General :: Specify The Location Of Libraries To A Binary?

Sep 25, 2010

I'll be using a specific example, but really this generalizes to pretty much any binary on linux that can't seem to find its' dependent libraries. So, I have a program that won't run because of missing libraries:

./cart5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ldd sheds some light on the issue: => (0x00007fff18b01000) => not found => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.4.3/


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General :: Libraries - Binary Executable Properties : Ldd Alternative?

Mar 23, 2011

The Linux ldd command can show the dynamic libraries used by an executable. It's a bash script.But it seems to be fragile, and does not work on some binaries. Is there an alternative tool? In my specific example, I can use:

% file datab2txt

datab2txt: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, not stripped

but ldd fails with:

% ldd -v datab2txt

not a dynamic executable

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General :: Enter A Different Location For The Apache Binary Or Control Script?

Oct 29, 2010

i am trying to install googlesitemap generator in centOs but i got a problem /usr/sbin/apache2ctl is not a supported Apache binary or control script Do you want to enter a different location for the Apache binary or control script? [Y/n] i am getting this error.

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Programming :: Using Binary C++ Libraries?

Feb 21, 2011

I am learning C++ and wish to include some Boost functions in my code. My machine is running Debian Linux with the pre-installed boost binarys.I have a couple of questions:How do I include the library in my C++ code as there are no cpp or h files only binary files (eg /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/libboost_regex-d.a)How do I comile the code. I am using DialogBlocks for creating forms using wxwidgets. The editor also compiles the code using the gcc compiler. Do I have to give an instruction to the compiler saying which file is requried and where to find it? If so, any ideas how this is done?

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General :: Use Always The Latest Versions Of The Libraries And Don't Save The Old Libraries For Compatibility?

May 11, 2011

Why many Linux distros are trying to use always the latest versions of the libraries and don't save the old libraries for compatibility? I mean, I can see libtiff for example, i can found a on my /usr/lib, but doesn't store a or 3 just for binary applications or games. For this example, I need for uplink.

That should happen too on the old version of sims for linux, some ID games or others.What's wrong with storing old libraries? PD: Yay, my first post on 3 years!

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General :: Using Dynamic Libraries As Static Libraries?

May 6, 2010

Is there any way to use a dynamic libraries as a static libraries instead when compiling, so that my resulting executable won't have them as dependencies?

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Programming :: Finding A Utility To Combine Two Or More Binary Files Into A Single Binary File?

May 5, 2011

Is there any Linux utility to combine two or more binary files into a single binary file ?

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Programming :: Version Info Coded Into ELF Binary / Author And Company Name Into ELF Binary?

Nov 30, 2010

How to coded version info and other information likes author and company name into the ELF binary?

I prefer the put the version info during build step.

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Ubuntu :: OpenMotif : Create Network Location Link As Local Filesystem Location?

Apr 26, 2011

I'm working with a program that uses Open Motif to create all of the widgets, including the Open File dialog box (obviously). However, Open Motif being kinda old-timey, 80's vintage, and for the most part now an abandoned project, it is quite clunky. So, actually what I need to do is to open some files located on my work server. I have already successfully connected to the relevant server directories with Samba, and with programs built with GTK+ (such as GIMP) I can open files across the network because I have created a bookmark in Nautilus, and those bookmarks appear in the Open File dialog box created by GTK+. Now, Open Motif is different: it doesn't see network locations, orNautilus shortcuts. When I type "smb://serveripyadayada" in the search folder, it really doesn't like it and complains. So, what do I do? Can I get somehow Open Motif to open a network location? Or can I do a run-around and place a shortcut in the file system that points to the network location?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Location Bar: How To Write Manually Location

Oct 30, 2010

I have been testing ubuntu 10.10 maverick, it has some nice features. Anyway I am missing the possibility of writing manually the folder you want to go on nautilus using the Location bar. It was used to have some kind of icon which you can click and it switched between graphich breadcrumbs or the location of the folder and you could changed it manually, you know what I mean?

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General :: Possible To Run An X86 Binary On An ARM Processor?

Dec 13, 2010

Is it possible to convert/recompile an already compiled x86 binary into an ARM binary?I'm using a BeagleBoard with a command-line Ubuntu (Maverick) and want to run a Ventrilo server but the x86 executable they supply cannot be run on the hardware as far as I can tell (most likely due to differing architecture).Unfortunately I don't have access to the source to allow me to recompile it natively.

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General :: See If A Binary Is Running?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to autodetect if certain applications (for example, Firefoxre running. I figured the easiest way would be by checking process names.

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General :: Creating A New Binary?

Jan 5, 2011

I need to change the functions of some linux commands. We can't edit the binary files provided in /bin, is there any other method other than alias.For ex. - I need to change the function chmod so that it takes only three consecutive integers as input (chmod 777 filename) and nothing else ? Do I have to write by own code for it, or is there any other alternate method.

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General :: FTP Always In Binary Mode?

Dec 27, 2010

In a DOS prompt, I would like to ftp ASCII get a file from a Linux machine. The file was created in vi, just a normal text DOS prompt:

ftp> ascii
200> Switching to ASCII mode.


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General :: Can't Execute Binary On Ubuntu

Feb 11, 2010

Trying to setup a new Ubuntu machine and just downloaded 'p4' (Perforce command line client). It's a single file download - a statically-linked binary executable, so I just did:

wget [URL]

...right into /usr/bin. Simple enough. Except:
root@aj-ubuntu:/usr/bin# ll p4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 748808 2010-02-11 16:54 p4
root@aj-ubuntu:/usr/bin# ./p4


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General :: Pack Some Binary Blobs With Rpm?

Nov 3, 2010

Suppose i have some binary blobs in ~/pkg/opt, ( I created those with the standard ./configure, make, make DESTDIR=~/pkg/opt install ).Is it possible to pack this structure into an installable rpm that can be installed/uninstalled from a RHEL/CentOS system...? rpm -ivh my_package.rpm ? Doing this in Slackware is easy, as well as in Arch, one installs to a fakeroot ( pkg ), creates a PKGBUILD, and runs makepkg -R PKGBUILD, this creates an installable Arch Package. But i am not very familiar with the more fashionable package formats, *.debs and *.rpms. Can i just pack the thing from binary, or do I have to build it and pack it in the process? makepkg -R PKGBUILD just packs it if one is lazy enough to write the whole PKGBUILD.

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General :: How To Create Binary RPM From Source Tar

Jun 7, 2011

Right now to install software from source I do a ./configure && make && make install which doesn't allow for easy uninstallation (some don't come with an 'uninstall' goal, and if they do you have to keep the source around). I'd like to learn how to create binary RPMs from source tar.gz files (one reason being that it makes for easier uninstallation). I tried the following but it complains with the following errors:

$ rpmbuild -ta mysource.tar.gz
error: Name field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Version field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Release field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Summary field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Group field must be present in package: (main package)
error: License field must be present in package: (main package)

Apparently that's what happens when there is no SPEC file in the tarball. But all the tars I've tried give this same error. Is there a simple way to create binary RPMs from source files - as an example, this source tar [URL].

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General :: Any Option To Enable Binary Log

Mar 31, 2011

Using Mysql binary log we can able to take incremental backup perfectly, like that we can able to create binary log for normal directory (or) is there any option to enable binary log for normal directory.?

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General :: Parsing A Binary File?

Mar 17, 2011

Is it possible to parse through a binary file using a script using either Korn shell or Bash

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General :: Bash 'can't Find' Binary Executables

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on a custom hand-held device which runs a variant of Ubuntu Linux, 2.6.18. I have a set of 4 binary files (for oprofile) which have been known to run in this environment, but when I copy them to /usr/bin, I can't run them: I get this message;root@ldogberry:/usr/bin# ./ophelp-sh: ./ophelp: not foundThis happens when I specify the full path, when I run from the /usr/bin directory -- it happens no matter what. Bash even does command-line completion on the file -- and then turns around and instantly claims the file is not found.

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General :: Compare Binary Files In System?

Mar 29, 2010

I need to compare two binary files and get output in form

for every different byte. So if file1.bin is code...

what is the easiest way to accomplish the goal? Standard tool? Some 3rd party tool?

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General :: Get Binary Path Of A Mono Process?

Jun 30, 2011

Is it possible to get the path of a process running under Mono in Linux? For example if I launch KeePass using mono KeePass.exe, running ps just shows the command name as mono, while what I really want is KeePass.exe.

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General :: Binary - Use Logs To Have Incremental Backup

May 7, 2009

I had full backup in mysql. now i added some tables .i got new binary logs. how i can i use these logs to have incremental backup.

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General :: Building RPM From Source (Binary Package)

Apr 15, 2010

I have this source.tar.gz, I unpack it and cd into it, then I

$mkdir build
$./configure --lots-of-options --prefix=$PWD/build
$make install

So I have inside my build folder, 4 folders, usr, lib, man, share. How do I convert this into a binary rpm package...?

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General :: Finding Binary Dependency Trees?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm working on a Linux distro, and I have the full thing compiled and everything, but it is centered around a single program (a rendering engine). Is there any way that I can figure out what dependencies the binary has at runtime? I know I don't need gcc and a ton of other files, but I'm not sure what I can remove to decrease size (I'm aiming at under 20 MB, as Slitaz Live CD is only 30, but it has a ton more stuff than my CLI thing).

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General :: Binary And Source Packages Difference

Feb 4, 2011

Very often we get to hear Binary / Source when we talk about installing packages...From what I understand "Binary" refers to a natively packaged installation by a Distro wheras installation from Source would entail fetching the files, Compiling and then building the package. When we say "source" where do these codes reside? Is it diffferent for different distros or one common source like "" or similar?! I know it sounds silly but what is the origin of the source codes??

One general remedy if a package is not found is to install from source... So , source would refer to a "tar.gz" or "bz2" archive present at some location like "[URL]". In some cases , id it possible that some packageas are not available in "Source". When I tried to build a package for a particular distro , I was told that some dependencies are not un the source ...What is the meaning of this? So do all distros maintain the codes in their official repositories?

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General :: Binary Compare Of Directory Structure

Apr 13, 2011

diff has the ability to trasverse directory structures. cmp has the ability to manage binary files.

I'm looking for something which allows me to compare a directory's contents, including files and subdirectories, and so a binary comparison.

Any suggestions, scripts, etc. which may be of help?

Some of my directories are huge, with huge (image) files in them.

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General :: Binary Is Not Created Without Giving Error?

Jul 13, 2011

and executing my package on red hat version 2.6.18-164.el5 and displaying no error but my binary is not created what could be problem ??

make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kartik/POC_SSI_1/iub_dogw/ipr/common/cspl'
gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a -g -Wall -Werror -D_GNU_SOURCE -r -o /root/kartik/POC_SSI_1/iub_dogw/bcpapp/../bin/x86_64-redhat-linux/bcpapp/bcpapp -lgcc -lc /root/kartik/POC_SSI_1


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General :: Using Fork() To Create A Binary Tree?

Sep 26, 2010

I am working on a project where I need to use the C language to generate a tree of processes. I understand how fork() works but I cant seem to get fork() to create two children from one parent and then have the two children create two more children.

Right now what i am seeing is a chain...where the parent creates one child...and that child creates another ONE child..etc.

Here is what I have so far:

for (i=0; i<n;i++){
if (childpid = fork()) break;
if (childpid == -1){
perror ("


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General :: If The Libraries Are GPL Or LPGL

Jan 12, 2010

I am working on a user space application that I would like to release under the LPGL. I am linking against libraries that I'm not sure if they are GPL or LGPL. Can someone help me determine if the libraries are GPL or LPGL.

For reference I have included a snippet of my gcc command:

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