General :: Folder In Window Its Not Showing The Folder Time Created Time Stamp?
May 20, 2011
I was created one folder in linux with current time was 1978(For example). I was moved this folder to usb(FAT32 file format).While seeing this folder in window its not showing the folder time created time stamp, because the USB file system only support the year after 1980 . But again i am putting the same folder in linux ,its showing the correct time stamp.How is it possible? Because FAT32 only supports timestamp after 1980, but still its showing 1978 in linux system
I need to make a few folders, but I need the fold name to reflect the time which they were created. For example: if I create a folder at on 2010.06.03 at 13:01:34 then I would need a file name something similar to the following 20100603_130134. In addition, could the same method be used for .tar files? I would like a bash script which I can run to perform the following; however, I am not familiar with scripting in Linux yet.
In the Windows world where I came from, Irfanview freeware easily renamed a large folder of JPEG photos by EXIF time & date stamps, appending a unique number if the time and date stamps were the same. Is there an equivalent rename-by-EXIF information batch command in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid? For example, change (based solely on EXIF information): FROM:DSC_0001.JPG TO:20110224_09:34:56am.JPG
I have two systems running on linux. system one is running with RHEL 5.4/X86_64 hardware, system two is running with RHEL 5.3/i686 hardware. One filesystem is shared from system two and mounted as NFS on system one. Now when i do a copy from local filesystem to the NFS share from system one,it shows as follows
-rw-r--r-- 1 xkinved rbak1 30 Mar 3 2011 king
But if i do copy with -p option then it shows right time stamp. Both machines are running with slight(minutes) different in time. Does this could be cause for this problem? The problem is happening while i do FTP from some other machines too.
I need some help recovering from a "slight" screwup. We just moved 3 TB of data from one RAID Array to another. Low lever archive files. This was done with a regular cp (for some reason) and now we have lost all the timestamps on the files, and we urgently need to get the timestamps back on these files.
We are running Ubuntu 9.10 Server and we have mounted the following
1. /mnt/old-raid ##Old raid from the old server 2. /mnt/new-raid ##New raid on the server
I know we can read out the timestamp on the old server using the command stat -c '%Y' <<filname>>
I know we can change the timestamp of the file, using the command touch -d '<<date>>'
To get from the stat -c date to the input date in touch we need to use date -d @<<timestamp>> +'%d %b %Y %R'
So my question is, how can I create a loop that will list all files in a folder, get their timestamp and update the old timestamp with the new?
when we do enter on a folder it take some time for loading the folder depending on the no of entries in the folder . If the folder has more entries it take more time to load and if less no of entries then correspondingly less time . the delay in loading the folder varies due to reading of the folder entries in advance . SO what i want to know is that what is the MAX no of entries read in advance while opening a folder in linux and also how can we calculate this
I have this nasty habit of refreshing desktop in a quick succession by right-clicking and selecting 'Refresh',on my XP system at office.(And,iam sure most of us do the same).With Ubuntu,if a right-click on desktop slowly and select 'align by...',it simulates the XP refresh action as explained above.But,if i perform the same action rapidly,it takes this first option from right-click context menu,which is 'Create Folder',and results in an empty folder being created on desktop.I tried double right-clicking and again it created an empty folder.Is there any workaround to handle this.I mean:Can the right-click context menu items be shuffled so that the 'Create Folder' option is moved from 1st place
what the recommended way to set up real-time (or near real-time) folder synchronization among 2+ servers. I looked a rsync but that doesn't sound real-time and it looks like its something that you might put in a cron once an hour.
I was working with timezones when I came across a very strange error. Date command showed Invalid date/time when I set the date/time to 27 Mar 2011, 02:00:00. On further analysis, I observed that the time was jumping to 03:00:00 after 01:59:59 when the date is 27th Mar, 2011.
I am trying to run prstat for an extended time, outputting to a file and appending a time-stamp to each line (running on Solaris 10). I have tried this:
How do I change the time stamp on videos that I record so that they say what DAY they were recorded instead of just the DATE? I can't find the config file which I assume would be the place to look.
I tend to watch the odd movie, and always use vlc. As such, one time I checked the box so that vlc would open by default. now however each time I go to open a folder, vlc starts up! How can I undo this?
is there any way to execute a command every time a "folder changes status"? Under windows there's an API which pro-actively tells you when something has changed within a directory, so I was trying to achieve something similar under Linux. I can't think anything else other than check the list of files and parameters (e.g. date/size/owner) every few seconds, but that's not ideal of course... So what I'm asking here is: is there is a way to set linux to tell me rather than me go and check?
When I reinstalled ubuntu I chose to encrypt my home folder (something that i've never done before) but now that I know it doesn't really make a difference i'd like to decrypt it because the .encryptfs folder is taking up so much space i'm getting notifications every time I log in.
There's a folder on my Linux desktop which shouldn't exist. The first time I saw it, I thought I'd accidentally copied it from somewhere else, so I deleted it. Now it's back again. So it must have been automatically created by some process, but what can I do to figure out which program is creating it? I think it's likely that if I delete the folder it'll eventually be created again, so I should be able to catch this program in the act if anyone can suggest a technique for doing so. By the way, there are no files in this mystery folder, and its name is the same as another folder I created months ago to hold my personal documents, not something that a program would create to hold its own configuration files or the like.
I have been using ubuntu for a while and i like it a lot, im a web developer and i have windows xp installed in virtual box, i moved completely to linux and just use windows to test in ie, it had been a while since i didnt use windows and i had to use in the last few days and noticed how much faster it is, the thing that bothered me the most is when opening folders in the desktop or the recycle bin, in windows its instant, in ubuntu opening a folder takes a long time to open nautilus, is this normal or is my installation bad, any comments are appreciated, i dont want to abandon ubuntu, i really like it but it really bothers me that nautilus is so slow to open.
logging in a server through putty in the same network when i executed last command its showing system ip logged in time and logged out time the output as followsthis is my system oot pts1 xx.xx.xx day month date time in time out timeand similarly am geeting other than this likeroot :0day month date time still logged in this is from more than 3 days its logged in
I know there exists a touch command to change the date of the files. However, I want to change the files of a directory and the directory time. Is there a command like -R. Please provide me an example of the command?
I changed some settings to see what will happen ( specifically to login with having to type my password) and now I can log in without a password. The problem is that I think that my password is still required, but now I can't use my laptop. Here is what happens log in (it doesn't ask for a password), then I get the error that it can't update ICEauthority, then I get the error "There is a problem with the configuration server./usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)I also get the error that Nautilus can't create my Desktop folder and .nautilus folder.The problem is that I do not have another account, as in no root account. Each time I had to do administrative tasks ,like install software, etc, i used the cli with sudo and the command. If I wanted to do a few commands, I usually entered sudo -i
I just maked an ext4 partition by the help of gparted. Ubuntu is my only OS no dual boot. Using Ubuntu Maverick. The problem is partition must be open as root to do any work else it wont even allow me to open file,create folder,cut copy paste or anything.
I've tried to google but not much luck. What I would like to do is have anumber of folders on my desktop and their contents, replicated/duplicated into another folder on the same PC in real time. So for example, if I were to change an OpenOffice document in a specific folder on my Desktop it would be replicated/duplicated in real time. If I had three folders on my Desktop A, B and C they would also appear/be backed up (in real time) in a folder called /home/backup. Can this be done?
I'm in Gnome but if I logout I can get to a menu where I can choose KDE as well as other window managers. The problem is I have a program that's running inside Gnome and I don't want to stop it. Is there some way I can get into KDE without having to stop this program?