General :: Can't Uninstall Ubuntu 9.01 Alongside Win XP

Apr 27, 2010

How can I uninstal Ubuntu 9.01 alongside Win XP

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General :: Install Ubuntu 11.04 From Cd Alongside Windows 7?

Jun 28, 2011

I want to install ubuntu 11.04 from cd alongside windows 7. I get to the choose partition screen, which looks like this.

Size Used
dev sda
dev sda1 ntfs 314 MB 105 MB
dev sda2 ntfs 301501 MB 39823 MB
dev sda3 ntfs 16106 MB 13282 MB
dev sda4 fat32 2142 MB 32 MB

When I click Install Now, I get this error message. No root file system is defined

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General :: No 'Alongside' Option When Trying To Install Ubuntu 11.04 To Dual Boot / Fix It?

Jul 6, 2011

Basically what it says in the subject. In the Allocate Drive Space part of installation theres 'replace Windows 7 with Ubuntu' and 'Something else' but nothing for installing them alongside each other, which I want to do.

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General :: Ubuntu 11.04 Installed Alongside Windows 7 Resized Partition / Cannot Access

Apr 29, 2011

I have already done the installation process following the guide on Ubuntu's site, got everything up and running but the partition that I made in the installer was too small. I was then directed by a friend (a slightly less inexperienced newbie) to modify this through Easeus Partition Manager. I shrunk the Windows 7 partition to only the space that was in use, giving the newly unallocated space to the Ubuntu partition. Set the changes and rebooted the computer, then got the message "unknown filesystem, grub rescue". Now have no idea what to do with this. What happened??

I've been scouring the forums for something helpful but I can't find anything that is a comparable circumstance.I can still access Ubuntu through my flashdrive.

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General :: Installing Ubuntu From A Flashdrive Alongside - Ngside Windows - Error Message - No Root File System Is Defined

Jul 8, 2011

I can use Ubuntu from my flash drive, but I want to install it in a partition alongside windows. When I try to do this, I come to an 'allocate drive space' window, but whatever I do I get the error message: 'No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu.' I just don't know what this means, or what to do next. I'm loathe to ditch windows, and I don't want to have to use a flashdrive all the time.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Firefox Nor Can Uninstall Chromium

Jun 19, 2011

I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Using Alongside Windows?

Mar 12, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for about a year while still allowing mself to boot into Windows if I wanted to. Now I just want to switch over to Ubuntu completely. If I do the normal isntallation process, will that wipe off all my current ubuntu and windows stuff? I just want to clean up my computer and don't mind about losing all the files, because I have them backed up. I just wanted Vista off my computer!

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Ubuntu :: Installation Of 64-bit Alongside Windows?

Jul 29, 2010

first of all I am a casual PC user so I apologise if this is a stupid question. I was using Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit alongside Windows, choosing between them each startup. It was easy to install and all, but Ive recently found out I was using 32bit version, unlike my 64-bit Windows. Therefore, I guess I didnt get all the performance I could. So I downloaded the 64bit one, butned it to a CD and rebooted PC (I formatted all before so now I have only Win). However, when trying to install Ubuntu64 there was no option to install it side by side and choose on startup. So I went to advanced and there was the partitioning thing. Now I have C and D, each by 120GB for windows and I had left 240GB for Ubuntu. It is disk E, however when I chose to install it there it says there is no root file. I want the whole E disc to be used for Ubuntu and I dont know what mount point and the root thing to choose.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install 10.10 Alongside Win 7

Dec 27, 2010

New 64 bit Compaq laptop 250 GB with Win 7 pre-installed. Using the Windows disk management tool I shrank the main partition creating 60 GB free space, which I then formatted as F:. Now Windows reports the following partitions:

C: 157 GB capacity, 79% free
HP_TOOLS 99 MB capacity, 93% free
RECOVERY (D: 16 GB capacity, 14% free
SYSTEM 199 MB capacity, 83% free
UBUNTU (F: 60 GB, 100% free


The installer does NOT offer the "alongside" installation option. I also tried a 10.04 live CD installer, and it also did not offer the side-by-side option. So neither installer can see Win7 on the disk. Now how do I do the installation? I'd like to dual-boot rather than devote the laptop to UBUNTU-only.

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Ubuntu :: Install Gimp2.7 Alongside 2.6?

May 1, 2011

I'm running gimp2.6 on ubuntu 10.10. I need to use gimp for everyday work. 2.6 is stable, but I'm curious about the development version. A recent post on the gimp developers list referred to 2.7 as "only mildly buggy". Is there a way to install 2.7 alongside 2.6? I'd like to be able to run one or the other. I'd like to be able to install 2.7, but have the option of running 2.6 with all it's neccessary libraries unintefered with.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 11.04 Alongside 10.10?

May 3, 2011

I burned the .iso to DVD and 11.04 seems to work fine on my Vostro 200 which is currently running 10.10. After hearing all of other peoples problems installing, I thought I might install 11.04 alongside of 10.10 which I noticed was an option. What are, if any, the hangups in doing this? Sounds great if I can play with 11.04 and its settings while keeping my 10.10 going strong.

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General :: Uninstall Git Completely On Ubuntu?

May 4, 2010

I installed Git on Ubuntu Lucid (latest) manually as following.

cd ~/tmp
tar -xzvf git-
cd git-


Now, how can I completely uninstall it?

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General :: How To Uninstall Ubuntu In A UMPC

Apr 10, 2010

A friend wants to sell her UMPC, witch has Windows Vista and Ubuntu. The system doesn't have a CD/DVD drive, so how do we remove Ubuntu and restore the mbr to a windows one?

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General :: Uninstall Ubuntu 9.04 And Install Xp

Mar 4, 2010

I have a toshiba laptop which came with vista as default os..but 6 months back i started ecountering hell of problems that forced me 2 switch to ubuntu..though i liked it my dad cant run half of his business cd's...not even in vmware, now i need to help in getting windows xp installed..i have ubuntu live cd and the installation cd for xp..but i cant find the right technique..i read thru a few sites wer d wrote abut using gparted from the live cd n i tried it out but it was in i dont have any os on my harddrive..d message that i get when i insert the xp cd is that it cannot find any hard drives despite i having divided it into 4 parts: ntfs, fat32, unallocated.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Alongside XP - Can't Boot Into 10.10

Oct 20, 2010

I've just installed 10.10 using the most basic options in the installer and allocated space on my boot disk to share it between Ubuntu with XP.

The installation seems to have gone ahead without any glitches, except on reboot, it boots straight into Windows with no option to select Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 10.10 Installed Alongside 9.10

Oct 22, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on my lenovo laptop but couldnt get into it. I was having ubuntu 9.10 and installed 10.10 alongside. had Grub loader and all its entries still boot to my 9.10 installation. I could still see my 10.10 partition but dont know how to get 10.10 working. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing UNR 10.10 Alongside Windows XP?

Jan 10, 2011

When I get to the "Allocate Drive Space" section, I have only 2 options, namely "Erase and use the entire disk", which alarms me because I want to install UNR alongside Windows XP on my ASUS Eee PC 1005HA. The other option is "Specify partitions manually (advanced)". For obvious reasons, I am reluctant to try this. I have a C Drive (Windows) and a D Drive (mainly for Backup of Windows). Each drive is about 72GB with about 60GB free on my D Drive. Obviously, this is where I would like to install UNR, but will I have to clear my D Drive completely? I still have about 27GB free on my C Drive.

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Ubuntu :: Install Gnome 3 Alongside Unity?

May 18, 2011

Is there a way I can install Gnome 3 alongside Unity? Like the way I am doing with Kubuntu and Ubuntu Classic?

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Ubuntu :: Install Firefox 4 Alongside Existing Ff 5 On 11.04

Jun 13, 2011

Before you start thinking that I made a mistake with the title of the thread, or thinking that FF5 has not been ye unvelied (it is, its a beta AFAIK), read my story: I dont know how it happened, I think it may be a ppa, but I dont know which one (could it be independent third party sources?). Other ideas are welcomed. Thing is: when I click the FF icon I access to ff5, and there are a number of aps that are not compatible, thus, my need to keep using ff4. I googled and found: [URL]... and tried to follow the instructions: ff5 works without issues ff4: created a new directory in /home/dexter/Compiled/firefox4, where I extracted ff4.tar.bzz.

I have also run Code: firefox -profilemanager and created 2 profiles: Firefox5 and Firefox4 Firefox5 leads to ff5 without issues, I didnt change anything Firefox4: I have tried to link it to the current folder of ff4, so it reads: /home/dexter/Compiled/firefox4. Launchers: the ff icon leads to ff5, no issues newly created ff4 launcher reads: /home/dexter/Compiled/firefox4 -no-remote -P "Firefox4" but when clicked:. Could not launch application, Failed to execute child process "/home/dexter/Compiled/firefox4" (Permission denied)

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General :: How To Uninstall .ipk

Nov 9, 2010

last night i "accidentally" (in a lets see what happens sorta way) used gdebi to install an .ipk to my mint9 box (.ipk was to play palmpre games on my n900) but now i cannot remove it (never used ipk before) an google on leads me to mameo/n900 sites an terminal spits it dummy:


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General :: Temporarily But Completely Uninstall Ubuntu 10.4?

May 24, 2010

How do I temporarily but completely uninstall Ubuntu 10.4? I can't locate it in my registry, either using RegEdit or Revo Uninstaller. This is temporary. I will re-install on a different computer of mine that has much greater memory.

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General :: Possible To Uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook And Reinstall 10.04?

Nov 13, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 netbook to 10.10 netbook and I want to go back to 10.04. Adding to the problem, I have this computer dual booted with Windows XP. Is it possible to do this somehow?

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General :: Uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Version?

Nov 13, 2010

I want to uninstall the above mentioned Ubuntu from my Toshiba laptop (3 months old/new?),since i already have the same Desktop version. I have tried the CD booting of XP and a message(blue screen)appeared telling me to check for viruses and to rule out a corrupt disk (The laptop never had a Windows installed on it!The laptop has no internet connection of any sort and that's the the Green Berets (YOU) would like to know! i need it to install Linux Mint(THE BRAND NEW ONE)alongside the XP!

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Debian Installation :: Install Ubuntu 14.04 Alongside Wheezy

Apr 23, 2015

I have a laptop primarily used for a client work. It is running Debian Wheezy, and wish to keep it intact in case I need to do more work for client.

I would like to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Debian, and use Ubuntu as a bit of a play/experiment area, etc... HD has lots of space (600GB free), and as far as I can tell Grub is installed in MBR.

I did some searches, and from what I can tell, it sounds like I can just install Ubuntu from ISO file, specify how much space to use (say 400GB), and that's it. This sounds almost too easy. Once I install and restart machine, will there be selection for what Distro to boot.

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Ubuntu :: Jaunty64: GLX On G31 Alongside NVIDIA - Can't Enable Compiz

Nov 19, 2010

I've been using this system for over a year with the built-in Intel G31 chipset graphics. Then I decided to get an nVIDIA card to run Folding@home, among other things. I found that I had to run the graphics off the nVIDIA card to get Folding to run, but that caused jerkiness. So then I discovered these instructions (which are one of several reasons I don't want to upgrade from Jaunty at this time.) I'm now using my Intel card for the display, and my nVIDIA card for Folding. The only problem with this setup is that I can't enable Compiz, or do other graphically-intensive stuff like certain games. For now I'm using Metacity. Running glxinfo provides me with the following nice message:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Alongside OSX On A GUID Partition Scheme?

Nov 29, 2010

Just wondering if Ubuntu will install alongside OSX on a GUID partiton scheme.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Alongside Windows Not Showing

Feb 8, 2011

I'm not very experienced in working with Ubuntu. I did try it using Wubi to install and that I liked very much. But now with the latest version (10.10) the wubi installer isn't showing every option. How do I get the old interface where you can install it alongside Windows? The first attachment is what I get when opening wubi.exe and the second one is what I would like. That is a 10.04 version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Alongside Windows 7 / Make It Possible?

Mar 19, 2011

I just downloaded the Netbook edition of Ubuntu 10.10, and created a bootable USB disk as per the instructions on the website.
I open the OS through my USB, click the "Install Ubuntu" button, click forward, and then comes my problem.
I don't have an option to "Install alongside other OS"

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium on an HP Mini 210..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 To Dual Boot Alongside Windows 7?

Sep 1, 2011

I installed 11.04 to dual boot alongside windows 7. I have a toshiba laptop with 2 125gb hdd. I'd like to split the space between the two os's. However, I have a wubi partition and some other ones I'd like to be rid of. When i boot i get four different ubuntu options, a window loader, the grub again. How do I clean this up?

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General :: How To Uninstall Without Uninstalling ALL

Jul 23, 2011

I just installed Linux Mint Debian on my computer and I (heart) it! Everything works perfect but two thing bothers me.

After I updated my system I have some programs I want to uninstall like Evolution, but when I try to, gnome-core and gnome-control-center is deleted too. Is there a way to make it NOT remove those, like a general method?

The next thing thats bothers me is when I uninstall Firefox, another browser is automatically installed. How do I remove firefox without something else is automatically installed?

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