General :: Get A Script To Autostart And Hitting Some Snags?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to get a script to autostart and hitting some snags. I know the script works, because I can manually launch it from a terminal window. I've perused the forums and followed similar advice to put the script in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory and then create a symlink in the rc5.d directory (S99my_script) I've even tried appending ". /etc/init.d/myscript" to the .bashrc file

I've managed to get the machine to autologin "myuser" upon startup (that's the owner of the .bashrc file I edited), but still the script won't start when myuser auto logs in. the system default is set for password protect on screen save so if I simple let that happen, as soon as I exit screen save the script launches, so it almost works.

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General :: Xorg.conf - Can't Adjust The Screen Density Between 640x480 And 1024x768 By Hitting "<ctl><alt>+ Or <ctl<alt>"

Nov 1, 2010

Up through Slackware 13.0 I used xorg.conf without trouble. On Slackware 13.1 I am caught between two unacceptable alternatives. If I don't use xorg.conf at all I can't adjust the screen density between e.g., 640 x 480 and 1024 x 768 by hitting <ctl><alt>+ or <ctl<alt>- If I use the same xorg.conf that I have used for years I gain the above facility but when I go to a console session via <ctl><alt>F1 the monitor complains that it is being fed bad information. If I can't resolve this conflict I will have to retreat to Slackware 13.0.

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Ubuntu :: Block IPs When Hitting Specific URL?

Feb 11, 2011

I've noticed in my Apache logs a lot of hits to a specific URL on my server. The thing is, the URL is invalid and returns a 404. Every hit has a different Agent ID (things like Windows NT 4 and IE 8, Mac OS and Safari, Windows 7 and Mozilla, etc) and usually a slightly different IP address. If you browse the URL with Chrome/Firefox, it gets reported as potential phishing activity - despite it only returning a 404 error.

I blocked a range of IPs with IPTables which worked for a while, but I can see the IP address has changed again (outside of the range I set) and is generating logs again.

Is it possible to automatically block any IP attempting to access this specific URL?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Move Mouse After Hitting A Key?

Mar 4, 2011

This sound very weird, but i'll try to explain it as good as i can.When i hit a key on my laptops keyboard, i cannot move my mouse for a split second.I can replicate this by typing and trying to move the mouse mean while.but this is very annoying if you e.g. I hit ctrl+c and trying to move the mouse afterwards or opening a tab, that the mouse just freezes for a while.

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Ubuntu :: VMWare - Hitting Error During Installation / Sort It?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04. I downloaded the package and am following this guide:

While I'm running through the installation wizard via the terminal, i hit an error at this step:

None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your
running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] code...

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General :: Make Things Autostart In KDE?

Jan 11, 2011

What's the easiest way to make things autostart in KDE? The only method I know is to make links to the applications and then put them in the KDE autostart folder. Last time I did that, I had a lot of trouble with not being allowed to make the links unless I was root. Is there a simpler way?

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General :: Add Yakuakerc To The Autostart Menu ?

Aug 8, 2010

How to add yakuakerc to the autostart menu.

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General :: Autostart Application In Thinstation

Sep 3, 2010

How can i do autostart my apllication in thistaion (light weight OS) i know i have to write script, but i am confused how to write? my application is squid 2.6.

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General :: Autostart Programs Inquires?

Mar 5, 2011

I write code and add the following line as it's first line:Quote:#!/bin/sh -eThen make it's permission as executableThen coped it to the following destination:Code:cp Scripts/ /etc/init.d

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OpenSUSE Install :: Any Substancial Difference Between Gnome Terminal Or Hitting 'c' To Bring Up Command Line

Feb 25, 2010

so the safest way to go about this is to assume I know nothing. I mean, I have a rough Idea of what a kernel is, no idea what a shell is, etc. I do consider myself computer savvy, but know NOTHING about linux and thats why I'm Diving in, hopefully not too much, this is just to give you an idea of what we're working with here.

After several install attempts I kept getting a blank screen. Whether it be black,white, or the default gnome desktop (without any icons, and simple things like ctrl+alt+backspace just doesn't work, or anything else for that matter) I was ending up with a blank screen. Driver for moniter....maybe....but I did succesfully install it once, and it worked like a charm...shutdown properly, and the next day after work...Boom, same thing after I started from scratch and re-installed....samething, until I hit the power button, went from the dvd(iso) and did a fail safe, now my resolution is much better than it was the first time..Actual questions.....what did I do to fix it when failsafe never worked before?

Is there a way to save these settings, so I don't run into the problem again, because I don't even want to turn of my computer at this point?If i'm trying to dive in and learn the command line actions, is there any substancial difference between gnome terminal or hitting "c" to bring up the command line?

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General :: Autostart Vnc Server On Knoppix Distro?

Mar 12, 2011

how can I autostart vnc server on my knoppix distro ?

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General :: Universal Linux Autostart Folder

May 29, 2010

I'm a complete Linux beginner who wrote his first little script.I'm writing an 'installer' for it (so I can share it with friends) and I'm wandering if there is a universal method to add it to autostart in all Linux distributions.I was thinking about cron/crontab but it's not the best choice, as writing an uninstaller which removes a specific line from crontab is out of my league. I'd rather copy a *.desktop file to autostart folders and then be able to remove them.BTW do you have to put *.desktop files in ~/.config/autostart in Ubuntu, but ~/.kde/Autostart in Kubuntu even if they are shell scripts?

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General :: Autostart An Application After CentOS 4.4 Reboots

Jan 28, 2010

I am fairly new to linux.We have a machine running CentOS 4.4 and sometimes the machine has to be rebooted. Each time after the reboot, I have to SSH in and manually restart one of our application. I have been reading about doing this online and I am a little confuse.Seems like there are multiple possibilities for starting things up. My finding suggest using the inittab file. Then my question is what runlevel do I pass in? Should I use runlevel 1, 2, 3, or 5? Once the runlevel is determine, then how should I name my startup script? I know to use "S" but what number should I give it? Or, another way to approach this is to put my autostart script in the /etc/rc.local file?

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General :: Script Works In Shell But Will Not Autostart

Jun 3, 2010

I have this extremely simple script called startmyth:

sleep 10
export DISPLAY=:0.1
exec /usr/bin/mythfrontend &
when I execute it as ./startmyth, it works fine. But when added to Gnome's startup applications (System > Preferences > Startup Applications), Mythtv does not start! What gives?

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General :: Fedora Autologin In Runlvel 3 And Autostart Application?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a single kernel with 2 menu entries in grub like following:


First entry boot the fedora in graphical mode running the gnome.
Second entry boot the fedora in text mode.

First thing is working fine but i want to know how to do the second thing. i added 3 at the end of second entry in syslinux.cfg and after booting it dropped me at console asking for login.

So how to autologin in runlevel 3 and start autostart an application(e.g python script)?

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General :: Openbox - File Is Not Restoring Things

Jun 13, 2010

I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly. I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/ file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my file: Code: # Autostart file for openbox nitrogen --restore & sleep 2s && tint -c /home/john/.config/tint/.tintrc) & (sleep 2s && trayer --expand true --transparent true --alpha 255 --edge bottom --align right --expand true --SetDockType true --widthtype request --margin 130) & I do have proper content in the .tintrc file located in /home/john/.config/tint/tintrc. Am I doing something wrong here?

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General :: Autostart Program In Lubuntu LXDE (on Boot)?

Jan 17, 2011

I've got it to the point it will run when you login by adding a line to the /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart file. Added "synergyc" and it works perfect. So the main question is, how can I add that line somewhere, somehow to start on boot and not by login?

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General :: Configure Autostart Of Oracle Database / Soa Suite On Bootup?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to configure autostart of oracle database 11g & oracle soa suite 11g after successful OS startup. Linux: Redhat version 5. I have commands needed for startup, but not sure on where to keep the file.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Netbook / Hitting Next On First Page Mouse Icon Changes But Next Page Never Loads?

Oct 12, 2010

i am able to try ubuntu and everything works fine until i try to install. the menu comes up to the first page where it tells you to plug in your machine and make sure there is enough disk space and network connectivity. when i hit next on this page the mouse icon changes but the next page never loads. the longest i let it hang there was 2 hours. ive tried multiple times with the same result.

im running from a flash drive on an ASUS Eee PC 1001P-PU17

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General :: Disable Blank Cd Autostart - Disable The Window And The Icon From The Desktop?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it. How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?

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Slackware :: How To Autostart Mpd

Jun 8, 2011

What would be the best way to autostart mpd when I login? I guess it wont be necessary to run as root so it should only auto start when I login with my details either from cli or xfce?

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart A Drive

Jul 28, 2010

My Ubuntu is the latest, Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.

I have 2 hard drives, one holds windows (160gb), another has three partitions, 15gb for ubuntu 10.04, 5gb for swap, and the remaining 480gb formatted as ntfs for files..

The 480gb space is drive D:, my files are located there and i point the apps to get their files from drive D:. For example, "My Music" folder is in drive D:, and so I tell SongBird to grab the music files from that directory.

It's not a big problem, but whenever I restart ubuntu, drive D: does not automatically open so SongBird initially cannot locate the files. What I want to happen is that when ubuntu starts, drive D: is already loaded, so that the applications can grab the files they need from that drive automatically without me having to manually open drive D: everytime ubuntu starts.

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Debian Multimedia :: In Openbox?

May 23, 2011

When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox-session My displays will turn off like there is no video output. I cannot switch to a TTY (or at least there is still no video when I try). I can however ssh into the machine. Alt+SysRq+K does not seem to kill the X session, but Alt+SysRq+B will reboot the machine.When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox and I manually run sh .config/openbox/ everything seems to go smoothly. I really don't understand the discrepancy.

sleep 3s;
xsetroot -solid "#303030"


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OpenSUSE :: Can Kinternet Autostart In Gnome And 11.2

Mar 25, 2010

Autostart kinternet with Gnome?

I recently switched desktops. Kinternet connects fine with Gnome, but it doesn't start up with Gnome. I tried putting kinternet into the Gnome startup, but kinternet errors when it starts.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Autostart Kinternet In 11.2/kde4

Apr 5, 2010

I got autostart working on 11.2/gnome, but I've switch to kde4.3.1. Duncan on the kde list suggested to manually save a session, but in the session manager there's not a clue how to manually save a session. In gnome I wrote a shell script to start kinternet, but the script has to start after smpppd. That script starts too soon in kde4.The reasoon kinternet doesn't start with the "restart on login" box, is a kde3 app. I have already tried kinternet --kicker, but apparetly kicker starts before smpppd. The script I wrote starts kinternet but with this error:

Error - KInternet Connection to local and remote server refused. Maybe smpppd is not running or you are not member of the group "dialout". Also check the server settings in the dialog "Various Settings". OK

The error to the calling shell looks like this:

Starting kinternet --kicker
DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
buildsycoca running...

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Autostart Script ?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to set up Virtualbox to run as a service so that it auto starts the VM when the PC boots and shuts down the VM when the PC is shut down.

I've found a set of scripts that do this but set up of the scripts was written for Ubuntu so I'm stuck at one of the steps.

The set of scripts can be found HERE

The part of the install that I'm not sure about is the part in bold. I know what it's trying to do (basically start the script last during the boot process and stop the script first during shutdown) but don't know how to do it in oS.

VBoxTool currently consist only of a set of scripts. With this scripts, virtual machines of VirtualBox in a Linux headless server can be controlled. Start, stop, save, backup and show status of sessions in batch mode from the command line.

Usage and installation is tested only on Ubuntu. Please report if a specific function is not working in another environment, say OpenSUSE, Fedora, etc.


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OpenSUSE :: Possible Bug In OpenBox Script?

Sep 7, 2011

absolutely positive, but I think the following is a bug in/etc/xdg/openbox/

24# Make GTK apps look and behave how they were set up in the gnome config tools
25if test -x /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon >/dev/null; then
26 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon &


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OpenSUSE Install :: Autostart In GNOME But Not KDE?

Sep 3, 2011

I'm a KDE fan giving GNOME Shell a try, and I find I like it better with a dock. The one in GNOME Shell extensions is still primitive, so I installed Cairo and set it to start automatically, but then I found it starting in KDE too, where I prefer the Plasma Panel. So I disabled it for autostart and checked "Restore Programs" in the Startup Manager instead, but that didn't do the trick. Now I'm thinking that instead of an autostart entry for Cairo dock, I should have one for a script that says, "IF running GNOME, THEN launch Cairo, ELSE leave well enough alone." Can anyone here tell me how to do that? I've never written a script, but I figure the internet can help me with the basics; the piece I'll need is a way to check whether I'm in GNOME.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Autostart Coldfusion 9

Feb 11, 2010

I have coldfusion installed on a guest ubuntu server in virtualbox, it is configured with apache2 & everything works great. But how do i get Coldfusion to autostart when i boot up the guest ubuntuserver ?

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Processes As Root

May 21, 2010

How do I get processes to run as root during startup? I have a random script and a package which both need to run as root in the background, but I can't find a way to do this automatically.

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