I have a string like $(SOMETHING) and want to remove '(' and ')' in a script file. How can I do that? I read that sed command is a filtering utility but don't know how to use it.
i use this script to get the time and date of back and fourth transactions for a particular execution id. I use a substr command on the 5th column to to cut the milli seconds off the time value. - otherwise the times would look like 08:30:04.235
Let me *try* and explain what I'm trying to do, and keep in mind aside from a little command line stuff I'm a beginner to any of what I'm asking about.
So that whatever was captured in the () in the first part of the statement would be used in the 1 in the back part of the statement for every n.chatlog that might be in any of the /webserver directories at that time.
I have a line in a text file that has 40 random characters within a tag and i want to change the characters to a new set of 40 random characters (alphanumeric a-z 0-9 etc)
The line in the text file looks like this:
How would i go about doing that?
Also second question same as the above but how would i remove them instead of replacing them?
I have a LAMP server set up (under Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit), and have a PHP application running on the Apache2 server. I copied the "default" website setup, and created a new one with the root at "/home/kota/WebRoot/".
When running my PHP application though, I come across a major issue: The script doesn't seem to be able to modify any files that are currently on the system, or create new ones.
However, this limitation is restricted to when running through Apache2. In other words, if i run it by typing "php5 myapplication.php" from the terminal, it works without a flaw. This leads me to believe that there is a permissions issue, disallowing Apache2 to create and modify files anywhere on my system.
Although it shouldn't make much of a difference, here is the basic information that I feel I should provide:
If I have a word in a text file and I need to replace it by another word (for example, i need to replace abc by fff) so what is the command I can type it?
I have a String that I would like to sign using a given RSA Private key. I thought this would be relatively easy but I have not been able to find out how to do it, unless I'm looking to far into a simple problem. Do i have to put the string into a file, and sign the file, or can i just sign the string/message?
I need to parse the file of same name which exist on different servers and calculate the count of string existed in both files.Say a file abc.log exist on 2 servers.I want to search for string "test" on both files and calculate the total count of search string's existence.For example if file abc.log on server 1 has string "test" 2 times and file abc.log on server 2 has string "test" 4 times.then the output will beStringName : Countexampletest : 6 timesNote : I have created the password less connectivity using ssh-keygen.
I need to do some text file manipulation which I think should be done with standard commands in BASH. I'm looking at comma seperated text files (stock market data). It comes in the form of date, stock code, open, high, low, close, volume. What I need to do first is move all data with same stock code sequentially into individual files.
While doing this since the stock code will now be the file name I need to remove the stock code. Next I need to filter out overlapping data from different files with the same date. ie. where two files contain the same date on the one line only one line will be added to the combined file. I think there must be a tutorial out there for basic text manipulation like this, I just haven't found it yet.
I am having difficulty getting sed to replace a string of text in an XML file, despite the fact that I have no trouble using grep to find that same string. Since the new string and old string to be replaced contain a lot of special characters, I thought it best to store them in variables as opposed to using a slew of backslashes:
What is the vim command I have to use when I want to perform a text substitution not on the current line or on the whole document or on lines from number x to number y but just from the current cursor position down to the end (or up to the beginning) of the document?
I am trying to delete these symbols "[ ]" from a file but it says string not found. I tried: %s/[//g while editing the file not working also tried sed -e '/[/d' and sed '/]/d' still no job.
[Syenite] RegionUUID = 8fc56fdd-0afd-4074-9432-0ae8f42b799f Location = 9992,10007 InternalAddress = InternalPort = 9000 AllowAlternatePorts = False ExternalHostName = What I need to do is find out what the IP address is after "ExternalHostName ="
After that I will need to compare that IP to whatismyip and if it's different then replace it but that is easy to do with sed. I just can't figure this simple hurdle out.
Is there any way i can find a file with specific word inside it.For example if i want to find a file which has some text written inside it.How would i form a command to search them?
I have a file (.tmpfile) and inside it is a string which i only know part of, the rest being a random group of characters... I would like to know how to pull the whole string out of the file and into a variable.
I have large text files with space delimited strings (2-5). The strings can contain "'" or "-". I'd like to replace say the second space with a pipe. What's the best way to go? Using sed I was thinking of this: