General :: Port And Handle Tarballs Downloaded In Windows?
Jan 28, 2010
1.- What would be the simplest way to port and handle tarballs downloaded in windows, to a CentOS 5.4 based system (Elastix in fact), but without graphic mode (that is, using only the CLI)? The system has network contection, usb interfaces and a working DVD-RW attached.
2.- If the answer is Samba, how I get Samba working on my system?
right I am using starx to get into KDE interface, I am able so choose other themese using "Appearance settings", but I have visited site and found some other themese, when I click to install them, I am getting tarballs, My question is how to install themes from that tarballs, what I need to do
I am new to linux in general and have an older sysytem that I successfully partitioned to run ubuntu, kubuntu, and windoze. I was a casual mac user before thius and am used to packages--so I have no exp. installing tarballs. I am trying to install xampp and successfully downloaded it, but now am at a loss as to what to do--nothing seems to be working. I am using firefox which for some reason is not saving to downloads even though that is what I have set in pref. Is there a way I can use apt-get for this (although my understanding of that isn't much better. I can't seem to find the relevant information in documentation.
I've always wanted to give Linux a go, so I decided to try out Ubuntu, but before I can I need to ask some questions. 1. When doing partitions to run something like Windows 7 and Ubuntu ((I'm going to be using Ubuntu when I'm not playing games.)) can I choose to only give it afew gigs of hard drive space, well, probably like 20-50?
2. Is there a way to take music/videos I've downloaded on Windows and watch them on the Ubuntu Partition? If so, how?
3. Using Wubi is the 'Installation size' option how much space you're giving to the Ubuntu partition or will I need to download/burn the .iso file to a cd/dvd to do that?
So I downloaded a bunch of movies on Ubuntu, which work fine. They are on a shared drive, so when I look at them using Windows 7 they are displayed as a 'file' rather than an .avi
They can still be opened and played in VLC and play fine
I deinstalled Ubuntu today. Just deleted the partitions etc and thought it would be fine, but now this weird grub thing is telling me:
error: no such partition
grub rescue>
I am at the end of my wits: I downloaded a liveCD, which will not boot. My XP cd boots but gets a blue screen afterwards I downloaded a windows 7 live cd which did not help either
Problem is, I can't load my bios anymore to change the boot order... Didn't even know Grub was part of linux...
Point is, I got a presentation tomorrow and all my important files are on that laptop. . . the setroot=(hd0,0) gives no response. I tried a bunch of other commands but I keep getting unknown command...
I have downloaded ubuntu cd from bit torrent. Unfortunately my dvd rom is not working now. So i have decided to use windows installer. Can you give me any idea how to link this ubuntu which i have already downloaded from bit torrent?
after the netinst finished to download the last package, one hour later the process never continues, I checked the log file and I didn't find anything suspecious, also dmesg and nothing, in fact, in the log file before checked I found that the last line was registered just a minute ago - DHCP renew IP-, so my questions are:
1. all the packages downloaded are gone?, can I restart the installation using all those packages downloaded?
2. where I can find the error or problem that cause that the installation was freezed?
3. in the case that installation needs to start from the beginning, can I use the package downloaded?
VERY new to linux, erm but I have an issue that needs solving!I recently moved to university, where their network blocks sftp port 22, this means that I cannot connect to my FTP server which is running a version of linux.Now I've got this ftp server connected to a seedbox and it was created using the following walk through..Code:I have written this guide for a friend, but I though it would be useful for others as well.
There are several guides floating around, but I found that most always cock up in some way. This one is tried and tested to work on Debian Etch (on an OVH rps, but should apply to most servers).If there is a new stable release of rtorrent/libtorrent then I will update this guide to show you how to update it (without reinstalling the whole server).
At the bottom there are also instructions to install ftp access & some network monitoring software.Basically, I would really like someone to be able to construct the commands on how to change the listen port for sftp connection on linux or add another port to the list that Linux would use so that I could put in through putty.
I am trying to get two way serial communications going between a Windows XP system and a Linux system (RHEL 5).I have /sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS0
in /etc/inittab. I am using a generic USB to serial adaptor on Windows (Unitek) and a null modem cable. I have putty configured for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit, no flow control.I get the login prompt from agetty in the putty window but input does not work; I see weird characters in the putty screen. I can echo output into the device from windows and see it, but
cat < /dev/ttyS0. just prints out weird characters from what I type.
There is not a lot of info on that command, I didn't find a manpage nor a info and not more than examples on the web. Is there any tutorial or info on internet?
I've been trying to understand issues that occur during a uClinux distribution build (so I can include such issues in a module I'm writing for students). My process has been to work through errors that occur due to missing packages, then remove the distribution and build it again to uncover what happens.One thing I notice is different sets of warnings within each iteration of making a new build. From the document here ( states, "A typical warning involves a variable being used before its value has been set."
So my question: is there a way to verify that the issue throwing the warning has been resolved by the end of the make build?And, is running make build again an option or could this cause problems within the build directories or image?
We have setup a High Available Cluster on two RHEL 5.4 machines with Redhat Cluster Suite (RHCS) having following configuration.
1. Both machines have Mysql server, Apache web server and Zabbix server. 2. Mysql database and web pages reside in SAN. 3. Active machine holds virtual IP and mounted shared disk. 4. We have also included a script in RHCS which takes care of starting Mysql, Apache and zabbix server on the machine which turns active when cluster switches over.
The above configuration holds good if Active machine goes down as a result of hardware failure or Reboot. What if, If any one service say Apache/Mysql/zabbix running on active hangs or become unresponsive.How can we handle this scenario ? Please advice.
I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:
nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused while nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB
I recently installed another harddrive into my Arch Linux computer. The first time I booted up all worked fine. The next time I restarted my computer though I was greeted with a /dev/sda2 not found error.
See, basically sometimes my boot harddrive is sda and sometimes it's sdb. It appears to be completely random and I don't see any options for making it non-random in the BIOS. How do I fix this?
cwrsync is a great tool for synching "My Documents" to a network drive in Windows. However it uses a portion of cygwin to do this which uses forward slashes instead of back slashes. So, a manually typed command like the following works great: rsync -r --delete --exclude "My Pictures" "/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/demo/My Documents/" /cygdrive/j
However, you cannot put a variable like %userprofile% in this as it comes out like this (and is unrecognized): rsync: change_dir "/cygdrive/C:Documents and Settingsdemo/My Documents" failed: No such file or directory (2)
i have a script where i need to pass an argument "1234:-)"if i run this as ./ 1234:-)it wont work because invalid character. i need to handle this with expect utility so if i pass it as ./ "1234:-)"no issue in bash but expect does not recognize this.
I am experiencing weird problem with Gnome 2.30.2 on my Debian installation. I can't open "Computer" from places, also, partitions which are not explicitly defined in fstab are not mounted automatically.
I did a backup of the ssd on my eeepc using the following command from a Linux Mint on a USB key: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/media/disk/eeepc_save/SYSTEM/system.bck (/media/disk in an external USB disk)
I deleted the ext2 partition using GPartEd on live USB key and created it back. I rebooted Linux Mint and restored the filesystem using the opposite command : dd if=/media/disk/eeepc_save/SYSTEM/system.bck of=/dev/sda1
I mounted /dev/sda1 and when I "ls" the root directory, I get several "NFS stale file handle" messages concerning directories (/dev and other). I tried "e2fsck -y", had a bundle of corrections that resulted in the deletion of the directories. I don't use NFS. I did the same for the user filesystem and had no problem (it's an ext3 partition). The two filesystems are the ones that came with the original Xandros installed on my eeepc and that were mounted with union-fs.
I attended many interviews for Linux Admin post. Most of them asked me a common question 'How do you handle System Performance Issues' on a Linux Server. Now how do I answer this?
I would very much appreciate infos about a Linux distro handling win32 applications through wine and easily capacity to manage files within FAT32 partitions.
* I am implementing mass storage device on a test board.
* It contains NAND flash.
* Using corresponding "udc driver" and "g_file_storage" I could make my test board enumerate as mass storage device on my Linux machine.
* my 16 MB pen drive (test board) is now ready for read/write.
But there are some Bad Blocks on the NAND.Hence copy is not complete. Although on Linux machine there is no error message. Now , what is there in a normal pen drive which manages the Bad Block or what am I missing so that such Bad Blocks are managed.
Here is the error I get on my test board :
mtdblock: erase of region [0x2c0000, 0x4000] on "Bon 2" failed end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock2, sector 5664 Buffer I/O error on device mtdblock2, logical block 708
I am proposing moving from the mainframe to Linux. Problem is that I am not aware of a scheduling product that is available to handle the production code. Currently using CA7. Is there anything out there that accomplishes the same thing? As you can tell, I am NEW to Linux!