General :: Deleted The /etc/rc.d/functions Folder And Functions.d Script And Turned Arch Machine Into A Brick?
Mar 19, 2011
None of my daemon scripts work now, and the startup process displayed errors. Should I reinstall the OS and start from scratch, or is there a way to recover these files? Is there a way to rebuild the files I deleted?
When I try to run the current code, it stops on the bracket after functio() in CallFunct(). The only way I could get this to run was by removing CallFunct and just calling functio.
In my code I want to have two different functions to be executed simultaneously (in parallel) in a single processor system. I tried to use pthreads but they happened to be executed one after another. I have heard about fork, some saying that its no longer recommended since its functions can be achieved by pthreads.
Quote: logcountfunction() { awk ' { # when executing the script pass the logfile as parameter on the command prompt with the name of the file #export file_name= "&1"
my problem is that when i execute this script only the first two functions are being called.once the DBcounttry_finalnofunc() is done ,the script exits.The rest of the functions are not being called.
In shell scripting, what do or what does this symbol do or mean ? "."(octet), ";" (semicolon)? Would really like to know? Cause I saw a written script if [ -f /etc/file ];then. . /etc/file. Wondering, the "." is meant to be source, so is "." the same thing as "source" ?
I am using some "Numerical Recipes in C" routines in my C code.(I am using ludcmp() & lubksb().)These are used to find inverse of a matrix.After compiling my c code, I get following warning messages.I have not understood them at all. What is the meaning of these and why did they pop up and how to remove them?
Code: nrutil.h:11: warning: 'sqrarg' defined but not used nrutil.h:14: warning: 'dsqrarg' defined but not used
I wrote a simple bash script to let me treat any set of programs like a deamon. For example if I configure the script a certain way I can start/stop/get the status of apache, mysql and php all from one command. I am having a bit of a problem though. I am passing commands as strings to a function and then depending on the arguments to the script it might run one of these commands or another. Some of these commands need to beun in the background though, such as deluge-web. When I send "deluge-web &" to the function and it execute it deluge-web does not start in the background. I can't figure out why this is. I have tried escaping the & with ''s and with a , but nothing seems to work. I know that this is some idiotic thing that I am overlooking, but I am a bit stumped. Here is the script configured to start/stop/get status of deluged and deluge-web.
I'm pretty new to Linux, but have had a bit of functional tutoring. i'm triple booting my old Dimension 8400. Have been running with Jackalope and XP for some time now and wanted to install Lynx and get a good handle on it before i completely wipe my other machine (Win7/Jackalope) and install it there.
Installed Lynx from a USB stick and all seems well, it recognises the UBS wireless and all available connections but just sits and spins on the password login and never connects...hmmm. I have tried all possible combinations of rebooting with the USB connected/disconnected/connecting after... to no avail.
The wireless seems to "work out of the box" just as seamlessly as it did for Jackalope, all the steps are similar, it just never connects.
I have a Dell Inspiron Duo. Running Ubuntu 10.10 On my laptop, the enable/disable wireless and my F2 key share the same space and I need to press the Fn key to use F2 (I know supposed to go other way). But sometimes, they trade places. Where I that If I press the Fn key, it would enable/disable the wireless connections instead of doing F2.
What could be causing this and how do I stop it. This happens with not only my F2 key, but all the F functions. Also does anyone know how to reenable wireless after disabling it in Ubuntu. Pressing the enable/disable button does nothing after disabling and would require a boot to windows to reenable it.
I just bought an Apple (intl.) keyboard because of its stylish look and weight but I can't figure out how to map keys to get certain functions that I'm used to working. Particularly Alt+Ctl+F1~6 when wanting to switch to regular terminal and print screen. Is there a tutorial out there that explains how to map keys?
I have an Msi Wind u100+. Between the right hand Alt Gr and CTRL keys there is a key that looks like a menu. It seems to have the same function as a right mouse click. I want to know how to change this specific keys' function, such as use it to launch a terminal or another Super key. Ive tried Keyboard Shortcuts but its main right click function prevails. Also, searchng the forums and google only brings up how to change the entire keyboard layout to DVORAK or something and that's not what I want to do.
while writing my codes in g-edit, how do I know the in built library functions? Like in turbo C we can see the library functions? Is there any such features?How can I do that?
i have lost left and right click functions in mouse and touchpad. This only happens when in a window - as in running App. when on top or bottom bar L&R click function normally and on cairo doc too. but inside any APP window left click turns into a hand and grabs it and moves the whole window around. Right click pops up the menu to close it , move workstation Right or Left etcetc So it is like the whole window is now like the title bar area
i have to hold Shift+control down to have normal mouse/touchpad function
I was playing with the Sugar App and its an emulator an educational toy for kids
it tells you to hold shift+control down so you can move the mouse out of the sugar window
and to hold Shift+control+any key for keyboard function
god knows what keys i hit
get my mouse / touchpad functions back
i have already removed all the SUGAR apps via synaptic
Where are the definitions for C library functions located? It was just recently that I realized that header files don't actually define any functions, they merely include their prototypes.
For instance, stdio.h includes the following line:
This just means that the definition of printf() is located in another file. What file? Is there some kind of default shared object file that is automatically included during compilation?
I have problem to use an alias that defined in ksh93 script,in the functions in the same script onm Linux.I definied an alias in main: alias echo='echo -e' in order that echo will read backslashes but when i executed it in function, the alias didnt work, and performewd a regular echo, without -e
cat test.ksh #!/bin/ksh alias echo='echo -e' checkUsage
have an application where from time to time I need to check the db for some value and run some functions to do some checks. is the best option do it as php daemon or cron job?Whatworried of cron job is the overalapping.
Im implementing a chat application using Jabber/XMPP and gloox framework which should send and receive messages concurrently in Ubuntu Linux.
The problem faced is both the threads are created and pthread_join( ) is called for both.The iSend thread is scheduled first but gets suspended at cin. Once the recv( ) function is called, which runs in iRecv thread, the recv call back function handleMessage( ) is called. However the control never shifts back to the iSend thread which should call SendMessage( ) function.
I am trying to write a simple program in C that involves nesting switches. For example switch 1 offers an option to go to module 1 or 2 or quit. when I go to module 1 there is another switch function offering two or more choices.
I can select either module 1 or 2 at the start of the program and the selection text for, say, module 1 prints to screen but then exits without allowing a second selection to be entered.
I tried using free([first selection]) thinking that might do the trick but it doesn't.
Is it possible to next switches on after another in C?
But I would like to avoid this approach as there are a lot of places in my program where I would have to make this change. Can I perhaps rebuild the pthreads library on macos without affecting other apps ?
I'm running Debian Lenny 5.04, I switched from Ubuntu 'cause it was dissapointing me, there are lots of functions and gadgets but they just don't work and I can see it's fun thing to spend all your time fixing your computer IF you have no responsibilities at all.
For me on the other hand, I just want a system that works, doesn't look ancient and does not have it's head up it's ass. That used to be Debian, since installing Lenny however I noticed a couple of things that seem to have changed in the GUI. For instance, is there ANY STRAIGHTFORWARD way to install the REGULAR firefox with a REGULAR adobe flash player? And by straightforward I mean, using the systems strongpoint and installing it via a .deb-package.
This is really starting to piss me off, everytime I try following some idiot's tutorial on how to accomplish this and everytime it makes such a goddamn mess I can't seem to get it back to where I started and the system becomes really ubuntu-like ( instable). I just want a Firefox with working flash, that shouldn't be a problem anno 2010 right?