General :: Script To Alert About Mount Point Space Via Sendmail To User?
Mar 19, 2010
i'm in search of Script that sends a mail to the user if the mount point goes beyond 80% of its full space.
send mail is configured in the system so that it can communicate with mail server.
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Oct 28, 2009
My current pc running on LINUX raid 1 with both 80bg hdd, the /dev/md0 is growing. Either
a) I need to create another mount point to utilise the space.How i do this ? OR b) Clone the existing 80gb with 250gb, so /dev/mdo got more space?
# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0 20161084 15577508 3559440 82% /
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Dec 11, 2010
I have a directory, /root/backup, that I mount and run a bunch of rysnc scripts against to backup my box. I'm running into a very recent problem where when I run this command:
A directory that once looked like this:
Goes to this:
It changes from root to www (another user on my system) and I have no idea why.
When I look at the /mount/procs file, I see this:
So it looks like the uid is correct...
I believe this is what is causing my rsync scripts to fail (they only copy over directories and not the files in those directorys and I get a lot of permissions failed errors)
All of this is run as root in cron jobs
As a note, here is a sample rsync command:
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Oct 20, 2010
In my machine, there are 2 mount points - / and /userdata. From the root user, I want to create an oracle user at the /userdata mount point, i.e the home of the oracle user should be mounted on /userdata.
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Jan 6, 2011
I want to configure icecast2 server with authentication in mount point so i did as was in help file but was not able to add user in htpasswd file
config file details
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Sep 2, 2010
I'd like to add a user to my server that will only have access to a mount point over sshfs. Is there any way I can provide them this access without actually giving them permission to open a terminal on my server? I tried /bin/false and /sbin/nologin already, but /bin/false didn't allow the mount point to be made and /sbin/nologin prevented a login completely (also stopped the mount point from working).
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Jan 4, 2010
Logical Memory Space of 4GB is divided in to 3GB User Space and 1GB Kernel Space. Always. Correct?
1. How can we change it? (just changing value of PAGE_OFFSET is okay?)
2. If system have only 256MB of memory (embedded system) and suppose Kernel Modules eat away all the memory during boot. User space will be left will no memory. Is this case possible?
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May 5, 2011
How do I configure my Debian installation to mount external USB drives to mount points based on the volume names of the drives? For instance, if I have a thumb drive with the volume name of "SWORDFISH," how do I have Linux mount it at /media/SWORDFISH? I'm aware that this can be setup in FSTAB, but that requires that I know the UUID of the device beforehand and that I take the time to set each external device up in FSTAB first. That does nothing for me when I have a thumb drive that has never been plugged into my computer before.
This seems to be setup by default in Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but is not working for me with a fresh installation of Debian Squeeze and KDE4. I've spent the past 2 hours Googling for a solution and have turned up nothing. UPDATE: My results are inconsistent. Sometimes Debian mounts devices to mount points based on the volume names, and other times it gives them generic mount points (e.g. /media/usb1).
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May 3, 2010
I am running few tasks in my linux console and want to be notified by some kind of alarm, so I don't keep checking the progress of the task.
Is there a way to customize the alarm by specifying additional filters like "ERROR" message, etc? I think it will be a useful thing to have.
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Nov 25, 2009
Can advise if I want to have a alert message when a specific user is login to the system , what can I do ? that mean if a specific is login to system then send me a alert message ( by any way ) to inform me the user is login , what is the method ?
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Sep 22, 2009
I am writing device driver in which i have to call callback function from kernel space, which are saving my data. But the callback functions are in userspace. While accessing them i am getting segmentation fault.
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Jun 21, 2010
In a 32-bit system, max memory addressable is 4GB. Now Linux kernel does memory mapping division of 1GB for kernel address space and 3GB for user address space. That means 4GB of virtual address space is divided between kernel (1GB) and user (3GB).
Q1. All virtual mapping utilizes the available physical RAM without any division? I mean to say that if RAM is 512MB then a page in kernel space can lie any where RAM (leave aside old PCI dma accesses)? (How this fits to fact that kernel memory is non-pageble)
Q2. If a process is created in user space, it has visibility 4GB address space or 3GB address space?
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May 4, 2010
I am looking for a script by which i get email alert if disk space goes above 80%, while this script should not email unless filesystem reaches 81% and then next email after 82% and on and on
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Feb 23, 2010
Is the mount point for external media (like USB) always /media?
Because in a Debian system, if I plug in any USB device that goes to the /media folder. So is it the case with all the other Linux flavors like Fedora, Ubuntu, etc. If a USB device is automatically mounted will it always go to the /media directory?
I am not concerned about the name of the devices. I am looking for every external media (like USB) to be listed under /media directory so that my code can run on any flavor of Linux.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a CentOS 5 production server with multiple OS-managed RAID-1 sets. I'd like to add a new mirrored set and move the /var partition to the new drives. On a non-RAID system I would boot from the install CD to edit fstab and copy the existing files to the new drive, but I'm pretty sure booting off the install CD does not recognize my RAID setup.
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Apr 10, 2010
I'm using ext3 and I have my / partition on sda3. This is a full install, it has /bin /home etc etc on it, the only thing I have is sda1 is /boot and sda2 is swap.
I've configured my system to mount sda4 as /home/user as the system boots up, which puts all of my data on sda4.
My question is this. How do I access any data left in (sda3) /home/user? (Because trying that won't work). Is there some way to use a direct path? Like /device/sda3/home/user?
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Aug 23, 2010
I built a Suse Linux server on vmware. I attached an RDM to the server and can now see the drive as a "Mass Storage Drive" in Applications - computer. When I double click on the icon, I get an error message that indicates that the drive can not be mounted. I tried to mount in gnome terminal using: mount /dev/sdb and get "can't find .dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab". I tried adding device that I would like to mount to fstab, but don't think I have the settings correct. I looking for any info that might step me through the process.
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Oct 26, 2010
I have two servers, 82 and 70.My exports file on 82 reads /...70(rw)on 70 I have a mountpoint called mnt_for_82I execute on 70mount -t nfs -o rw ...82:/ mnt_for_82I go to server 70 and indeed can read and travers the mounted subdirectories. However, I try to create a file or subdirectory under the mount point on 70 and I get a *Permission Denied* error.I'm sure there is a simple explanation for this issue as well as a correct nomenclature for what I'm trying to do in nfs
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Apr 29, 2010
Configured for test purpose, a NIS-client and working. Yet playing around with 'quota'-
--after editing /etc/fstab
LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,quota 1 2
--followed by
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May 10, 2011
I am copying some backup files to a NAS by connecting an NFS export on the NAS to a mount point on my linus box. I then copy the files to it with a cron job that runs nightly. I have mounted the NAS to /mnt/nas. How can I test that the mount point is active before I copy to it? I wouldn't want to copy to /mnt/nas unless it was actually connected to the NAS.
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Jul 27, 2010
I have a program that can create a fuse. For that i have to specify a mount point , like mono ccfs /mount. But how will I make /mount to be a fuse mount point? I donno whether my question sounds right or makes sense. But I want to create a fuse mount basically to provide it to the program. I dont hv any device or fs to mount initially .
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Jun 21, 2011
I need to know particular mount point mounted or not before send data to that mount point.Are there any commandsi used this command. mount -t nfs /root/shared_storage/pc50 -o rw,hard,intr but it take long time (when machine( is not available)
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Jan 10, 2010
I'm using some software that using mount point such as truecrypt. I also mount shared folder on other machine (fileserver) and publish it using ftp. The problem is when the truecrypt volume dismounted or the shared folder mount point loosing connection to the fileserver, user can write to the mount point without knowing that they actually not writing to the truecrypt volume or to the shared folder.
My question is, when sometime the server reboot and truecrypt volume is not mounted yet, how to prevent write to the mount point? I dont run truecrypt mount automatically for security reason.Some question for shared folder, if fileserver restart and the shared folder mount point got disconnected, how to prevent write to the mount point?
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May 30, 2010
I have a samba share that I mount locally at boot through fstab. The share is writable and if I access the share directly, say with konqueror and smb (smb://hostname/sharename) then I can do anything I want (create, write, delete, edit, files/directories). I have a mount point on my local machine
and I (username dtest) was unable to do anything except read files and create directories trying to do them to the local mountpoint except as root. I figured it would be a matter of
chown -R dtest /shares/mp3
but I was unable to do that even as root, I kept getting permission denied. When I did
ls -alt /shares/ it told me the owner was 1000 and the group was root. Dtest was already a member of the root group and I was able to
chmod -R 774
as root but I still couldn't do anything except read and create directories directly via the mountpoint. Ultimately I solved this by changing the uid of user dtest via kuser and then just chowning my home directory back to dtest. It seems like as root I should be able to change the owner of the directory. I know it's because this is a samba share, but it doesn't make any sense why root couldn't just chown it. Is there another way to change the owner of a directory, or is this set by the machine hosting the samba share?
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Oct 26, 2010
I need a command to display the next info from my hdd:
device name - filesystem - uuid - mount point
I found blkid but the mount point is not displayed, I've already look in man but there is no parameter for that
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Jul 7, 2010
I have a mail script that has been running on my website for several years. One problem I had with the script was when a bad address was put in, the mail was rejected to the server rather than to the sender. I have now recently added a fifth parameter to the mail script using the -f sendmail option to set the return path.
PHP Code:
The PHP manual says this:
The user that the webserver runs as should be added as a trusted user to the sendmail configuration to prevent a 'X-Warning' header from being added to the message when the envelope sender (-f) is set using this method. For sendmail users, this file is /etc/mail/trusted-users. I do have the 'X-Warning' header on e-mails sent with this script and have asked my server administrator for some help in adding "the user that the Web server runs as" as a trusted user.
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May 25, 2011
I want to define user quota on Redhat linux5.2 sendmail server for all my users.
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Aug 20, 2009
Using SUSE 11 with Gnome. I mounted a CIFS share from a Windows server as /mnt/win. With the file browser, I can browse to file system/mnt/win and then the files and folders of the Windows share come up fine and I can open them. When I use the file browser to browse to network, the server hosting this share is listed. Then I browse to that server and it lists no shares (nothing at all). I can't go any further than the server. Is there a separate authentication necessary for the file browser to see this share from the network place?
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Nov 18, 2010
Also I have all files it asks for installed including dostools..Btw I used usb creator, then went to gparted and did something. The system is fat 32 now but with same message, not including ext4 part. Just the mount point message, and something about dosftools and mtools, wihich also are installed.
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Feb 16, 2010
On SUSE 11.2 when a CD or DVD is automounted (in the /media directory) it appears that the mount point chosen for the disk always has extra blanks at the end of the mount.
For example, if the label on the CD was DISK-001, the mount point chosen by SUSE is
/media/DISK-001 /
In 11.1 (and earlier) the mount point would have been
I'm assuming that the trailing blanks are filling in unused or blank chars at the end of the CD label.
Is there any way to change this annoying behavior? I much prefer NOT to have trailing blanks in the mount point.
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