General :: Reset / Clear Blacklisted Myself?

Jan 11, 2010

I recently became co-owner of a server, however upon trying to ssh it became apparent the root admin gave me the wrong password by mistake;
After trying several times with the wrong pasword thinking I might have mistyped I have now blacklisted myself, huzzah.

How can I reset or clear the blacklist?

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Debian :: PACKAGE MANAGER Crash - Stuck - Dead - How To Reset Or Clear Repositories

May 15, 2011

The package manager is scrambled in my Ubuntu 11.04. It started with the repositories list being scrambled with multiple entries. Now when the Package Manager is launched it just accesses the hard drive forever. I did give it a half an hour just in case so it clearly stuck in a loop of some kind.

What I'd like to know is: Is there some way to reset, clear, turn off or de-select the added Repositories list from the command line (terminal.) This seems to be the only way since the Package Manager gets stuck. Keep in mind that I'm only slightly competent with Linux and have no idea where the Debian Package Manager data is located or how it works. If I go poking around without at least some guidance I may make things worse.

The problem seems to be spreading. Got stuck again while saving this message. Turned off the system, rebooted to recovery mode and did a file system check. Okay for now. Switching to clean OS on other partition.

I'll check for answers there but it's only Ubuntu 10.04 and I'd very much prefer to have 11.04 working and not have an effectively dead partition and don't want to loose everything on it with a re-format and 2 day re-install process (no installation disk.)

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Reset (clear) Statistics For The "netstat -s"?

Dec 21, 2010

How to reset (clear) statistics for the "netstat -s"?

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General :: Unable To Send Mail To Other Domain - IP Blacklisted

May 4, 2010

I have one major problem in my mail server. I am not able to send mail to other domain yahoo and rediff. and my ipaddress is blacklisted. So Finally I checked logs. Mail queue is high. Log shows spam and junk mail created in my mail server. he following are the logs. Iam using qmail server. One more thing is in link is there when I click that link its go sex websites. I will try all mail queue logs. It shows the same website redirection. So I don't know its happen. My thought is spam create from that website.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ssb Driver Not Blacklisted Correctly

Aug 5, 2011

I've just installed Opensuse 11.3 on m Dell Studio 15, and am having problems getting the wireless card to work. I've installed the proper driver (I think), using ndiswrapper, and have blacklisted the conflicting driver (called ssb) to the 50-blacklist.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/. My problem is that the ssb driver is still appearing as an alternate driver when I use the command ndiswrapper -l in the terminal. Where do I go from here? Am I correct that the ssb driver is not blacklisted correctly?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enable Effects Blacklisted Driver

May 7, 2010

Took my laptop into the computer shop for a format and asked what they thought of Linux etc, they suggested i tried Ubuntu and installed it for me.Ive been searching around trying to get past the fact that my graphics card is black listed so i can enable effects but am having no luck, im not to worried about flashy effects like the cube but i would like to tidy up my desktop as it is very cluttered with the original setup im not sure how to post a screen shot but all the icons are very big and un-appealing.would love to simplify it all and maybe have the window navigator along the bottom.Im not to confident with using the Terminal, but have had a go at Compiz-Check etc and some random commands.

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Ubuntu Servers :: See List Of Blacklisted IPs In Apache?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm using Apache server's dos_evasive module to block DoS attacks. How do I see the list of blacklisted IPs? because I want to delete from time to time to monitor the IPs that are blacklisted, but do not know how to.

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Ubuntu :: Blacklisted Modules Still Get Loaded At Boot?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying to prevent a few modules from loading at boot, like i.e. bluetooth, sco, bnep, btusb, usb_storage and uvcvideo, so I blacklisted them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but they still get loaded. I've checked that I unload all of the ones depending on eachother so that shouldn't be the problem, I think. Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do to really prevent them from loading?

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Server :: Spam - Ip Address To Be Blacklisted To Some Dnsbl Check

Sep 17, 2010

Am using atmail server but recently i have been facing the problems of spams which caused my ip address to be blacklisted to some dnsbl check. am using below dnsbl to filter spams to my atmail

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Fedora :: Unable To Reset Using Either The Reset Option In Gnome Shell Or The Command Using A Terminal?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm unable to reset using either the reset option in gnome shell or the command using a terminal. When I select it the shell exits and displays the graphic "exploding" and then it just sits there. Shutdown works fine; just no reset. Any ideas? I've installed from the DVD. I booted the live CD and it resets just fine so I know it's no my hardware

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General :: How To Clear History

Nov 30, 2010

How to clear history in LINUX?

Which command?

And how to remove permissions which is given for a user to be group admin? by this command- gpasswd -A ram sales

Where ram is user sales is group

How to deselect him as admin?

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General :: How To Clear Memory Buffer

Nov 18, 2009

I am having a Oracle server installed on Linux server. I want to clear the buffers after a certain time interval. I use the following command for the same.

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Can I have a script which will execute the above script after certain time interval OR a script which will execute the above command when certain memory size is reached.

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General :: How To Clear Out SSH Agent Entries (on Mac OS X)

Apr 16, 2011

I'm running OS X and it appears that after SSHing to several machines, using identity files, my ssh-agent builds up a lot of identity / keys and then offers too many sometimes to a remote machines, causing them to kick me off before connecting.
Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for cwd

It's pretty obvious what's happening, and this page talks about it in more detail:
SSH servers only allow you to attempt to authenticate a certain number of times. Each failed password attempt, each failed pubkey/identity that is offered, etc, take up one of these attempts. If you have a lot of SSH keys in your agent, you may find that an SSH server may kick you out before allowing you to attempt password authentication at all. If this is the case, there are a few different workarounds.

Rebooting clears the agent and then everything works OK again. I can also add this line to my .ssh/config file to force it to use password authentication:
PreferredAuthentications keyboard-interactive,password
Anyhow, I saw the note on the page I referenced talking about deleting keys from the agent, but I'm not sure if that applies on a mac since they appear to be cleared after reboot anyhow. So, my question is, is there a simple way to clear out all keys in the ssh-agent (the same thing that happens at reboot)?

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General :: Clear Stdin Before Reading?

Apr 28, 2011

I have the following bash script:

#do some time consuming task here read -p "Give me some input: " input

Now as you might've guessed, if users press some random keys during the "time consuming task," they're read into input as well. how do I clear stdin (or at least ignore it) before I issue the read command?

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General :: How Do You Clear Reboot History

May 24, 2011

I don't mind a few lines of reboots, but this is getting rather long:

How can I clear (or reduce) the history that comes up when ssh to my host?

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General :: How To Clear Out Mqueue Directory

Apr 12, 2011

My system is old. Not debian.How do I clear out the mqueue directory? I don't want to delete it....just clear it out of the email that is clogging up my var partition. This old command doesn't seem to work anymore:find /var/spool/mqueue -exec rm'{}' ;Anybody know of the command to clear my mqueue.

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General :: Clear Bad Shortcuts From Gnome-do Cache?

Feb 11, 2010

I am using ubuntu and gnome-do and have in my gnome-do some bad shortcuts ( they even have a grey X icon ) that i cant figure out how to delete from the list. I thought gnome do has some cache but its been a while and they are still there :(

how to clear them from the list ?

Update: I deleted the ~/local/share/gnome-do folder and still no success

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General :: Clear IP Address Of Ethernet Interface?

Jun 17, 2010

What is the Linux command to clear IP address of an interface without bringing it down and/or restarting network services. Seems strange ifconfig is able to change IP address but has no option to clear it, or am I wrong?

EDIT:As simple as ifconfig eth0 They should have put it in the man

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General :: Cant Get Clear Mint Main Menu?

Jun 26, 2011

i am dragged myself from windows to mint 10 julia..while downloading the screenshots is like <> but after installation i got only menu like the basic menulike in new to minti installed inside i done anything wrong with installation

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General :: Server Commands To Clear Mail?

Mar 13, 2011

My var partition is full. The main culprit is NOW the mail file. What is the command to empty the mail files?The mqueue and clientmqueue files are now low on usage but the mail file is responsible for filling up the var partition.

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General :: Filesystems - Totally Clear The Filesytem's Cache?

Aug 4, 2011

In a performance test, I want to bypass the influence of cache of linux system (including page cache/inode cache and so on). I have tried O_DIRECT flag, but it's turned out that direct I/O is still "enjoy" the effect of some cache.Is there a thorough way to close the effect of system cache?

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General :: Clear A Terminal Screen While Tailing A File?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm looking for something identical to what command-k does in a terminal window on a Mac.

clear / ^L does not work.

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General :: Clear Screen Command For BASH Shell

Jan 21, 2010

I am unable to use clear or cls command on bash shell. I have recently installed Cygwin and am using that for practicing unix commands.

I see that I can use Ctrl + L to clear the screen. I created an alias in my .bashrc to do the same as
alias cls='^L'

This is how i defined other aliases e.g.

And they work. Hence I assume cls will work too but this is what I get when I try to give cls on command prompt. Am i missing something? Is there a way to do this?

Then someone suggested, You cannot alias keystrokes to commands or vice versa. You could just alias cls to an echo command: echo -en "x0c"

And I added the following to .bashrc,

Sourced the .bashrc file. No errors but cls still does not clear the screen. Infact when I typed the echo -en "x0c on command prompt as well, nothing happened. What does this command do?

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General :: SSH And Stop Password Being Shown In Clear Text?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a headless server running Centos and I often login in remotely to administer it. I have passwordless login and sometimes run commands remotely via ssh from a client machine. I've tried to shut the server remotely but have come across a small problem. Here is the output of the command I use to shutdown :Code:unclec@linux-desktop $ ssh centos 'sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now 'PASSWORD : 123ABCAs passwordless login is set up I do not need to enter a password to ssh BUT as I am running sudo on the server I am asked to enter my centos unclec password and this is shown in clear text on my local machine terminal. Is there a way to prevent this or should I edit the sudoers file on centos so it does not ask me to enter the password when "sudoing" ?

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General :: Make Svn Store Clear Text Passwords In Debian?

Apr 6, 2011

I am using an internal toy svn server, and svn client seems to be configured to store passwords in gnome-keyring by default. How can I disable it or at least switch to kwallet?I am using Debian Testing.

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General :: 'clear Out' All The Old/cached Crap From RAM/SWAP To Free Up Space?

Jul 21, 2010

Closest analogy I can compare what I want to, is like the `sync` command, which writes out all stuff in the disk buffers, freeing the buffers.Instead of disk buffers, I want to 'clean out' my RAM and SWAP of any/all junk that's accumulated in there over the time my PC has been up. I've long wondered about this, but never asked, though I recall searching around several times..When I first boot it cold and log in, the memory usage bar on my desktop is near zero, and the swap is empty. But after a week or 2 or 3 or more of uptime, and with Firefox always running with a dozen tabs or so at any given time, I end up with all the memory full or 'filled with cached stuff', and the swap space is filled to capacity.Curiousity: I blame Firefox for leaking memory, but even if that's still the case today (historically it was) can this all be blamed on Firefox? Or what-all causes this, besides Firefox- just..Everything?

Here's current stats:


sasha@reactor: uptime
21:21:42 up 30 days, 10:07, 3 users, load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.01
sasha@reactor: free
total used free shared buffers cached


So, 3.8 of 4 Gib of RAM is occupied, and the 1 Gib swap space is jammed full 100%. This must slow things down to some degree, yes? I mean, the kernel does have to keep track of this, right?Of course closing all the applications doesn't make a difference (not an appreciable one anyhow) and the only way I have found to start fresh is to reboot.

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General :: Can't Make Clear On Most Manpages - Can't Simply Usebzip2 File?

Feb 5, 2010

What they don't make clear on most manpages is that you can't simply usebzip2 that gives bzip2 free rein to include the original extension in the filename. You must use the -c tag (and better than that, the -c and -k tags, the latter of which leaves the original file untouched post-compression), then -if you wish- the level of compression to apply to a file (in the range of 1-9, with 1 being next-to-no compression and 9 the highest level of compression), followed by the filename/s to compress, then after a single space, a right-hand carat (">"), then another single space and the name you want to give the compressed bzip2 file, remembering to add the extension ".bzip2" (no quotes) to your filename.

Sounds pretty obvious, doesn't it? Well, I thought so too once I read a particular manual page and reasoned it out. Then I remembered the 15 or so minutes it took me to Google myself to that manpage, and I decided it was good Net citizenship to put up a little step-by-step like this one on an appropriate forum on which I was already a registered member.

It isn't just the C++ heads or the Python jockeys who need things broken down to their simplest bits for them from time to time. Newbies and near-newbies do, too. I took it as read that was the reason for this subforum, so here I went.

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General :: User Passwords Display In Log File In Clear Text?

Apr 21, 2010

Running SunGard Banner software on RHEL 4.2 x86-32 bit Linux server Oracle Application samba enabled. Users run processes/reports that are logged in a daily log file. In our daily job submission log files the user password shows up as clear text.The password shows up as $PSWD (sample from the logfile):



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General :: Cannot Connect Acer Aspire 3000 Laptop To ISP Clear Internet

Jul 25, 2011

My landlord upstairs just got a new modem and WiFi by and when trying to get the WiFi to just wouldn't connect with my laptop. They have 2 computers upstairs, one laptop and one desktop that recognized the WiFi and don't have any trouble using it. Wondering if there is something I have accidently clicked or changed to make it not connect. It does not have an error message, it just does not connect completely.

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General :: Clear Missing Dependency Error At The Time Of Installing Packages Using Yum

Sep 17, 2010

While i'm installing few rpm packages using yum i got missing dependency error. So how can i clear that error and how install successfullly.

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