General :: Unable To Boot Debian - PANIC - Double Fault

Jul 29, 2010

I recently decided to build up a Linux computer with the following configuration:
- Motherboard : MSI KT4 Ultra
- CPU : Athlon XP 2000+
- RAM : Kingston ValueRAM (2 DIMMs, I put them in all possible arrangements)
I doubt other compoment details are relevant, but if you do think so, feel free to ask.

I installed Debian 5.05 on that machine ; it worked all fine.

However, given that my mobo would not support wake on lan (and that I needed it given that my goal was to build some sort of server), I searched for a new one that did, I then installed an ASRock K7S41GX.

Since doing so, I have not been able to boot Linux ; after doing some fixing on my part, I have come to the point where I have the very same error repeating times and times again every time I try to boot ; here's the error message I get and how I get to it.

GRUB loads like a charm, then Linux starts booting and stuff happens :

Checks filestystem, initrd and stuff (I actually don't understand that part, but it seems to work OK).

Where "########" stands for a series of eight hexa chars (I assme these might be memory adresses ?).

A few more details :
- The ########'s are NOT the same on each attempt to boot.
- When I try to reinstall Linux, I also got various error messages (Mosty "PANIC: attempted to kill init" or "PANIC: attempted to kill the idle task")
- Rescue mode fails the same way re-install does.

- For some reason I just can't explain I ONCE happened to manage to start the installer process, which unfortunately ended up hanging on "Detecting Network hardware". (I attempted to disable the onboard network device to no avail).

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Hardware :: Kernel Double Fault, Laptop Froze On Distro / Getting Error Double Fault: 0000 [#1] SMP?

Jun 19, 2010

My laptop's been locking up in Linux (Ubuntu, Backtrack, Puppy) periodically for a while now. When it locked up, it was always immune to the magic of SysRq, which I thought might indicate a hardware problem. It became so bad that I had to stop using the laptop.

Today, when I turned it on and tried to boot into Fedora 12, I got the following error (just once, it just locked up at various points during the splash screen after this once):

double fault: 0000 [#1] SMP
last sysfs file:
odules linked in:
Pid: 1, co m: swapper Not ta nted 2.x86_64 #VGN-T 250N
RIP: 0010:[<ff

All the seemingly missing letters were really missing, not my typos.

As you can see, kernel version is and my laptop is a Sony Vaio TZ 250N (Core 2 Duo ULV 1.2GHZ). Note that with the other remaining kernels from the updates, nothing ever happened other than the locking up. The core temperatures hover pretty high, about 55-60C peak but this is still below the critical temp. Memtest came up clean when the problem first started happening.

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General :: Unable To Boot On Vmware Workstation 6.5. Kernel Panic

Aug 7, 2010

I'm unable to boot the LFS-6.6 which i've built on a vmware workstation 6.5. i had no trouble in installing all the packages and have managed to run all the test suites successfully w.r.t stable LFS-6.6. while booting i get 'kernel panic' and it says unknown device /dev/sda1 and unknow block (0,0). i've only one primary partition without any swap partition. i've a label assigned to /dev/sda1 and have included it in my fstab file. shows 2 entries:

One for the floppy and the other for my harddisk which is- hd0 /dev/sda. this is for the 2nd time i'm stuck at a point after perfectly installing all the stuff as mentioned in the LFS-6.6 book. i've also noticed on this website the many users have similar type of issue. it would be great if somebody could help me.
note: while configuring the linux, i've inbuilt everything required for my system, including support for ramfs and other required filesystems, scsi driver etc.

My host machine is on a intel core 2 duo processor. my virtual scsi hard disk is 3 GB in size and is a ext3 fs. scsi is configured with LSI Logic which is recommended by vmware while adding an hard-disk.

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General :: Debian Lenny 2.6.34 Kernel Panic - Not Syncing VFS - Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown-block(0,0)

May 17, 2010

I have attempted to install kernel 2.6.34 and 2.6.33 kernels with this Debian howto [url] Everything worked without any errors until I went to boot into the new kernel. When I receive this kernel panic output Kernel panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

It also spits out something about being unable to access ext2 FS. I googled this symptom and have seen that it is fairly common, but everyone's error seems somewhat unrelated. I used the same kernel configuration as the one that is currently working, to keep things simple.

And here is what my menu.list looks like:

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Preupgrade Kernel Panic - Segmentation Fault

Dec 21, 2009

I ran into a strange issue after doing a preupgrade from Fedora 10 to Fedora 12: Preupgrade worked as described, I upgraded successfully to Fedora 12 and also worked 2 days without any (major) issue. Then I had some issues with firefox (malloc errors, couldn't start) so I thought I'll do it the "Windows Way" namely reboot, and then no chance to boot fedora. I was hit by a kernel panic saying "init not tainted". I was able to boot in rescue mode using the preupgrade installer (still in the grub menu) but even chroot /mnt/sysimage gave me a "Segmentation fault".

I am not able to re-upgrade the system since the installer tells me (on vty3) "product Fedora version 12 found on VolGroup00-LogVol00 is not upgradeable". I also tried to reinstall the installed kernel as well as upstart (hint from [URL]) from the preupgrade repositories (using rpm --root /mnt/sysimage --force ...) but the kernel install failed with %post and %posttrans errors (signal 11). I also did fsck.ext3 for the lvm partition with no success. Does anyone have some additional hints how to recover? It's a 32 bit install on an Intel p4 with 2GB RAM.

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Fedora :: Unable To Mount VFS Kernel Panic - Boot Failed

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to install linux kernel manually, for this I had compiled linux-2.6.36 with minimum drivers and features. Note that ext2, ext3, jffs file system support and sd ata_piix drivers are set as inbuilt kernel modules.

I had two hard disk for my Intel x86 box sda and sdb. I have running linux on sdb from which I can access sda. sda has one partition sda1 as ext3 fs.

I had created following directories at sda1 root, bin, boot, etc, sbin

After compiling kernel, I had copied bzImage, system map files to boot folder. then using 'grub-install' I had installed grub on sda. after installation I edited grub.conf to setup kernel image.



After this I booted sda by changing HDD boot priorities,And wow I got grub prompt -- linux kernel booted but as soon as it tries to mount file system it dies with error,


I accept that I dont have binaries for init and no initialization stuff in /etc, but I think problem is I am not able to give correct rootfs to kernel.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot - Kernel Panic - Not Syncing: VFS: Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown-block (0,0)

Jan 12, 2010

I have an ongoing issue that I've not been able to troubleshoot. Upon bootup I get the following text and error, and it stops. ACPI: Aborted because bad gzip magic numbers MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)

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General :: OS To Double Boot With Win 7?

Jun 28, 2011

I need a Linux O.S. to double-boot with Win7 (already installed). It should be user-friendly, have a tv player (Myth TV?) already installed and as-far-as-possable already configured for my tv stick..Avermedia. Emphasis should be on multimedia..with good video decode/encode possabilities. I`m considering either Mythbuntu or Linux Mint.

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Debian Configuration :: Boot Kernel Panic After Upgrade To Backport 2.6.39

Aug 21, 2011

I am running Debian squeeze. A while ago I upgraded my kernel to 2.6.38 from backports. Just now I thought it would be good to upgrade to 2.6.39 from backports. Upgrade went fine, but after rebooting I get a kernel panics rightaway.

"No filesystem could mount root, tried:"
"Kernel panics = not syncing: VFA: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)."

This is the first time one of Linux installations halts/panics on booting, so I don't know what to do now. I tried booting the recovery entry from the grub boot menu, but same result.

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Debian :: Boot Fails With Kernel Panic After Moving To A New Partition

May 16, 2010

Because I am using one of the new WD disks I am trying to aling my root partition with the real sectors, as described here: [url]

So I copied all files to a temp location, deleted my partition (/dev/sda3), recreated it a few cylinders later (same name) and copied the files to the newly created partition. I updated UUIDs in grub's configuration as suggested in this thread:[url]

But now it fails to boot with the following error:


I checked the filesystem on this partition and its fine. I tried to recreate the initramfs from Knoppix:


But it didn't change anything.

How can I either fix it or install a different kernel on this drive so I could boot into it and re-install my default kernels?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot - Error "Kernel Panic - Not Syncing:VFS:Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown-block(0,0)"

Oct 12, 2010

I started installing the beta of Maverick a few days ago, but the update server was running inordinately slow, so I canceled it. Several times, I have attempted to continue the installation, but I've been unable to reach the server. Shortly after this happened, I could no longer boot normally--I get the error:

Code: Kernel Panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) Choosing the previous kernel fixes the problem.

So, I obviously want to upgrade to the release version now. When I open the update manager, I get asked if I want to do a partial upgrade to complete the install. I'm a bit leery of doing this since I only have one previous kernel to go back to (my list got really long and I have another operating system entry underneath, so I set my automagic boot manager to only keep two), and if I can no longer boot after the upgrade, I'll have to use Windows until it gets fixed... So, should I finish the upgrade, try to troubleshoot the error, or do something else to jump right to the latest release, after being partway through the upgrade?

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing: VFS : Unable To Mount Roof Fs On Unknown-block Error?

Apr 21, 2010

I downloaded the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso file from the website, extracted it, and ran the Wbiu.exe file - it prompted to get my info and then restart. Upon restarting, I then had the choice to run Windows or Ubuntu, and I've been running Ubuntu ever since.

I ran into some speed-bumps. Upon entering the Ubuntu option at my start-up prompt, I go to another prompt asking me to choose from: Ubuntu, linux 2.6.31-20 Generic Ubuntu, linux Recovery mode Ubuntu, linux 2.6.31-14 Generic Ubuntu, linux 2.6.31-14 Recovery mode Windows 7 installer Windows Vista installer
I've been choosing the very first one, the 31-20 generic, but just this morning after downloading some programs from the Synaptic and transferring a few Gbs of music, I received this error prompt: Code: [2.879604] Kernel panic -- not syncing: VFS : Unable to mount roof fs on unknown--block (8,2) After that, I've been running the 2.6.31-14 generic installer. I have no idea what any of this means and I've spent time crawling through threads trying to figure it out. I mean, it still WORKS but I just help but think I've done something very wrong. ALERT: SUDO PASSWORD QUESTION

I hope the cautionary sign above has dispelled any annoyed gurus who have answered this question dozens of times before. I've crawled through my fair share of threads concerning this, the best corollary being the following: forum/linux-newbie/157773-solved-sudo-password-errors-usb-internet-issues.html; which, strangely enough, was never really solved. Like the user in that thread, when I access the terminal and type in a command, the next line invariably states "[sudo] password for jacob' -- when I hit enter and type in the long list of possibilities I've read (read: sudo, su, su root, su passwd, sudo passwd, sudo root, et al.), alas, nothing happens but the same statement.

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General :: Kernel Panic - Error: Not Syncing: VFS: Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown - Block (8,1)

Feb 10, 2010

i am just learning about computers and know nothing at all except how to turn it on. i just booted up linux and recieved message: [0800654] Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block (8,1)

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General :: Add A New User With Useradd On Debian 4.0: Segmentation Fault

Jun 30, 2010

I would like to add a new user with useradd (on Debian 4.0), I get the message Segmentation fault. I made a strace, that says: access("/etc/", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) I have read maybe the libc6 is missing or damaged, so I installed it again (apt-get install libc6, install was successfull), but the problem is still there. I touched it (touch /etc/

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Debian :: 506-amd64 DVD Installation - Error "kernel Panic -not Syncing:VFS: Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown Block(253, 52)"

Oct 4, 2010

I am trying to install debian on my windows PC but am receiving some errors with it. I have downloaded "debian-506-amd64-DVD-1.iso" from debian website and am seeing that the md5 sum is correct. I am getting following error when I choose Graphical Install or install.

[ 1.480788] crc error
[ 1.569788] kernel panic -not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(253, 52)

Description of my PC: I have 2 hard disks

1. IDE hard disk (80 GB) -> windows is on this drive
2. SATA hard disk(250GB) -> I intend to install debian on this drive.
3. MSI motherboard & AMD 64 processor with 1 GB RAM.
4. NVidia external graphics card based on AGP slot(256 MB)

EDIT:: This time I got one more error message prior to the 2 shown above [some number] PCI:Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:00.0

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General :: Kernel Panic On Boot - Authentication Process Failed

Feb 22, 2011

I got home today to find that my KDE login screen would not let me log in. It said the authentication process failed or something and I needed to terminate the screen lock process manually. So I go over to another virtual terminal and try to log in. As soon as I enter my user name, a bunch of errors come up and I am unable to log in. "This can't be good" I think to myself, and reboot.

I am greeted by this error upon booting:
The error says that it says it cannot find /sbin/init. I loaded up a Ubuntu live CD and verified that /sbin/init is indeed present and all my other files still seem to be there. I tried booting into arch fallback on grub but that didn't work either. Midway through the day I SSHed my desktop from my phone and started it doing an upgrade. I was able to login.

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General :: ACPI Error & Kernel Panic On Boot - Fedora 12

Jan 7, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12. When I boot, only the following three lines are printed: pnp 00:09: can't evaluate _CRS: 12298 ACPI: Expecting a [Reference] package element, found type 0 Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) I first installed Fedora using a RAID 1 setup that mirrored each partition, so I thought the problem was coming from GRUB and confusion from what to boot off of. However, I reinstalled Fedora using a simple single drive setup (left the second drive without any partition), and the same error was returned. Is this an ACPI issue with this particular motherboard/BIOS? Any ideas for how I can fix this?

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General :: Boot Disk - Returns Kernel Panic - Not Syncing Cpu Context Corrupt

Mar 6, 2010

I am a Windows 7 user. I have two machines a laptop & a new bench top. Both machines run & boot Windows 7 very well. I use a very good program to clone my Hard Drive to an external USB drive. called Macrium Reflect. It is free and is a dream to use & very fast. This program creates a Linux based boot disk, which will allow you to find a backup clone file on an external drive to restore your hard drive. It works a treat on my laptop & has saved my bacon many times when I have messed things up fiddling with the registry etc.

The problem I am having is that my new desktop will not boot from the start up CD & returns the error kernel panic,not syncing cpu context corrupt. & then just tries to reboot again. I don't know what this problem relates to whether it is the computer hardware or the Linux CD or both. My laptop with the same OS does not have a problem, It is an Acer Aspire 5920G with 1.6ghz Intel dual core processor & 2gig Ram. The bench top has an Intel Dual core 3.3ghz processor, Zotac mother board & 4gig of Ram. both machines are running 32 bit OS.

I have browsed through the posts on this forum with people having the same error at boot, but as I am not using Linux & only using a boot CD I didn't think it appropriate to but into their threads. So I am hoping if some one can tell me is this a hardware issue or a Linux/New dual core CPU/ or Bios/Mother board issue. If it is a Linux issue then my Laptop surely would not boot would it? My bench top is only a week old and guaranteed, should I be sending it from Adelaide back to Sydney(purchased online from MWave) for fault inspection? or just take to a local Technician for a diagnosis. I am not having any hardware problem running Windows 7.

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General :: PClinuxOS Hangs On Boot - Kernal Panic- Not Syncing - Attempted To Kill Init

Jun 7, 2010

I recently installed new hard drive and cloned old hard drive software onto it. The bootloader installs either linux or other operating system. Ever since the cloning, boot hangs. Words in the thread title are the last to appear before everything grinds to a halt. Just before the kernal panic message appears, "Initrd finished" is last line. Will have to try booting again to find more info before this.

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General :: LVM Disk Fault And "unable To Set Superblock"

Jun 28, 2011

Im trying to fix a disk which is inaccessible.

Its using LVM2

From a rescue disk I can scan and see the LVM device fine.

When I try to mount it fails.

When I run e2fsck it says "recovering journal" and then fails with "unable to set superblock flags"

I have tried running e2fsck -b 32768 (and other backup blocks) and it just says "recovering journal" and then fails with "unable to set superblock flags"

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Installation :: Boot Error Kernel Panic Can`t Boot Cdusb

Sep 2, 2010

i used dual boot system (xp + ubuntu 10.04) and decided to replace them with jolicloud os and then it started In about 86% of jolicloud install it showed me error of hdd partition. I tried different versions of partion type, used also option to install on entire hdd - none of my tries actually worked (also with many hdd formating tries) so I was able to use only usb as live user for Jolicloud, and i burned ubuntu iso on disk - on boot up showed boot up error, i checked BIOS and everything seemed to be ok with boot order. So after many tries i took my old Gutsy Gibon 7.10 live cd. I first updated it with LTS version (8.04 Hardy Heron) and after that I updated it to 10.04 but it seemed to not finish when i saw some error in terminal and installer was exiting 13 minutes before finish then it had kernel panic - fuuuuck! After that i tried to download small versions of linux like Austrumi and puppy linux , but it showed me boot error or cd didnt even open install dialog without showing boot error.

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Fedora Installation :: Double Boot 12 With Ubuntu 9.10?

Jan 21, 2010

I have Ububtu installed (9.10) which uses Grub2. How can I double boot Fedora 12 with Ubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Two Different OS In Different Partitions And Want To Double Boot With Grub

Dec 17, 2010

Now i have two different OS in different partitions and i want to doble boot with grub.

When i start my pc i get the GRUB TERMINAL: grub>

How to boot?

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General :: Just Tried To Install New Kernel / Get Kernel Panic When Try To Boot From It

Jul 17, 2010

this is what i did i downloaded the latest stable kernel archive from and extracted the archive into the download directory (i don't think that matters though) then i downloaded and installed the ncurses archive (needed for menuconfig) then i opened a terminal and navigated to the directory that was extracted from the archive and issues the floowing commands

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic, Unable To Mount Root?

Feb 2, 2010

I recently (a couple weeks ago) installed Ubuntu on my desktop computer dual booting with Win XP (which I am using right now). I used Wubi to install it, and everything went fine. I used Ubuntu without a problem up until a few days ago. I am using an install of Ubuntu (I am not running it off a disc, USB drive or through the Wubi software).

I restarted my computer after using Ubuntu constantly for the time I've had it installed. It booted into Win XP (because it was first on the list where you select which OS to load) so I restarted again and tried to boot into Ubuntu. Instead of working, it gave me the error "Kernel panic - not syncing: unable to mount root" or something like that. So, I restarted again, and it was the same thing. I restarted in recovery mode, and it was the same thing.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic Unable To Mount Root?

May 3, 2010

Fresh install on an acer.CRC=3691807100boots livecd fine selected to replace entire disk now presented with vfs error after install and reboot. This is a full replace install taking all the disk not a wubi install. Please help I don't want to have to reinstall windows 7 (PC has worked sweet as for 4 weeks with windows 7 just need to get back to ubuntu again

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Slackware :: Kernel Panic - VFS - Unable To Mount Root Fs On 08:05

Apr 19, 2011

I have been dual booting "Windoz" (hda1) and slackware 11 (RTAI - hda 5) old system. The problem happen after I installed slackware 13(sda8) on the same hard drive. I was able to mount my old slack11 (now (sda5)) to slack13 to read. So I wanted to boot to slack11.

MY Lilo on slack 13:

Now when I boot to Slackware11 I get:


How can I boot a old "hda" image on "sda" system. With a floppy I can go back to Slackware11.

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Debian :: No Double Click And Run Option

Jul 15, 2011

I have a custom LXDE installation with mostly the core applications. (Read my signature for a better picture.) Because it is custom I do not have the option to double click and run a Linux (not Windows) executable file. When I try to open the application it says choose an application to open it with. Do I have to install an application like gdebi (except for Linux executable) to be able to just double click and run it?

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing VFS - Unable To Mount Root FS

Jul 26, 2010

I've just started using Linux Ubuntu. I had a frightening error message, I don't know why. But after browsing some replies to something similar on this site, I simply opened a previous session and found that all worked fine and I hadn't even lost any of my downloads and adaptations. ś Yes I've still got my third level key and everything.

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CentOS 5 :: EXT3-fs: Unable To Read Superblock And Kernel Panic

Aug 15, 2011

I got a CentOS server + KDE from a server (which I had no contact until now), he had 2 HD's one for the system and another for files.

I brought the HD system home to try to make it run on a virual machine (VMware) so I can do some testing before you put in practice.

But already converted the VMware HD to the system, it tries to start but it shows some errors and in a message "kernel panic - not syncing: attemped to kill init"

I think the drivers are correct, has edited the file "/ etc / modprobe.conf" edited these entries equal to another I installed CentOS on VMware.

alias scsi_hostadapter mptbase
alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptspi
ata_piix alias scsi_hostadapter2

Look at the picture attached the full error.

Link to large image
Link to large image

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