types of config tools which you see executed at first boot.

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Ubuntu :: Bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory When Run The Command ./configure --prefix=/usr

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial below so that I can get Text to the right of icons on the GNOME desktop. [URL] Everything so far has worked fine, except when I get to step 3 where I compile Nautilus. When I try to run the command ./configure --prefix=/usr It tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Automation Of Ftp Server \ Configure A FTP Server Where Upload And Download Files?

Jan 8, 2011

i have been trying to complete the following project1) Configure a FTP server where we can upload and download files.........2) server must run at 9 pm & stop at 9 am automatically ............although the first task was easy ,i have no idea how to accomplish the 2nd task(not to mention I'm a new user)

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General :: List/find All Regular Files In All Subdirectories Excluding Binary Files

Oct 5, 2010

I know I can do find . -type f, but that includes binary file and I couldn't find a way to exclude them with find

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General :: Creating A Script To Move Or Copy Files Into Multiple Directories Below The Files?

Aug 25, 2009

How can you create a script to move or copy files from a main directory into multiple directories below the main directory.

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General :: Shell Script For Identifying The File And Zip All Files, Move The Files To Target Dir?

May 7, 2011

1. Every Sunday2. Find all files older than 1 day3. Gzip these file4. Tar up the gzipped files into one tar file.5. Name the tarball with a date stamp indicating what day it was created, so we know that week's files are in the file

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General :: Wget / Delete Files / Getting Bunch Of Filefolders, But No Files, Ex."cccamp07-de-1845?

Oct 11, 2010

I am trying to dl the files located here: using wget.

Now when I use the command wget -r -A .m4v

I get the just a bunch of filefolders, but no files, ex."cccamp07-de-1845-Freifunk_und_Recht.m4v" but its a folder.

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General :: Configure DNS For LAN?

May 18, 2010

I am using RHEL5. I want to configure DNS for my LAN.

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