I am using ascript for general users to back up usb drives to lto4 tapes.. I wish to ahve some error checking to check IF is there is a tape in the tape drive to check for the tape:
if i do a
sudo mt -f /dev/st0 status
i will get back a
mt: /dev/st0: rmtioctl failed: Input/output error
if there is no tape in the drive or
sudo mt -f /dev/st0 status
Want to search for ~ and delete it as well as to append the entire line to the above line. For Ex:
1111xxxx date Sandy area is ~around this area.3222xxx date There seems to ~left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I ~zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up ~away, the "other" body of water varies ~blackNatural gas leaching.
1111xxxx date Sandy area is around this area. 3222xxx date There seems to left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up away, the "other" body of water varies blackNatural gas leaching.
I have a large file in which each line has three or more blank-delimited words. I'd like to code a grep to keep only those lines which have the letter M in the last word. the M (if present) will be the first character in the last word.
i am using openSUSE 10.3 & like to use power of terminal to do tasks.I want to search all files containing word 'echo' in given folder.What should be command.
When looking for a certain word or phrase in the man page of linux command, one can type '/' followed by the word/phrase to search for it. What I'd like to be able to do is to search for the next occurrence of the word/phrase without having to type it out again. Kinda like when you use 'ctrl+f' in a browser to search for a word, and then press 'enter' to find the next occurrence of that word.If this is possible to do, how do I do it?
I have done a bunch of searches on this but the terms seem to get tangled in the more popular search of "colouring the output of grep / awk". I am trying to find a way to grep/awk through the output of a command to find text of a specific colour. The command's output has a range of colours signifying too many different things to specify using text, with colour being the only form of grouping.
I need to search for the following pattern with GREP in a text file:
So I tried already:
But none of those works...I think probably because GREP doens't like the special character > in the middle of the serach pattern.
At the end I just need to now if GREP found the pattern in the file or not, so it should give me a 0 or a 1 back, once I check the value of the variable "?" after using the grep command.
I've been trying to identify all files on my cut-down version of Damn Small which contain the text string "User Agent:" in them. Because it's only 120Mb in its entirety, I'm quite happy to have grep search the whole system. I'm using this command, but it just generates errors as you can see:
To search a string pattern in all files in a directory and subdirectories, I am using;
Code: grep -R "myclass::my-func(" mydirectory/ Now I want grep, to search in only specific file types say *.cc. Please help me. I have read manual of grep, but could not deduce any hint. Best Regards.
I am trying to do a find/grep/wc command to find matching files, print the filename and then the word count of a specific pattern per file. Here is my best (non-working) attempt so far:
I'd like to search the entire server by content. (text file) When I try grep -rl "text here", it freezes. How would you do it? And how long does it usually take?
I want to know that how can i search for a word in a file and then comment it or delete it. I know this command works.
sed 's/word/#word/'g inputfile > outputfile
But the lines in my input file are as under:
zone "abc.com" { ---- This line can be comment type master; ----- This line repeat again and again in the file file "abc.txt"; allow-query { any; }; -This line repeat again and again in the file };
I have a mail.log file, of which I want to redirect only the search strings of the sender from=<example.sender@exampledomain.com> and the size size=4537 to a file.
In every case the sender string starts as from=<> and the size string starts as size=
What would be the grep command to redirect only the two search strings to a .txt file?
how to search for those files which contain word "AM_COLLECTION=22". I need to know all the files with this string. ( I know the grep command can do it but either
somewhere lurking is a file containing the default print resolution, which is not being overwritten by printer settings or cups management. I've asked on the cup forum and nothing successful.
So here's the question:
How can I configure grep to search recursively through all files in a directory, or if need be starting from root to find the pattern "2880" I've looked in the man page for grep and I can't see how to do it, is grep the right tool to use for this ?
I want to pipe the output of a command into grep as the search TERM, rather than the text to be searched, like this for example
cat /var/log/auth.log | grep date "&b &d"
so that I only see the lines in auth.log for the current day...but obviously that line doesn't work.... is there a way to do this with grep, or even another command?
I know grep can search recursively (ie through all subdirectories to the bottom of the directory tree), but is it possible to ask grep to only search say, 3 levels down? That means the current directory, any directories in the current directory, and within any directories within those?
In formsweb.cfg file are two lines with labels archive_jini= and archive= at the beginning of line. After equal sign (=) is row of filenames of java archives delimited by coma(,). When I insert a new jar file in java directory, I have to append the very same name of jar file to both lines if that name is not yet present.
Well, I am facing one issue:How can i read two files word by word at a time using any loop as i need word by word comparision in shell script?Please let me know pseudo code.