General :: How To Change User Groups Automatically
Jun 16, 2011
I've created a set of users using the newusers command. Unfortunatelly ive messed up and added all users to the 1000 group as primary group instead of giving the group argument as null what would add them to a new group. To make things clear:
The entries should be
user:password:::User Name:/home/user:/bin/bash
but I did
user:password::1000:User Name:/home/user:/bin/bash
I need to create the missing groups. A simple fix could be do a for loop creating a group with the name of each user in my file and then adding the users to it. Are there any dangers of doing it? What impact could this change have? Are there any safer ways?
A combination of the following commands:
Add users to a group with the gpasswd command:
# gpasswd -a [user] [group]
To delete existing groups:
# groupdel [group]
To remove users from a group:
# gpasswd -d [user] [group]
If the user is currently logged in, he/she must log out and in again for the change to have effect.
for i in (names)
do groupadd $i
gpasswd -a $i $i
Assuming I've created all users in group 1000 I could remove them from it with
# gpasswd -d [user] [group]
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Sep 28, 2010
What is the difference between creating a "regular" user and creating a "system" user on Linux?
For example:
adduser john
adduser --system john
Similarly it seems there are normal groups and system groups. Doing an internet search and reading man pages does not give much information on the whole concept of system and regular user/group.
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Dec 7, 2010
I am building a livecd, the live user created at boot time is a member of the audio group set in /etc/group. This way works for the livecd but when installed a user must manually add himself to the audio group. How can I set new users to automatically become a member of the audio group? In /etc/default/useradd I can set only one group.
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May 25, 2010
i wonder, why nobody has written about it ...
How can i grant permission for files to specific user or specific group ??
We have 3 groups: "g12" ("u1" and "u2), "g34" and "g56".
"g12" should only read the file.
"g34" should write and read it.
"g56" should have all permissions (rwx).
And others should not access the file at all.
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Jun 8, 2010
So i am at the stage of about to install the basic system and am using a derivation of the package management provided by Matthias S. Benkmann. To this end I am using his useradd and groupadd scripts to update the files:
My issue is that when I run the commands(created as part of temporary system when installing coreutils):
/tools/bin/su linux
#then as user
(here linux is the name of the user) This only returns the user being in the group named after user but not the additional group of 'install' Also, prior to logging in as user, if I use this command as root:
/tools/bin/groups linux
linux install This then returns that the user is in the correct groups. Lines from relevant files look like:
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Jul 30, 2010
The question is, as far as I know Ubuntu distro adds a user created with useradd to supplementary groups automatically. For instance, I want to enable sudo for all newly created users on my LiveCD and want them to be added to the group 'wheel' on creation. I'm sure it is possible to do it in Fedora, but how?
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to add 50 new users, not on the server yet I want to add them all to group Accounting - with 1 option, not user by user I want to setup a default password for them all, and have it say something like 'You must now change password or no access will be permitted' Any other options I also want to do once, not for each user?
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Jan 15, 2010
I am using mint 8 for a 2 weeks, I am noob to linux but I like Mint than any other linux distro which is great alternative to windows. I have a problem regarding password reseting.
1. My laptop automatically get logged in without asking user name and password.
2. I tried to change password for newly created user and root user using graphical way but it does not work.
2. I can perform administrator task using only OEM user which is default inbuilt user of mint.
How can make my laptop to ask password when mint get booted? How to change password for other users?
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Jan 15, 2009
just getting startedin linux <fedora9> and haveseveral questions. first what bookwould be best to start the learning process? have looked at fedora 9 and enterprise and the newest fedora 10 with enterprise and these seem to be aimed at networking setups which I do not have.also in adding users and groups which I have done I think successfully however when I use the newgrp command and try to access a file I have saved under a group with two members the file does not show in the ls command.
users are jevans in group programmers cevans in group programmers in creating the file I didthe newgrp programmers command and created the filein the cevans spotand changed to jevans and negrp programmers and the filedoes not what do I do here, or is my understaning of this incorrect?
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Dec 28, 2009
gpasswd -a username -g audio,...
What are the other options?
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Jun 12, 2011
So I just recently installed fresh 13.37 over my 13.1 install. Went multilib, and added myself to the usergroups I thought I might need. But truth is, I don't know what half of these are and I just picked the ones that sounded right. I'm the only user on this computer, although I might possibly maybe add another someone if I have to for some reason.
For my user account, I added myself to:
Basically, I want my own account to be able to do everything I normally do without too much restriction (use the disc drive, mount hard drives, browse the web, read/send email via Thunderbird, download stuff, etc), but leaving the important stuff to root so that if someone else happens to use the computer under my account, they can't do any damage. Did I select the right groups for this? Should I add or remove any? And what groups should a user have if I just want them able to browse the web, download files, use their /home, run non-root apps, and nothing else?
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Oct 5, 2010
How do I disable and change the user password using SSH on a Linux
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Jul 20, 2011
I'm looking for a Linux command that can change ownership of all files belonging to a given user,preferably in a targeted directory, to another specified user. My dream command would look something like this. chuser -R --olduser tom --newuser jerry
This is my scenario... I have a backup file (.tgz) with user and group information preserved in it. It was taken from a web server running Apache and MySQL. The files in the backup are from across the system and contain files from several different users and several system type accounts and it is key that when restored on the new server the settings are not lost. The problem is that the users on the machine the files are being restored to don't match the ones in the backup file. For instance both machines had a MySQL user but they have different user ids and there are several user ids that existed on both machines that belong to different users. This means there is no way to sync the users on the new machine to the ones on the old machine. I can find all the users files with the find command like this...
find /decompressed-backup-dir -uid 1050
find /decompressed-backup-dir -user tom
If, as I suspect, there is no way to do what I want with a single command then perhaps there is a way to pipe the results of the find command to another command to handle the ownership change?
I could do this with a PHP script but there are 4GB and tens of thousands of files in the backup so I don't want to use PHP or Perl but I would be happy with a shell script that could handle it.
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Dec 5, 2010
I've just installed Fedora 14 x64 and had a few problems. I have a GT9800 video card and after installation x wouldn't start untill I added xdriver-vesa nomodeset to the kernel line. Anyway I've just got it to the point where it will actually boot but wasn't asked to create a user - the live cd installation only asked for root user password. So I used useradd to create a user and I'm finally at the desktop. My question now before I go about installing the nvidia driver is can someone confirm which groups my user should belong to. I haven't used Fedora since FC3 so I can't remember.
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Aug 7, 2009
I created a user and I want the particular user in multiple groups. How Should I and after creating the user,If I want to delete that user from a particular group.
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Jan 29, 2010
What's the single command to add these groups to user account?
users floppy audio video cdrom plugdev power netdev
Suppose user account "myuser" is already created with only "users" group.
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Feb 9, 2011
I am currently storing most of my dotfiles in a git repository to make keeping them in sync across all my computers easier. I've just recently acquired a Macbook so now have to have all my dotfiles supporting the differences between Linux and Darwin. The first incompatability that I have encountered is colour coding ls, in Linux this is the flag --color=auto and for Darwin it is -G.
My first attempt at making my .zshrc portable is to do the following:
case `uname` in
alias ls='ls -FG'
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
Once I find a few more things to change I'll probably pull the computer specific stuff out to separate files to keep it a bit cleaner. What I'm mainly wondering is if there is a better way to do this other than using `uname` to determine which stuff to run.
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Dec 19, 2010
i am considered a power user in windows but in ubuntu ima total noob. in the users settings, manage groups, i see like 100 groups. and thats just annoys me, all i want is to be the admin and everything to work its not rocket science is that so hard for linux? I DO NOT WANT TO BELONG TO A FREAKING GROUP I JUST WANT 1 SIMPLE ADMIN ACCOUNT. someone please explain everything related to this subject. i mean i see stupid groups like 'audio' and 'couchdb'. WTFi dont want these useless groups to exist on my system
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Jan 22, 2011
After finally getting Ubuntu 10.10 PPC up and working on my Mac Cube with low capability graphics, I noticed that when I try to run the "User and Groups" from the Administration menu, the program looks like it is starting but then never actually displays.. It shows up at the bottom of the running programs bar and then disappears. Well after having to completely re-install Ubuntu PPC 10.10 and installing all of the updates, User and group Administration still isn't working.. another app that would let me add my wife to my G4 Cube so she could use it?
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Jan 17, 2010
Slackware 13 64 bit Hp Photosmart c4280 USB (All-in-one)
- Printer successfully configured using CUPS
- Scanner only works when I am Root.
- When trying to access scanner as user it says there is no scanner attached.
What should be the groups for this user in order to access the scanner? Actually, they are: haldaemon, disk, audio, video, cdrom, plugdev, power, scanner, lp. Below are the outputs for sane-find-scanner (as both root and user), although, since the scanner works well under root, I am almost sure it is a problem with setting permissions and groups.
# sane-find-scanner
# sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
# result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
# scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.
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May 10, 2010
I'm currently using an NFS server to share data on our small business network. It works a bit faster than SAMBA, but I do have a problem. NFS takes group id from the first 16 groups a member belongs to when mounted - let's not get into how that doesn't make huge amount of sense
Since I assigned about 6 different groups to our users internally to control directory access, some internal groups do not pass when mounting the server's files (as ubuntu has at least 8 or so groups that are system dependent). Is there a way to change the ORDER of the groups a user belongs to? I see that what gets passed to NFS mount follows exactly the order given when I type "group" when logged in. The groups do not come in alphabetical order or group ID number. I did try changing the order of entries in /etc/group and that also doesn't do anything. Essentially they seem completely random.
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Jun 21, 2010
i am using squid proxy on centos 5.x release with stable version. during installation time i fixed date time was basicaly gmt +3:00 hours. so everything was fixed, now since past few days every 24 hours it change its time automaatically. this looks like it take update somewhere from internet or internally something is mess up.could someone guide me how to fixed permanantly date time. even either restart the machine or passing 24 hours it do never change it. etc
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Aug 4, 2011
I have Ubuntu 10.04.2 (Linux 2.6.32-33-server on x86_64) with OpenLDAP 2.4.21 and Webmin1.550. I converted my ldap database from another system with the older style schema (OpenLDAP 2.3.3 with slightly older Webmin version 1.480) and no longer use slapd.conf, but the newer slapd.d format.
It all works fine except for one thing. When I add a new user, it lets me type in the additional LDAP fields:
But when I click the Create button, all the fields get jumbled together in the Title/Position box with a diamond question mark delimiting the fields:
Modifying existing users (which have the Additional fields displaying correctly) also has the same result - it moves the fields all into the one Title/Position box with the diamond shapes with question marks inside between each entry. Is it a problem with my schema files? I tried reverting to the older shema files and slapd.conf and it still did the same thing on the new system. I am really at a loss.
Here is also the output of ldapsearch for that user (host and samba ids are sanitized):
Previously added users that show the fields properly have "description:" and then the field listed for each Additional LDAP field. Also shouldn't the "title" be visible in plain human readable text here? - it looks like it encrypted it somehow - similar to a password hash. The older system works fine and the fields are all readable and in their proper locations. But the new system just doesn't work right.
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Oct 20, 2010
I was trying to create a shell script which will automatically login to the server and checks if a user exists there or not, if it doesn't exist then it should create the user.I have very little idea about shell scriptThis is what I tried:Quote:
Now, how to pass that password automatically to the ssh when it asks for the password? (I can't use public key authentication here)
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May 7, 2010
I recently ran into a situation where the ftp user account suddenly could not login. I used the User and Groups system tool to check the user account and reset the password. I then attempted to use ftp and login with the new password and still could not. I then went to check the permissions on the folder and found that the system partition was full, so using gpartd I was able to resize the system partition.
However this still did not fix the ftp login problem. When I opened the User and Groups tool again, all users,including my main account, except root are no longer displayed and all groups are not showing. If I try to add the original ftpuser account I get the message that the user already exists. And my main account works for login still. If I add a new user, it is not displayed in the list either.
If I do a cat /etc/passwd I see all the users listed including the new one I created and cat /etc/group displays all the groups and everything looks like the users are still associated with the correct groups. I can use passwd to change the account password without error and I can use adduser to add another user. Howerver no users are listed in the User and Groups tool and users still can not login to ftp. I can reinstall proftp if needed but I would like to be able to use the User and Groups tool to administer users again.
PS: Forgot that just before encountering the ftp login problem, Update Manager and some updates listed that I attempted to install but got an error and didn't have time to check why. Now I know that the partition was full.
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to set up automatic recording of user sessions when they login without their knowledge. I tried sticking the script command into /etc/profile and but that didn't really work. I also tried /etc/bashrc but that had the same affect.I have also tried setting the shell in /etc/passwd to SHELL=/bin/bash /usr/bin/script -q /testing.txt.
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Dec 14, 2010
When I start my ubuntu linux system it automatically logs into a user (not root) in graphical mode and it does not asking for any password. when I try to go to the command prompt the password is required. How do I give password for my user. The provider installed the system and not me..
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Feb 4, 2011
I already know of a work around to fix this problem, but I guess my question is why is this not working as expected? I am using a Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory for authentication.
I have run auth-client-config for the ldap profile and pam-auth-update. When running getent passwd, I get a list of both the local users and the users in the active directory (with populated information in the Unix schema extension). When running getent group I get a list of both the local groups and the groups in the active directory (with populated information in the Unix schema extension).
Interestingly enough, though, when I run su DOMAINUSER, after the prompt for the password I get an authentication error. In /var/log/auth.log I can see an entry with pam_ldap: missing "host" in file "/etc/ldap.conf". The SRV records in the DNS servers resolve correctly. I've checked this with nslookup and I have seen the records within my zone file. Obviously if the ldap.conf file is working with getent and the ldap server is resolving from the SRV records, it is working fine.
The interesting part is that the Windows Server 2008 R2 AD machine shows in the event viewer that there was a successful authentication, yet the Ubuntu box says no. When I add the host within the ldap.conf file, everything works...getent and the actual authentication, either initial login or su.
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Mar 30, 2010
I installed the webilder application to automatically change the wallpaper, preferences you've specified the directory where the images but I can not change the background. Does anyone know why not change?
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Mar 26, 2010
create a profile settings and network drive can be mapped automatically when user login to the (like Domain and active user profile on windows environment) Ubuntu systems?
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