General :: Redhat - What Equivalent Of SizeUp Exists

May 11, 2011

I am running an older version of linux (RHEL 5 desktop) and I've been a bit spoiled by the mac desktop I had at my previous job. There are a few niceties I really miss, but the big one is the window management provided by SizeUp. The feature I'm looking for is a keyboard shortcut to resize and move windows to sides and corners of the screen. Is there such a tool for Linux?

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General :: Cant Mount Redhat 5.0 From Redhat 4.0 Via Fstab?

May 5, 2011

I cant mount a directory on red hat 5 from red hat 4 using fstab.I keep getting permission denied.I mount directories on the same red hat 5 sys from other red hat 5 and 2 old HPUX systems using fstab.When I try to telnet to it i get "no route to host."

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General :: Check File Exists

Feb 20, 2010

I have scenrio where i have to check first whether the files exists or not then count of records should not be equal to zero and file should be of current day not the previous day then only process my next task.There are three files totally.please let me know how to write script to achieve the same.

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General :: File Exists And Yet It Doesn't?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a rather strange issue I'm attempting to fix here. One of the servers I work with had a log file reach 2GB in size and stopped logging. The software which is logging to said file cannot be stopped or restarted and does not provide a way to rotate log files -- poor design, I know. So in my infinite wisdom (or stupidity, however you want to read that), I truncated the log file in place with:

When I realized the log file was not being appended to, I checked lsof output and it


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General :: Doesn't Show The File That Exists?

Sep 10, 2009

we have installed vignette software on the linux box and would like to uninstall it. To uninstall it we need to delete one file named When we used locate, the file is found in 2 places. But when we used the ls -a in those locations the file is not seen. basically we want to remove that file. If we do rm, this also doesn't work. Also when we used find -H the file is not found. What is wrong here. I am sure the file will be added to file system as part of vignette. Can anyone suggest what could be wrong here.We logged in as root user to remove this file. Installation is done twice using root and vignette user ids. Thats why file is located in 2 places.

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General :: Rkhunter.conf Doesn't Exists?

Feb 12, 2011

I get this warning when running rkhunter:The file rkhunter.cond foes not exist on the system, but it is present in the rkhunter.dat file.However, the conf file does exist as I just edited it.Any ideas on why this error occurs?[root#] locate rkhunter.conf/etc/rkhunter.conf

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General :: Script To Show If File Exists?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a script that runs each day at 6am and looks for files created within the last day and outputs the text to a file which it emailed to me. Im wanting to change it so that it would say something like "phone system backup complete" or "websense back complete" and say fail if its not there.

Dec 13 02:27 /mnt/ukwcs-net-config/IPT/Backup12-13-10#2-20.tar
Dec 13 01:00 /mnt/ukwcs-net-config/Websense/wsbackup_2010-12-13_010000.tar.gz
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(.dmp|.tar.gz)' > log.txt
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(/IPT/)' > logi.txt
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(.agb)' > loga.txt


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General :: Can Root Create Directory When Not Exists While Backups

Nov 8, 2010

I am getting the databases from mysql and my database name is username_something.
I am getting the username and then puting the respective backups in corresponding folders like

tar bala bla /backups/sql/username/username_something.tar.sql.gz

The problem is system worrks if i have the folder username already there but for new databases if get the error like unknown file path.

How can i do that if username folder is not there it should be created

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General :: Check If A Directory Exists In Command Line?

Jan 21, 2010

How to check if a directory exists in Linux command line?


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General :: Add User With Specific Home Directory That Already Exists

Apr 9, 2010

Im trying to add users to my nfs server with a specific home directory that already exists. Can this be done? I've done some research on google and other forums but cant seem to find the answer.

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General :: Equivalent Of Gnu `sort -R` On OSX?

Sep 11, 2011

The GNU sort text utility features a non-standard -R option to randomize input lines (presumably by sorting on a hash).

OSX sort does not have this extension. Is there similar functionality available in another text filter?

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General :: Atheros Network Card Not Available - Eth0 No Such Device Exists

Apr 19, 2010

I have setup a dual boot machine which has OS of Windows Vista (32 Bit) / RHEL 5. The LAN Card details are - Atheros L2 Fast Ethernet 10/100 Base T - Controller. The said Network Card works fine with the ADSL Connection in Windows OS, but does not seem to initialise in Linux. When I run "ifconfig" in terminal window it gives away the prompt - "eth0 no such device exists".Although it shoes the loopback adapter (lo) device working fine. I forgot to mention over here, I have just started with Linux. So, I request "the" Linux Gurus to help me out with this one.

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General :: Does First Line Create File In Tmp Directory With Dsuser.exists

Oct 19, 2010

does first line create file in tmp directory with dsuser.exists.* ?or we are assigning the path of existing file in this directory?

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General :: Osx - What's The Equivalent Of Updatedb Command For The Mac

Feb 16, 2010

If I want to use the locate command on a Linux machine, I usually run sudo updatedb first to update the database. I can run the locate command on OS X 10.5 but I can't find updatedb. What's the corresponding updatedb for the mac?

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General :: Equivalent Of Solaris's Cu Command?

Aug 19, 2010

What is the equivalent of Solaris's cu command in Linux?

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General :: X Equivalent Of 'screen' Utility?

Jun 2, 2011

Under unix/linux, there is this extremely useful program screen: it's for bash, text-only, and I can detach a session, log out (the session is still running though), log in later (even from a different computer) and resume the session exactly as I left it. My question is, is there an equivalent to screen for X? So what I want to do is: work remotely with ssh -X in an X-session on a remote linux machine, log out, then later log in from a different computer again with ssh -X and then re-attach the X-session; practically resuming work from the moment when I logged out before. Is this possible?

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General :: Windows - An Equivalent Of .lnk In System?

Jul 14, 2011

When creating a shortcut in windows it makes a .lnk file.

I have researched and it seems these are openable in linux(with some tweaking). Does Linux have an equivalent? If so, whats the extension?

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General :: Equivalent Of Tail/less - Follow-name Under OS X

Jul 28, 2011

I need to tail -f a log file that is rotated.

This is the exact same issue as the one here, but on OS X:

Why does less tail mode stop working?

So how can I constantly track a file whose inode might change under OS X?

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General :: Is There A Konsole Equivalent For Gnome?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm looking for a Konsole equivalent for Gnome.I don't want a Quake-style dropdown console. I like tabs and the ability to send a command to all tabs.

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General :: Vim: An Equivalent Two-keystroke Sequence For The <Esc> Key

Jun 24, 2011

The <Esc> key has an equivalent two-keystroke sequence within vim, I think I remember.

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General :: Can't Seem To Find KDE Equivalent Of GNOME's

Sep 14, 2010

I can't seem to find the KDE equivalent of GNOME's (or Xfce's, or Windows') ALT-spacebar keystroke combination that brings up the window context menu.

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General :: Unicore Or Equivalent - Link PC's?

Dec 2, 2010

i want to start a project in my spare time. Starting with 2 PC's and expanding to a few more in the future how can I create my own GRID? I was pointed in the location of Uni-core which i have just started having a look at. Anyway could any offer any advice if you have tried soemthing similar. If I could host my own Virtual Environment using the processors/memory of more than 1 pc ill be a happy chappy. Let me know if it isn't worth the hastle, feel free to suggest something else to try

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General :: USB Equivalent Of The Bootable Slackware CD/DVD?

Mar 23, 2010

I want to create a bootable flash drive that will boot and install the slackware 13.0 distro, except that I need to be able to do it from a Windows system for a Linux install. Here's what the Linux version does(from a web page written by Eric Hameleers, who also wrote the script):

"This directory contains a script ( and several other files that will transform your USB stick into a bootable Slackware installer. The script creates an multi-partition image file (hence the script's filename), which you need to copy onto a USB stick.A (small) FAT partition contains the slackware setup program and the bootable code, while the rest of the available space will be used up by a 'ext2' formatted partition in which as much Slackware packages are stored as can fit."

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General :: Ntfs To Ext3 - Move /home To The Other Partition That Exists On My Computer?

May 10, 2010

I've been trying to figure out how to move /home to the other partition that exists on my computer, however it's ntfs and turns out it's impossible to move my /home there. So how do convert that ntfs partition to ext3, I don't mind loosing data that's in that partition. [url] is the partition I'm talking about. So what's the best way to do it ? If you write what commands I should use please include partition names.

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General :: Disk Encryption - Bitlocker Equivalent?

Jan 25, 2011

Bitlocker is a harddrive encryption data protection tool which comes with Windows Vista Ultimate and 7. Does anyone know an equivalent for Linux distros like Fedora and Ubuntu?

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General :: What Is The Equivalent File Command For Windows

Apr 18, 2011

Running the command: file Gives me: Bourne shell script text executable in Linux. Is there an equivalent command in Windows?

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General :: Screen Capture - Equivalent Of Fraps ?

May 9, 2011

I want to make a demo of a 3d app I'm writing, but I don't know of any good screencasting software like it that runs on Linux.

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General :: Windows PowerShell Equivalent To Unix - `pwd`?

Jun 9, 2011

In follow-up to the cmd.exe question, what is the PowerShell equivalent to echo %cd%, or Linux/Unix pwd?

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General :: Closest Equivalent To Tomboy Notes On Mac OSX?

Jun 26, 2011

This was the most useful program I had under Ubuntu and I miss it greatly; evernote is bloated and complicated. Is there something like tomboy for the mac? Bonus points for iphone sync.

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General :: Terminal - CLICompanion Equivalent For Rpm-based?

Aug 27, 2011

There's a nice program for linux terminal beginners - CLICompanion - terminal with tips and dictionary. It's distributed only with deb packages. I'm just wondering if there's rpm package for this program?

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