General :: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Still Freezing Up

Nov 26, 2009

I'm running a dual boot with Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04. I have a 2002 gateway machine with a 2GHz processor and 1.25GB of RAM and a 40GB Hard Drive. My graphics is onboard Intel. Whenever I try to install Ubuntu 9.10, the screen will inevitably freeze up on me. The last kernel I tried was 2.6.31-15. Usually I'm running pogo games (a java application) along with internet radio. When the radio cuts out, I know I'm in trouble. When it freezes up, the mouse will move around but nothing is "clickable". I can move it around, click it on things, even try CTRL-ALT-DEL // CTRL-ALT-F2 //or even CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or CTRL-ALT-ESC.

(So it's not like I can find the offending process and kill it because everything is frozen up). Nothing works except pulling the plug on my computer. I was told I could "create" an xorg.conf file since it no longer exists with karmic. But when I tried this, I could no longer get past the GRUB menu. It threw me from the grub menu to a terminal screen. I have no idea whether I can get the system to boot from the terminal screen. Is there a way to create a new xorg.conf file that won't disable my computer?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Freezing Up?

Apr 13, 2010

since I installed Karmic 9.10 (fresh install, kernel 2.6.31-20-generic) my pc keeps freezing up...
I think it must have something to do with my videocard because right before it freezes the screen goes blank and when it comes back (yes it does!) it is frozen... Sometimes it happens fast and sometimes after 30 mins or so...Still haven't figured out in which direction to search...Anybody know why or have tips? I am almost ready to re-install 8.10

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Ubuntu :: Stop Karmic Freezing Without Going Back To Ext3?

Feb 1, 2010

Desktop running a clean install of Karmic with ext4, /home on a separate ext3 partition. If I attempt to use Nautilus to copy a file over 1GB (that seems to be the tipping point) from Desktop to another partition or an external HDD, or if I download anything at the same time as I'm copying any file, the system freezes completely (no mouse, keyboard lights flash and keypresses don't register), and the only thing I can do is hit the reset button. I don't know enough to figure out exactly what's causing it, but I think it's ext4; this very same hardware ran Jaunty with ext3 like a champ, but when I installed Karmic, I formatted that partition to ext4, and that's when the freezing started. In the event that I don't know what I'm talking about and it's actually video drivers, I am using the Nvidia driver (185) on a GeForce 6200 because I use TwinView and don't know how to do a spanned desktop without it. I had used Nvidia drivers in Intrepid and Jaunty, though, with no problems. I have no Compiz effects enabled at all.

I'm perfectly willing to go back to ext3 (I think I remember how to make the list to "auto-install" applications, and /home is separate anyway), but if it is ext4 causing the problem, I'm still likely to run into it because one of my external HDDs is formatted ext4, and I don't really have anywhere to stick nearly 1TB of photos and video to reformat it ext3. Ultimately, if that's what it takes to fix the freezing, I'll do it, but I'd rather not. I like Ubuntu...I've used it since Warty, but this is wearing me out. I will carefully follow instructions and do nearly anything; I just want the freezing to stop.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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General :: Ubuntu Keeps Freezing Every Few Minutes

Jan 21, 2011

I am new to Ubuntu. I had it installed on an 8gb Medion USB key and for some reason Ubuntu keeps freezing every few minutes. The application that I would be using would freeze for a few seconds.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Keyboard And Mouse Freezing?

Sep 20, 2010

I had a partition setup with Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.04 dual booting. I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 by installing fresh from CD but leaving the previous /home folder as is. Things seemed to be working fine, but started finding that my mouse and keyboard were freezing. After a quick search on the internet, I found the following suggestions as shown here:- Ubuntu Forums

Here the suggestion was to:-
Edit /etc/default/grub, go to the line
that begins like:
Change it to:


This seemed to have resolved the issue but after a couple of days I again find my mouse and keyboard freezing. I also find that my parallel port printer had also stopped working. I have saved the output of dmesg and my syslog. The first can be viewed here but the syslog had too many characters,

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Started Freezing Randomly After Last Updates

Feb 23, 2010

What's even weirder is it unlocks when I press power on my desktop. When it freezes, I have several windows opened, and I'm switching between windows. I can still move the mouse, but cant click anywhere. Cant select anything yet there are still cursors flashing (text editor or terminal). The only thing that will unfreeze everything is the signal from pressing power (not rebooting, just quickly pressing power).
Processor: I7
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2)

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General :: Fedora 11 Server Freezing Up

Jun 14, 2010

After a year of rock solid usage out of my Fedora 11 server, it seems to be freezing/locking up once a day. I suspect some piece of hardware on it might be going, but i'm not sure what. I ran it through memtest, no errors reported. I also swapped out the OS hard drive (cloned to another drive with clonezilla). That didn't fix it either. I have looked through /var/log/messages, and haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Are there other log files that I should be looking at?

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General :: Freezing During Disk Partition?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot pclinux2009 with vista already installed on an acer laptop, but once i get to the partition part of the linux installation the laptop freezes.

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General :: Fedora 13 Keeps Freezing At Terminal

Aug 16, 2010

I have 2 problems here,(second solved) I'll start with the first. Fedora keeps freezing, when I'm at the terminal, and trying to download things, and just on sites in general. I've discussed this with my brother, who knows a considerable amount more than I do on this, he said I had to download Fedora to my hard drive, to fix the problem of the me having to redownload, as with the freezing, We still have not come to conclusion on the freezing.

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General :: Vps With Putty Closing, Or Freezing?

Apr 30, 2011

I recently purchased a dedicated server and have been having trouble with putty. I have been using the server to try and host the game called minecraft. Hosting the server is not a problem however. What is the problem is being able to exit putty without stopping the server. I looked this up, and it sayed to create a screen. I did that after installing screen. I then created a screen, ran the server, then tried to disconnect using the ctr-a-d.However only two things happen when i push the buttons. The majority of the time the window just closes, along with my server stopping. The other thing that happens is putty just stops. I cant type in anything, but I am still notified when I try to close putty.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Freezing And Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Does Nothing But Music Keeps Playing

May 26, 2010

I'm having intermittent problems where the screen will freeze in Ubuntu. I've tried using Ctrl + Alt + Backspace to restart the X-server, though this does nothing. When the freeze occurs, there's a small square of black dashes around the mouse pointer - maybe 1 inch in size. These dashes look a lot like a 2d barcode. The rest of the screen looks normal, but I can't move the mouse and none of the keyboard shortcuts work to do anything. However, music that I begin playing before the freeze continues to play, which seems to indicate it hasn't stalled up completely.

I've noticed a similar freezing problem when I'm using Windows 7. That is, I see the same barcode like dashes around the mouse pointer when it freezes up. So I'm guessing it's either a driver or hardware problem. I thought if it was a hardware problem though, the whole computer might stop working (i.e. music would stop playing)? The video card I am using is an Nvidia, and I believe it's in the 7600 range. In Ubuntu I have the drivers for the card set to the latest available (proprietary). Ideally I'd like to be able to continue using the proprietary drivers. Is there any known issues with the drivers for this model graphics card

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General :: Installs Keep Freezing Before They Start - Debian - Linuxmint - Ubuntu

Apr 15, 2010

I have been trying to install linux on my HP pavillion 511w for several days. The first I tried to install was debian, it didn't freeze but it kept saying unable to mount cdrom drive. (This may have been from an incorrect jumper setting that I later changed.) I haven't tried debian since changing the jumper.

I next tried ubuntu 10.04 beta 2, all it did was go to a ubuntu flash screen that never stopped cycling these small round "lights".

I then tried the "stable" ubuntu 9.10. This went to a screen with several options for installing ubuntu, checking the disk etc. No matter what I selected it would just freeze. Since this is my first install I wasn't sure if this was normal or not so I waited several hours and still nothing, after enough time I concluded it must have been frozen. But before I continue wasting time waiting for hours can someone tell me... when installing these linux versions is there a sign that it is loading, booting, or installing the OS? I figure it must have a status bar or something, but want to make sure.

I next tried linux mint 8. It did the same thing, went to a sceen with several options and when I select something it says "loading" at the bottom with a blinking cursor, but of course it never loads anything, just sits there. This one throws me off a bit because it says its loading and the cursor blinks but it just doesn't seem like it is actually doing anything.

I have also downloaded ubuntu 8 which I plan to try next. I've tried changing the boot/install options by pushing F6 or whatever it was.

The computer is an older system that I never use because its so slow running XP. I thought linux would run faster and I could get some use out of it while learning/experimenting with linux. I always have to have projects to keep my mind working, but constantly failing at the starting line is not much fun.

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General :: Computer Freezing At Startup And Sendmail

Mar 25, 2010

i had a previous post regarding startup issues with sshkey generation here [URL]... now im stuck at the part after that where the starting sendmail line is, im starting to think that my ram is going to pieces on me because windows 7 and ram hungry games like mass effect ran just fine on the same machine 3 weeks ago... i ran a memory test off an ubuntu live 9.10 cd and it passed so idk whats going on here i've tried two distros and both strike out and i get stuck at startup and never even see that purdy gnome desktop.

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General :: Computer Freezing Up After Installing New Software?

Feb 6, 2011

I installed a network program and a system info program on peppermint ice and now when I type in my username and password the computer will freeze up and the number lock, scroll lock, and caps lock lights flash till I turn the computer off?

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General :: Freezing Mous And Keyboard - OpenSuse 11.2

Oct 7, 2010

After years of working with windows eventually I decided to move to Linux. For learning swimming, I just jumped in the water! So, for learning Linux, I formatted my hard drive and install openSuse 11.2. After 2 weeks I'm doing ok except bunch of little things that I'm learning. First thing is my mouse and key board. They sometimes(like once a day) for some reason freez or move slowly and I don't have any wired application running except firefox and openoffice.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.1 - GPU Overheating With Karmic

Jan 21, 2010

I've got a Dell M90 with an NVidia Quatro FX 3500 gpu. In Windows it would idle at around 45degrees. In Ubuntu 9.1 it idles at 65. Doing anything at all takes it up to 75-80 and playing a 3d game takes it to 90 withing a couple minutes.

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General :: Code Deleted Itself On Ubuntu Karmic?

Aug 11, 2010

I honestly don't know what happened. I just checked the folder that the code was normally in and it's gone I don't have it backed up either. Is there any way I can get it back??

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General :: Lmms Not Working On Ubuntu Karmic 9.10?

Apr 1, 2010

why dont lmms work on ubuntu karmic 9.10?

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General :: Can't Boot Karmic

Apr 22, 2010

Anytime I turn my computer on, I get to the GRUB loading screen, select anything and then it shuts down again. I don't think I've really done anything that might have caused this? I only (re)installed it yesterday and the only things I've touched since then are ndiswrapper and wicd to get my internet working. Last night, I just let it idle out and now this. There are no dvds/cds inserted, nor any flashdrives.

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General :: Repositories In A Freshly Installed Ubuntu Karmic?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a freshly installed Ubuntu Karmic 32 bits installed in an old machine (Pentium 4 512 Mb RAM) and I'm having a severe problem with apt-get. No matter what repository I choose, I can't update the repository files. I get the following error during a apt-get update:

Hit karmic-updates/universe Sources
Hit karmic-updates/multiverse Packages
Hit karmic-updates/multiverse Sources
96% [4 Sources bzip2


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General :: Installing Windows After Ubuntu 9.10 The Karmic Koala

Aug 2, 2010

I am running Kubuntu and want to install windows xp or 7 and run both

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General :: Printing On Ubuntu Karmic Koala With Evince

Apr 14, 2010

I had some problems with printing pdf on my HP 1020 (it was printing only text, but not figures or pictures). After reinstalling a few times, I realised that problem was not the driver, but the type of pdf format. Some pdf creator (like>cairo, or some creators for Windows) has format which can not be parsed on Ubuntu. Workaround is to 'print to a file' (postscript), save it somewhere and then print that new postscript document.

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General :: Ubuntu Karmic: Use The SdX Naming Scheme Instead Of UUID?

Mar 15, 2010

I deciphered that I would have to change the /etc/fstab and grub.conf.

So the question is:

1: Which files must I edit?

2: How do I edit grub.conf to use the sdX scheme?

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General :: RAID And Grub 2 On Ubuntu Karmic Koala (installation)

Feb 11, 2010

I've been trying to get Grub 2 to work on a desktop system I'm trying to install Karmic Koala on. It's currently got two similar hard drives, which I've partitioned into a small /boot partition and the rest as a large general partition. Both are fd (linux software RAID) types. I boot from the Ubuntu live CD then create the RAID arrays as RAID 1 (requires installing mdadm to work). Then I start the arrays and begin the install.

I select manual partitioning and create the first RAID array (/dev/md0) as an ext4 /boot. The second array (/dev/md1) requires a new partition table. I then partition it as 20G for /, 2G for swap and the rest as /home, giving me /dev/md1p1, /dev/md1p2 and /dev/md1p3. When the install finishes, I mount the various partitions in /mnt (for /dev/md1p1) and below, including binding /dev and /proc. Then I chroot and install mdadm in the new system. I update grub, re-install it on /dev/sda & /dev/sdb then update the initramfs.

A quick reboot and things go wrong... Grub boots me into a recovery console. Apparently it can't see the partitions in the second RAID array. how to get Grub 2 and/or mdadm to work in this situation? I know that apart from the RAID, the above process worked to allow me to set up a Grub 2 boot on an antique laptop with an incomplete install.

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General :: Unable To Connect To An Openvpn Connection In Ubuntu Karmic?

May 16, 2010

I an unable to connect to an openvpn connection in ubuntu karmic. I have installed openvpn , I added the user certificate, CA certificate , Private key and the conf file in the /etc/openvpn directory. Also followed the steps given here [URL] under "Importing a Certificate into the System-Wide Certificate Authority Database" , but still when I try openvpn --config linux_client.conf I get the following error.

Mon May 10 21:58:57 2010 /usr/bin/openssl-vulnkey -q -b 2048 -m <modulus omitted>
Mon May 10 21:58:57 2010 LZO compression initialized
Mon May 10 21:58:57 2010 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Mon May 10 21:58:57 2010 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:0 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
Mon May 10 21:58:57 2010 Local Options hash (VER=V4): '41690919'


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General :: Internet Obstacle With VirtualboxXP In Karmic

Mar 8, 2010

I've succesfully installed Virtualbox, and installed XP in it,running well.But no internet. Doesn't see HUAWEI usb modem.I've looked around, but nothing has worked. Someone says, just have net connected before going in to VM, but no.And NAT is the network setting, as it seems it should be.Out of ideas right now.Do you have one maybe?One glitch in installing XP was lack of ServicePack2 disk, and it said it needed it for iexplore. I just carried on. Relevant?(This is all to get my ex-XP WindozLiveBackup files reconstructed with their Restore program! It's a curly path, but I'm learning things, I sure wouldnt have guessed even 2 months ago that I'd be messing with VMs now.) Linux is groovy.

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General :: Windows - Unable To Connect To Shared (iscsitarget) Dvd-rw Drive On Ubuntu Karmic Box

Mar 14, 2010

I have desktop with DVD-RW drive that runs primarily on Linux (namely Ubuntu 9.10). My wife has netbook that rins Windows XP with no cd/dvd drive. There's also LAN through our ADSL modem/router. I've "ported" (actually, I've just grabbed sources and ran dpkg-buildpackage) iscsitarget package from Ubuntu Lucid to Karmic (here are packages), installed it (sudo aptitude install iscsitarget; sudo m-a a-i iscsitarget) and configured it in the following way (/etc/ietd.conf):

Target iqn.2020-01.local.develop7-desktop:storage.disc.dvdrw
Lun 0 Path=/dev/sr0,Type=blockio
#I've skipped commented lines


what's wrong with my config/iSCSI target/whatever else? Or, in short

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General :: Cannot Configure Second Monitor To Rotate 90' In KDE With Karmic Koala?

Aug 30, 2010

I could not keep this question from turning into a wall of text so I broke it up into these 4 sections.I have 2 monitors (DELL E228WFP and a DELL 2007FP) hooked up to a EVGA E-GEFORCE 8800GT 600MHZ 512MB 1.8GHZ DDR3 PCI-E Dual DVI-I video card. I would like to have the DELL 2007FP set up to the left of the DELL E228WFP and rotated into "portrait" mode^ with both screens sharing a common bottom edge.

This is ideal for reading PDF documentation or papers on one screen and then working on the second one.Steps Undertaken I installed the NVidia drivers (via sudo apt-get install nvidia-current) rebooted ran nvidia-xconfig then ran nvidia-settings. However, like many people, I could not get nvidia-settings to write to my config file despite having run it with kdesudo. Instead, I opened the file with Kate (using KDESudo) and then used the preview from nvidia-settings and just copy pasted it into the file and saved it like that. if I use TwinView I have both monitors working, but when I try to use krandrtray to rotate one of them, it is shown as one large monitor so I cannot rotate just the one I want rotated.However, if I set them up as separate X windows the second one is black and krandrtray only shows the main monitor. I am at a loss of what to try next.

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General :: Ubuntu Karmic Is Dead Slow And Hangin ,stucking ,fadin Into Grey While Transfer?

Feb 9, 2010

I came to know about this bug or something in Ubuntu only in karmic version which slows down file transfer I've used ubuntu from version 8.10 and having considerable speeds like 3-4Mbps sometimes 2.5 to 2. Even though very less its seems okay for me transfering a big 5G file or a movie to external Hdd without stucking and allowing me to do other work. Now in karmic the transfer rate is of no change but its stucks ,fades into grey and hangs . It's not allowing me to do any other work like browsing and it stucks in mouse cliks and movements. I never noticed this kind of behavior in Jaunty ,Intrepid even though transfer rate is less.

It really took me more than 30 min to transfer 4.5GB iso image to external WD 40GB HDD . Its so odd and frustrating . Many people to whom i've introduced Linux and Ubuntu specially were complaining and some already went back to vista and xp.


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