General :: Error: /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/athletelist-1.0.0.egg-info: Permission Denied

Sep 3, 2011

I am trying to install Python module on my machine. While installing, there is an error on terminal.It was OK until this step:



Then it shows an error:

error: /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/athletelist-1.0.0.egg-info: Permission denied
m?PS. I use Ubuntu 11.04 and I am quiet new on Linux World.

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Programming :: CSH Permission Denied When Accessing Local File

Mar 9, 2011

I've just recently started learning shell scripting and I've been working on a basic csh script, but I've been having a few problems. Here's the script

echo Enter a file name
$< = FILE ##Name of file
echo enter a size (in kilobytes) to monitor
SIZETOMON = $< ##Size value that's input by user
du -k $FILE = $SIZE ##Size of the file that the user wishes to monitor
while (1)
if $SIZE > $SIZETOMON then
echo ALERT: File size is greater than $SIZETOMON

And here's the output
/home/lucer/foo.txt: Permission denied.
Badly placed ()'s.

I'm not really sure what the issue is with the "badly placed ()'s" or why it won't let me access files that I can access with the same shell when it's not in a script.

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General :: Permission Denied Error While Import To Remote Repository Via Svn

Apr 19, 2010

I am importing my project to another machine on my LAN to the directory:


where my-repo was created via svnadmin create option

The permissions of /srv/svn/repos/my-repo are

drwxr-xr-x 6 svn svn 4096 2010-04-19
17:30 my-repo

I executed following command to import myProject files to my-repo on remote system

sudo svn import -m "First import" myProject svn+ssh://baltusaj@

This command started 'Adding' files but gave following error after 'Adding' 7 files

svn: Can't open file '/srv/svn/repos/baltoros-valgrind/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied

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General :: Executing File Resulting In Permission Denied Error

Apr 21, 2010

I am wondering why running this file:

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1247 2010-04-21 18:25
by issueing this command:

results in this message:

-bash: ./ Permission denied

I'm logged in as root and prior to the above I did a chown root:root on the file.

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General :: Login As Kevin - Permission Denied Error For XBMC

May 5, 2010

I have two computers. One runs unRaid NAS software which is built on Linux. The other is running XBMC media center which is built on Ubuntu. XBMC has a local folder (/home/kevin/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails/) that it stores thumbnails in. I am essentially trying to move this folder to my server, but XBMC needs to see it as local. I started by deleting the old Thumbnails folder and it's contents. I then created an empty Thumbnails folder on XBMC and I also created one on my unRaid comp ( On the XBMC comp I run:

chmod 777 Thumbnails
mount -t cifs // Thumbnails

It creates the mount and as long as I'm logged in as root, I can copy files to the XBMC Thumbnails folder and they appear on my unRaid server's Thumbnails folder. The problem is that if I log in as kevin (the user that XBMC runs as) I get permission denied errors. I've tried changing ownership of the XBMC Thumbnails folder to kevin via:

chown -v kevin Thumbnails

And it says it changed it, but if I check, the ownership and group both still show as root. I'm thinking that may be because now that the mount is made, it's showing the ownership of the Thumbnails folder on the unRaid server? Whatever it's doing I can't seem to change it and XBMC can't write it's thumbnails because of this.

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General :: Copy File From The Underlying NTFS Windows HD - Error - Permission Denied

Jan 17, 2010

Quite a few times i have boot puppy linux live and have tried to copy file from the underlying NTFS windows HD only to get an error like permission denied when i try and copy a file to say a USB stick, i think some files copy but i seem to get permission errors with some files.

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General :: Remote Mount Of Nfs Gives Permission Denied Error - FUSE File System?

Apr 6, 2011

I have created a new file system (fuse) which works fine and is mounted in the local host. I want to be able to mount it from another host. I added it to /ect/exports: /mnt/ltfs *(rw,sync) And restarted nfs. Then from my client host I type:

mount -t nfs myHostName:/mnt/ltfs /mnt/data1

Where /mnt/ltfs is on my local host and /mnt/data1 is on the client host. Note that this is a "FUSE" file system so here is it's local "mount" output: ltfs on /mnt/ltfs type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,default_permissions,allow_other) Note thet this is of type "ltfs" but I am told that it should work like its a nfs. ltfs uses fuse under the covers.

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Error Windows 7 - Error Message Permission Denied

Oct 23, 2010


Gives error message permission denied. I've seen this in your forums but I still haven't found the fix. I've tried the latest release Wubi downloader too. This one is ran from a CD. Version 10.04

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Ubuntu :: VLC Not Starting - Main Interface Error: Socket Bind Error (Permission Denied)

Oct 17, 2010

I tried removing it and installing again but I still get the same code in the terminal:


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Ubuntu :: Error(13): Permission Denied

Dec 7, 2010

I have a shared directory on another machine but I can't get it to mount. The permission denied doesn't say where/which permission is denied. Is it on the remote on on the local machine? The remote has sharing enabled for the shareddocs directory and after I have mkdir'ed the local mount point I open it's permissions too.

The verbose response from mount.cfis looks like this:

mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//,domain=WORKGROUP,ver=1,rw ,username=clive,,,,,,,,,,,ip=,pass=** ******
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) The man page does not have a list of error codes.

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General :: Squid Access / Permission Denied Error From Squid Occur?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using squid to controlling access to the internet all is working fine expect one of the user who is using outside organization portal to connect internet. But whenever he tries to enter in the portal by typing (EXAMPLE)url. Permission denied error from squid occur.

How can i allow this portal in squid. So squid will allow this to access.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 4.10 - Getting Permission Denied Error

Jul 19, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 4.10. But I get error permission denied face. I do not have CD-ROM. How can I do this?Is it possible to install via USB? [URL]

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Server :: Mount Error(13): Permission Denied

Nov 23, 2010

When trying to mount samba share off of domain member server sysimage in Windows receive error "There are currently no logon servers available to service this logon request". When trying to mount.cifs from PDC to samba share on sysimage receive error "mount error(13): Permission denied".

PDC is ClearOS 5.2 named "dc0"
Samba file server is CentOS 5.5 x86_64 named "sysimage"
dc0 Samba version is samba - 3.5.5-1.1.v5.i386
sysimage Samba version is samba-3.0.33-3.29.el5_5.1.x86_64

dc0 is configured correctly to my knowledge, windows machines can join domain, domain users can log into windows machines, user directories are mapped properly, logon scripts run properly. sysimage ldap authentication is set up as shown in "Procedure 7.1.


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Fedora Networking :: Ssh Error Message - Permission Denied

Feb 8, 2011

I've just set up keys using


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Fedora :: Error : Permission Denied, Please Try Again. My Nssswitch.conf Is

Aug 2, 2011

I had Fedora 8 installed in few clients and a server (same server for NFS and NIS), and NIS and NFS configured, and was working fine. Yesterday, I upgraded few client computers to Fedora 15 (server is still same), and configured NFS and NIS client. NFS is working fine, I can see home directories.

For NIS: ypwhich, ypcat passwd gives me correct uutput, ypbind is running. The problem is, I can't login to NIS client. The error is: Permission denied, please try again. My nssswitch.conf is


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Ubuntu :: Admin Privileges - Permission Denied Error

May 11, 2010

I'm having a permissions problem with Ubuntu and apache. There are two users, I'll just call them A and B. All of the files belong to A and group root. I'm logged in as B and I have admin privileges. My website is working just fine but when I create a directory in the web root, change the owner to A on the directory and all files I still get a Permission Denied error when I try to access it from the web. I've also set permissions to rxwr-xr-x on the directory and all the files. So I don't understand what's going on. Why am I still getting a permission denied error?

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Error: Permission Denied (publickey)

Aug 10, 2010

I want to use SSH to connect to my desktop. I have used Ubuntu 10.10's encryption to encrypt my home folder (thus encrypting my .ssh folder). This means that the OpenSSH doesn't have access to my .ssh folder. When I try to log into SSH before logging in on the local machine I get the following error:


jason@ONONWARA:~$ ssh jason@
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
Permission denied (publickey).

If I log onto the machine, then use SSH it works fine. I want to use key based login, One way to get around this error would be use a different authorized_keys file, but I don't know of a way to do this. This is the contents of my sshd_config file:


# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd_config(5) manpage for details
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cat Command Gives Error Permission Denied

Aug 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu server edition 10.04.1 running in Vmware server 2.02.I am connect via Putty so I can use copy and paste.My first goal is configuring a ftp server using PureFtpd using this guide.In section 10 I need to write this command

cat /dev/null > /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf

I am getting this error

almog@Testing:~$ sudo cat /dev/null > /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf
-bash: /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf: Permission denied

I tried with and without "sudo" and I am getting the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Error Moving File: Permission Denied

Dec 4, 2010

Im trying to move some files from my desktop to /usr/share/ProjectM Project M is a visualization program, and Im trying to move some presets I downloaded there. The error I get is


There was an error moving the file into /usr/share/projectM/presets.
Error moving file: Permission denied

I am logged in as administrator, why can't I move these files?

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Ubuntu :: Error Creating Directory: Permission Denied

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to create a folder using the archive manager to install Resin (web server) in the usr/local folder but I get the error message 'error creating directory: Permission denied.' Is this the easiest way to install an app--by using the Archive Manager--and if so how do I establish the correct permissions.

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Ubuntu :: LAMP Setup - Get A 403 Permission Denied Error

May 2, 2011

I'm breaking my head on this.I want to create a development environment. This means that I want to be able to create/change files myself, but php should be able to do the same. I installed a lamp-stack using tasksel. Afterwards I installed phpmyadmin. So far so good. Going to http://localhost shows "it works".

Then I created a folder /home/hwc/www and created a new apache site called hwc, disabled default and enabled hwc that points to /home/hwc/www and has the directive AllowOveride All set. But when I go to http://localhost know I get a 403 Permission denied error. I've tried several trings like changing ownership of /home/hwc/www to www-data:www-data, to hwc:www-data, to hwc:hwc, but all to no avail. Even adding www-data to group hwc and hwc to group ww-data did not help. According to other posts at least on of these solutions should have worked, but it did not. I could probably fix it by letting apache run as hwc, but that doesn't seem right.

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Ubuntu :: Error 550 Server.cfg: Overwrite Permission Denied

May 19, 2011

i can upload and download things from/to my ftp server but when i want to Overwrite a file it shows me that:

PHP Code:
error 550 server.cfg: Overwrite permission denied

What can i do i gave premmision to download and upload so whats the problem

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Security :: Changing The Permission Denied Error Message?

Jul 9, 2009

Is it possible to change the general permission denied error. I have some rather young users on this system that think they can "hack the gibson" and I would love to change the general error message to something a little more rude/funnyex:# cd restricted area
-sh: cd: restricted area: Permission deniedI am curious if its possible to change the error message in general?ex:# cd restricted area-sh: cd: restricted area: (funny/rude message goes here)Quick info:This is a Gentoo 2008.0 system, I would also love to do this on my slacware and OpenBSD boxes as well just for kicks.

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Security :: Ssh Authentication With Rsa - Error Permission Denied (public Key)

Mar 24, 2010

I have trouble with rsa authentication:

I did create an rsa certificate with ssh-keygen using my root account on a client: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 no passphrase I did copy the rsa pub_key from my client to the server scp id_rsa sampleuser@sampleserver:/home/sampleuser/.ssh/authorized_keys

I did change the ownership to the "sampleuser" of the pub key file on the server: I trayd to connect:
ssh sampleuser@sapleserver

I get that: permission denied (public key)... I know I do smth wrong but I don't know what.

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Programming :: Getting Error In Ftp From Windows To Unix Box - Permission Denied

Mar 18, 2009

I have a written a java code to ftp a file from the windows box to unix box. It keeps giving me the following error : " PORT 204,63,56,5,16,78: 550 Permission denied." I am able to ftp manually from windows to unix.

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Slackware :: Error - Cannot Open /dev/ttyACM0: Permission Denied

Aug 7, 2010

I installed wvdial on my Satellite Toshiba laptop. All works well but I have to use the <wvdial> command as root. If I try to use it as a user i get an error message Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0: Permission denied So Im just wondering; is it ok to use wvdial as root?

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Fedora Security :: Error - Cannot Read /etc/shadow: Permission Denied

Jan 20, 2010

This is weird, today I updated my system and while trying to visudo from single user mode got

"cannot read /etc/shadow: Permission denied"

which kept me from doing anything until I switched to file permissions of 400 on shadow, then back. Is this being experienced by anyone else or just me? /etc/security/limits.conf doesn't seem like it wants to change in enforcing mode either and I can't find any alerts to provide clues on the situation.

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Fedora :: Wireshark - Dumpcap Permission Denied Error Message

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to use Wireshark and on startup the program pops up a window saying:
Couldn't run /usr/sbin/dumpcap in child process: Permission denied
Are you member of 'wireshark' group? Try running 'usermod -a -G wireshark <username>' as root.

I ran the usermod command to add my account in the group and checked it
less /etc/group
but the same error message pops up.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get The Error Message Usb_open: Permission Denied

Jan 11, 2011

I have an old Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra, and I installed Gnomad2. When I plug the usb cord in the Zen lights up.

Using the Gnomad2 rescan menu, I get the error message Usb_open: Permission denied.

How can I correct this?

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Ubuntu :: Saving Python Programs - Error Permission Denied

Apr 11, 2010

I wanted to save a python program because I am reading byte of python and I went to save in !/usr/bin. When I try to save in this folder I get this error "[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'usr/bin/'.

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